How To Use Tram In A Sentence

  • Benecken characterized the entire hacking case as "ultramodern" and said that, in a way, it exemplified the "downside" of today's digital age "that can easily been taken advantage of by savvy youths with those skills and a lot of time. Hackers Allegedly Steal New Gaga Songs, Rumored Ke$ha Sex Photo
  • He was trampled to death by a runaway horse.
  • Between 1906 and 1907, this wide-ranging businessman established steam-powered tramways in various localities across Japan.
  • Appropriately, he spends most of his days on tramp steamers, skiffs and barges.
  • More severe inflammation of the mucosa is readily evident as erythema, intramucosal hemorrhage, exudate, or ulceration.
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  • the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity
  • And they definitely participate in intramural sports. Social Beavers and Normal Women
  • I was kneeling on the floor beneath his feet and nearly got trampled to death in the scrum.
  • October 19, 2006, 9: 58 pm tramadol apap says: tramadol apap tramadol apap tramadol hcl side effects overnight tramadol btramadol. btramadol. buy buy href online online tramadol tramadol url url tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol. md htgkqdae The Volokh Conspiracy » Cass Sunstein Responds to “Constitution in Exile” Post:
  • As the train stopped for its human freight at each station it slowly gathered a cargo of trammies and bussies making for their depots.
  • As stated, it's similar in its aromatic complexities to a Gewürztraminer.
  • An effective and exact method was developed to evaluate intramuscular fat content.
  • The shelty came down over the rump of a red bullock, and Sim was sprawling on his face in the trampled grass. The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies
  • The mini-trampoline rebounder gets amazing results for almost anyone.
  • She wore conservative Romulan clothing, including black slacks and a long-sleeved ultramarine blouse. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
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  • Now, more than ever before, the study of battles will involve a literal trampling upon dead men's bones.
  • It was fabulous, gorgeous in its excess, the ultimate realization of some untrammeled private fantasy.
  • Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
  • The third section shifts from liberalism to socialism, and from a study of the rise of Ultramontanism to that of Ultramontanism in practice.
  • Ultramarine spheres flashed over Linda's weapon console.
  • Keeley is about to start filming the new Michael Winterbottom movie, Tristram Shandy, co-starring Steve Coogan.
  • Later, an aerial tramway was built to increase the efficiency of the transportation.
  • The three rivers can become impassable after rain, and trampers usually traverse west to east, so that the river wades are predictable at the time of departure.
  • D'ye know, that Irish lunatic absolutely ran the gauntlet of pandy fire to get back into Lucknow, and bring out Outram and Havelock in person (with the poor old Gravedigger hardly able to hobble along) just so that they could greet Sir Colin as he covered the last few furlongs? Fiancée
  • We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue.
  • For example, plant monomeric forms, composed only of catalytic subunits, are relatively common in plant species and coexist with higher molecular weight forms (presumably tetrameric, according to its molecular size).
  • Using behavioral sensitization animal models, poly-drug abuse about tramadol and betel quid extract was investigated in psychopharmacological profiles.
  • I was at home with herds and tramps and roadmen, and I was sufficiently at my ease with people like Sir Walter and the men I had met the night before. The Thirty-Nine Steps
  • She'd be out on her ear before you could say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its safety and efficacy as an anticonvulsant drug given intramuscularly have been shown in several studies in animals and humans (adults and children).
  • The well-equipped vessel was lost with a full suite of gear, including VHF, echo sounder, plotter, autopilot, gill and trammel nets and a complete toolset.
  • The dose of vaccine is 0.5 cc (25 ug of polysaccharide capsule material from each of the 23 serotypes) and may be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
  • This is a wonderfully nourishing cake to take on a winter tramp or to a working bee.
  • Variably serpentinized Devonian mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks occur in the western and northern parts of the map area.
  • There's even more proof in the new duets album: While the pairings add to the jollity Lady Gaga is amazingly likable, and not at all trampy, on "The Lady Is a Tramp", the real attraction is Mr. Bennett himself. Ready for His Autumn Waltz
  • Don't trample mud from your shoes on to the floor; I've just this minute swept it.
  • I grabbed an ice pick off the sledge and tramped away from the camp towards the face of Portal Mountain.
  • Church and Outram argue instead that solidary behavior and the skill of managers and supervisors in dealing with labor unrest are more reliable indicators of the likelihood of strikes.
  • She circled back and settled gracefully to earth at the spot where the trampling began. A Time of War
  • Other herbaceous plants included Abutilon theophrasti, Cycloloma atriplicifolium, Datura stramonium and Xanthium strumarium and the planted Maclura pomifera.
  • The attractions of molecules for each other are called intermolecular interactions to distinguish them from covalent and ionic bonding, forms of intramolecular interactions.
  • Single leaf from a Missal, in Latin Germany, Hamburg, shortly before 1381 Illuminated by Meister Bertram von Minden The young people hawking are fashionably dressed: the youth wears a red pourpoint with a dagged hem, a particularly tight chaperon, narrow belt, and open shoes. Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
  • Salvato librario, et Demetrio lectore, ducatos XLV Francischo fabro lignario mediolanensi habitatori piscinæ urbis Romæ pro banchis Bibliothecæ conficiendis, maxime vero decem quæ ad sinistram jacent, quorum longitudo est XXXVIII palmorum, vel circa, et ita accepta parte pecuniarum, cujus summa est centum et XXX ducatorum, facturum se debitum promittit et obligat, die XV Julii 1475. The Care of Books
  • And now I get to tag: so, ams tram gram or however that French eeny meeny miny mo (e) chant goes … Tim and Lucy. L’oeil du cyclone
  • To see their team go down without a fight, to see the good name of their club trampled underfoot, to see the game laughing at them. The Sun
  • The toll scheme could generate £740m for public transport improvements, such as busways and trams.
  • What causes the balls to fly off these bats is a nifty bit of physics called the trampoline effect.
  • The trams is one such example where it is perfectly valid for the SNP to be defeated. When 3 become 1
  • One of the most frequently named of them is 'incontinency', which seems to refer to either premarital or extramarital sex. OUPblog
  • Dominion States of America tramble the country from sea to shining sea? - Articles related to Capital gains tax: Obsorne 'looking to take sting out'
  • My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind. Flowers in the Desert
  • In the final scene, the young woman with her sight restored recognizes Charlie, the down-and-out tramp, as the rich and princely hero of her imagination.
  • Women tend to consider extramarital unions for emotional fulfillment rather than for recreational sex.
  • -- They lived together; and when Dr. Grant had brought on apoplexy and death, by three great institutionary dinners in one week, they still lived together; for Mary, though perfectly resolved against ever attaching herself to a younger brother again, was long in finding among the dashing representatives, or idle heir apparents, who were at the command of her beauty, and her 20_000L. any one who could satisfy the better taste she had acquired at Mansfield, whose character and manners could authorise a hope of the domestic happiness she had there learnt to estimate, or put Edmund Bertram sufficiently out of her head. Mansfield Park
  • Although Armenian authorities said that they will apply to Guinness World Records to officially confirm that the tramway is the world's longest, they say it was primarily built for practical use. The Seattle Times
  • And they checked the list of names of Outram Road Jail inmates at an archive in Canberra. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • By day, watch your step, obey the rules or they may call you castrater, bitch, slob, pig, cow, slut whore prostitute chippy tramp. The Women’s Room
  • Summary: The difficulty in assessing femoral rotation during intramedullary nailing is well - established.
  • Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • The wounded were trampled and drowned in the shallow waves.
  • This material is unsorted and is usually mixed with other transported material from the same sources including slopewash, solifluction, or trampling.
  • She had been alerted online to the product by an Indian citizen appalled at the prospect of people trampling over or wiping their feet on the emblem. Times, Sunday Times
  • A colporteur, known to me, when engaged selling Bibles in a Brazilian town, reports that the fanatical populace got his books and carried them, fastened and burning, at the end of blazing torches, while they tramped the streets, yelling: "Away with all false books! Through Five Republics on Horseback, Being an Account of Many Wanderings in South America
  • It's a work of exactitude in literature not rivalled outside Tristram Shandy.
  • Over the course of five months, Warren went from running 12 - minute miles in 5ks to doing a 50k (31 miles) ultramarathon.
  • In the title story, a man loses a galosh on a tram and scales the mountains of Soviet bureaucracy to reclaim it, but misplaces his other galosh on the way.
  • There is so marked an absence of carving that it seems as if ornamentation would have been weakening and trammelling. Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1
  • Alex and Rhena were all revved up with horsey mania, so around the city we clippety went, with our womenfolk waving to the passing trams.
  • The rule of law operates as a bar to untrammelled discretionary power.
  • Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres. History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
  • Winemaker Juan Micieli-Martinez used a bit of every white grape MCV grows for this blend, which is 32% sauvignon blanc, 25% viognier, 15% chardonnay, 10% semillon, 8% riesling, 7% pinot grigio and 3% Gewurztraminer. The New York Cork Report:
  • I don't know what you're rambling on about, Flinx," she finally declared, "but either you ride the grizel or it tramples you. Orphan Star
  • Don't trample on grass.
  • Don't trample on the grass.
  • At the same time, the governor's unconventional decision to leave office without completing a term raises questions about the viability of such a run -- and about the state of the GOP field, following revelations of extramarital affairs recently by two other potential contenders. Governor's Move Highlights GOP Divide
  • A TOP hairstylist is grooming his customers to help Manchester's tram network while they get a trim.
  • The deli plate was indeed made up of a selection of cured ham, pastrami, prosciutto and cheeses along with red peppers stuffed with cream cheese, a lovely strong chicken liver pâté and some sweet and chutney-ish pickled onions.
  • The tram network provided transport links between the streets that made up the main lines of the urban network, as well as important residential and economic areas.
  • The Bertram 31 and its prototype were designed with a remarkable 23-degree angle of deadrise at the transom with three lifting strakes on each side from the keel to the chine.
  • PARIS — Opening last week, "Un Tramway Nomm é D é sir," a French version of Tennessee Williams's Pulitzer Prize-winning "A Streetcar Named Desire," became the first work by an American playwright — or any non-European author — to enter the repertory of the Com é die Fran ç aise, the classic theater company founded by Louis XIV in 1680. French 'Streetcar' Takes a Detour Via Japan
  • It involves breakdancing, acrobats and, you guessed it, a trampoline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps I am a farmer myself — an innocent colonus; and instead of being able to get to church with my family, have to see squadrons of French dragoons thundering upon my barley, and squares of English infantry forming and trampling all over my oats. Roundabout Papers
  • The tramway passed alongside vineyards, an itinerary inciting Simon to expatiate on harvesting grapes.
  • As a reward she is allowed to choose her husband and names Bertram, who unwillingly obeys the king's order to wed her.
  • Finally, about Humanism, I would have thought that my use of the word "exorcise" suggested that Rabelais was indeed strongly attracted, and that the only way he could free himself from its trammels was by writing as he did. The Rabelais Story
  • The Bangkok authorities have drawn up plans to build trams, to run new express buses, and to extend the elevated train routes.
  • No matter how tightly you wrap yourself in the flag the stench of untramelled cant and hypocrisy always emerges.
  • Most of it is in the Serra de Tramuntana, the chain of mountains that runs across the north of the island.
  • The cars are called trams and they run between New York's Roosevelt Island and Manhattan. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2006
  • Dr. Ross says his findings move "human ocular extramission," which he also refers to as an "eyebeam," from the realm of superstition to science. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • He jumped off the table to the mattress, trampolined off that to the Gold Mountain trunk and onto the chair.
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  • = For Ovid's use of syllepsis, see at vi 16 _spem nostram terras deseruitque simul_ (p 234). The Last Poems of Ovid
  • From Dvo ř á k ' s " New World " Symphony, with its construct of Indian and African-American folk idioms, to Messiaen ' s bird-song transcriptions of Bryce Canyon, composers have responded to it most often with collages, drawing on different musical and even extramusical references. Turning the City
  • The intramural squabbling and partisan agendas of the past thirty-five years have often inhibited the discerning engagement with the culture that is imperative for a community of disciples called to be salt and light.
  • A major source of iron, called iron laterite, is a type of residual deposit generated by the intense weathering of iron-rich rocks such as mafic and ultramafic volcanic rocks.
  • In fact another minority Conservative government would not be a bad result for Canada: neither of the main party leaders has done enough to persuade Canadians that they deserve untrammelled power.
  • What happened to the tram driver and passengers? The Sun
  • They rocked the world with Fantasia and Snow White and Lady and the Tramp, but Mulan and the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast were rather lame as far as I've heard.
  • The Filth is a gorgeously well-appointed book, boasting ultramodern design, mad ideas on every page and some of the most eye-poppingly tasty art this side of the Tate.
  • The flower-boxes were bright crimson, and the balcony balustrades were ultramarine and white.
  • As he tried to separate two bulls that were fighting, he was knocked over and trampled, receiving multiple injuries including fractures to his ribs and spine.
  • He argues that the Congress and President Clinton trampled the constitutional rights of legal immigrants in the new welfare reform law.
  • Haloperidol (50 mg/mL) and fluphenazine (25 mg/mL) are also available in long-acting (depot), intramuscular (IM) form. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
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  • The warriors remained calm and relaxed, listening to the trample of the demonic horde just feet in front of them.
  • Because all physical education classes and intramural practices or games are approximately 1 hour in duration, we described exposure in terms of hours of participation.
  • They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks.
  • Know that thou shalt not escape unstung, after trampling on the head of a venomous snake, licking the corners of its mouth with its tongue, and who hath been hurt by thy foot. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • Fifteen minutes later there was a cliff climbing and casualty recovery by the Tramore Coast Guard Unit, while at 1.35 pm there was another simulated rescue, this time by Tramore Lifeboat of a sailboarder in trouble.
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  • The dodge has also been seen on Edinburgh's new tram network. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast to the dimers which prevail in the dephosphorylated state, the tetramers or higher oligomers of the NtrC-like proteins represent the active regulator species.
  • Companies that trampled over shareholders' right of first refusal over new stock would do so at their peril, they muttered darkly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even after thirty years living in the country, I fear I am not a proper countryman. I don't farm for a living or go tramping across drenched fields, gun in hand.
  • Mr. George Constable, filled in perhaps unconsciously from the author's own life; for he, no less than his friend, delighted in collecting relics, and in studying out the lines, prætoria, and general castrametation of the English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • The book contains many photographs of bygone times and also includes former electric tramways in the area.
  • Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals. George Washington 
  • It will recommend that schools introduce new exercise classes such as boxercise, trampolining, aerobics and yoga to lure teenagers off the couch.
  • They have a delicate filagree of intramuscular fat that melts when cooked and makes the absolute most tender, juicy, flavorful meats. Meathead Goldwyn: 12 Great Christmas Gifts for the Barbecue Lover
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  • The vehicle was struck in the empty passenger side as the driver attempted to cross the tram lines. The Sun
  • The Chinese also have risen recently in trampoline, enough to push the country's gymnastics medal haul to double figures. 2008 Olympic medal projections
  • They dashed through the entrance, nearly trampling the stout guard in the process.
  • The propriety of his magical lady's injunction not to read can only be equalled by his candid acknowledgment of his independence of the trammels of spelling, although, to use his own elegant phrase, "'twas his neckverse at Byron's Poetical Works, Volume 1
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  • The sub-committee have come to an arrangement with other Waterford clubs to accommodate Tramore members who wish to play golf during those closed days.
  • Starting out, I spent a lot of time on the trampoline getting comfortable landing on my back.
  • The new king of inexpensive, yet tasty, suds is the Chili Parlor, located in the Coca-Cola Food Court (which is just to the east of Big Tex and adjacent to the SkyWay tram). Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » State O’ The Fair
  • Small wonder that, mounted on her fiery little mustang, untrammeled by her short gray riding-habit, free as the wind itself that blew through the folds of her flannel blouse, with her brown hair half-loosed beneath her slouched felt hat, she seemed to Dick a more beautiful and womanly figure than the stiff buckramed simulation of man's angularity and precision he had seen in the parks. The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
  • The Stasi were having to run buses and trams whose drivers had fl ed. Times, Sunday Times
  • We can make transport an interesting, attractive, galvanising, inspiring, or perhaps red-hot issue, but buses, trams and even Freudian trains are not and never will be sexy.
  • Here we're not talking chateaubriand and Kobe steaks, but briskets of beef and hot pastrami sandwiches the size of combat boots.
  • It appears that a single thing, which must be imagined as some sort of interval (intervallum) existing between two things, cannot exist in extramental reality, but only in the intellect. Medieval Theories of Relations
  • Compare these "pot-hooks and trammels," dotted and double-dotted, with Galin's symbol of silence, the cipher (0)! Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, August, 1878
  • I am not interested in providing untrammelled freedom of speech, however.
  • When indisposition, therefore, confined her to the limits of her own apartment, our heroine adopted the same mode of conduct observed at the Hermitage, during Mrs. Bertram’s illness: — she sung, she read, she assisted Mrs. Ross in any piece of fine needle-work which happened to be in hands at the time; and, in short, endeavoured to soften the painful or tedious moments of distress by every possible means best calculated for the purpose. Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
  • One woman and six men died when the tram derailed after the driver took a sharp bend at more than the maximum 12mph. The Sun
  • On the other hand, for a system of four peptides, there are six ways to form dimers, four ways to form trimers and monomers, and only one way to form a tetramer.
  • DATURA Family: Solanaceae Genus: Datura Species: Species: fastuosa: large shrub with white flowers inoxia (Don Juan's Datura): native to mexico metel: native to India. sanguinea (Eagle Datura, Tonga): Native to S.America. stramonium (Jimson Weed): Dangerous hallucinogen widespread in temperate regions. Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
  • The Food and Drug Administration said all lots of the supplement had been recalled because it contained the weight loss drug, sibutramine (Meridia), and phenolphthalein, a chemical that may cause cancer. FDA recalls Pai You Guo weight loss supplement
  • Kids were jumping on the trampoline, shooting baskets and playing manhunt, a variation on hide - and - seek.
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Turning away from sheer, rocky walls, the deep ultramarine seems to envelop you and pin you back against the rock face.
  • That stramash had many of the same elements of the war in question - except for the presence of 10,000 Scottish soldiers, many of whom had little idea why they were fighting or who was the enemy.
  • The tramp of those pale feet might interrupt the flow of his patronising patter.
  • Or would she trample it underfoot in the slush where our love lay? Times, Sunday Times
  • In size there is the difference between the huge _terminalia_ towering up 200 feet high and the tiny little potentilla; between the atlas moth 12 inches in spread and the hardly discernible midges; between the elephant, massive enough to trample its way through the densest forest, and the humble little mouse peeping out of its hole in the ground. The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
  • A little 'calk' all round won't hurt us after that tramp, Sergeant!" he observed kindly. The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • Soy foods like hot dogs, soy sausage, tempeh, and even soy pastrami are also great substitutes because they contain no saturated fat.
  • Both suggestions were similar in tenor, namely, to give Mr. Bertram Arkwright an insight into the rawness and redness of life in the Solomons. THE TERRIBLE SOLOMONS
  • The one burial of an adult in an extramural pit cannot be temporally related to the house despite its proximal location.
  • She was a faithful churchwoman who in her time would have been an ultramontane - conservative triple distilled. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • The last thing a private detective wants to be doing is trampling all over the evidence and cocking it up.
  • Unfortunately, without his glasses, George literally could not distinguish a tramcar from a haystack. THE LONELY SEA
  • The criteria for defining a conformer were based solely upon the type of intramolecular hydrogen bonds that characterized the analyzed conformations irrespective of other geometrical parameters.
  • The ophiolite contains a complete igneous stratigraphy of serpentinized ultramafics, gabbro, sheeted dykes and pillow lavas, as described by Moores.
  • With a new name adorning the number one position after almost every match, the Daredevils, who climbed to the coveted position after trampling over event's whipping boys Kolkata Knight Riders by nine wickets, would have to up the ante when they take on Sachin Tendulkar's army for the first time in the tournament. Times Now
  • Good metro and tram services make zipping around straightforward. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proanthocyanidin mixtures from grapes are a combination of dimers, trimers, tetramers, oligomers, and polymers.
  • I don't want all those people trampling about all over my flower beds.
  • I took tram number 17 from his depressing little scheme in the western sector into the city centre.
  • Monogamy and legal marriage are the norm, but extramarital and premarital relations are common.
  • According to the 1940 Statement of Principles, professors in their extramural utterances ‘should make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.’
  • Have you ever admired those pictures of trampers walking through beautiful forest, or standing on a mountain top gazing over valleys or glaciers, and wished it were you?
  • Yet these are invaluable tramlines that can guide purposeful human action.
  • This, not very popular, livery continued for some time, but the buses began to look very grimy and in the late 1970s a variation of the former tram livery of predominantly green with cream relief was introduced.
  • Therewithal she rightly apprehends the danger Bertram is in from the wordy, cozening squirt, the bedizened, scoundrelly dandiprat, who has so beguiled his youth and ignorance. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • They claimed that disembodied spirits can wander in and out of the minds of the living as easily as a tramp can walk into a house with its doors and windows open.
  • One woman and six men died when the tram derailed after the driver took a sharp bend at more than the maximum 12mph. The Sun
  • The campers had trampled the corn .
  • The only known igneous rocks in the area are Permian periodotite and lamprophyre dikes as well as diatremes of ultramafic composition associated with the Fluorite district.
  • But why to dream of lettuce should presage some ensuing disease, why to eat figs should signify foolish talk, why to eat eggs great trouble, and to dream of blindness should be so highly commended, according to the oneirocritical verses of Astrampsychus and Nicephorus, I shall leave unto your divination. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • Anybody who stood in his path was trampled underfoot. The Sun
  • Earlier this year a judge ruled that a man left severely brain-damaged after his car skidded and crashed on wet tram rails in 1995 was not to blame, paving the way for a string of compensation claims.
  • The Carrizoso plateau had been sacred ground, and it was unsupposable that it could ever be desecrated by the trampling hoofs and scissor noses of these woolly abominations. Heart's Desire
  • He gripped his brother's arm lest he be trampled by the mob.
  • Although no one has bounced off a trampoline or been squashed by a widescreen TV at my house (yet! Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet there was only one recorded clockwork crime, in which a tramp was beaten to death by a teenager.
  • Whether it's filming the so-called unfilmable (A Cock and Bull Story from Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy), telling the story of Muslims, both - Articles related to Kate Hudson gets David Letterman's pulse racing with a preview of her kinky new film
  • But if a prince shall deign to be familiar, and to converse with those upon whom he might trample, shall his condescension therefore unking him, and his familiarity rob him of his royalty? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • There is no stadium, no grandstand, no masses of rabid ultramarathon fans.
  • I pity the fool who calls her skank and tramp and trollop and slut. Paris Hilton Is a Medical Miracle
  • A TOP young gymnast has died after bouncing off a trampoline and landing on his head. The Sun
  • The proximal aulacophore is polymerous, rather than tetramerous (as in most other stylophorans) and superficially similar to that of the earliest stylophoran, Ceratocystis.
  • Social conservatives are anxious to constrain America's larger liberalism by protecting traditional morality from the corrosive effects of untrammeled personal freedom and the disruptions of a healthy, churning economy.
  • Then a tram to work; he enjoyed a tram ride, especially if he went on the top to sit on the prow as on a galleon. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • So, ultramodern technology is coupled with older modes of understanding.
  • There will also be a bike park with tracks of varying difficulty, and a bungee trampoline to bounce you high into the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • He slipped over the ragged mat which formed the eaves, and the next moment, _crack, crack, crack_, he was hanging feet downwards, and then fell heavily in a cloud of dust bump upon the trampled earth, in company with a snake about six feet long, which began to glide rapidly away. Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
  • In the back garden is a swimming pool and a trampoline. The Sun
  • When Leonard Bernstein unleashed his sprawling Third Symphony - titled "Kaddish" - on the American public in January 1964, the critics practically trampled one another to get in the first jabs. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The genus is characterized by tetramerous flowers with bithecal anthers, lack of pseudostaminodia, a capitate or poorly defined stigma, and pollen of the Amaranthus type.
  • Secondly, streptavidin is a natural tetrameric protein and each molecule has the capacity to bind four biotinylated peptides, resulting in enhanced avidity of the targeting complex to its target. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In a darkened hallway, a young girl and her parents stare after the teenager tramping upstairs.
  • He heard the trample of a soldier and the muffled sound of the grenade going off.
  • But both of those crowds could be dwarfed by an anticipated 9,000 gate at the Kassam Stadium, which would be United's best attendance since the play-off semi-final second leg against Exeter when 10,691 packed in - including a good-sized following from Devon. saddletramp, wantage says ... Undefined
  • Why do the vast tribes of India, deceived and enslaved by the bonzes, trampled upon by the descendant of a Tartar, bowed down by labor, groaning in misery, assailed by diseases, and a mark for all the scourges and plagues of life, still fondly cling to that life? A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The monolith brooded gaunt and silent above the sward which waved, green and untrampled, in the morning breeze. People of the Dark

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