How To Use Tramway In A Sentence
Between 1906 and 1907, this wide-ranging businessman established steam-powered tramways in various localities across Japan.
Because they were built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's the gauge they used.
In 1911, the York Corporation agreed to widen Goodramgate to make way for the electric tramway.
The tramway ended near the Aydin railway station.
If so, he can instantly transport himself to the times of the wooden "trencher," and the "pewter" mug and pitcher, to the days when iron rails for tramways were unknown, and when even the
Steam, Steel and Electricity

In the meantime, Beckenham U.D.C. did apply for powers to construct a tramway system.
In the meantime, Beckenham U.D.C. did apply for powers to construct a tramway system.
The decline of the tramway system finally came with the competition of buses.
Return thither on some clear, dark, moonless night, with a ring of frost in the air, and only a star or two set sparsedly in the vault of heaven; and you will find a sight as stimulating as the hoariest summit of the Alps. The solitude seems perfect; the patient astronomer, flat on his back under the Observatory dome and spying heaven's secrets, is your only neighbour; and yet from all round you there come up the dull hum of the city, the tramp of countless people marching out of time, the rattle of carriages and the continuous keen jingle of the tramway bells.
Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
And tramway workers cannot fight the offensive of the employers and the government alone.
We ride in the tramway pending a long time and I give Monsieur Teddy a lesson of French, and he say nothing but, _oui, oui_ and _chic alors -- zut alors_!
Deer Godchild
By the late 1880s electric tramways, which ran on rails and picked up power from overhead cables, were becoming established in the major capitals of Europe.
At the Gynn, the ravine was bridged and an elaborate tramway layout constructed, facilitating cars reversing in both directions.
Metromover is an elevated tramway looping 1.9 miles around downtown with automated cars running every 5 minutes.
The year 1913 saw the heaviest Belgian investment in tramways and light railways, and in the main this investment took place abroad.
Beyond the tramway was a grove of yellow-looking firs; beyond the grove a range of white houses with blue roofs, occupied, I suppose, by miners and their families; and beyond these
Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
The newly-constructed tramway route was opened to the public this morning and a ten minutes service will be maintained during the day.
The ruling effectively means any council operating a tramway where rails protrude one-fifth of an inch above road level pose a danger to drivers.
They built barrel bridges, roads, tramways, light railways, trenches, bunkers, pontoon bridges, trestle bridges and the Inglis Bridge.
A feeder tramway would link the extension to the northern suburb of Bohnice.
The old tramway down to the mine - but POW's had to use the gulley on the left.
The tramway was at first operated by horses which were stabled at the rear of the present Ashby's butchers shop.
He and other rail enthusiasts are to lobby for a study to look at the feasibility and cost of such a link, which could either be a full railway link or a light rail option, such as a tramway.
From 1902 the French electrical engineering groups, which until then had specialised in traction, became active promoters of power stations, motivated by the saturation of the tramway market.
Pipelines, aerial tramways, hovercraft, and other means of transport supplement the principal modes.
The tramway carried sacks of grain directly to the mill's main entrance.
Isis nodded resolutely and the two managed to retreat to an appreciable distance from the alley, before the girl finally broke down on the tramway; sinking to her knees in the process.
The expansion of tramway networks and their electrification took place largely in the first stage.
In fact, during this period, the tramway holding companies became dominated by electrical companies.
I sat back down defiantly, picked up my blue pencil, and circled the word tramway.
Goodnight Nobody
They also did not emit exhaust fumes, if the aim is simply to move lots of people quickly and cheaply, trolley-buses would seem to have the edge over tramways.
The tramway carried sacks of grain directly to the mill's main entrance.
It was a very long line, compared to any railway that had yet been constructed; but it was still only to be worked by horse-power -- to be, in fact, what we now call a tramway, rather than a railway in the modern sense.
Biographies of Working Men
An elevated tramway is built from the town to Victoria Gap, 1,100 feet above the sea.
Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
The town's tramway was for a long time Britain's only working tramway outside of museums.
In addition there were railways on sugar and banana estates, and tramways in the Kingston metropolitan area and railway lines were laid to facilitate the bauxite mining industry.
In 1902, several foreign companies once more applied to build a tramway.
He proposed that the power should be granted for several sites outside the city to be purchased, and an automatic tramway or railway run to the centre from each.
said Beth after we had departed our plane and were headed to the tramway into the main terminal.
But a 2,200-signature petition was handed to the panel from objectors who want to preserve the area and fear the Victorian tramway might also have to go.
Miners and managers alike sometimes rode the tram, especially in the winter and early spring when avalanche dangers made the tramways the safest route to the mines.
He then listed all the benefits supposedly won for tramway workers by the union.
The period 1894-1913 witnessed intense growth in investment in tramways.
The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation.
This bridge was a high brick arch viaduct, well clear of the tramway.
Europeans have a vast network of aerial tramways, ski lifts, and public transportation.
A map produced that year show the works standing by the canal on land between Brothers Street and the Green Lane bridge over the canal and being supplied by an elevated tramway with material from a fireclay pit a few hundred yards to the south.
Steeped in sweat - there are no mules or tramways here - they heave their heavy cargoes of ore into a small, dark strongroom before relaxing, cigarettes in hand, chatting and joking.
The mining towns of San Luis Potosí, Mexico
They also planned to construct an aerial tramway to bring ore to the mill.
Manchester 765 seen operating here in Heaton Park, Manchester on a former tramway branch line into the park. 3.
The book contains many photographs of bygone times and also includes former electric tramways in the area.
The tramway passed alongside vineyards, an itinerary inciting Simon to expatiate on harvesting grapes.
PARIS — Opening last week, "Un Tramway Nomm é D é sir," a French version of Tennessee Williams's Pulitzer Prize-winning "A Streetcar Named Desire," became the first work by an American playwright — or any non-European author — to enter the repertory of the Com é die Fran ç aise, the classic theater company founded by Louis XIV in 1680.
French 'Streetcar' Takes a Detour Via Japan
Although Armenian authorities said that they will apply to Guinness World Records to officially confirm that the tramway is the world's longest, they say it was primarily built for practical use.
The Seattle Times
Later, an aerial tramway was built to increase the efficiency of the transportation.
The five rail systems include a heavily-used mass transit system, a busy suburban railway, a modern light railway, a traditional street tramway and the Peak funicular railway.
The Chairman pointed out in reply to a query that the products of the factory carried on the tramway were not for shipping but for railing.
Turning level into Oaks Road, and across the tramway for the first time with confidence rising, he hit the front and eased away.
The tramway was a cable which stretched from a wooden tower set upon a stone pillar jutting from the sea to a similar tower built upon the land.
Triple Spies
They built barrel bridges, roads, tramways, light railways, trenches, bunkers, pontoon bridges, trestle bridges and the Inglis Bridge.
But then again, I know that at Weymouth (and half a hundred other places for all I know) there is a tramway which took heavy rail vehicles, i.e. trains.
The electrification of tramway networks was the main goal of Belgian holding companies.
Shanghai began to dismantle its tramways in the 1960s and the last three tramways were dismantled in 1980.
It was in 1878 that the city council was first approached by a private firm asking whether it would promote a Parliamentary Bill giving powers for the construction of tramways in York.
The need to accommodate tramways was the reason for another hugely contentious scheme.
Taking the cable tramway up to Villa Opicina, with its view over the whole sweep of the bay, is an excursion in itself.
By extreme good fortune, Blackpool can celebrate its tramway centenary with one of its original ten cars of 1885.
The six artists will construct the full-scale model from reclaimed wood and chipboard for a show at Glasgow's 1000 square metre Tramway gallery next April.
Apart from cliffside funiculars, it is the oldest working cable tramway in Britain.
By extreme good fortune, Blackpool can celebrate its tramway centenary with one of its original ten cars of 1885.
The tramway was built in the early 1900s, despite opposition to plans for it.
The tramway was double tracked, with an endless cable that was attached to rail cars running up and down the tracks in a continuous procession.