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How To Use Trajectory In A Sentence

  • By coming so close to earth, the gravitational field will alter its trajectory ever so slightly.
  • From the first maxiskirt look, it was clear Richard Chai was on a healthy trajectory. Jim Shi: New York Fashion Week, Day One: BCBG Max Azria, Richard Chai Love, Vena Cava, Ports 1961 & L.A.M.B. (PHOTOS)
  • He speculated that a ball falling through a hole at the equator would follow a corkscrew trajectory.
  • I would prepare by elevating a bowling machine to try and get used to a trajectory that is steeper and, as the former Australia and Lancashire coach Bob Simpson used to say, loopier. The Ashes 2010: England's beanpole bowlers deliver big advantage
  • The decision was certain to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.
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  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • Timur's trajectory began with a three-year struggle to achieve dominance, at the end of which in 1370 he proclaimed himself not merely emir of Samarkand but khan of the Chagatai and inheritor of Genghis's Mongol empire.
  • Their scalar product formula is used for the calculation of trajectory deviation.
  • Midway through the second half a kick which might have won the game was cruelly whipped to the left of the upright, having spent most of its trajectory arrowing right between them.
  • The history of freedom in this country is not, as is often thought, the logical working out of ideas immanent in our founding documents or a straight-line trajectory of continual progress.
  • Any object with a parabolic or hyperbolic trajectory moves so fast that it will never return.
  • The U.S. economy continues to flash mixed signals, as consumer sentiment turned glummer in June, but a gauge of the economy's short-term trajectory showed the recovery continuing. Consumer Mood Darkens, but Indicators Brighten
  • The movie's emotional trajectory is also from hot to cold, earth tones to glacial whites.
  • This slingshot trajectory requires the probe to be launched precisely when the planets are in an exact alignment, which if missed would not occur for another 600 years.
  • The highly technical reports of Apollo, accessible to but not generally understood by the public, give the three-dimensional details of the translunar trajectory.
  • Gravi-responding hypocotyls or coleoptiles can likewise show enormous variations in trajectory back to the vertical.
  • With a new female career trajectory, they just might. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boost velocity control is achieved by burning all boost propulsion stages to burnout, shaping the trajectory to use all the energy, without thrust termination.
  • The result is a lower trajectory and enough backspin for the ball to stop on a dime.
  • It is wrong to read the history of legal aid as careering from crisis to crisis in a downward trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The line of fall is the line tangent to the trajectory at the level point.
  • Trajectory snapshots were saved every picosecond.
  • Among lawful sequences of events are Galileo's laws of free fall and the parabolic trajectory of projectiles.
  • Such a progressive process of consolidation sets in motion a welcomed predetermined trajectory. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A countdown is displayed over the grenade, and you see the exact trajectory it will take.
  • Then, driven by whatever strange spirit possesses them, they begin monitoring speed, distance and trajectory, scratching their findings into notebooks.
  • EisnerAmper, but he wasn't concerned about a shorterm downdraft interrupting the upward trajectory for stocks. US Stocks Eke Out Gains as Energy, Banks Rise - CNBC
  • It started at No1, the shirt worn by Joe Marler, the young loosehead prop who started and finished Quins' first try and furthered the upward trajectory of his reputation. Harlequins 17-10 Wasps | Premiership match report
  • Slow firing dormant ion-lights, we rotate counter-clockwise, along the azimuth, putting the Milky Way at our back, shaving seconds per meter off the tumble of our outbound trajectory. 365 tomorrows » submission : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The non-ballistic flight path of the missile via waypoints assists in preventing location of the launch platforms from the flight trajectory.
  • Milliseconds later powerful rams lifted the pod six inches, then its rocket motor ignited with a roar, boosting me at a crushing 11g on a slightly forward trajectory.
  • This causes the principal employment of the machine gun to be at distances where the trajectory is flattest, that is under 800 or 1,000 yards. Military Instructors Manual
  • The more I learned, the more he became the foil to Cook's trajectory - the night sky to Cook's rising star.
  • Trajectory is the focus of spatial relation, and the spatial expression, which is used to describe the spatial position of the trajectory, consists of localizer and landmark.
  • Then the viewer sees some object describe a trajectory down from the ridge where the camera is.
  • The elements of sadomasochistic sex, desires for violence, and a trajectory toward suicide will provoke discomfort among many readers.
  • The one thing we are incapable of learning by imitating our friends and peers and playmates is the life trajectory that has been prepared for us.
  • In a way his career trajectory makes sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • A ray path is the trajectory that a small packet of seismic energy follows as it travels through the Earth.
  • If anything, SF/F is on a hugely ascendent trajectory in popular awareness these days. International Science Fiction Reshelving Day -- Good Idea or Bad Idea?
  • ‘Each man kills the thing he loves,’ sings Moreau in reedy, exhausted tones that recapitulate the inevitable downward trajectory of every star's career.
  • Either way, the trajectory was set, the graph was trending downwards and at some point the end result would surely be death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kelly wants to develop the Astroliner, a winged rocket towed into the air by a 747 jet and released at altitude to soar on a suborbital trajectory under its own power.
  • It took me some months to find that extra motivation and the right trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • If an inswinging yorker comes at you from that low trajectory, it's very difficult to keep out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trajectory calculations could therefore have been done with greater speed and accuracy.
  • It is not difficult to sketch the subsequent trajectory.
  • The thick line is a calculated trajectory near a surface and the thin line is a trajectory far from any surface.
  • The trajectory could then be plotted and extrapolated backwards so that its position could be located.
  • The trick will be to maintain the upward trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the projectile is fired parallel to the ground, this effect causes the typical downward curved trajectory.
  • The rough trajectory of the plot begins with Kitty's discovery of a billet-doux, from her husband to Tula.
  • In general, for airport needs, ash-dispersion and trajectory models should have the capability to: indicate where ash would go in the first one to two hours after an eruption; estimate arrival time of ash at a particular location in addition to ashfall thickness; and deal with small - to moderate-sized recurring eruptions with little ashfall as well as major ash-producing events. Impact of Volcanic Activity on Airports
  • The parameter adaptive law is formed, we adjust the parameters to make sure the density of spruce aphides and their predator track the ideal trajectory, the stability of the system is guaranteed.
  • He traces the trajectory of the city's industrial growth and its rising immigrant population, describing how these processes in turn shaped the contours of class formation.
  • And you can sense in him now that soupçon of defeat, a feeling that his life, by the narrowest margin, has failed in its trajectory.
  • If Google can continue its upward trajectory, it will emerge as a genetic variant of the multi-national corporation or what I call a supra-national enterprise. Stephen's Lighthouse: New Book on Google
  • There is something very unnerving about being on a bicycle whose trajectory you do not control. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is necessary to use curved trajectory to satisfy the combat requirement of shipborne weapon system.
  • Two recent films plot a subtler trajectory. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Leaning into a 90 mph wind, a graph charts every movement, every wobble, in a trajectory that resembles the Alps.
  • On Monday the English professor taught ‘Lycidas’ and discussed pastoral elegy, Moschus, and why ‘pastures new’ enrolled Milton in Virgil's trajectory of eclogue, georgic, and epic, the classic career shape of the major poet.
  • Use a more lofted club - you're going to get a lower trajectory and the ball will run.
  • In this trajectory, she presents this set of essays as yet another ground upon which feminism was and is being theorised in India.
  • Digital continuous clinometer is an accurate device to measure well trajectory.
  • Heath: America is diverging from the mainstream trajectory of development of other Western industrial democracies. Rebels Without a Cause
  • By the outbreak of World War I, moreover, battleship ordnance could once more outrange most of the guns of the shore defenses, with the plunging trajectory of naval shells making open-topped defensive works untenable.
  • Oh and BTW, the mind is a maximum hypersurface and thought a trajectory on it and the amygdala and hippocampus are Hopf maps of it. Mind Hacks: Chris McKinstry has left the building
  • He chests the ball down and then scuffs a hilariously mishit shot, which would have rolled miles wide, only for Ba to anticipate its trajectory and tap past Begovic from close range. Stoke City v Newcastle United - as it happened | Jacob Steinberg
  • Also, if I pushed it or pulled it, the lower trajectory of the ball would keep it from ballooning up and over the dunes.
  • He has a boyish enthusiasm for his meteoric trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
  • Perhaps conincidentally, the ground tace passes through Tsugaru Strait, minimizing the possibility of falling onto any land mass, and avoid the Japanese main island Honshu, had the rocket failed in the middle of its trajectory. Calculating Taepodong-2's range, charting its planned path
  • A causal process is a world-line of an object that transmits a nonzero amount of a conserved quantity at each moment of its history (each spacetime point of its trajectory). Causal Processes
  • Generally a spacecraft is first placed in an Earth parking orbit, and from there is given another boost to give it the appropriate interplanetary trajectory.
  • Since the elections, the rightward trajectory of the Democratic Party has continued apace.
  • The trajectory of his career is well known. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, he says, it looks as if African nationalism is bent on the same self-destructive trajectory as its predecessor.
  • She insists on seeing workers as agents, not victims: “Like the making of class, we cannot predict the outcome but can explain the trajectory of when and which ideological interpellation underlies what collective action” 122. Labor protest in China
  • She watched her instrument panel and saw as the minute calibrations to their trajectory were made.
  • Nevertheless the apparent trajectory of an element in the ultramicroscope is not a curve without tangents.
  • But its economic trajectory in terms of deficits is actually acceleratingly negative! Stanton Peele: Will I Be Forced to Vote Republican?
  • The dust trails spread out over time as each particle continues to orbit the Sun on a trajectory similar to the path of the parent comet.
  • Megaphylls altered the evolutionary trajectory of terrestrial plant and animal life, the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, water and carbon dioxide and the exchange of energy between the land surface and the atmosphere.
  • Smoothing of trajectory imply that linear dynamical system is stochastic trajectory modeling.
  • Fear not if the road is slippery or especially bumpy, as the friendly traction control light will illuminate and the electronic gubbins will kill wheelspin and steady your trajectory in a jerk-free manner.
  • When the very original cricket balls were manufactured in the Garden of England around 1750, the underarm deliveries could not be made to swing significantly at such a low trajectory and pace.
  • The orbiter spacecraft will send Beagle 2 spinning towards the planet on a precise trajectory.
  • Thirdly, a trajectory generation method for flying robot for overhead powerline inspection based on the MDP model is researched.
  • She can't continue on this downward trajectory! The Sun
  • Thus, Leness 'trajectory from stay-at-home mother to working superrealist painter has been filled with experiments, workarounds and creative attempts by her and her family to compromise. All Stories - Bainbridge Island Review
  • At this time ideas of the trajectory taken by a projectile were still dominated by Aristotle's thinking.
  • Shorty thereafter, Hofstra separated from New York University as a co-educational commuter institution with both day and evening classes and began its trajectory to the wonderful institution we see today. Pascal Robert: Hofstra University's 75th Anniversary Celebration and 30 years of Brotherhood
  • Scrubbing my mouth with my sleeve, I feel the Cathedral lurch beneath me, tilt towards a new trajectory.
  • Down, down it curves - the filmmaker doing a nice job of panning the camera to match the object's trajectory.
  • It uses a combination of Lorentz Force turning and gravitational slingshot (if feasible) to alter its trajectory so that it passes by a number of stars in succession, finally returning to Earth to begin the cycle again.
  • Or is the current climate merely a blip in an otherwise relatively smooth upward trajectory?
  • I have followed the trajectory of US National Public Radio’s Bryant Park Project because they were experimenting with so many social media tools and ideas, and more than that, they seemed to have grokked the ’social’ in social media. Strange Attractor » 2008 » July
  • They're always two-dimensional, because the trajectory itself is in a vertical plane and so we normally...
  • This procedure was repeated for 10 random permutations of trajectory orders.
  • If we abstract the technical from its social context and cultural foundations, technology appears to develop outside of society, following a trajectory of its own making.
  • Ball trajectory into a bunker can determine the outcome of a lie in a bunker, and this factor interacts with other variables already mentioned.
  • So now, you have an intersecting curvature, at every point, say, along a trajectory.
  • A pitcher can spin a baseball to make it follow a trajectory in any direction.
  • The deflection of the trajectory of a system as it moves away from the equator is affected by increasing coriolis effect and an important part of this is changing angular momentum am. Paul Linsay's Poisson Fit « Climate Audit
  • I used to use 165 grain projectiles in a .300 Weatherby because of the "hotrod" numbers and the flat trajectory. Two Cases Where Bigger Isn't Better
  • Got cheeking on the 6.5 Creedmoor, has the same trajectory as a 300 Win Mag and sounds like it can be chamered in an AR! Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • Both the United States and Japan are deeply worried about the future trajectory of a nuclear-equipped North Korean state, and in the long run by a unified Korea strategically tied more to its historical suzerain - China - than to the West.
  • Is it possible to see a misguided trajectory in certain of the developments, e.g., the silent recitation of the Canon of the Mass, infrequency of reception of holy communion, the retention of Latin? Critiquing the critics
  • When a discus thrower spins around in a 360-degree motion, what is the trajectory of the discus from the point of release? Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • He inherited an unsustainable debt position and a trajectory for public spending that had to be curtailed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This general trajectory of life moves from the fluidity and possibility associated with birth to the stillness and finality of death and ancestorhood.
  • The third quarter figures could be the next step on a downward trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • But precisely where on the trajectory from sober to drunk is your wit and eloquence at its peak? Times, Sunday Times
  • The editor justifies it by stating ‘long stories allow for a fuller exploration of ideas, a fuller plot trajectory and a richer, more novelistic sense of detail’.
  • Up until this point the trajectory of the surveillance files has been like that of a camera panning closer and closer on the suspect.
  • If we're doing well, our over-confidence can devolve into complacence, thinking that our future will continue on the same trajectory as our past. Ron Ashkenas: When the Invincible Become "Vincible"
  • The missile's position in its trajectory always coincides with the target irrespective of range.
  • Although sales have remained stable at about 10,000 units a year, the coin-op business has been on a downward trajectory for years.
  • The hard perturbations in this study caused the trajectory to move in a direction that was normal to the limit cycle.
  • What was also strange was that the arrows were fired on a shallow trajectory but they still stuck into the ground.
  • She is equally sanguine about the trajectory and acceleration of her band's career, although she understands that it's remarkable that they've gotten this far with so little struggle.
  • Heterochronic evolution has been defined as a morphological change inscribed within an ontogenetic trajectory that produces parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny.
  • Despite Smiths Medical's strong cash generation, the unit has the flattest forecasted revenue trajectory in the portfolio. Smiths Deserves a Full Bid
  • Thrust vector misalignment is an important factor, which causes trajectory scatter and affects missile reliability.
  • It's better to control distance by predetermining the ball's trajectory.
  • Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
  • Location data would be linked to the missile, and the tracking information would be used to aim the guided missile or to correct its trajectory midcourse.
  • Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
  • That this unobservant, naïve and unresourceful ditz is supposed to be a covert C.I.A. operative, assigned to trace the flow of money from Islamic charities in Marrakech to terrorist groups, is patently absurd, as is the trajectory of the plot, which abruptly moves from the subjects of house parties and romantic triangles to those of rendition and torture. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • A little flatter trajectory and some extra FtLbs of energy on target without changing the load is always a good thing in my book. Some Rifle Barrels are Faster than Others
  • Had the trajectory of Labour's industrial growth been altered by the events of 1926?
  • And yet, despite that fact, we still find ourself on a fiscal trajectory that is probably unsustainable.
  • It is a concerted attempt to change the historical trajectory that we've been on of discrimination and affirmative action on behalf of white people in the past.
  • Unhappily, one barrel inevitably discharged before the other causing the cannonballs either to describe an irregular and unpredictable trajectory or, worse, to whip around in a potentially fatal fashion.
  • Every evolutionary history consists of a particular pathway, or trajectory, through genetic space.
  • Instead, we allow different branches to have different rates but use a single rate for each branch to approximate the trajectory of rates on that branch.
  • Scott's work during this period suggests his growing political engagement and ever-bolder attempts to subvert the studio system, beginning with the critique of class and corruption in Murder, My Sweet, through the internationalist antifascism of Cornered, to Crossfire, the final point on the trajectory of Scott's attempts to meld his creative and political visions. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The owners and a sizeable minority of fans began to expect (almost to demand) that this trajectory continued indefinitely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turning toward the central piece I choose a path defined by the trajectory of a rail leading to the center.
  • With air blast sprayers, we have to remember that the droplet release height is where the air jet no longer controls the droplet trajectory and the wind begins to direct droplet paths.
  • Eighteen stainless steel "baseballs" follow the theoretical model of the trajectory of a curving fast ball pitch. New orb sculpture coming to Nationals Park
  • S, and the arrow of trajectory is for that reason pointing into the future above the hypersurface passing through A and standing perpendicular to the world-line of the source. Backward Causation
  • Readers interested in the novel's social trajectory - its feminism, its attempt to articulate lesbian desire - figure Matthew as a parody or burlesque of patriarchal knowledge.
  • It took me some months to find that extra motivation and the right trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then it has been on an upward trajectory and now stands at over 20 per cent.
  • When it strikes close to home, people may become radicalised to the point that their sole trajectory in life is towards an exposure of the world's iniquity.
  • A serious drama should be like a swimmer diving into a pool and swimming to the other side in one smooth, perfect trajectory.
  • The pound has been on an upward trajectory since the middle of last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the detailed picture is much more complicated than the trajectory might suggest.
  • Overall, the trajectory that emerges from her analysis moves from gender complementarity toward gender imbalance.
  • The Government is now claiming that inflation is on a downward trajectory.
  • Elisions, stretti, contractions, prolongations and antiphonal presentations are only some of the devices the composer frequently employs to achieve a pacing that clarifies the overall direction of the melodic trajectory of a piece.
  • Since the elections, the rightward trajectory of the Democratic Party has continued apace.
  • Such uncertainties make it impossible to predict the mechanical properties of cometary material and the way a comet nucleus would react to a ‘nudge’ to change its trajectory.
  • A love affair is a story, too: it has a narrative trajectory in a way that real workaday life does not. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In fact her upward trajectory had been masterminded by a public relations company called Quite Great. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they ran into a meteoroid swarm (she supposed) which rebounded off their shieldfields and sent them careening off trajectory; and the man shook his fist, commenced on a mighty oath, glimpsed her and turned it into a Biblical “Damask rose and shittah tree!” The Earth Book of Stormgate
  • You're probably better off experimenting with loft angles, low-spinning balls and longer tees to get the ideal trajectory.
  • It is necessary to use curved trajectory to satisfy the combat requirement of shipborne weapon system.
  • The self's figuration as a trajectory that collapses or can't move ahead finds its formal parallel in Jarnot's insistent, incessant use of repetition, anaphora, litany, and incantation.
  • If confirmed, a microbicide will be a powerful option for the prevention revolution and help us to break the trajectory of the AIDS epidemic. : Breaking News
  • In the latter days of a ferocious winter, the sun dropped earthwards, having on this day pulled clear of its sluggish trajectory casting a few meek rays on the redoubtable snow and frost of the mountain glade. Vignette: A Writing Exercise « Write Anything
  • The company is now on a different growth trajectory and we expect to support it as it continues to expand. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something very unnerving about being on a bicycle whose trajectory you do not control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apollo 10 achieved a number of space firsts, including the first CSM-LM operations in the cislunar and lunar environment, the first CSM-LM docking in translunar trajectory, the first LM undocking in lunar orbit, the first LM staging in lunar orbit, and the first manned LM-CSM docking in lunar orbit. First Man
  • The ball will slice or fade, but by opening the clubface you are adding loft to the club, which will produce a higher-trajectory ball flight.
  • In this paper, we use artificial fields to steer and control the steering angle and derive a linear velocity control law to guarantee the optimal convergent trajectory.
  • Domination, submission, and re-achievement of domination marks their historiographic trajectory.
  • His elbows fold and his wrists rehinge very quickly, which throws the ball up in the air on a higher trajectory. TheGolfChannel Headlines
  • There appears to be ample videos obs to determine an accuate trajectory and pinpoint an impact location. CNN Video: Mystery fireball seen in sky in Texas - NASA Watch
  • There has been little variation in his career trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trajectory of Ronell's writing is hard to chart because the centrifugal force of her thematic materials accelerates them into collisions with realia, whence new particles emerge.
  • Because the Scud missile tended to breakup during the final phase of its trajectory (re-entry into the atmosphere), multiple targets would appear on the radar screen.
  • The aim of advanced batch control strategies is to track the pre-set trajectory in a fast and exact way under the limit of operation condition and restriction.
  • At a critical point along its trajectory, each pellet would be hit by laser light. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is not a smooth trajectory connecting these bony fish ancestors to flatfish lying on their belly.
  • This system permits the operator to navigate along pipeline planned routes and log the GPS coordinates of the aircraft's trajectory.
  • He sees the trajectory of his industrial social formation in contradiction to meeting fundamental human and social needs.
  • Trajectory series consists of collaged photostats onto which Unite has worked with a variety of media, predominantly charcoal.
  • Son of a postman in a remote village of Béarn, in the borderlands with Spain, his trajectory bears many similarities to that of Raymond Williams, son of a railwayman in the marches of Wales, who was aware of the kinship between them.
  • After one second, controls in the nozzle of the rocket motor start steering the missile on to the proper trajectory.
  • He sees the trajectory of his industrial social formation in contradiction to meeting fundamental human and social needs.
  • Through a truly imperial application of synecdoche, this georgic trajectory of empire occludes the dark sides of commerce and conquest.
  • The trajectory is the path traced by the center of gravity of the projectile from the origin to the level point.
  • That delicacy tempers the dynamic of the mass of reddest orange, which tapers rapidly from the lower left corner on a trajectory to the upper right.
  • A designer's trajectory is grounded in the purpose of producing clothes that help foster conversations about style, rather than obscenities-laced soliloquies with the press. Marjon Rebecca Carlos: Pret-a-Parler: Kanye's Debut Conversation With Style
  • Although the exhibition follows a basic chronological trajectory, the linear flow of history is frequently interrupted by reverse flows and eddies.
  • So where else might follow a similar trajectory? Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1873, however, one was found on a trajectory that brought it in to cross the orbit of Mars.
  • This technique allows the fingers to make fine trajectory adjustments at release and provides a soft natural backspin.
  • The stability of each domain was examined by superposing each domain of each frame of the trajectory onto itself in the first frame.
  • Of course, one must know the direct trajectory to diverge from it, and one must know where the orbit is to be able to go off it.
  • What†™ s the trajectory of the asteroid? ” “Tracking stations report that the asteroid is heading out of the ecliptic. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The missile deflected from its trajectory.
  • The trajectory could then be plotted and extrapolated backwards so that its position could be located.
  • As the user moves, the map moves and turns, always placing the GPS position in the middle of the screen and orienting the map to user trajectory.
  • Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
  • The spacecraft breaks out of Earth's orbit and establishes a translunar trajectory, or path toward the Moon.
  • This basically means that there are no unnecessary moving parts in Tiger's swing, which has allowed him to control the trajectory of his ball flight better.

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