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How To Use Transcribe In A Sentence

  • Barshai transcribed the Eighth Quartet for chamber orchestra under the composer's supervision.
  • Just the chance to transcribe the manuscripts was the most fantastic luck, the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
  • This second-hand or transcribed social history isn't "parodic," just misconceived, and testimony (if any is needed) to the increasing inability to discern what our disciplinary base actually is in "literary-and-cultural studies," and why it matters that we cannot and should not be simply pale echoes of better-equipped social historians like Colley herself. Presentism and the Archives
  • Indeed, the Sonata in G essentially transcribes an earlier work for two flutes and continuo.
  • Rather, it is a final redaction of sources ranging from the Red Book of Westmarch, to Elvish Chronicles, to Gondorian records, to tales of Rohirrim which were only transcribed centuries later.
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Master English with Ease
  • the message was transcribed literatim
  • There are four popular Chopin items, the first set of the Schubert Impromptus, and Ravel's La Valse as transcribed by the composer for piano solo.
  • All interviews were then transcribed verbatim (with the exception of minor phrases such as ‘uh-huh’).
  • Once, indeed, he guides her hand to transcribe in a book the words of her exaltation, the Ave, and the Magnificat, and the Gaude Maria, and the young angels, glad to rouse her for a moment from her dejection, are eager to hold the inkhorn and to support the book. English literary criticism
  • Making all allowance for the older sources utilised, and to a large extent transcribed word for word, in Judges, Samuel, and Kings, we find that apart from the Pentateuch the preexilic portion of the Old Testament amounts in bulk to little more than the half of the entire volume. Prolegomena
  • For the transcriber, the collection is a treasure trove of little discoveries -- the antiquated use of "farinaceous" instead of today's "pasta"; the remarkable preponderance of oyster dishes; the revelation that steaks cost twenty-five cents, not twenty-five dollars. The New York Public Library: All Hands on Deck: NYPL Turns to the Crowd to Develop Digital Collections
  • He could even write a piece that resembles, paradoxically, an instrumental canzona alla francese transcribed for voices Si pour moy avez du souci. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The actualities are the most important part of your story, so after you've chosen them, (see Choosing Actualities, below) transcribe them word-for-word onto the page. Chicago Indymedia
  • For you see, I have that note before me as I transcribe its contents into my notebook. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • In 1930, the composer transcribed the score for two pianos.
  • She decides to transcribe his notes on the typewriter in case anyone should ever have to read it.
  • Once the DNA has been transcribed, the mRNA (messenger RNA) detaches from the DNA.
  • Liszt developed a physical virtuosity for the instrument and transcribed for it, sacrificing musical subtlety to an astonishing mechanical technique.
  • How many hours of interviews will we conduct, transcribe, and interpret?
  • For Benjamin, translation functions not simply to transcribe accurately the content of the original language into another but also, and more importantly, to seek kinships between both languages.
  • Being to speak of some places, scatteringly taken notice of here and there, let us begin with the Roman garrisons, which were dispersed all the land over: and this we do the rather, because the Notitia Imperii, whence they are transcribed, is not so common in every one's hand. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Well, for those of you not auditorily inclined, Wendy Delmater of Abyss & Apex has transcribed the recording and published it in the latest issue of A&A. John Joseph Adams » 2007 » April
  • Sérgio observes that there is now a lot of music being composed for guitar, unlike the fairly recent past when most music had to be transcribed.
  • In addition, after each interview the interviewer audiotaped impressions and field notes and these were also transcribed verbatim.
  • The interview was recorded and then transcribed.
  • They had to be transcribed, entailing a whole series of choices about lineation, punctuation, and orthography. Is Rap Poetry?
  • I can transcribe a conversation verbatim, as long as I do it within a few days of it taking place. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Celebrities can't listen to their voicemails without wondering if they have been transcribed and passed to the newsdesk. Charlie Brooker: We shouldn't have to feel paranoid about snoops listening in to everything we say
  • Interviews and focus group discussions were audio taped and later transcribed for analysis.
  • Transcribe the oral history of this tribe
  • The sound, I am all too familiar with; my ability to accurately transcribe it is in doubt.
  • I can transcribe a conversation verbatim, as long as I do it within a few days of it taking place. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The writing system Romoaji is used to transcribe Japanese into the Roman alphabet.
  • A thread imbrued in some of this matter was sent to me, and with it two children were inoculated, whose cases I shall transcribe from my notes. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • Soon, however, Widge learns that Dr. Bright's sermons are not all his own but instead collections of other minister's sermons that Dr. Bright had him transcribe in an unusual style of charactery, a swift form of shorthand code writing, which Dr. Bright invented himself.
  • Her speeches were never transcribed - at least during her stay abroad - and were never distributed adequately to the public.
  • Because he is the first critic I have met in my life whose philosophy, transcribed into those essays, bruises and bloodies one.
  • (A) DNA sequencing gels showing repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in the transcribed strand of the PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The interviews were taped, transcribed, and translated: the texts should be considered as paraphrases.
  • Moreover, even among experienced transcribers errors can creep in.
  • The piano music has been transcribed for the violin.
  • Thus, from the Assyrian researches as well as from other sources, it has come to be acknowledged by the most eminent scholars at the leading seats of Christian learning that the accounts of creation with which for nearly two thousand years all scientific discoveries have had to be "reconciled" -- the accounts which blocked the way of Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and Laplace -- were simply transcribed or evolved from a mass of myths and legends largely derived by the Hebrews from their ancient relations with Chaldea, rewrought in a monotheistic sense, imperfectly welded together, and then thrown into poetic forms in the sacred books which we have inherited. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • The translations I offer aim to transcribe the phrasing of the French as exactly as possible, often at the expense of English idiom or felicity of expression.
  • A lot of the material has been transcribed, which means not only that the material can be read but also that cross referencing from the written to the oral form is a straightforward process.
  • In those early years he would frequently transcribe orchestral music for the organ.
  • Two days later, the prof returned the transcribed lecture, with just a brief note appended.
  • All the transcribed interviews were assorted into thematic units, each corresponding to a set of data obtained from interviewees.
  • From an unquoted news article, into your brain and then gets transcribed onto this thread ... Obama: It's Me Against The D.C. Foreign Policy Establishment
  • For the first time, the elegantly calligraphed text that appears on the front of each of these drawings will be transcribed.
  • Du Châtelet's mirror identifies her as the goddess of truth, while Voltaire sports a poet's laurel wreath as he assiduously transcribes the words of his female muse.
  • The place where the secretary was supposed to transcribe the complaint as the patient gave it. BAD MEDICINE
  • Transcribed excerpts of the lyrics will be analyzed with respect to phonetics, phonology, morpho-syntax, prosody, and lexis.
  • The tape of the police interview of the appellant was to be transcribed, agreed, filed and served.
  • In adapting the work, Beethoven does not simply transcribe it note for note.
  • Shorthand is eventually transcribed to longhand, and buzzwords lose their sting.
  • He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.
  • Here too the inscription in question should have been more accurately written tec/vm with digamma transcribed properly by 'v' instead, as one can see with the available photograph below on the bottom right portion of the border. The identity of the Etruscan god Tecum
  • Chatterton claimed to have transcribed this poetry, which was written in a plausible pastiche of late Middle English, from old parchments found in the muniment room of the parish church of St. Mary Redcliffe, where his father had been a lay clerk. The Marvelous Boy
  • On-column DNase I digestion was performed. 100 ng of each RNA sample was retrotranscribed with QuantiTect Whole Transcriptome Kit (Qiagen) and a 50-fold dilution of cDNAs was analyzed by quantitative Real Time PCR (qRT-PCR) using an iCycler-iQ5 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's been the braillewriter of choice at schools and among transcribers. Fred's Head from APH
  • The second line is supererogative in syllables, whether from the oscitancy of the transcriber, or from the trepidation which might have overpowered the modest Frenchman, on finding himself in the act of writing to so 'great' a man, I shall not dare to determine. Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
  • I find it's better to transcribe a language based on phonemics rather than phonetics. The net doesn't have to be an intellectual wasteland for Etruscan studies
  • Later, some people will return to their offices or hotels and transcribe the words onto their computers if they can read them, others may just file away their notes.
  • Shakespeare's "Pericles" exists only in a lousy quarto, which is so badly transcribed scholars assume it was done by someone jotting down the script from memory after having seen the show (the early modern equivalent of the grainy pirated videos you can buy on the subway). Longing for Great Lost Works
  • I needn't add that these analecta did not comprehend any manuscript of Adso or Adson of Melk; on the contrary, as anyone interested can check, they are a collection of brief or medium-length texts, whereas the story transcribed by Vallet ran to several hundred pages. The Name of the Rose
  • Bach himself did not disdain to transcribe Vivaldi concertos for organ or harpsichord and to borrow fugue-subjects from Legrenzi and Corelli.
  • The interview transcripts were then fully transcribed and coded to uncover analytic themes.
  • Modern editors turn to dashes and exclamation marks to transcribe these rapid changes in thought and speech.
  • The interviews were recorded on audiotape and transcribed by the researcher.
  • The propaganda for cigarettes on the airwaves is transcribed ecstasy on a 24-hour basis, with its hymn of jubilation over the latest filter, the new cigarette, or the old cigarette with its newly discovered richer-milder-smoother-finer — where have we heard those words before? — qualities. To Smoke or Not to Smoke?
  • Soon Widge finds that his skill in charactery is wanted for another reason - to secretly transcribe, and thus steal, Shakespeare's play, Hamlet.
  • Phillip's Voyage to Botany Bay, by permission of the Proprietor_] [Transcriber's note: names of painter and engraver are only guesswork.] [Illustration: AM I NOT A MAN AND A BROTHER] "To call the pearly drops from Pity's eye, The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The Zeta crystallin, quinone reductase, found in some mammals is transcribed from a lens specific promoter not present in other mammals. Vacuity of ID: Comments on Irreducible Complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • At first he transcribed just broad areas of dark tone in monochrome.
  • Following each survey, the transcribed voice recordings were double-checked for accuracy and subjected to a customized computer check program.
  • The interviews and consultations were audiotaped and transcribed.
  • Milhaud originally scored it for a small orchestra, then, due to its great success, transcribed it for duet.
  • Two independent series of RNA preparations were reverse transcribed using the anchored oligo primer AAGCT 11 A.
  • a transcribed announcement
  • L'ascension, his largest early work, was also transcribed for organ.
  • Moreover, even among experienced transcribers errors can creep in.
  • Two to five hundred nanograms of total RNA were reverse transcribed using Superscript II RNaseH - reverse transcriptase and an anchored oligo primer.
  • We audiotaped, videotaped, and transcribed the focus group sessions.
  • Transcribe the oral history of this tribe.
  • [Transcriber's note: The word 'sene' appears thus in the original. An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2
  • It is fairly easy to transcribe it in a musical staff, with a pulse, clear rhythms and even melodic lines formed by the interplay of these two voices and the burning match sound.
  • If anything, the interview is better written and more coherent, whereas the speech transcribers were clearly having a great deal of difficulty.
  • It would be vital, as he knew, for the next few exchanges to be transcribed with unimpeachable certitude.
  • Borrowing from J-Horror films like Ring (1998) and Pulse (2001) as well as ergodic works such as Danieleweski's House of Leaves (2000) it uses emails, blog posts, chat logs, press releases and transcribed interviews to tell the story of a baroquely shot 1920s snuff film that manages to escape its original medium. REVIEW: The Best Horror Of The Year, Volume 2 edited by Ellen Datlow
  • According to the first proposed mechanism, the repressor substance, probably an RNA-binding destabilizing protein, acts not directly on the Makorin1 gene but upon the mRNA that is transcribed by the gene.
  • Nay, I absolutely claim a property in all such sentiments the moment they are transcribed into my writings, and I expect all readers henceforwards to regard them as purely and entirely my own. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • The inscription REE 59,1993 is often transcribed thus: ecn : turce : laris : θefries : espial : atial : caθas Archive 2009-05-01
  • THE PEOPLE CONSECRATE THE DELPHINIUM TO TITUS AND TO HERCULES; and what is yet more, even in our time, a priest of Titus was formally elected and declared; and after sacrifice and libation, they sing a set song, much of which for the length of it we omit, but shall transcribe the closing verses: — The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Hence, either the Syriac text has been slightly altered by a transcriber (only one letter had to be changed) or the translator understood the word begot of conventional, not of carnal, fatherhood, a meaning it has in verses 8 and 12. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Liszt transcribed Beethoven's symphonies, as well as a myriad other vocal and instrumental works, for piano.
  • The interviewer, who was trained in coding procedures, both transcribed and coded the interviews, taking care to bracket her personal biases and beliefs.
  • A retrovirus is a virus which, to use very inexact lay terminology, relies upon its host to complete its reproductive needs, that is, its DNA is transcribed using the host DNA. The Retrovirus
  • In 1559, a Venetian government official transcribed a report by a Persian traveller who observed the popular Chinese pastime of drinking tea.
  • All interviews were tape recorded and the tapes were transcribed and translated into English as needed.
  • It has been proposed that in transposon-containing regions of the genome both DNA strands are transcribed, dsRNA is formed, and the RNAi process eliminates these undesirable products. Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • Madame Wang was sitting in Mrs. Hsüeh's apartments, whither she had just crossed, when she perceived Chia Huan come back from school, and she bade him transcribe incantations out of the Chin Kang Canon and intonate them. Hung Lou Meng, Book II Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • The handwritten notes were then transcribed into typewritten interview transcripts to be used for data analysis.
  • Borrowing from J-Horror films like Ring (1998) and Pulse (2001) as well as ergodic works such as Danieleweski's House of Leaves (2000) it uses emails, blog posts, chat logs, press releases and transcribed interviews to tell the story of a baroquely shot 1920s snuff film that manages to escape its original medium. REVIEW: The Best Horror Of The Year, Volume 2 edited by Ellen Datlow
  • But thanks to rapid advances in microscopy in the last decade, researchers can now watch a single gene being transcribed from DNA -- one atom at a time -- or observe the activity of a protein molecule as it moves inside a living cell. This is astonishing...
  • [Transcriber's Note: "haw" near the end of chapter 15 appears to be a misprint for "hawk".] The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
  • ThorAu lives his life, and writes his life and the life of those around him and those that preceded him, and all this is transcribed and dutifully saved with crematorial compactness by a hard-disk. Afterthoughts
  • The place where the secretary was supposed to transcribe the complaint as the patient gave it. BAD MEDICINE
  • Q: Do you have tips on how to effectively transcribe.
  • For you see, I have that note before me as I transcribe its contents into my notebook. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • The anthropologist transcribed the sentences of the native informant
  • The recorder can be plugged into a PC and automatically transcribed.
  • [Transcriber's note: the original text reads: "amyl valerianice ther10 parts"] amyl valerianic ether 10 parts. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • U.S. doctors dictate notes into digital recorders; the sound clips can then travel to India via the Internet for Indian typists to transcribe.
  • You are of course quite right to note that it is not merely a phonetical transcription, nonetheless, there is no direct connection to Black men, except for the fact that, when read deg kei in Cantonese it transcribes the English word "Darkie". CHINESE SWEARING.
  • Total RNA derived from dorsal and ventral skin was reverse transcribed using random hexamer primers and MMLV-reverse transcriptase.
  • According to an artist's statement prepared for this exhibition, from Aug.1, 2001, until the last moment of the schilling's circulation, on Feb.28, 2002, he transcribed his exceptionally vivid dreams as penciled works on paper.
  • The ligated mRNA is reverse transcribed using a general or gene-specific primer.
  • Kaolin is the very same with the clay called in Cornwall [Transcriber's note: word missing] and the petuntse is a granite similar to the Cornish moorstone. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • The name and the dose of each medication were transcribed by the study technicians and were matched with a computerized database of prescription and non-prescription medications.
  • These shorthand notes, transcribed and typed in duplicate, were the nightmare and, on occasion, the Nemesis, of the managers and foremen. CHAPTER IV
  • All plenary and breakout group discussions were audiotaped and transcribed.
  • The many dittographies in the manuscript have been faithfully transcribed by Hamdan Hassan, and have been retained in the MCP text.
  • How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people?
  • This information is transcribed by a dictation service, and the physician reviews this information for accuracy before signing off on the note in the EMR.
  • The error must have happened when he transcribed the benediction.
  • This remains true, according to Newman, even when the TV stories are transcribed, printed, and typeset as newspaper stories.
  • You are of course quite right to note that it is not merely a phonetical transcription, nonetheless, there is no direct connection to Black men, except for the fact that, when read deg kei in Cantonese it transcribes the English word "Darkie". CHINESE SWEARING.
  • If you are a podcaster, you can transcribe your podcasts in a blog post.
  • The conventional [Transcriber's Note: so in original, probably should be "conventual"] buildings sold and destroyed, portions only reserved for residence of Dean and Canons and other officers. Ely Cathedral
  • Other clerks there would quickly transcribe those tapes, providing the yardmasters with ‘lists’ of each track, from which would be made up switch lists for the yard crews and for the hump-tower retarder ‘conductors.’
  • After a gene that encodes a protein is transcribed to a messenger RNA (mRNA), the code is delivered to an RNA / protein complex, an multienzyme, called a ribosome. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Will the institution be able to loan you hardware such as tape recorders and transcription machines if you need to record and transcribe your interviews?
  • [3] Transcriber's note: The original read 'vulcanism'. Subspace Survivors
  • She transcribed his verses for his first volume, The Hope of Liberty, Containing a Number of Poetical Pieces (1829).
  • How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people?
  • In those early years he would frequently transcribe orchestral music for the organ.
  • [Transcriber's Note: The "|" s below are my best rendition in plain ASCII of a Saxon ampersand, which is a long vertical bar with a short horizontal bar at the top, pointing to the left.] + ORM · GAMAL · SVNA · BOHTE · SC [= S] [+ ORM · GAMAL · SUNA · BOHTE · SANCTUS] The Evolution of an English Town
  • The percentage of genes transcribed at a certain level (y-axis) is plotted against the relative level of gene transcription (x-axis).
  • All of the 19 identified genes are transcribed from the same DNA strand.
  • The meetings were audiotaped and later transcribed.
  • The place where the secretary was supposed to transcribe the complaint as the patient gave it. BAD MEDICINE
  • The principal researcher conducted all interviews, which were audiotaped and transcribed.
  • The high school students share their views on these issues, and all of their meetings are audio taped, transcribed, and included in the pre-service teachers' required readings for my course.
  • The secretary transcribed those letters on the typewriter.
  • That manuscript note is accurately transcribed in the typed version.
  • The translations I offer aim to transcribe the phrasing of the French as exactly as possible, often at the expense of English idiom or felicity of expression.
  • All plenary and breakout group discussions were audiotaped and transcribed.
  • The quintet had been transcribed for clarinet and piano.
  • Frege was the first to attempt to transcribe the old statements of categorical logic in a language employing variables, quantifiers and truth-functions.
  • All genes are transcribed in taproots while transcription in leaves is low or undetectable.
  • They also transcribed music for the instrument from many sources, most notably the harpsichord, violin and piano.
  • She transcribes this part of the text from my scan and adds boldface.
  • There is also a C.P.E. Bach Sonata here, transcribed and sounding delightful with its switch of instrument.
  • The only change is that Orff transcribed the orchestral parts for two pianos.
  • The /l/ sound that appears at the ends of words (actually, in coda position of syllables) is referred to as ‘dark /l/’ and is transcribed as /l with a squiggle.
  • This root supposedly comes from Proto-Indo-European * pul - which otherwise has only an obscure Greek cognate transcribed as pylinx and meaning hair on the posterior, and an Old Indian root pula meaning when your hairs standing on end. Ulster etymology
  • I've been in a weird kind of daze ... the other day I wrote about 4,000 words (some of them transcribed from an earlier draft of RESURRECTION CODE, mind you,) which is still absolutely insane for me. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Perhaps we need to be reminded of one crucial part of our job that of transcriber, of recorder, as the keeper of the story.
  • The vectors were linearized and transcribed with a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
  • Hagiographa" (writings held by the ancient Hebrews as less sacred and authoritative than either the "Law" or the "Prophets"), and, in consequence, copyists felt naturally less bound to transcribe its text with scrupulous accuracy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The interview tapes were transcribed verbatim and assigned a unique identifier for each participant.
  • If you gave her a letter, she would transcribe it "on a miniature desk in the tiniest of script, sealed with a miniscule wax seal with the sender's intial pressed into it, packaged up with a magnifying glass in a glassine envelope, and finished off with a large wax seal. Leafcutter Designs: Large Concepts in Small Packages
  • On many accounts it was transcribed that they were gracious and benevolent.
  • Stein transcribed the work from Husserl's shorthand in 1916.
  • Moshe Rabbeinu was a mere transcriber, the instrument through which these words reached us.
  • I can transcribe a conversation verbatim, as long as I do it within a few days of it taking place. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Included in the collection are a small number of sphygmographs, the first device to take a reading and transcribe it onto a chart.
  • The following article has been transcribed faithfully from a manuscript found inside a rather damaged Portuguese camphor-wood escritoire which was left to Chris among Dorian's effects.
  • The interviews were audiotaped and the tapes were transcribed verbatim.
  • Speech can be transcribed phonetically at different levels of detail and accuracy.
  • Audiotapes from the focus groups were transcribed by the researchers.
  • The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed in Spanish.
  • From about 1564 he began to collect and transcribe manuscripts and to compose historical works, the first to be based on systematic study of public records.
  • interphase" H1 phosphorylation is preferentially associated with genes when they are actually being transcribed. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Originally written for organ in 1945, McKay transcribed it for two string orchestras in 1962.
  • The only thing missing is my secretary to transcribe the following notes.
  • The thin line of his pencil transcribes the desert light and, for the first time in this exhibition, a unique and unmistakable vision appears.
  • From his notes, which have been transcribed, and are not just obscure scribbles, it is clear that he considered painting a science, on an equal par with mechanics, biology or mathematics.
  • [5] With the studies of RNA there is parp genus that would be transcribed inside by alpha-amanitin-resistant RNA. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The scientists catalogued the proteins produced in the cell, the RNA molecules transcribed from the DNA genetic code, and the chemical reactions which make up the cell's metabolism - also known as the proteome, the transcriptome and the metabolome. Scientific American
  • DNA topoisomerase I may play a major role in transcription; the enzyme is physically associated with actively transcribed regions of chromatin where it reduces torsional stress generated during transcription.
  • The court recorder had transcribed the actual testimony but not the courtroom banter during the rest of the proceedings.
  • Deacon Chee Meng transcribes the Sunday Service Message every week, and many have benefitted from it.
  • However, additional studies are needed to determine if Twin is actually transcribed by polymerase III.
  • Reading matter is transcribed into Braille for her, and she also uses audiotapes.
  • Transcribed excerpts of the lyrics will be analyzed with respect to phonetics, phonology, morpho-syntax, prosody, and lexis.
  • Commonplace books could be repositories for meticulously copied out poems, proverbs, and moral exempla; they could also permit a large degree of freedom in both the choice of material transcribed and in the way in which it was recorded.
  • Massaging her temples, she sat back down at the desk and began to transcribe her notes.
  • Thus, the Y-linked copy of the S. latifolia spermidine synthase gene is actively transcribed.
  • A body of oral literature is being assembled at the Office of Cultural Affairs and has been partially transcribed.
  • All focus group discussions were transcribed and annotated with contemporaneous field notes.
  • All genes are transcribed from the same strand, and scaling is only approximate.
  • The interview tapes were transcribed verbatim and assigned a unique identifier for each participant.
  • The spatial image can be transcribed very briefly and commodiously in the form of a map.
  • Appendix E, p. 150, for an example.) [Transcriber's Note: Corrected misspelling "Ribbatua" in original.] _Ritornello, ritornelle_ -- a short instrumental prelude, interlude, or postlude, in a vocal composition, as _e. g._, in an operatic aria or chorus. Music Notation and Terminology
  • The interviews were transcribed for qualitative data analysis and analyzed using grounded theory methodologies.
  • The Five Songs Without Words that follow were later transcribed for violin and piano and in that guise they have been heard far more often than in vocal form.
  • A secretary transcribed the witnesses' statements.
  • [Transcriber's Note: This footnote is not seen in the text.] [D] _Volunt unicuique Genium appositum Damonem benum & malum, hoc est rationem qua ad meliora semper boriatur, & libidinem qua ad pejora, hic est Larva & Genius malus, ille bonus Genius 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation
  • So I made up some Cubans, put a make-believe protagonist among them and published a novel that caught not the place I'd seen and transcribed so much as the one I'd felt and intuited. The Good Luck of Notes Turned to Ash

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