How To Use Transept In A Sentence

  • By the Requiem Aeternam the choir was established in the body of the church, in the transept.
  • As they entered the north-east transept from the cloister, the tumult of the knights' party caused the monks in the choir to stop singing vespers.
  • The abbey church consisted of a choir of three bays, with side aisles and an aisleless presbytery; a nave of nine bays, with aisles and north and south transepts with eastern aisles; two western towers and one large central tower. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • Then there were two things which he noticed before any other -- the bow of that vast Norman arch which spanned the opening into the south transept, with its lofty and over-delicate roll and cavetto mouldings; and behind it the head of the The Nebuly Coat
  • Although now installed in the north transept of the later church, the plaque exactly fits a cavity in the tympanum over the original door giving access from the Panteon to the main sanctuary.
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  • Apses with encircling ambulatories were almost invariable, and there was frequently the western transept, as at Bury and Ely. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The chancel is short, there are no quire aisles, and the transept apses were rounded externally. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • Although now installed in the north transept of the later church, the plaque exactly fits a cavity in the tympanum over the original door giving access from the Panteon to the main sanctuary.
  • Rebuilding after a fire began in the 1220s at the east end; the main transepts and the first bay of the nave were up by 1260.
  • This refurbishment includes replacement, pointing and refurbishment of stonework on the four faces and the north and south transepts.
  • On the east side of the cloister was the north transept of the church which led to a sacristy, a room set aside for the officiating priest. Bondington report reveals more about medieval village
  • Shortly after it was built, small north and south transepts were added.
  • The general plan consists of two minor domes, a large central dome, and a nave, with transepts and apse, surrounded with spacious ambulatories, through which the circuit of the church may be made without crossing the more sacred parts of the building. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The main hall was flanked by two picture galleries, and the whole layout resembled a cathedral with a transept and a massive organ at the far end.
  • In the south doorway the same colours radiate and alternate, and in the doorway of the south transept the red and yellow stones are arranged chequerwise. [ Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The great iron chainwork upholding the four large pillars of the transept running the length of the triforium in four directions still exists, and is justly famous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Adjoining the S transept is the slype, a long narrow passage that was formerly covered by a barrel vault.
  • There was possibly a sense that in comparison to the magnificent new transepts and nave the choir itself, once so widely acclaimed, was no longer splendid enough.
  • Even in the church, a carved stone head of uncertain origin was found buried in a wall above a window arch in the building's north transept.
  • The new tower, north transept extension, chapel and cloister bays are all built of cut stone laid with lime over solid brickwork.
  • Herbert's energies went into the whole church, the nave and transepts as well as the chancel.
  • St Mark's Anglican Church resembles a dainty Wendy house with gothic windows while Catholic St Patrick's transepts make it larger, more eager.
  • The sedilia in the chancel and the aumbry in the north transept should be seen. Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
  • A stone pinnacle on the central tower crashed down on to the south transept roof and several other pinnacles were found to be loose.
  • Internally, the building is divided into a nave, transepts and side aisles composed of ornamental cast-iron columns and girders and a gallery 12 feet wide runs all round the Hall.
  • Internally, the building is divided into a nave, transepts and side aisles composed of ornamental cast-iron columns and girders.
  • S. transepts, a W. tower, and aisleless choir of three bays with E. apse. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • Early English transept of the minster itself the triforium is the most prominent feature of the design. The Cathedral Church of York Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Archi-Episcopal See
  • To the east of the transept is a choir of two bays, with aisles, and beyond which is an aisleless presbytery. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • When I was in Chichester in 1935, I walked around the north transept of the cathedral and saw a tablet on the wall to the memory of Thomas Wilkes, some time organist of the cathedral. History of Christmas Music
  • Work stopped in 1970, leaving blocked arches in the incomplete north transept, only a few bays of the intended cloister, and reinforcement rods protruding vainly from the stump of the crossing tower.
  • The only drawing that was used was a template of the geometric design of the ceiling roughed out on a plywood boards slung on scaffolding high above the South Transept floor.
  • Completed in 1247 in early English style, legend has it that St Giles was built of the stone left over from the transepts of York Minster by the masons who worked on the great cathedral.
  • Instantly the transept windows were ablaze and the north gargoyles were black demons rampant against an orange and azure sky. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • A side door will be opened by the Minster staff to give access to the side transept and the Chapter House.
  • In the eastern aisles of each arm of the transept there were three chantry chapels, whose piscinae remain. Yorkshire
  • In a few moments we will adjourn to the transept where cake happens to await.
  • The gable is a low slope like the present roof, but the slope of the old gable and roof may be seen upon the east wall of the transept. Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See
  • A tomb recess is in the south transept wall, and in the recess beneath are two ambries or lockers and a piscina, the only one remaining in the building. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • But the respective level of these essential members were so different in the old and new works that the only parts of them that could be retained were the windows of the old clerestory, which falls just above the new triforium tablet, and accordingly these old windows may still be seen in the triforia of the transepts, surmounted by the new pointed clerestory windows. The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
  • I believe that these model penitents were aimed primarily at pilgrims to the tomb of Saint Francis and that they introduced an iconographic theme of hope versus despair that was continued throughout the transepts.
  • What survives today as the parish church is the crossing, transepts, presbytery, and ambulatory.
  • Separated from the south transept by a slype or passage, was the Bell's Cathedrals: The Abbey Church of Tewkesbury with some Account of the Priory Church of Deerhurst Gloucestershire
  • She looked over to the greystone wall of the church, counting the windows along the northern transept. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • The Pope Serving at Supper: Conducted in procession from the northern transept, the Pope walks across the nave of St. Peter's to a stair which leads to a large apartment above the portico. 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
  • The terms of his Orvieto contract reflect his celebrity as an architect, which is justified by his remedial work on the cathedral transept, apse, and roof.
  • The plan consists of a nave, with aisles and lateral chapels, transept and choir, with a deambulatory at a slightly lower level. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • In this way, the two small paintings thematically join the two transept chapels.
  • I had some idea of grabbing a cross from one of the side-chapels, but I never reached the transept. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The north transept houses a narrow, deep Saxon doorway of honey-coloured stone, which would originally have been lime-washed and over-painted with decorative designs.
  • Eight hung in the nave and three in the apse, with an additional two in the transept.
  • The sacristy, chapter-house, fratery, and other apartments stretch from the transept southwards along the east side; above these, on the upper floor, were the dormitories, entering by an open staircase from the south transept. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Blaise is similar in quality; it consists of a Romanesque nave that is flanked by aisles and crossed by a transept in early Gothic style.
  • This refurbishment includes replacement, pointing and refurbishment of stonework on the four faces and the north and south transepts.
  • The transepts are of the transitional style of the end of the twelfth century; the piers which carry the central tower are of the usual transitional type, having graceful capitals and square abaci supporting round arches; on each side of the north transept there are two original clerestory windows, and one of them has angle shafts, with carved caps and mouldings. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • There was possibly a sense that in comparison to the magnificent new transepts and nave the choir itself, once so widely acclaimed, was no longer splendid enough.
  • It is no coincidence that in the remodeling of the lower church at Assisi, the side chapel immediately adjacent to the north transept was dedicated to the Magdalen.
  • It is curious, also, that these very builders who were so daring and so profuse of ornament, were often very careless in matters of structure, and at times were even guilty of something very like jerry-building, as the account of the restoration of the south transept will show. The Cathedral Church of York Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Archi-Episcopal See
  • The cross-shaped hall resembles an aircraft hangar or perhaps the transept and nave of a modern-day basilica.
  • Effigies of their parents, Richard and Magdalen, are sheltered in a magnificent canopied tomb in the south transept, eight prayerful and reverent children gathered behind them.
  • The experience with the robotic remote navigation system is limited but the published data suggests that transeptal puncture can be guided with the steerable sheath system and that pulmonary vein antra can be isolated and flutter can be done. Scientific Blogging
  • Inside is a nave surmounted by a generous barrel vault supported by large but simple columns and flanked by side aisles; a transept separates the nave from a central apse behind the altar.
  • She looked over to the greystone wall of the church, counting the windows along the northern transept. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • They walked at least fifty yards, until they were directly above the transept of the cathedral. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • The restoration will also include work to the stonework of the north and south transepts, which are also crumbling badly.
  • It may here be mentioned that a close examination of the ground has shown that there was formerly the usual "slype," or open pathway, running from the cloister-garth, between the south transept and the Chapter House, to the canons 'cemetery on the southern side of the Lady Chapel. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • In the fourteenth century this custom greatly increased, and small additional side aisles and transepts were often annexed to churches and called mortuary chapels; these were used indeed as chantries, but they were more independent in their constitution, and in general more ample in their endowments. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Carlisle A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • So the enlarged south transept took in the slype, and it occupied the end bay with the broad gallery and the sanctuary chamber filling the space above.
  • However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met. FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
  • This refurbishment includes replacement, pointing and refurbishment of stonework on the four faces and the north and south transepts.
  • The climbers are working on top of the three-tiered presbytery and transept, which were built in the 13th century.
  • A large, brick building, it has a tall nave, choir and transepts and apsidal choir termination.
  • The squint gave a view of the altar to parishioners sitting in the lost north transept.
  • A fire in 1866 destroyed the north transept, which was never rebuilt.
  • However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met. FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
  • Set within the crossing of a church transept, Christ stands centered in the foreground, flanked by his Apostles, and administers the host.
  • Besides the Church of St. Regulus, there are still to be seen the ruins of the great Cathedral of St. Andrews, which consisted of a short aisleless presbytery, and choir of five bays with side aisles, with an eastern chapel in each aisle; north and south transepts, each of three bays with eastern aisles; nave of twelve bays with north and south aisles, and a large central tower over the crossing. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • The south end of the Transept differs from the north in the arrangement of the windows; in the gable is a low Perpendicular window of seven lights, sunk within a deep recess; the north end has in the upper tier two large Perpendicular windows side by side. Ely Cathedral
  • This part of the church is ruinous, but standing to full height are the central transepts, the third storey of which was added about 1225, and the choir and presbytery range east of that.
  • Cadfael found something so significant in that arrow-straight progress towards the church that he followed, candidly curious and officiously helpful, and finding Rafe of Coventry standing hesitant by the parish altar, looking round him at the multiplicity of chapels contained in transepts and chevet, directed him with blunt simplicity to the one he was looking for. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • Inside is a nave surmounted by a generous barrel vault supported by large but simple columns and flanked by side aisles; a transept separates the nave from a central apse behind the altar.
  • It has a fine Norman nave and transepts with a 13th-century choir and chapter house, where the stonework with its distinctive Southwell foliage is unique.
  • The transepts have barrel vaults and the east end a semi-circular vault.
  • There are two lead choirs: bunches of monks gathered in columns around the lectern of each transept, with the choirmaster who intones the strophe and the choir that catches the tune and makes it blossom in melodies and chords. Ecumenism
  • Internally, the building is divided into a nave, transepts and side aisles composed of ornamental cast-iron columns and girders and a gallery 12 feet wide runs all round the Hall.
  • The tower and the subordinate transept and corner-towers were to have been crowned by a myriad of pinnacles and arcaded screens, which would have given the building a highly active silhouette against the grey skies of Seattle. Arthur Brown and St. Mark's, Seattle
  • He is buried in the parish church, and in the north transept is the following acrostical epitaph which he composed for his monument: -- Young Americans Abroad Vacation in Europe: Travels in England, France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland
  • Round the nave and choir are twenty-eight, or, including those of the transepts, thirty-six fascicled piers, which rise nearly to the roof. The South of France—East Half
  • He wanted to carve a whole doorway all by himself; he wanted to persuade Tom to have stone angels in the clerestory; he had an innovative design for blind arcading in the transepts which he had not even shown to anyone yet. The Pillars of the Earth
  • The Dean announced that it was to be removed to the old choir school adjoining the south transept of the Minster and the Archbishop's Registry.

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