
How To Use Transfiguration In A Sentence

  • Now, it is to this conversation that the incident known as the transfiguration is linked by all the evangelists who relate it -- the first three. How to become like Christ
  • In the transfiguration the announcement of divine sonship is flanked by sayings of the necessity of the cross.
  • Of this future glory of the coming Christ, three of the disciples were to catch a foregleam only eight days later on the Mount of Transfiguration, and Jesus therefore adds, “There are some of them that stand here, who shall in no wise taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God.” The Gospel of Luke, An Exposition
  • Any transfiguration was a kind of death; a passing away of what had been in order to make room for what was to come. GALILEE
  • Blink at the stage and you could have been looking at an icon of the Transfiguration.
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  • To whom was Jesus praying in Gethsemane, and Who was speaking to Him and his apostles on the Mount of Transfiguration? Balkinization
  • Other timbres no longer carry their original significance: cornets for dignitaries not high enough in rank to merit trumpets, hautboys for banquets, consorts of flutes or recorders for rituals of death and transfiguration.
  • The feast of the Transfiguration, so venerated by the Orthodox Church, serves as a key to the understanding of the humanity of Christ in the Eastern tradition.
  • He points at Matthew, whose face is a study in transformation, indeed transfiguration.
  • Just then his face underwent a sudden transfiguration and fell softer. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • For, while the message of the Transfiguration is easy to understand, it is at the same time hard to grasp.
  • By the way, when Peter gets back into that line, he's there to climb the Mount of Transfiguration.
  • The Transfiguration, observed traditionally in this last Sunday before Lent, brings Epiphany to a close with another divine irruption into the earthly.
  • If Moses and Elijah could hear Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, why can't Mary hear?
  • The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor when the disciples suddenly beheld the image of the Master accompanied by the images of Moses and Elias, did not cause a more profound astonishment to those who witnessed it than did the sight of the anthelion, of which the explanation is known to all meteorologists, to the innocent Norwegian maiden. Part II, Chapter II of "Uranie"
  • Right after experiencing the transfiguration, he and companions James and John had spoken sternly to a man who was casting out demons in Jesus' name.
  • The ‘holy mountain’ here is obviously not Sinai and likely not Zion, but the mount of the transfiguration, which becomes their antitype.
  • The transfiguration is a feast which originated in the Eastern Church, becoming widely observed by the end of the first millennium. The light of Tabor
  • Perhaps this was part of his transfiguration: his mind revisiting old anxieties so that they could be dealt with and sloughed off. GALILEE
  • Ignored is the internal transfiguration of African-American life that often plays itself out within the community in powerfully destructive ways.
  • His last record, 2003's The Transfiguration of Vincent, was a perfect meditation on death and love, delivered with an offhand grace that made fingerpicking and a little snare seem revelatory, even as it conjured the ghost of John Fahey.
  • It eventually loomed over the eight others, who melted away into the shadows, their work done, the transfiguration begun.
  • This claque of journalists and pundits rooted overtly for Bush's transfiguration which they seemed convinced was inevitable, if it wasn't already happening right before their eyes. George Bush's last second chance and the American refutation of the Book of Ecclesiastes
  • In the Transfiguration scene the disciples see Jesus conversing with Elijah, whose return heralds the end.
  • In like manner in the transfiguration, which is the sacrament of the second regeneration, the whole Trinity appeared; the Father in the voice, the Son in the man, and the Holy Spirit in the cloud. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • As they resembled Him in their three and a half years 'witnessing, their three and a half days lying in death (though not for exactly the same time, nor put in a tomb as He was), so also in their ascension is the translation and transfiguration of the sealed of Israel (Re 7: 1-8), and the elect of all nations, caught up out of the reach of the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • So the music that accompanies Isolde's death is her transfiguration, and the repetition of the Tristan chord shows that she dies of love's sorrow.
  • They study astrology, crystal gazing, numerology, transfiguration, and divination.
  • In Mark's account of the Transfiguration Jesus is set alongside the great prophets.
  • On the holiday of the Transfiguration, apples and honey are blessed and eaten along with other fruits of the season.
  • Other timbres no longer carry their original significance: cornets for dignitaries not high enough in rank to merit trumpets, hautboys for banquets, consorts of flutes or recorders for rituals of death and transfiguration.
  • In the second passage, following the transfiguration, Jesus must exorcise a demon from a suffering child because his apostles could not do so, reportedly due to their lack of faith.
  • Indeed, there is even a transfiguration of the archways, halls and yards of the convent in the following scenes of Nazi infiltration.
  • As with the Transfiguration and Hiroshima, the stories of the Sudan and the massacre of the innocents under Herod are now fused in my mind.
  • Between these two ordinary skins lies the means of their transfiguration: graphics and fibre-optics.
  • He stood against a background where the Creator had opened out the universe; a spiritual influence went out from him; his sufferings were adopted as an example, and his transfiguration was the pledge of ever-lastingness. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 02 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. in Twenty Volumes
  • Liturgy, in its authentically Orthodox sense, is the transfiguration of nature.
  • As the story unfolds, the object comes to represent a transfiguration of inner evil, repressed sexuality, an eruption of the unconscious, or simply a supernatural/diabolical manifestation.
  • Then his transfiguration: the force he'd seen in the mirror, blazing back at him. GALILEE
  • They constitute a single set of systematic transfigurations of the Yagwoia transpersonal, archetypal imagos of their Self and its energies.
  • If you thought Celtic music was fiddles, jigs and reels, this extraordinary album will be a platform for your transfiguration.
  • We shall be fulfilled with his visible theophany in holy contemplations, and it shall shine round about us with radiant beams of glory just as of old it once shone round the disciples at the divine Transfiguration.
  • And in fact this is true if this picture is considered externally: above on the hill we see the transfiguration, below is the scene with the child possessed of an unclean spirit.
  • Here follows, etymological notes and a transfiguration (though poor) into modern English.
  • Between August 1 and 6, San Salvador holds a fiesta (major celebration) commemorating the Transfiguration of Christ.
  • She was beaten down, overwhelmed, freed, as though the transfiguration were her own, from the pitiful barriers of consciousness .... The Bent Twig
  • Now we have a ghastly split between the mundane, apparently unsusceptible to any form of artistic transfiguration, and pure music whose splendour and misery are that it is uncontaminated by reality.
  • Obviously, transfiguration may serve as a successful pattern of art to present this self - awareness.
  • Then the dalmatic, which is said to be the most beautiful piece of embroidery in the whole world; the Imperial dalmatic, on which is celebrated the glory of Jesus Christ upon the earth and in heaven, the Transfiguration, and the Last Judgment, in which the different personages are embroidered in silks of various colours, and in silver and gold. The Dream
  • Orthodox Christians live - habitually, I would say - within a liturgical environment that transfigures body and soul, the entire world, in this vision of the light of the Transfiguration.
  • The moment I've previously called transfiguration is tantamount to the sexual release Hitchcock obtained by controlling and commanding the beautiful women he could never possess sexually in real life. InstaPunk
  • Two major techniques are the transfiguration of classical fairytales, and the integration of traditional motifs with contemporary references within atypical settings and plotlines.
  • How many of you have scratched your head into baldness trying to come up with something new and interesting to say on the Feast of the Transfiguration?
  • That role was amicably filled by Abbot Joseph of Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Redwood, California until his abbatial duties, understandably, simply didn't allow for it. Reviving the NLM Eastern Catholic Correspondent: Call for Submissions
  • Hunt was also to write that he and Millais used to stand in front of the Raphael cartoons (then at Hampton Court) and judge them fearlessly, also that they condemned Raphael's Transfiguration (which they had never seen) 'for its grandiose disregard of the simplicity of truth, the pompous posturing of the Apostles, and the unspiritual attitudinising of the Saviour.' Cosa Nostra
  • It could not be called a transfiguration that sleep had worked in his face; for the features wore essentially the same expression when waking; but sleep spiritualized that expression, exalted it, and also harmonized it. Biographical Essays
  • Indeed, one might think spreading the story of the transfiguration could help convert a few unbelievers.
  • If you thought Celtic music was fiddles, jigs and reels, this extraordinary album will be a platform for your transfiguration.
  • The Gospel reading is Luke's account of the transfiguration; the Old Testament and Epistle readings highlight different dimensions of this event in the life of the Christ.
  • Picasso was famous for transfigurations of the commonplace.
  • The transfiguration of our Lord -- that is, the radiance in which he was bathed at the pinnacle of Mount Tabor -- did not manifest Scott Cairns: The Feast of the Transfiguration
  • After a couple of minutes, the music undergoes a magical transfiguration: it's as though Exeter Cathedral's stained-glass angels had taken wing, soaring up to the heavens.
  • This ghostly apparition is actually a transfiguration of your loved one.
  • Ultimately, it is about the subtle transfiguration of everyday details and the collapse of reason and communication.
  • Do you think you know all you need to about Transfiguration?
  • I intend to focus on single colour works, in which changes of shape produce transfigurations of space.
  • It is transformation, transfiguration, that is the fairy-story, be it a divine or a diabolical change. The Art of the Moving Picture
  • Between August 1 and 6, San Salvador holds a fiesta (major celebration) commemorating the Transfiguration of Christ.
  • For the iconographer, art is not a means of self-expression, but a method and practice of the path to the transfiguration of his nature.
  • _I answer that, _ The clarity which Christ assumed in His transfiguration was the clarity of glory as to its essence, but not as to its mode of being. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • All people and all creation can share in Jesus' experience of Transfiguration.
  • The Transfiguration of Christ: He cures the lunatic child: foretells his passion; and pays the didrachma. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 47: Matthew The Challoner Revision
  • Howbeit there be many who would rather intitule it 'Metamorphosis', that is to say, a transfiguration or transformation, by reason of the argument and matter within. The Golden Asse
  • Instead we get strange transfigurations between the literal, the metaphorical, and the conceptual, which move polemically into a defense of the Catholic position on the Eucharist.
  • What Cherry leaves us with is the understanding that poetry must be part of this memory, this pain without which spiritual transfiguration cannot begin.
  • Special channel design, multi - layer composite can minish transfiguration quantity effectively.

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