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How To Use Trance In A Sentence

  • The first, built by Solomon (1012 B.C.) appears from the Biblical description [6] to have combined Egyptian conceptions (successive courts, lofty entrance-pylons, the Sanctuary and the sekos or “Holy of Holies”) with A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • A brooding hulk of a man stepped through the entrance.
  • An Augustinian nun in a brown-and-cream habit peered from the small hatch at the entrance. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The mud at the entrance to the nest had kept the rain out.
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  • In 1537 it was ceded to Angelo Massimi, who commissioned Perino del Vaga to paint frescoes on each of the lateral walls and on the pilasters on either side of the entrance.
  • Personnel from HMAS Anzac set off to do a tour of Egypt while the ship is anchored near the entrance to the Suez Canal.
  • A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
  • Once inside they unscrewed four projectors hung from the ceiling and took four laptop computers and a digital camera, worth a total of £5,050, before leaving by the main entrance.
  • The bejewelled visitor to the Metropolitan Opera, facing a bank of paparazzi at the entrance.
  • He had arrived at the funky mall via a side entrance slightly after 5 pm.
  • There is a side entrance from the front of the house into the kitchen pantry area.
  • The light within the eave was a dusky twilight at the entrance, which failed altogether in the inner recesses. The Antiquary
  • He goes into a trance-like state when he plays the guitar.
  • This was the genesis of the famous gopurams, or entrance gateways of the temple cities of the south.
  • Cars must not park in front of the entrance .
  • The stiff entrance examination removes 60 per cent of prospective students.
  • Army, 'the professors said one to another, as, hardly stopping for a moment at the stranger's entrance, they continued to' jangle 'among themselves. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • At the moment when she makes her entrance into this history which we are relating, she was an antique virtue, an incombustible prude, with one of the sharpest noses, and one of the most obtuse minds that it is possible to see. Les Miserables
  • Entrance costs £2.45 and there will also be a tombola and raffle.
  • The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.
  • They were actually hemmed in by cattle grids at each end of the village, he pointed out - and there were disinfectant mats at each entrance to prevent the spread of infection.
  • The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.
  • Looking over the oval, the entrance to the tunnel is shielded from view by a large green shed.
  • Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet. Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
  • The _vettura_ came to a halt under the shade of some old mulberry trees, and our travelers descended to leave it where it was, for the town was not built with a view to the entrance of carriages. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • They let the crowd throught the entrances 2 hours before the football match started.
  • And it was not reported, it can be reported now that in the very beginning they had identified this very small area called the carbolic (ph) gap as their entranceway, basically, into Baghdad and into flanking and enveloping the Medina. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2003
  • The three riders rounded the bend, as Garon's front entrance came into view the trio slowed down the pace of their horses and rode alongside each other.
  • The main public entrance on the east side is signposted by a huge canopy that draws visitors into a long, vaulted undercroft containing an exhibition space, cafe and shop.
  • The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market.
  • The station house was one of those fortresslike concrete structures, painted green on the outside, with heavy green entrance doors, and adorned with old-fashioned gas lamps near the entrance. Dancing with the Devil
  • This two bedroom duplex apartment has a private entrance hall and retains original Victorian features including high ceilings, decorative architraves and period fireplaces.
  • The inscription above the arch, "To a happy and prosperous entrance," seemed a mockery in the old douanier days, when delays and extortions vexed the soul of the visitor, and produced a mood anything but favourable to the enjoyment of the Eternal City. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Both share the wooden oriel projecting onto the choir, with a private entrance to the rear and a small door leading into the choir aisle.
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • They intended to sink the craft in the largest of the reef entrances, so excluding the Champlain if it tried to return to Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • He handed to the prisoner, as he spoke, the writing materials, which had been seized upon by the archers on their first entrance, and then commanded those satellites to unhand the minstrel. Castle Dangerous
  • The NCC could well be lurking near the entrance ready to mount some kind of attack.
  • For just $1.60 more you can take a trolley ride (the ticket is good both ways) along a quarter-mile walkway from the entrance of the park to the archaeological zone. Bob Schulman: Tulum Is Still Tulum on the Riviera Maya
  • Another bonus, and I hope I won't get misunderstood: while you're in trance, your avie has the most stupid expression ever, like she'll start drooling in just a second ... Get me excited about 'XCite'
  • Actually it's called a monstrance and it contains a consecrated communion wafer (the big size that only priests get to eat), which by now has magically become the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the form of bread. (there was a time when people chopped each other's heads off over a disagreement about whether it contained any blood) "the abuse took place in the 1970s; the police were informed and acted" - Jack Valero : The Latest Updates
  • Flemings, and plans of bitter enmity against them; and the sight of his murdered father, with that look and tone of the old Dane, fired his spirit, and breaking from his trance of silent awe and grief, he exclaimed, "I see it, and dearly shall the traitor Fleming abye it! The Little Duke
  • Kabir is that rare thing: a skeptical, disillusioned poet who nevertheless speaks in a voice of rapture and entrancement. When Mysticism Came Down to Earth
  • Finally a gorge opened into a cuplike valley to and from which there was only this one entrance and exit, marked in pines and rubbly slopes. Archive 2007-09-30
  • On the other side, by the kitchen entrance, stood a cute redhead.
  • So I was driving my gramps to the clinic, I dropped him off at the entrance and proceeded to parking the car.
  • He has deemed himself a failure and largely abandoned literature, but Jed's portrait of him captures his bygone intensity—"he appears to be in a trance, possessed by a fury that some have not hesitated to describe as demoniac. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • As he passed the entrance of the church he heard a bump on the side of his van.
  • The trail begins near the entrance to the town, extending through patches of dogberries and fireweed, along a beach filled with driftwood and shells and into a wooded area.
  • She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.
  • Only in such a trance is the Supreme Personality of Godhead revealed.
  • When no remonstrance of hers availed to prevent the constant increase of expenses, Elizabeth saw that her assistance, instead of helping the family to get out of debt, was simply the means of providing toys for experimentation, and that she was being quietly but persistenly euchred out of all that her heart cherished. The Wind Before the Dawn
  • Positioned asymmetrically, an ornate, 17 th-century altarpiece marks the entrance to the baptistery and the nave just beyond.
  • The entrance to the mews or garden flat is from the lane behind the main house, and it has the appearance of a country cottage.
  • The pyramidal building, which has the form of a cubical building with a pyramidal roof and entrance porticoes, differs from the iconographic tradition of the Meta Romuli.
  • The main hall takes up most of the central span and the space under the east cantilever, while the one to the west projects out over the street to provide an entrance portico and foyer.
  • She ran round the side to go in by the back entrance.
  • Indeed, the hermetics symbolized a particular altered state—a kind of specialized trance—as a lady of dark complexion.53 The Templar Revelation
  • Amongst the intricate arabesques little angels'-heads were embossed, and on one side a group of cherubs was bearing a "monstrance" with the sacred Host through silver clouds. Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
  • The grand entrance had been smeared with paint and graffiti while a unique Victorian glass lantern roof had been smashed letting water pour on to the decorative floors below.
  • Seeing it at the cinema is always both more powerful and ‘easier’ than watching it at home on video or DVD: it's far harder to summon the conditions for entrancement in a domestic space full of distractions and business.
  • Scrambling up the talus slope, the cave entrance is easy to spot on the right side.
  • Among all those things, the first place is given to a great golden monstrance which is worth eleven thousand ducados. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • In 1512-13 Raphael painted above the entrance arch of the Chigi chapel in S. Maria del Popolo a fresco with sibyls and prophets.
  • A cluster of blossoms, when the wind stirs them, shake out a kind of aeolian melody, and it was that which so entranced Ala a few moments ago. A Columbus of Space
  • The entrance on to the stage was greeted with a mixture of squealing, screams, shouts and rounds of applause!
  • These complications may be minimized by passing all arthroscopic instruments through sturdy metallic sheaths to prevent multiple attempts at hip joint penetrance and perforations of the hip capsule.
  • Secluded inside the historic Hotel Monaco and accessible through a tunnel-like entrance from Eighth Street NW, you feel like you're anywhere but Washington, especially once you stretch out on one of the low, cushioned sofas with a well-made cocktail. Nightlife Agenda: Eighteenth Street Lounge anniversary, Animal Collective, Hot Chip
  • High penetrance susceptibility genes probably account for no more than 5-10% of cases.
  • Younger sons of noble families proverbially come off second best in this country, but if one of them found his only 'appanage' was a mine, he would surely with some justice make a remonstrance. Some Private Views
  • Regularity in habits was impossible to a student who had prolonged fits of what he called his mathematical trances. Great Astronomers
  • He attended the lycée at Marseilles, then sat the entrance examination for the École Normale Supérieure in Paris.
  • “Poets As Bad Guy, then and now:” I like to enter small jerkwater towns/with engine roaring, then rock to a stop/and park before a group of local clowns/to make a cigarette-dangling entrance. Ron offen | 2 poems and more about… « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • The Chancellor's entrance was greeted with a standing ovation .
  • The 100-ft. high, seven-storied gopuram on the eastern entrance to the temple is a premier landmark of the capital city.
  • Because the dissociation is a two-body process, momentum conservation guarantees that the directions of the two atoms after dissociation are strictly correlated, so that when the two analyzer/detector assemblies are optimally placed the entrance of one Bell's Theorem
  • Hector grabbed my hand and made a dash for the entrance, the lights from the marquee illuminating his jubilant face.
  • My memory of the entrance passages had faded over the years, so we took a few wrong turnings.
  • They are like dead walls and the place they enclose like a vault, and the itinerant drab like a thing in drab cerements (they trail the dust) that ought to be dead wailing for entrance to things, tombed in those walls, that are dead. This Freedom
  • Places are determined by the results of the nationwide university entrance examination.
  • Gone the barren parking lots and notorious entrance halls of the banlieue. Mail and Guardian
  • Some higglers block the entrance to the ‘most important’ Anglican church in the nation and refuse to move when ordered to by the representatives of the Government.
  • Two loud, sharp knocks banged at the black doors guarding the entrance to the Calestia Dela.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • I noticed her entrance because she slipped and fell in the doorway.
  • The news of the overspend comes as work continues at the shore end of the pier to build a new entrance bridge across the road.
  • The lobby at the new entrance hosts social events and displays technological products.
  • Two of the wounded crusaders abandoned the tower, but the third one defended himself all day so cleverly from the Turkish attacks that on that occasion he knocked down two Turks at the entrance of the walls with broken spears. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Battle for Antioch in the First Crusade (1097-98) according to Peter Tudebode
  • The entrance to the store was bedecked in hundreds of green and yellow balloons, and the store itself is just fabulous.
  • As though in a trance they stood, staring at that white mask with its black eyes and frame of sable hair, paralyzed by hesitation.
  • Lubetkin orients the entrance on an oblique axis in order to bypass the first stair tower and arrive opposite the center of the building.
  • I'll meet you at the entrance to the theatre.
  • Mr. Batiste made an unexpected entrance at about 10:30 p.m., striding in from the back of Dizzy's, leading his sextet to the stage as he chanted and played the melodica, a mouth-blown, hand-held mini-keyboard. Passing Down the Piano Torch Song
  • But we still don't know the true prevalence or penetrance of this gene in the general population, and what it really means to be a carrier. BRCA Mutations and Familial Breast Cancer Risks
  • The necessity of making a living disentranced him from his gamble.
  • Beside the entrance to the church, turn right.
  • The castle is surrounded by a metal fence, and all of the entrances to it are welded shut by some of his servants to prevent anyone from coming or going.
  • She will gain entrance to the text through a consideration of how articles of clothing function for women and for men.
  • The left-hand wing houses an oval entrance porch that leads to a fine reception hall decorated in pink with Ionic columns, a marble fireplace and a lantern-style window high in the central apex of the ceiling.
  • I'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the pub which has a sign painted with a red lobster.
  • You can pass from it into the house without going outside; but, nevertheless, it boasts an entrance door of its own, and a short flight of steps that brings you to a deep well, and a very rustical-looking pump, half hidden by water-plants and savin bushes and tall grasses. La Grenadiere
  • When he entered he was stopped by a security guard at the entrances checkpoint.
  • There is a telephone inside the entrance hall.
  • Luke, who delivered a litter of puppies from the family's border collie last September, had passed the entrance test into the navy and had hoped to follow in his father's footsteps and become an artificer.
  • Wise gardeners know how to plant a yard to attract birds, and Polshek has interpreted the new entrance so that it captivates people.
  • Entrance from the precincts of the palace is by the great ornamental iron gateway known as the Grille Royale, from which an alleyed row of lindens leads to the heart of the forest. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • We're going through this entrance here which leads into a long gallery.
  • Following graduation from high school, he set out for Tokyo to prepare for university entrance examinations.
  • They will have to block up the entrance to the tunnel.
  • Clinton the elder here withdrew, and had scarcely disappeared when two voices were heard in the hall, in a kind of clamorous remonstrance with each other, which voices were those of Father Magowan and our friend The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • They dashed through the entrance, nearly trampling the stout guard in the process.
  • The semielliptical fanlight over the entrance door is framed by a wooden arch neatly carved with flutes and stylized flowers.
  • The accommodation includes an entrance hall with polished timber flooring, ceiling coving, recessed lighting and understairs storage.
  • Maya tradition also merits them a special place - cenotes are seen as the wellspring of life, an entrance into the afterlife and a point of contact with the gods.
  • There is no documented report of Virginia being placed into a mesmeric trance in the hours preceding her death.
  • The city's only gay nightclub, is currently loosening its entrance policy and opening up their doors to the straight public.
  • ‘Ask for your needs, not your wants,’ whispers the kahuna nui outside the entrance.
  • Past the rooming house, at the end of the passageway, is the front (pedestrian) entrance to the compound. The hidden places of Oaxaca
  • I will give you entrance to it — The sallyport is barred on the inside, but not locked. Anne of Geierstein
  • At the front are two projecting horns flanking a forecourt, at the back of which is the entrance to the chambers.
  • When he was fully in the door, a mass of people came flooding out of the doorways in the small entrance hall.
  • Being seated, she proceeded, still with an air of hurry and embarrassment, to open her cabas, to take out her books; and, while I was waiting for her to look up, in order to make out her identity — for, shortsighted as I was, I had not recognized her at her entrance — Mdlle. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Cricket fans will be disappointed to see cricket admissions also excluded from the list, although footballs and dumb-bells make an entrance.
  • The whole crowd of people were entranced by their music and even some of the performers were stopping in front of them to watch.
  • Remove the twin needle stylet, and thread the Micro Sensor from the tip of the needle until the appropriate length for placement the entrance from the hub.
  • She makes a striking entrance in riding boots, looking every inch the aristocrat, but her emotional range is altogether too slender for this beefy role.
  • New gateways and private entrances have yet to be created and farmers are still waiting for essential fencing work to be done.
  • I've just passed under the grand arch at the entrance to Lions Gate Studios.
  • The impression was warmer than that of a hospital, but not "homelike" -wise, since this was the entrance to her surgery as well as to her home. The Serpent's Shadow
  • How many directors dare tell any diva that the first thing they want her to do, as she makes her grand entrance, is dip her head in a bucket and throw back her hair, spraying an arc of water across the stage?
  • At the entrance to the gallery an upright, abstracted figure, smoothly curved, sat atop a heavy-duty steel truck spring.
  • Independent private school kids take expensive crammer lessons to help pass these stringent snobby entrance exam tests.
  • Refined decorative details were concentrated in the entrance and the eaves of the building with rows of geometric shapes.
  • The entrance to Zito's flat, like his ceilings, is going to be ripped apart in favor of chic black and deep purple. - Pitching the Zen of Zito
  • On the entrance floor level, the Winter Garden has a self-service restaurant and dining area and a shop where the emphasis is on fine art publications rather than tasteful tea cosies.
  • It was a large tent, as big as a parish marquee, and though both its wide entrances had been brailed back there was no wind to stir the damp air trapped under the high ridge. Sharpe's Tiger
  • Little knots of people had gathered at the entrance.
  • One by one ten guards clad in dull armor emerged from the entrance and stomped heavily towards the waiting Rathgal Tayotos and Shase.
  • Her companion urged her not to interrupt him, as he was running in a trance.
  • The wooden canopied bimah was not in the middle of the shul, but - in Sephardic fashion - just to the right of the entrance doorway.
  • We grabbed a drink at the bar before sitting at one of the lounge seats close to the entrance.
  • The first significant expense, though, was tarmacking the unmade road from the entrance to their land to the farm buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • This entrance is in constant use; do not block it.
  • Entrance is free and to tempt the crowds, the first show, "The Color," lives up to its name with, for instance, Yves Klein's "Monochrome Orange" from 1955, Picasso's "Femme en bleu" from 1944 and Olafur Eliasson's 2004 light installation, "Your Concentric Welcome. Ladies and Gentlemen... Cirque Pompidou
  • The pillars seem to have been added to the entrance as an afterthought.
  • Twentieth-century blue-blood decorator Sister Parish, America's version of Ms. Castaing, was asked once why she had put a worthless giltwood curtain finial atop a lovely antique clock in her entrance hall. The Decorator's Decorator
  • A machine gunner and rifleman cover the cave entrance.
  • It's not like any of us back then set out with this grand idea in our heads, like, ‘We're going to make trance music and be huge.’
  • They were generally placed in pairs at the entrances of temples, on each side of the propyla. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Close to the main entrance is a gigantic bronze sculpture by Mexican artist Juan Soriano entitled La Paloma (The Dove). Tony Burton's Self-Guided Tours: The Sights of Monterrey
  • Formerly, kings and queens wishing to make a ceremonial entrance to Paris had processed through the Porte St. Denis and then driven south along the rue St. Denis, perhaps to the cathedral of Notre Dame. The Mistaken Wife
  • The atrium style entrance halls are overlooked by an overhanging gallery on the first floor.
  • To our right was the Gothic tower, with its arched entranceway and the stable block attached to it on the left. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • But to get into a university to pursue this path, she must first run the gauntlet known as "Gaokao," a grueling university entrance examination given every summer across the Asian nation.
  • At the car park entrance turn right along the road to return to the junction by the bridge over the river.
  • This really does look uninviting after dark, and is used by many more people, whilst this additional lighting would benefit both the school and the leisure centre entrances.
  • But the charm was the entrance of the abbey, where we were received by the dean and chapter in rich robes, the choir and almsmen bearing torches; the whole abbey so illuminated, that one saw it to greater advantage than by {81} day; the tombs, long aisles, and fretted roof, all appearing distinctly, and with the happiest _chiaroscuro_. A Book of English Prose Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools
  • Declassified intelligence documents as well as testimony from witnesses helped excavators identify the concealed entrance. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a stiff £6 entrance fee to the exhibition.
  • We passed through the Grand Arch, a majestic limestone-cavern entrance-way into a hidden valley, and surveyed the spectacular grotto called Devil's Coachhouse, continuing our cryptozoological pursuit.
  • The building is orientated towards the north, as dictated by the topography, with the main entrances to the east and west.
  • Hotel is located in flying fox flying fox valley - the entrance of air grassland.
  • NARRATOR: The stage was set for deregulation of the U. S. economy, and now these ideas were about to make their entrance in the very homeland of Gilbert and Sullivan.
  • The inherited interior – also previously an office – was not particularly grand, but any standout details were to be retained (such as marble mosaic floor tiles in the entrance area, a number of marble-inlaid fireplaces and highly detailed ceiling cornicing). Manchester Square Interior by SHH
  • The genetic data also show that the penetrance of Native Americans is very low in today's Central and Southern populations. New World Apocalypse, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Other entrances were used mainly for horse-drawn supplies of empty barrels from the Munkirk cooperage. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The Golden Gate, a 4,200 ft suspension bridge, spans the Golden Gate Strait at the entrance to San Francisco Bay.
  • Provision has also been made for changing rooms and for a plant room for the swimming pool, a wrap-around deck, new entrance gates, a biocycle waste unit and a sump to accommodate the swimming pool overflow.
  • McSweeny's Books Theodore Pull In his shows, Theodore Pull feigned a trance and foamed at the mouth to add drama. Conjurers, Con Men & Other Strange Celebrities
  • A portside locker door is also double hinged so that it conceals a storage locker or becomes an entrance to the forward stateroom.
  • Both entrance wall and the one that faces it are clad in a form of black, slightly textured wood particle board; the floor is of dark timber, and counters are made of solid native Brazilian hardwood.
  • The cost will have been, when completed, about $700,000, and it is now waiting only for the entrance caisson, which is being made at the Dominion Bridge Canada and the States
  • One evening while Fahrquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
  • I moved briskly toward the Emperor's tower, striding through the corridor toward his private lift, the entrance to which was flanked by two Imperial Guards in crimson robes. This Is Tense
  • Meanwhile, Stockton had made his dramatic entrance into Galveston Bay on May 12, then entered into extensive private discussions with Wickliffe. A Country of Vast Designs
  • Analogies were drawn to waking from a dream, from a hypnotic trance, or from meditation.
  • The resident called police, who blocked the ground level entrance to the parkade.
  • They will tower over drivers from either side of slip road exits and entrances at junction three for the 12-month trial period.
  • She drove, gripping the wheel in a trance, hardly aware of her surroundings.
  • There are peculiar cases of hair in the bladder, in which all history as to the method of entrance is denied, and which leave as the only explanation the possibility that the bladder was in communication with some dermoid cyst. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • At the root of the hysterical fear of premature burial was the fact that physicians recognized, and patients suffered, a number of peculiar conditions characterized by immobility and insensibility, and known variously as trance, catalepsy, cataplexy, and suspended animation. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • He lay hidden near the gate till he saw my father come, in the dusk, from hunting, when he fell upon him and slew him, and forced an entrance -- the nithing! The Ward of King Canute; a romance of the Danish conquest
  • Their journey coincides with that of an Aborigine boy on his walkabout - a 10-day ritual where boys are left to fend for themselves, an event that initiates their entrance into adulthood.
  • He was entranced by his own thoughts, and dazzled by the elegant simplicity of his conspiracy theories.
  • Beyond this the entrance hall includes ceiling cornicing and a dado rail as well as a stripped pine staircase and banisters.
  • More than 100 firefighters fought to control the blaze and, although they saved the entrance hall and foyers of the cinema, the auditorium and stage area were totally destroyed.
  • The club claims that the man behaved violently towards a Union officer who was collecting entrance fees and had to be restrained by security staff on hand.
  • I got enough information to realize how the cave entranced visitors with its wonderful underground scenery.
  • She immediately turned her attention towards the entrance to find a being that was not the security watchman.
  • The entrance to the drain is covered by a heavy iron grating.
  • Red stripe appears as a diffuse stripe of pigment on the dorsum of larvae and pupae and is variable in expressivity and penetrance.
  • The chamber to the extreme south is the entrance lobby to the south door, which leads into the "slype" or passage running between the church and the old chapter-house. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • The lamp at the entrance of the greenhouse had already been aglow and green, producing a bright shimmer across the closed area of rich flora.
  • Although crawling predators, such as spiders, were occasionally able to enter predator exclosures through ‘ant entrances,’ net bags were nevertheless very effective at excluding predators.
  • The archways and entrances on the town's streets are marked with limestone blocks for cartwheels to pass over, all worn with the passage of time, each archway unique in the shape and size of its own blocks.
  • Would it be easier just to try a shamanic trance and go hunt them down?
  • made an effective entrance
  • The L-shaped entrance hallway is decorated in terracotta tones and fitted with ceiling coving and a centre rose.
  • He was in a cave, with a brushwood awning just covering the entrance. KARA KUSH

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