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How To Use Transactions In A Sentence

  • A good deal has been written about the need for accountability and transparency in diocesan transactions, financial and managerial.
  • This was a sad day indeed for the big bad wolf of the banking world, and not just because it must forego those rich pickings it planned to cream off from two billion cash machine transactions a year.
  • Daniel Defoe, The Consoli - dator: or Memoirs and Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon (London, 1705). COSMIC VOYAGES
  • What I find highly ironic and, indeed, perturbing, is that U.S. trade laws have in their application proven much more effective in inhibiting legitimate, cross-border, long-standing supplier-customer transactions carried on within a Canada-U.S. free trade environment than they have in dealing with these "dump and jump" boatloads of predatory imports. Free Trade With the U.S.—Only in a Dream World
  • With so few transactions taking place, it's hard to get a clear idea of the value of comparable properties in the local area. Times, Sunday Times
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  • They show page after page of "transactions," without any subtotals or easy way of matching buy/sell orders. Charles H. Green: Madoff: Investment Fund, or Virtual Reality Game?
  • Forward transactions are economically similar to exchange-traded futures contracts.
  • For, they are eager to see the floating population streaming in at the time of political meetings, since it leads to a surge in their business transactions.
  • And that was for a measure – changing the tax treatment of so-called triangular mergers – affecting a relatively small number of transactions. Investing in Japan
  • All but two of the transactions will be for easements, meaning the city will buy permission to use land beneath the surface. :
  • The transactions motive simply means that firms must hold cash in order to conduct normal business transactions.
  • And in terms of the last point that you made which is the possibility of fees for transactions that we want to discourage, that is one of the ideas that is going to be working its way through the process. CNN Transcript Jul 22, 2009
  • Most of the unliquidated obligations result from transactions booked during the war years. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Conduit loan defeasances are highly structured transactions with certain unique requirements.
  • For the whole period, the 47 transactions had an aggregate transaction amount, in Canadian dollars, of $3,986, 351.
  • All transactions appear on a monthly bank statement.
  • A central bank regulation requires that payment of business transactions in Thailand must be made in Thai baht, Mr Phaibu saidl. : Breaking News
  • Log in to your online accounts regularly, and check bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure that all transactions are legitimate.
  • User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
  • Households and businesses readily use Credit to consummate transactions, with traditional money playing a small and declining role.
  • It was published in the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute (1896) and contains a description of a time-apparatus capable of measuring time intervals of a hundred-thousandth of a second.
  • As well as its widespread deployment in broadcasting, mobile text culture has been the language of prosaic, everyday transactions.
  • Before this time letters had been used to issue public proclamations, record transactions, conduct trade, and as a vehicle for spreading news.
  • Between [Tilda] Swinton's wounded, watchful eyes and [Amber] Tamblyn's soft internality emerges something that transcends the inherently stale nature of their transactions. GreenCine Daily: Stephanie Daley.
  • The software also ensures each site has ecommerce hosting and a secure server for credit card transactions.
  • The Philosophical Transactions, * [629] in the last century contain accounts of Cesarean section performed by an ignorant butcher and also by a midwife; and there are many records of the celebrated case performed by Jacob Nüfer, a cattle gelder, at the beginning of the sixteenth century. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • You clinch business deals and gain in financial transactions.
  • Or was the bestowal of a glass of wine regarded as a necessary courtesy in broaching or sealing these unsentimental transactions?
  • A lawyer who meets the requirements of title insurance companies to be able to complete transactions involving title insurance and to render title opinions.
  • By Republicans, no less. transactions are known as "leveraged buyouts. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • Other transactions including, without limitation, online purchases, mail and telephone orders, other transactions without sales slip and any unauthorized transaction are not eligible for the offers.
  • This study builds on the transactions recorded in the journal by correlating them with information gleaned from other sources, such as history books, the U.S. census, and the knowledge of local amateur historians.
  • There is an even greater need for good advice, particularly away from the headlines, in agreed as opposed to hostile transactions.
  • But just today they again debited my account because they determined there were, indeed, two transactions processed. Getting burned at the Mexican ATM
  • (02 / 19 / 2008) Careful design of protected areas to safeguard key "refugia" and allow for migration can increase the resilience of Amazon biodiversity to climate change, report researchers writing in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. Tuna may go the way of cod: a collapsed fishery News
  • The settlement of international transactions is usually handled through correspondent banking relationships or large-value message and payment systems, such as SWIFT, Fedwire or CHIPS systems in the United States of America. CNN Transcript Jun 28, 2006
  • They are probably as important as money in making business transactions happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inevitably, banks and solicitors will err on the side of caution and decline to proceed with transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are provisions enabling investors to recover loss they have suffered as a result of entering into the share transactions.
  • The transactions are secure, so the cash does not go astray or disappear; nor can it be forged easily.
  • They represent the maximum size of possible transactions, assuming that they were not counterbalanced by other transactions in the opposite direction.
  • Information brokerages dispatch agents capable of information resource gathering, negotiating deals, and performing transactions.
  • The capital gains on the transactions are deferred until they complete the transaction at a future date by replacing the borrowed shares.
  • Due to numerous states' slow recovery from the economic downturn and the shrinkage of state tax revenues in the last few years, more and more states have directed their attention to intercorporate transactions and income shifting schemes. August 2005
  • The law states that cardholders are not liable for fraudulent transactions as long as the original card is still in their possession.
  • The basic form of processed gold is gold bullion, and ingots or bars of bullion would be used for very large transactions.
  • The majority of financial transactions are conducted either by cheques or electronically.
  • The Icelandic krona 's freeze in the capital markets had now spilled over into the day-to-day transactions of Icelanders abroad.
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • The first volume of the Transactions of the Geological Society appeared in quarto.
  • He discussed business and concluded transactions with us on the spot.
  • All transactions procedures are intermediary companies in a staff shuttle between the seller and the buyer , or even the Party of the First Part of the contract is recognized staff signatures.
  • The bosses would have paid capital gains tax on the transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law would be rightly open to ridicule, for transactions such as these are unexceptionable.
  • In the 1980s, we became the first regionally-based law firm to open a London office, focused on corporate transactions.
  • _Transactions Obstetrical Society London_, vol. xxxix, p. 115, etc. _Mittelschmerz_ is a condition of pain occurring about the middle of the intermenstrual period, either alone or accompanied by a slight sanguineous discharge, or, more frequently, a non-sanguineous discharge. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The traditional orientation of accounting was to record transactions at their historical cost.
  • A scalable software system is, in brief, one that can easily expand to handle more transactions or other sorts of throughput.
  • Housing transactions have all but frozen. Times, Sunday Times
  • I tell him about the raft of lenders away from the high street who will take on the dodgier transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, he had made an honest error in refusing to elaborate on details of his credit card transactions which led him inadvertently into controversy.
  • I hear only a distant occasional cowbell and the cheerful nearer transactions of insects.
  • What about your average expat and the ordinary transactions that concern their day-to-day lives?
  • Margin Rule 5-28 imposes various requirements in relation to margined contingent liability transactions.
  • The gathering together of transactions into batches before performing system updates. Such updates are usually performed at regular set days and times.
  • Libor should in future be based on real transactions, subject to independent external audit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus we must resolve the academic and technical problems about the data models, transaction models, and priority assignment and schedule strategies of the mobile real-time transactions.
  • In these, the amount and timing of each cash flow movement is forecast and monitored closely, in the same way as we might plot personal cash transactions. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • The enhanced Distributed Transaction Recovery System-based distributed computing application that provides ensured integrity for distributed computing transactions.
  • A tiny gesture towards a desired item and a slight flick of the eyebrows is almost enough to complete most transactions.
  • When conducting transactions, producers and consumers shall follow the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility.
  • Co., said the measure places too much importance on whether buyers or sellers initiate transactions.
  • The probes forward transactions to a hardened Collector appliance on the network, where they are compared to previously defined policies to detect violations.
  • A merchant mistakenly put a hold on his funds, then the bank cleared transactions from high to low, triggering hundreds in overdraft fees, he says. Banks' 'courtesy' loans at soaring rates irk consumers
  • Mr. Yood said his review is examining what he called "highly questionable transactions" a former chief executive "caused the hospital to enter into with third-party vendors, including Paul Randall. In Small California Hospitals, the Marketing of Back Surgery
  • In a way that formalizes the increasingly active loan transactions on the interbank market, China's National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors published rules about loan transfer on Saturday on its website, with details including the standard procedure of loan transaction, after-sales loan management and the way to handle loan defaults. China Launches Secondary Loan Market
  • With so few transactions taking place, it's hard to get a clear idea of the value of comparable properties in the local area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specific licenses have been issued (1) for payment to U.S. or third-country secured creditors, under certain narrowly defined circumstances, for pre-embargo import and export transactions; Presidents Letter On Yugoslavia Economic Sanctions
  • Almost half of the country's banking transactions are online. Times, Sunday Times
  • In larger transactions, a syndicate of venture capital houses or private equity firms might combine to provide the equity finance.
  • Donation and inheritance transactions accounted for a relatively small area of the farmland transferred to disadvantaged people.
  • Property transactions had jumped 75 per cent in March as buyers rushed to beat the extra stamp duty surcharge and then plummeted the following month. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hold free-market views because it removes the uneasy feeling I would get if I simultaneously supported and opposed violent disruption of transactions depending on whether or not the disruptor was a government. Heckman interview, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The designation freezes Bermudez's assets in the United States and prohibits him from engaging in any financial transactions with any U.S. company or individual. USDOJ: Justice News
  • Companies can offer secure credit card transactions over the internet.
  • Indeed, such transactions would be extremely complicated as currently the Cuna have no individual land titles.
  • Digital certificates provide electronic credentials that enable authenticated and encrypted communications and transactions between sites and individuals over the Internet.
  • He argues that arbitrariness of corrupt transactions adversely impacts on capital inflows, providing a reason that corruption is more harmful than taxes.
  • US dollars are considered common currency in international transactions.
  • HUD cannot (or will not) tell you, and indeed, it cannot tell its GAO auditors either, which is why it did not and does not pass audits, in much the same style of Bill Cohen's and Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, which amassed over $2.5 trillion in "undocumentable transactions" before they stopped telling people what the amount is. - Financial News
  • The postmaster fears rural post offices like Sherston and Hullavington will close without the income received through benefit transactions.
  • Sixty five per cent of the transactions are done by the grey economy.
  • More importantly, we begin to imagine a world in which nature and future generations are represented in real-time transactions, corporations internalize previously externalized costs, prices of illth-causing goods rise, and everyone receives some property income. Capitalism 3.0~ Chapter 6
  • The company is best known for interest rate swaps and other municipal bond derivative transactions.
  • The situation is substantially more complex with international commercial transactions, which by necessity involve more than one legal jurisdiction. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • They were struggling to comprehend the scale of his transactions and the identity of his counterparties. Times, Sunday Times
  • The resumption of amicable commercial relations was also matched by cultural and artistic transactions.
  • Digital certificates provide electronic credentials that enable authenticated and encrypted communications and transactions between sites and individuals over the Internet.
  • The company has broken through the six-figure barrier for its monthly transactions for the first time in its history - more than tripling the figure for the same period last year.
  • Since her disappearance, her bank accounts have been plundered, with illegal transactions worth thousands of pounds made in her name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Berlin academy conducted its transactions first in Latin, next and for many years to come in French, and one of its earliest presidents, a man of special competence, pronounced German to be a noble but frightfully barbarized tongue. Voltaire
  • Transactions in Bullion involve the obligation to settle a position at a future date.
  • As conduit loans have become increasingly popular financing vehicles in the commercial mortgage market, defeasances of these loans have become relatively common transactions, as well.
  • SOME of those whom they call Quakers are, to give them their due, very good moral men, and exactly just in their civil transactions. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • Since “actual economic quantities denominated in dollars” does not account for all the things that happen inbetweentimes of transactions, economists for many decades have studied various aspects of valuing the “extraneous, inbetween things” that still require physical effort and mentation: including neighborhood effects, externalities, public goods, transactions costs, asymmetric information, imperfect competition, monopoly, and institutions. Tax Cuts for the Rich, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Added to the already harsh 3% fee for foreign currency transactions (1% to Visa or Mastercard, and the remaining 2% to BofA) and interest accruing from the first day that an advance is taken and you've got all the fixings for a spectacularly bad deal for obtaining pesos. Credit Card Use
  • Transactions in land are frequently handled by an estate agent.
  • Transactions in land are frequently handled by an estate agent.
  • He resigned as chairman after an external audit criticised the way Lauda Air handled foreign currency transactions.
  • Advances in financial market technostructures are driving the most visible transformations in large part because financial markets have no physical product for distribution, and numerous, competing mechanisms are available for providing information and executing transactions.
  • Because billions of dollars are traded every day in what is known as "algorithmic trading" - ultrafast computer transactions with no human intervention. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Real Story or April Fool's Joke? "Anne Berkshire-Hathaway" and 6 Other Bizarre Economic Tales
  • All of the ultra - tricky details of transactions are handled by the underlying database.
  • Yet mainframes are still used by most high street banks to enable the processing of millions of financial transactions per day. Computing
  • Commercial transactions are only part of the picture when it comes to looking at benefits of close co-operation with neighbours and those from far away. Times, Sunday Times
  • In legislating so that securitizers "won't sell garbage to investors," Congress wisely mandates that securitizers be long in assets pooled -- assets in which transactions would otherwise leave securitizers neutral and untempted by any opportunity to short. Louis M. Guenin: Regulating Collateralized Debt Obligations, the Elephant in the Room Untouched by Financial Reform Bills
  • The archaeological finds of pottery enable us to establish trade routes and transactions between various towns and regions.
  • The new debt included nearly $5-billion in similar pre-pay commodities transactions. Globe and Mail
  • These transactions, now recollected but as dreams of the night, were then sad realities; and nothing rescued us from their liberticide effect but the unyielding opposition of those firm spirits who sternly maintained their post, in defiance of terror, until their fellow citizens could be aroused to their own danger, and rally, and rescue the standard of the constitution. Miscellany
  • Property transactions had jumped 75 per cent in March as buyers rushed to beat the extra stamp duty surcharge and then plummeted the following month. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one would ever notice a fraction of a cent but with the amount of financial transactions going on those fractions mounted up.
  • E-mail transactions cost bandwidth, which has to be upgraded for traffic, including spam traffic.
  • All transactions, from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically.
  • Consumers are painfully overcharged in all aspects of their business transactions.
  • Of wider importance are the questions raised about the security of online banking and financial transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, you don't need an application server just to have declarative transactions via EJB.
  • These transactions demonstrate yet again Ocwen's strong growth prospects as consolidation of private-label servicing continues and demand increases for specialty servicing," said Ocwen Chairman William Erbey . Morgan Stanley Unloads Its Mortgage-Servicing Unit
  • The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.
  • He resigned as chairman after an external audit criticised the way Lauda Air handled foreign currency transactions.
  • What should hearten prospective deal makers is how the stock market has reacted to the transactions: It has loved them. Investors Warm to Big Deals
  • Citing a number of backdated transactions and what he characterized as dubious documentation the defendants received from NYT > Home Page
  • As speculative contagion spread across the continent and technocratic placemen were imposed on Italy and Greece, David Cameron and George Osborne clashed with the German chancellor over the mortal threat of a 0.01% EU-wide tax on financial transactions. The City of London isn't a national interest – it's a class interest | Seumas Milne
  • If he had done so, a profit would have been realised on all three transactions.
  • One in five transactions involves a leasehold property. Times, Sunday Times
  • A loss allocation method based on cross interaction matrix is presented in this paper and allocation results reflect interaction of bilateral transactions.
  • They have shown that two quart bottles of ketchup invariably sell for twice as much as one quart bottles of ketchup except for deviations traceable to transactions costs, and that one cannot get a bargain on ketchup by buying and combining ingredi-ents once one takes account of transactions costs. Matthew Yglesias » Efficient Markets Hypothesis Rhetoric
  • It took a while to figure out that the reason there were no diagnostics in the error log for the initial set of transactions was simply because the Linux Hub already had run the first few dozen transactions successfully!
  • Digital certificates provide electronic credentials that enable authenticated and encrypted communications and transactions between sites and individuals over the Internet.
  • ↑ This practice is usually referred to as shunning, but because Bahá'ís can conduct business transactions with Covenant breakers, the practice is not same as shunning by Amish and some other groups, which is total. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Those transactions could be a one-off agreement between a donor and recipient.
  • It is not until October that the new, so-called “reverse-charge” system for VAT in the computer-chip and mobile phone markets comes into force, where VAT will be chargeable only at the point of final sale, removing VAT cash as a factor in transactions, and thus wiping out the fraud potential. A shed load of money
  • Commercial transactions are only part of the picture when it comes to looking at benefits of close co-operation with neighbours and those from far away. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper will focus on the virtual communities with no transactions because of sacrifice exiguity of related studies.
  • One line of defense is likely to be that while these deals may sound fictitious and fraudulent to unsophisticated outsiders, they are actually standard transactions in high finance.
  • For a businessman, it is a religious duty to learn Islam's teachings about economics and halal and haram transactions.
  • This definition includes periodicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, directories, etc.), journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions of societies, monographic series, and unnumbered series.
  • Non - Qualified transactions are rolling back. Estimated rollback completion: % d %%.
  • Information brokerages dispatch agents capable of information resource gathering, negotiating deals, and performing transactions.
  • This file records all your transactions and overall account balance for a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Accounting Standards for enterprises have stipulations on non-monetary transactions.
  • And yeah, it is a different structure in terms of tickets and everything else, but it is still the significant majority of our volume, our transactions, et cetera, which is likely to come through the income statement assuming an ISO were to keep a portion of the interchange reduction as both revenue and expense. Global Payments CEO Discusses Q2 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
  • This bridge concept is being expanded to handle database transactions.
  • As per the RBI guideline, all the banks will decline any telephonic banking transactions where the customers do not have a One-Time Password.
  • Liberty argued that, as part of the agreement, it maintained a "catchall" right to veto certain major transactions. Diller Wins a Court's Approval to
  • Article 4 The forward transactions shall comply with the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.
  • The neighbourhood surrounding the Medical Academy was the biggest surprise as transactions there were few.
  • They are probably as important as money in making business transactions happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2002, France will convert from the franc to the euro for all financial transactions.
  • They may put their trust in new computer technologies, which they believe will let them hide money and economic transactions from the taxman.
  • In particular bank regulators have encouraged banks to strengthen the legal underpinnings of derivatives transactions.
  • The third has been the provision of an ever-increasing variety of financial instruments needed to support the growing complexity of cross-border transactions.
  • There is no obvious reason to expect economic agents to act like colliding molecules, and indeed the random repartitioning of kinetic energy is a fairly strange template for mercantile transactions.
  • The main duties are to analyze the U.S. stock market transactions done short-term operation.
  • Bank of New York Mellon Corp., facing whistle-blower lawsuits in Virginia and Florida that it improperly charged pension funds for currency transactions, also has been sued in New York, according to New York County court records. BNY Mellon Faces Forex Suit in New York
  • You have these persons, then, linked together in such manner, as will render them perfectly inseparable in these various stock transactions; having dealt for some little time; having bought and having sold; having this tremendous balance, this world of Stock, under which they were, on the Saturday evening, bending and groaning, on the Monday morning they had disburthened themselves completely of this with a profit of a little more than ten thousand pounds. The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, Richard Gathorne Butt, Ralph Sandom, Alexander M'Rae, John Peter Holloway, and Henry Lyte for A Conspiracy In the Court of
  • Due to the introduction of the new manat in Azerbaijan, beginning Wednesday, February 1st, 2006, the Consular Section will accept only new manats and US dollars for all transactions.
  • Full disclosure of such potential conflict must be made to apprise the client of relevant facts so that the client is able to give his informed consent to transactions executed for the client, or to reject such transactions if he so desires.
  • Therefore, these market makers have considerably lower transactions costs than other potential arbitrageurs.
  • Non - repudiation and accountability for e - banking transactions.
  • Still, transactions were delayed, data was missing and system performance was slow.
  • My son collects my change - the random coins that come from little daily transactions, the pennies, nickels and dimes that build up in my pockets.
  • What is required is a satisfactory balance between technology for enabling secure transactions and the economic processing of these transactions.
  • During fast recovery, all committed transactions are redone, partially completed transactions are aborted, and the dbspace is restored to a consistent state.
  • The ten thousand trees beneath, and their ten million branches and twigs all completely clothed in crystal -- while not the slightest breeze was stirring -- presented a view of fairyland, such as flits across the vision in dreams, that the memory fain would cling to, but which is lost in the real and conflicting transactions of returning day. Wild Western Scenes A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, Wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone, the Great American Pioneer are Particularly Described
  • Margin Rule 5-28 imposes various requirements in relation to margined contingent liability transactions.
  • The mafia often plays the role of middleman in these situations, facilitating transactions between businessmen and corrupt government officials.
  • By the transactions I mean the acts in law that had to be effected in order to produce the end result desired.
  • The research firm said that suspect transactions should be weeded out for manual review and money for chargebacks should be collected from card issuers.
  • These transactions are available for online access (papers are placed on the web once they are accepted), and also released as hardcopy once per year.
  • The list of transactions has grown steadily since Symington filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in September.
  • The main drivers are consumer confidence and new housing transactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Resulting trade imbalances are not generally outwardly problematic in interstate trading - since transactions are consummated in the same currency.
  • The Monetary Authority sent banks a circular recommending they use a second type of identification to protect customers using Internet banking transactions.
  • These were highly levered transactions that probably assumed high consumer spending indefinitely, which given the state of the economy just isn't panning out. Leveraged Buyouts Hit Bondholders
  • After having a a little descanted on this Adventure, we resolved to go to the Rose, to wash down our Disappointments, and try to meet some of our Acquaintance as they came out of the Play, and hear what Transactions, what Intrigues, and other little trifling News the House afforded that Evening. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • Paintball Punks' bank account in what's known as a "chargeback" and recouped the money from the bogus transactions. rss feed
  • The enhanced Distributed Transaction Recovery System-based distributed computing application that provides ensured integrity for distributed computing transactions.
  • And the division of labour, trade, and inter-industry transactions developed in the residentiary sector.
  • Other members can use this information to decide how much to trust other members, how much credit to assign other members’ postings or whether to engage in transactions or collaborations with them. How To Design Online Reputation Systems
  • When the inter-bank settlement system temporarily fails to clear transactions banks are effectively ‘bouncing or kiting checks’ to each other.
  • one knew of these transactions , nor was he going to mention them to anyone else. He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb; he had to suffer in silence.
  • Automatic financial transactions are facilitated by this secure environment through the automated electronic verification of the identity of the consumer, which enables frictionless electronic commerce.
  • VFR1200F new Honda motorcycles, motorcycles new double Honda motorcycle dealer in a large transactions VFR1200F Syrian Arab Republic to the United Kingdom based on "the" Honda motorcycle VFR1200F new.
  • A transaction processing system must support complete isolation of a transaction from other concurrently running transactions.
  • The challenge for e-marketers is to convince the general population and firms that all transactions and information are secure.
  • One in five transactions involves a leasehold property. Times, Sunday Times
  • In pure or riskless arbitrage transactions, the purchase and re-sale of the asset in question are conducted simultaneously, thus the arbitrageur does not risk any of their own funds.
  • However, students with PTSB accounts pay no quarterly account fees and no fees on ATM and Laser transactions, cheque debits, counter lodgements and withdrawals.
  • At the same time, society is demanding more transparency in those business transactions.
  • Approximately 90 per cent of total trading in the London foreign exchange market is in the form of interbank foreign exchange transactions.
  • So how great a risk does the attack present to e-commerce transactions?

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