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How To Use Trammel In A Sentence

  • the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity
  • It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.
  • The well-equipped vessel was lost with a full suite of gear, including VHF, echo sounder, plotter, autopilot, gill and trammel nets and a complete toolset.
  • There is so marked an absence of carving that it seems as if ornamentation would have been weakening and trammelling. Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1
  • The rule of law operates as a bar to untrammelled discretionary power.
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  • Finally, about Humanism, I would have thought that my use of the word "exorcise" suggested that Rabelais was indeed strongly attracted, and that the only way he could free himself from its trammels was by writing as he did. The Rabelais Story
  • In fact another minority Conservative government would not be a bad result for Canada: neither of the main party leaders has done enough to persuade Canadians that they deserve untrammelled power.
  • The propriety of his magical lady's injunction not to read can only be equalled by his candid acknowledgment of his independence of the trammels of spelling, although, to use his own elegant phrase, "'twas his neckverse at Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
  • Small wonder that, mounted on her fiery little mustang, untrammeled by her short gray riding-habit, free as the wind itself that blew through the folds of her flannel blouse, with her brown hair half-loosed beneath her slouched felt hat, she seemed to Dick a more beautiful and womanly figure than the stiff buckramed simulation of man's angularity and precision he had seen in the parks. The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
  • Compare these "pot-hooks and trammels," dotted and double-dotted, with Galin's symbol of silence, the cipher (0)! Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, August, 1878
  • I am not interested in providing untrammelled freedom of speech, however.
  • Social conservatives are anxious to constrain America's larger liberalism by protecting traditional morality from the corrosive effects of untrammeled personal freedom and the disruptions of a healthy, churning economy.
  • From the wrapped waistcloths of the Egyptians to the tunics, mantles and togas of the Greeks, men enjoyed untrammeled freedom.
  • As the modern man of fashion, when an exterior compliance with the tonish habits of high life rendered simulation and conformity necessary, he generally acquitted himself in a style that seemed to say he was only in his proper element, and met with his equals alone in the first circles of elegant society; but the real character of this young and amiable man never appeared in its true colouring to such advantage, as, when freed from the trammels situation and circumstances frequently imposed upon it, he found himself at liberty to follow the genuine bent of inclination, which secretly pointed to rational enjoyments, pleasures unaccompanied by the sting of after reproach, and a participation in all the milder and more tranquil virtues to be met with in the less elevated stations of private life. Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
  • It must also avoid cultural cliques and the editor must be ‘free and untrammelled’ by any committee or board.
  • That would be a tragedy for Parliament and the people who place their trust in us, who see us as their last protection from the unfettered power of an untrammelled executive, when we have no written constitution.
  • The passing of the Cold War was therefore likely to unveil a new age of power politics, untrammelled by the checks and balances of the Cold War.
  • From the wrapped waistcloths of the Egyptians to the tunics, mantles and togas of the Greeks, men enjoyed untrammeled freedom.
  • But the treatment is for the philosophical problem, not for the philosopher caught in its trammels. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They are a means for these companies to make perfumes free from the trammels of market forces and demographics. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I get home tonight, we are going to find us a nice unbroken field of snow… and trammel it.
  • The seigniors themselves largely benefited by the capitalization in money of their old rights, and by the untrammelled possession of land held en franc aleu roturier. Lord Elgin
  • Less trammelled by philosophical questions, their lives seemed to go better. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a strange abundance of spiders, too, we perceive; spinning their webs here, as if they would entrammel something in them. Doctor Grimshawe's Secret — a Romance
  • So, wherever I'd been working, the prospect of untrammeled freedom to air my thoughts probably would have been attractive. At that magazine, though, I was rather trammeled.
  • We are clued in by the dankly hallucinatory style that "Fight Club" transpires somewhere to the left of the real world, like an emanation of the untrammeled male id. A Fistful Of Darkness
  • As you get entrammelled in family life he reckons it's difficult to make, and keep, good buddies wherever you are.
  • He felt himself trammelled by convention.
  • I am not interested in providing untrammelled freedom of speech, however.
  • Accessories for rules are presented in another chapter that describes attachments used with rules such as fences, protractors, gauges, trammels, and carrying cases.
  • From now on, FBI agents should have untrammeled power over all civilians living in the United States, and all their private movements and communications.
  • The core academic ethos involves commitment to truth, reason, untrammelled inquiry, free speech and collegiality, but this is increasingly being turned on its head by rampant anti-intellectual managerialism.
  • Another time, Weaver pleaded with scorer Bill Stetka to give his player a hit on a pop-up that was misplayed by Detroit's Alan Trammell.
  • Fidelis loosed his hold, and launched himself after it, clear of the tree, diving beneath the trammelling branches. An Excellent Mystery
  • ASEAN's embrace of information and communications technology obviously requires individual creativity, freedom of expression and untrammeled communications.
  • The seigniors themselves largely benefited by the capitalization in money of their old rights, and by the untrammelled possession of land held _en franc aleu roturier_. Lord Elgin
  • No Scottish Labour leader would dream of letting himself be trammelled by the kind of political constraints that hobbled Louis XIV.
  • Like the fabulously deceptive creations of the great landscape gardener Capability Brown, it will speak of wild, untrammelled nature.
  • One of the ways of freeing the spirit from the trammels of its earthly role is to replace the fleshly mask with another, the mask of art, which more faithfully portrays the soul beneath.
  • Unlike the saga, it binds the conscience neither of teller nor of listener; its hero or heroine has no historical name or fame, either national or local; and being untrammelled either by history or probability, the one condition the tale is expected to fulfil is to end happily. The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
  • You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
  • Bond markets continued their untrammelled rally powered by reserve money expansion and fears of a conflict in the Gulf region diminishing.
  • That pious deacon who had not "snickered" for above forty years, would have found his moral sensitiveness somewhat disturbed by the free, untrammelled way in which he spoke and acted. The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888
  • It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.
  • The Commonwealth is in a position where it is saying that section 44 does not confer jurisdiction on the County Court untrammelled by the vexatious litigant order made by the Supreme Court.
  • Such novelistic fragments not only portray recognizable figures of lovers' thought but vividly display mechanisms of signification and their entrammelling complications.
  • On the other hand, neither is it at the other end of the spectrum in which rights were trammeled in blatant disregard for the Charter.
  • Protestant bibliolater to shame, by the bright example of Catholic freedom from the trammels of verbal inspiration. Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
  • They no longer exercise untrammelled power in their own toy-town parliament and never will again.
  • Without free expression, rights may be trammelled with no recourse in the court of public opinion.
  • I don't think that's anything to do with a specific right of academic freedom which is the right to pursue your academic location without being trammelled by our particular academic fashions.
  • No longer trammelled by his responsibilities as chairman, he could say what he wished.
  • At moderate speeds in moderate corners, the CC rolls like a capsizing ore ship, and yet the tighter suspension can't seem to rein in the 20-inch wheels' unsprung mass, which on rough roads will trammel and judder frantically. A Nissan at CrossPurposes With Competence
  • To begin the quest, humans and elves should visit Dexter on the second floor of Castle Britannia in Trammel .
  • Like the fabulously deceptive creations of the great landscape gardener Capability Brown, it will speak of wild, untrammelled nature.
  • ASEAN's embrace of information and communications technology obviously requires individual creativity, freedom of expression and untrammeled communications.
  • That would be a tragedy for Parliament and the people who place their trust in us, who see us as their last protection from the unfettered power of an untrammelled executive, when we have no written constitution.
  • It was the culmination of the sustained effort of many small entrepreneurs who had carved out a unique niche for offering hospitality without the trammels of the organised industry.
  • As expected, Stanley tools were prominent but there was also a good selection of English tools as well as a nice assortment of planes, rules, trammels, saws, and levels by various makers.
  • When mass feeling, mass-morality, becomes too oppressive, poets are wont to escape from its trammelling conventions at any cost. The Poet's Poet : essays on the character and mission of the poet as interpreted in English verse of the last one hundred and fifty years
  • This wild and untrammelled expanse, over thousands of miles of uninterrupted trail, makes for a very intense wilderness experience for the mushers (racers).
  • How, and why, does pornography that depraves and corrupts unwary children, and exploits women, go untrammeled through the Web?
  • Researchers lifted a trammel net full of large Asian carp from Swan Lake, a backwater lake of the Illinois River, in 2001.
  • Owls who are untrammelled by centuries of myth and superstition. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • This summons to free enquiry, untrammelled by customary beliefs, was taken up by the Greek philosophers, and especially by Socrates.
  • When his schoolmate made the last goal, the boy gave out with an untrammeled yell.
  • Accessories for rules are presented in another chapter that describes attachments used with rules such as fences, protractors, gauges, trammels, and carrying cases.
  • This vision of a new beginning in a pure and untrammeled land served to spiritualize the past where there were no antique monuments to do so.
  • Top Gear lies in Clarkson's apparently untrammelled political incorrectness, which is as much part of his schtick as Gordon Ramsay's swearing, Graham Norton's outrageousness, or - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • With soft eyes, rugged features and broken nose, he had the look of a trammelled hero. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the nineteenth century, the Caucasus and Central Asia were places of untrammeled brigandage and intermittent rebellion, marked by the rule of unpredictable kings and khans.
  • We are prisoners not just of a seasonal tradition, but of the inescapable trammels of culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone asked if ‘an untrammelled, populist media’ could be ‘too free for an intelligent democracy?’
  • The cemetery is a beautiful, untrammelled place, lapped by waves and shaded by tall trees, but it's 5, 000 miles away, so I cannot make regular visits as I would if she were buried here.
  • Here and there might have been discerned a frown at these revelations concerning a most puissant noble of the English Crown, but the overriding reaction was an untrammeled delight in the scandal. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Beverly Clarenden saw only the matter-of-fact, visible things, no shrewder, braver, truer plainsman ever walked the long distances of the old Santa Fé Trail than this boy with his bright face and happy-go-lucky spirit unpained by dreams, untrammeled by fancies. Vanguards of the Plains
  • But there is a still better guide to their behaviour: there is one area where they get to exercise untrammelled power, free from any opposition constraints, and behave exactly as they like.
  • The poems articulate the function of puritanism as a check against the dangers of untrammelled art.
  • That horror in turn serves as symbol of the chains that trammel the spirit.
  • The core academic ethos involves commitment to truth, reason, untrammelled inquiry, free speech and collegiality, but this is increasingly being turned on its head by rampant anti-intellectual managerialism.
  • To add an edge of untrammelled decadence, she planned to buy a magazine and some chocolate on the way there. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Since then, honours have been piled upon the hot flanker's trammelled head.
  • The sheer untrammelled boringness and scale of reform is just too daunting. Times, Sunday Times
  • In doing this they discovered the need and efficacy of knowledge for the conduct of human life, individual and collective; and found in knowledge no mere means to living but a new and heightened form of life itself, lifted above the trammelling conditions, the disillusionments and disappointments of the merely practical life. The Unity of Civilization
  • They no longer exercise untrammelled power in their own toy-town parliament and never will again.
  • the untrammeled rush that the snows had shown in the first spring sun
  • This wild and untrammelled expanse, over thousands of miles of uninterrupted trail, makes for a very intense wilderness experience for the mushers (racers).
  • These moves were designed to foster free trade and thus to make it easier for overseas companies to sell their wares in China untrammelled by embargoes and tariffs.
  • Social conservatives are anxious to constrain America's larger liberalism by protecting traditional morality from the corrosive effects of untrammeled personal freedom and the disruptions of a healthy, churning economy.
  • Thus, like Oedipus, Augustus, as the seeming outsider, is able to fathom the entrammeling web of the double curse which ‘lies over the land,’ and cut boldly through its snares.
  • Hidden in this dictum is the danger of unlimited government, of the exercise of power untrammelled by the need for openness, transparency and accountability.
  • There are miter clamps, levels, plumb bobs, oil cans, planes, trammels, and so on.
  • Self-governing schools are untrammelled by education authority rules.
  • Making this case all the more pointed, even the right of a woman to criticize her own religion has been trammeled.
  • Like fascists everywhere, Hitler saw corporatism, sometimes dismissed by contemporary scholars as a smokescreen for the untrammelled power of big business, as one of the keys to social peace.
  • Alongside the splendidly untrammelled landscape, there are disadvantages to living on Orkney.
  • Someone asked if ‘an untrammelled, populist media’ could be ‘too free for an intelligent democracy?’
  • This new Germany was mostly free from the trammels of the postwar system, and the Federal Republic seemed, more than ever, Europe's leading power.
  • You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
  • No longer trammel by his responsibility as chairman, he can say what he wish.
  • Pedants of the world unite: you have nothing to lose but your trammels. Times, Sunday Times
  • To wrest from off thy limbs the trammelling chain: Collected Poems
  • Alan Trammell is a horse of a different color - a very solid hitter who more than held his own in the field.
  • Such creative transgressions urge us to abandon the obsession with stylistic consistency and recognisability that trammels, for many viewers, the experience of looking at paintings.
  • With no reception, and an intimidating atmosphere of intense concentration and industry, this is no place to walk into as a stranger trammelled by British reserve.
  • Why was it so important to these interests to trammel public higher education?
  • He longs for the realisation of Shiva amidst the trammels of the illusory cosmos.
  • There is something so foolish in these trammelling bonds. The Lessons of Naval History
  • The most notable characteristic of Archimedes' mathematical work is its freedom from the trammels of traditional Greek mathematics.
  • Whereas the elephant path had been relatively easy walking, trying to negotiate untrammelled bushveld was challenging. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rule of law operates as a bar to untrammelled discretionary power.
  • A 1964 act defines wilderness, rather poetically, as "an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammelled by man".
  • Back in the Clinton days of untrammeled prosperity, people did claim that "affluenza" was an affliction that made us smug and self-satisfied and, therefore, worse as citizens, family members, and human beings. Obama will make Greg Mankiw a better father??
  • I totally support the idea that you are going to be the navigators of your own destiny, unfettered and untrammelled.
  • But there is a still better guide to their behaviour: there is one area where they get to exercise untrammelled power, free from any opposition constraints, and behave exactly as they like.
  • Thus, this Vision of Piers Plowman indicates the existence of a popular spirit which had been slowly but steadily increasing -- which sympathized with Henry II. and the priest-trammelling "Constitutions of Clarendon," even while it was ready to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas à Becket, the illustrious victim of the quarrel between Henry and his clergy. English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • In central Utah, just west of Green River, the land rises up in a geologic formation called the San Rafael Swell, a mostly untrammeled region of slot canyons, sandstone buttes, Native American pictographs and open space that is a little more remote and a lot less visited than Moab. Todd Hartley: The Wide, Wide West: Utah's San Rafael Swell
  • Hidden in this dictum is the danger of unlimited government, of the exercise of power untrammelled by the need for openness, transparency and accountability.
  • She usually declined trammelling herself with annual subscriptions to charities, preferring to keep her freedom from year to year, and to achieve definite objects by liberal bounty, rather than to extend partial help over a large surface which she could not herself superintend. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 40, February, 1861
  • From now on, FBI agents should have untrammeled power over all civilians living in the United States, and all their private movements and communications.
  • I totally support the idea that you are going to be the navigators of your own destiny, unfettered and untrammelled.
  • The guild, untrammelled by the weight of conservatism, was in the vanguard of cooperative thought and action.
  • A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology.
  • This summons to free enquiry, untrammelled by customary beliefs, was taken up by the Greek philosophers, and especially by Socrates.
  • (of fyke net) (de verveux) (biturn con alas) tickler chain chaine gratteuse cadena pare levantar camarn trammelnet trmail trasmallo trapnet filet pige nasa, trampa trawl board panneau de chalut puerta del arte trawler chalutier arrastreto trawl gear engin de chalutage arte de arrastre trawlnet chalut red de arrastre troller bateau de pche la traine curricanero trolling pche la traine pesca a la cacea trynet chalut d'essai red de ensayo Chapter 5
  • I think this is another paradigm of countries in transition, the bad roads left behind after being trammelled by the carts of history.
  • Mental stereotyping trammels the majority along certain lines of thought where ‘Greens cost jobs’ and ‘economic growth is good’, and these catchphrases may well be wrong.
  • Isn't to gamble and to lose itself a valuable demonstration of the absolute folly of a belief in untrammelled freedom?
  • A short herring fishing took place with a few of the small ‘skiffs’ using trammel nets managed to catch the allocated quota.
  • Where new work untrammelled by context is concerned, reasonableness visibly relinquishes the controls to logic, not least in the matter of the driving force of the design.
  • He is too timid and vacillating about his own faith to offer an untrammeled affirmation of it.
  • Both have trammeled their critics and opponents.
  • Its fortunes are trammelled by its $13 trillion national debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was beauty in the sight, the soft eternal beauty of an unravished land, but over and above that was the suggestion that the travellers were fighting not merely against their kind but against the untrammelled forces of an all-powerful wilderness. The Lost Valley
  • With the aid of electrofishing gear and trammel nets, biologists collect sexually mature fish and haul them to Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery, Arizona, where they are spawned.
  • The MEDEF, the main force behind the government's social policies, is arguing for further attacks on the rights of the unemployed while demanding untrammelled freedom to fire workers.
  • The lack of evidence also trammelled the inquiry into the most serious allegations, those involving collusion between the British authorities and loyalist paramilitaries.
  • The MEDEF, the main force behind the government's social policies, is arguing for further attacks on the rights of the unemployed while demanding untrammelled freedom to fire workers.
  • Bond markets continued their untrammelled rally powered by reserve money expansion and fears of a conflict in the Gulf region diminishing.
  • History in this part of the world, he shows, is trammelled and doomed to repeat itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was an atheist, untrammelled by all the old superstitions. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Wannabe ‘Americans’ had come to the New World to escape the trammels of established churches and feudalism which disfigured early modern Europe.
  • A few journals, however, even in the days before the great changes of the War, placed a jealous guard upon their absolute freedom from trammelling influences and to-day they reap the reward of public confidence. Deep Furrows
  • While Sam (played by New Orleans-born Sam Trammel), may not be a vampire, he is a shape-shifter with a mysterious past and a penchant for saving Sookie. The Many Loves Of Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood, Season 3) | myFiveBest
  • Surely the very motions she had made in his presence, so slight and so conscious, had been made in the knowledge that he was well aware of them, cobweb threads to entrammel one more unlikely fly. The Devil's Novice
  • Her powers of administratrix were untrammelled save in one respect: Octavius Buzzby was to remain in his position as factotum on the Champney estate and adviser for its interests. Flamsted quarries

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