[ UK /tɹˈænkwɪl/ ]
[ US /ˈtɹæŋkwəɫ, ˈtɹæŋkwɪɫ/ ]
  1. not agitated; without losing self-possession
    spoke in a calm voice
    tranquil life in the country
    remained calm throughout the uproar
    a serene expression on her face
    he remained serene in the midst of turbulence
    she became more tranquil
  2. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
    the quiet waters of a lagoon
    scarcely a ripple on the still water
    a smooth channel crossing
    unruffled water
    a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky
    a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay
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How To Use tranquil In A Sentence

  • The tranquility of Birch's daytime views hardly characterized the disputative climate surrounding the building, then and later.
  • My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
  • As he fought to rip the net apart, Francis noticed, with horror, that their struggles were only pulling the net tighter, causing it to inject increasing amounts of tranquilizing drugs into their bodies.
  • Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness begins and concludes on the Thames, that ‘tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth’.
  • I have also tried a number of our strongest tranquilizing drugs, but nothing seems to curb his anger.
  • If she was, he was glad he'd taken the tranquilizing drugs to dampen out his responses, and to give him a more ‘pleasant’ personality.
  • Drugs found in Haim's system included the cough-suppressant dextromethorphan; the antihistamine diphenhydramine; carisoprodol, a prescription muscle relaxant; the tranquilizers diazepam and meprobamate, which are found in Valium and other medications; and the antidepressants fluoxetine and olanzapine. Corey Haim Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Complications, NOT Drugs
  • From those two virtues derive the tranquillity, comfort, and content of domesticity.
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • The treatment for people addicted to tranquillizers includes training in stress management and relaxation techniques.
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