How To Use Transference In A Sentence

  • In them there are these differences from the above process: the contents of the male cell, represented by the pollen, are not differentiated into spermatozoids, and there is no actual contact between the contents of the pollen tube and the germinal vesicle, but according to Strashurger, there is a transference of the substance of the nucleus of the pollen cell to that of the germinal vesicle by osmose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • Anger and outright rage at the computer, when it doesn't behave the way YOU want it to, may be a symptom of this kind of transference.
  • I suspect a certain attitude to asylum-seekers (‘they've come here to sponge’ etc.) is actually a form of transference.
  • Hypocrisy in this arena is unfortunately what we in the mental health field call transference. Matthew Yglesias » Bob McDonnell To Attempt First Non-Horrible SOTU Response in American History
  • The paper also dealt with certain so-called spiritualistic phenomena, which at the time Prof. Barrett was disposed to attribute to hallucination and “thought-transference.” Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
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  • You could tell that the Republicans were up to their eyeballs in the Iraqi oil-for-food rake-off from all the transference-projection they did about it. Poll: Record High for Wrong-Track Rating - The Caucus Blog -
  • Manson was moreover guided by his experience regarding another parasite of the blood, a little worm, filaria, the transference of which from one part of its life-cycle to another he had found effected by the mosquito, and more particularly by special species of the mosquito. Physiology or Medicine 1902 - Presentation Speech
  • The purpose of note-taking in consecutive interpreting is to supplement memory efficiency so as to facilitate the listening-transference-speaking process.
  • The whole gentile constitution made the transference of private property from father to son impossible.
  • Most psychoanalysts recognize this principle as valid, more especially since analysis of transference became so central a concern of psychoanalytic treatment.
  • Cooperative management system", "movable property auction and immovable property rental" and "overall property transference" were the typical reforms of the township hospitals in Zhejiang Province.
  • This process can be particularly challenging when the patient's transference is eroticized. Gary W. Small, M.D.: Falling in Love With Your Psychiatrist
  • But researchers were divided as to whether trait transference is an automatic process, or the result of ‘birds of a feather flock together’ logic.
  • The actual counting process was hugely important because its ritual and its ceremonials were crafted out of the defining nature of what was being undertaken, the transference of power from people to politician.
  • Still except for sundry exceptions of inadequate transference and omission, he renders them competently.
  • At many a public meeting we constantly warned of the dangers of product transference and that we would not lose money but in fact could make more.
  • I'm not buying any of that thought transference nonsense from either of you. LOHENGRIN
  • This will take place in a coordinated fashion across fields of setae, thus resulting in a staged detachment process and allowing for controlled weight transference during the locomotor cycle.
  • The transference of the principle of democratic centralism from party to state organization further weakens accountability and the role of elected bodies.
  • Towards the end of his life Crookes confessed that if he were able to begin again he would prefer to study telepathic phenomena - the direct transference of thought from one person to another - rather than the purely mechanical, or so-called telekinetic, expressions of psychic forces. Man or Matter
  • It investigates the study of transference of information around complex porous boundaries of trans-ecological continuum -- shortly, triadic logic is concerned with the expression of universal properties within regional localities. Carla Leitao: Dustism, Creatures and Speculative Materialism in Architecture: An Interview With Alisa Andrasek/Biothing
  • The mechanism of ideological fantasy is made up of master signifier, transference, identification, etc.
  • But the transference of the shirt worn by the effigy of Death to the tree clearly indicates that the tree is a kind of revivification, in a new form, of the destroyed effigy. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • The article gives a concise overview of research into 'psi phenomenon', such as precognition, clarevoyance and thought transference and considers many of the controversies in the field, with opinions from both 'believers' and 'skeptics'. Mind Hacks: Science of the psychic
  • I am not saying that transference of authority is always inappropriate.
  • The eggs' original DNA was removed and replaced with the samples from the volunteers, a process called nuclear transference that was pioneered by the team that made Dolly the sheep.
  • Other explanations for the presence of the particles were possible - for instance, physical transference by people moving about the house after the shooting, he said.
  • The Dogana at Foggia was intended to regulate the transference of large flocks of sheep from the Abruzzi mountains to set pasture lands on the Adriatic plains.
  • The anteroom was a mass of palms, and the idea of the assemblage of the guests in the tropics and their sudden transference to the land of ice was excellently carried out. The Gourmet's Guide to Europe
  • Cooperative management system", "movable property auction and immovable property rental" and "overall property transference" were the typical reforms of the township hospitals in Zhejiang Province.
  • And again, when you find something from a body that has been affixed or in some way attached to something else, then questions arise, how might there have been transference?
  • It is a struggle for a transference of power.
  • Rennie prefers ‘working alliance’ to ‘therapeutic alliance’ because the latter has been used where the focus is on transference and counter-transference.
  • This transference was regarded as a right of conquest, but the excuse was sometimes offered that the artists concerned were of German origin.
  • In its beginning stages, such a relationship is basically a spiritualized child-parent “interaction” — in which God is little more than Santa Claus in holy drag — but in its mature stages, such a relationship is profoundly intimate, unplagued by parent/child transference issues, fundamentalism, egoic agendas, and other souvenirs of unresolved wounds. Robert Masters - God as the Ultimate You
  • You could call this last part psychiatric transference Jasmine needs to put me on a pedestal in order to feel safe and preserve hope, or, to put it in nonpsychiatric terms, you might say that she has a mystical turn of mind. After the Diagnosis
  • Colleges must have strategic transference to persist connotation development.
  • Freudians call this transference and countertransference, of course.
  • On the part of therapist, lack of empathy, negative countertransference, underestimation of the severity of the patient's problems, and poor technique all have been associated with negative outcome.
  • The less we know someone, the more likely we are to engage in what psychologists know as transference - the tendency to project our desires and fears onto another person.
  • There is a type of transference called twinning, in which one person models themselves after an important person in their life. Is it wrong for a disabled parent...
  • Those in flowing waters are bisexual, the transference of the spermatozoa to the eggs being assisted by the current.
  • UN observers were there to ensure the smooth transference of power.
  • In the "Sexy Stare" incident in my new book, I was still a young psychiatrist-in-training when I first had to deal with a patient who had an eroticized transference towards me. Gary W. Small, M.D.: Falling in Love With Your Psychiatrist
  • Toilet training gets mucked with in adolescence leading to public toilet fixation and George Michael style Father Figure psychological transference problems. Think Progress » CNN’s Kyra Phillips apologizes for hosting discredited ‘ex-gay’ guest: He wasn’t an ‘appropriate’ choice.
  • I can see to it that the transference process occurs gradually for it will take years, for one to become accustomed to such extraordinary levels of pure energy.
  • Says the notion of interspace-time transference is mathematically absurd. Explorations
  • The phenomenon of "transference" is one of the cornerstones of psychoanalytic theory.
  • It is equally important to explore your own counter-transference in these situations.
  • The author considers why the revenlation of the countertransference as a technique is so important is that it can integrate the two mechanisms of the interpretation and relation interaction.
  • The transference of that vision, as Algren helps the defeated Katsumoto perform an impromptu seppuku on the field of battle, defines the real last samurai.
  • The gothic also mystifies the social system in other ways, most notably through a type of transference.
  • A train of misadventures had attended the transference of Willie's "idee" to Zenas Henry's boat. Flood Tide
  • Whether the energy comes from fuel or a waterfall or goetic quantum-wave transference across a potential difference, or whatever, it's conserved, same as mass is conserved in a transformation. Operation Luna
  • Yet, obviously, such transference might quicken interest and offer other ways of thinking about a subject.
  • According to Lockard's principle, when there is confrontation between two people, supposedly there is also some transference of one kind of material or another.
  • The contact with that unconscious process, either by transference or other manifestations, may be the most important lesson in psychodynamic supervision.
  • Issues of counter-transference may arise, triggering poorly understood but powerful feelings.
  • The less we know someone, the more likely we are to engage in what therapists call transference, the tendency to project our desires or fears onto another person.
  • Certainly some errors are predictable based on transference from the L1, but in my experience variability is common and often unpredictable even with groups of learners from the same L1 background with pretty much the same level of exposure to the L2, and this variability often appears to have nothing to do with negative (or even positive, for that matter) transfer. E is for Error « An A-Z of ELT
  • But after each discussion and transference and cameras parameters change one has to do recalculation, calculate and compare several variants of cameras placement.
  • It must be some kind of transference, so the studio guys think that they're geniuses, too, for discovering them.
  • There is no way to explain this except to attribute it to thought transference, and this in spite of the fact that the kongoni doesn't understand English. In Africa Hunting Adventures in the Big Game Country
  • In spite of his recognition of transference and counter-transference, Freud continued to maintain that he was a scientist until his death.
  • The change, energy, process, and transference accounts converge in treating connection in terms of process: causing is physical producing.
  • Good risk management practice incorporates several possible strategies: avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance.
  • Here the analysis of dreams and the analysis of the transference become indispensable.
  • The transference of the permanent use rights of the water is valued at 200 million yuan and is believed to be the first deal of its kind on the Chinese mainland.
  • These two polymorphic processes function as a complex relation of reciprocal transference.
  • In general, the deep sea is considered to start at the aphotic zone, the point where sunlight loses its power of transference through the water. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • A clinical vignette was given, showing how the analyst responds to the patient's transference, discloses his countertransference and the patient's response to the revenlation of the analyst.
  • Some characteristics such as accumulation, transference of HTO in simulated marine ecosystem were studied with isotope tracer technique.
  • The main transference and counter-transference, however, was directed back to the couple and their interaction.
  • The regressive effect of trauma often gives rise to a transference that associates the therapist with victimhood, shame and demanding assumptions.
  • It's the transference of pattern, you see -- surely that says something encouraging about the human mind. HUMAN VOICES
  • Habits, and emotion; and instincts; disserviceable; education a deliberate acquisition of; formation of, influence of on thinking; modification of by reflection; of mind; specific not general; transference of. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • Other dances, such as the various types of branles, were a direct transference of folk sources, whilst others, again, compromised between populist zest and courtly fastidiousness, as did the pavanes and galliards.
  • A grave economic symptom of decay was… the gradual transference of the entire economy to the ownership of stock companies…
  • Furthermore, the transference from Worcester to Lincoln of the concept of a ten-bayed concentric chapter house took place about 1225.
  • When we look more closely, we see that cats do not in fact torture their mice (only an "anthropomorphist" could make such a self-incriminating transference) but, rather, are fascinated by rapid movement and lose interest only when it ceases. Political Animals
  • The gene transference involves the use of a vector carrier which can be a plasmid or a virus.
  • Recycling the personification of theory as "de Man," he alternately ignores or dismisses theory's critique of personification (personification, that is, as an inevitable but endlessly unstable trope), and necessarily repeats in negative form the fetishizing gesture of the transference. Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • And I'm not too stupid to realise this is all transference.
  • The transference of a vibration from one violin to another is called a sympathetic resonance, and it is possible only if both instruments are tuned. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • This was the physical theory of light enunciated and defended by Newton; and you will observe that it simply consists in the transference of conceptions, born in the world of the senses, to a subsensible world. Six Lectures on Light Delivered In The United States In 1872-1873
  • UN observers were there to ensure the smooth transference of power.
  • It's called transference, and it's very dangerous, particularly when you have large corporations.
  • Mann 1973 raised questions about the “interminability” of long-term open-ended treatment and suggested that vaguely defined goals and therapist’s countertransference problems caused inappropriately prolonged therapy. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Freud said that in treatment the neurosis with its particular symptomatology converts into the transference neurosis and that the patient is then cured through the dissolution of this neurosis.
  • It is this basic shape that lies behind the transference of the name to other, completely different foods, such as fishcakes, pancakes, and potato cakes.
  • The transference of the principle of democratic centralism from party to state organization further weakens accountability and the role of elected bodies.
  • The psychoanalytic term for this is countertransference.
  • I gave him some insight into the transference process, which he seemed well able to digest. A MEANS TO EVIL

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