
How To Use Trailing In A Sentence

  • The sending was still trailing after her with a surcoat folded over its arm. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • This child spent his first eleven years in San Francisco, trailing his father up and down the hills, watching him swim in San Francisco Bay, and cringing from the blows that a drunken dad might aim at his head. Robert Frost
  • Trailing edge vibration has been dampened by reinforcement with thin glass fibre rod inserts or mylar overlays, so eliminating excessive noise.
  • With the hippogryph trailing her, Tyrande led Broll to the nearest of the dwellings. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • the 8th inning found the home team trailing
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  • ‘Thank you, sire,’ she said in a bow before trailing after the two scouts in silence.
  • She wears a dark hat, its swath of auburn feather trailing down her back.
  • She stood up from the table, trailing her finger along the dust that had accumulated on the kitchen counter.
  • For a while, an hour and a half, though she did not know it, until the men came in from the fields trailing dust and slapping their stomachs, Rupban clutched Cheepy-cheepy's limp and bony neck and said only "Coming, coming" to all inquiries about the bird. Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
  • A primula is still making a brave attempt at flowering, and it will soon be replaced with blue and white trailing and bush lobelia, and green and white flowered nicotiana.
  • I filled it with some organic matter, planted bright red geraniums in the center and placed trailing ivy along the outer edges.
  • The new experience of trailing behind the rest might do her no harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ethan was still reading as he walked, trailing behind Jake who was ignoring his presence.
  • Heat transfer in channel for trailing edge of turbine blade with pin - fin arrays is studied numerically.
  • There should always be a sense of urgency whether we are trailing behind our opponents or even leading by 50 points.
  • But this year, why not chuck out the chintzy trailing lobelias, begonias, marigolds and petunias, and go for something a little more unusual?
  • For here was a trailing line of jog-trotting dusky shapes, some crouching on dwarf ponies half their size, some trailing lances, lodge-poles, rifles, women and children after them, all moving with a monotonous rhythmic motion as marked as the military precision of the other cavalcade, and always on a parallel line with it. Tales of Trail and Town
  • Walcott is a Nobel Prize winner who, to paraphrase Wordsworth, leaves trailing clouds of sexual harassment behind him where e'er he goes, at least in the 617 area code. When Will the Poetic Violence End?
  • Stack the hollow types to the desired height, then plant trailing herbs in the ‘hollows.’
  • Is it too late to sow trailing annual nasturtiums directly in my garden? Times, Sunday Times
  • I hauled in the trailing ropes, hoisted this awkward sail reefed, the forestaysail being already set, and under this sail brought her at once on the wind heading for the land, which appeared as an island in the sea. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • Gulls crawled up the wall of the wind and a jet-skier swept by, spray trailing him like a broken wing, a petrol-driven petrel. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Her long skirt was trailing along/on the floor.
  • Each wing has a single aileron surface on the trailing edge to control roll and two flaps to control lift and drag.
  • Arthur had made a fantastic "rockery" of skulls and shanks and ribs, and filled it in with earth, enough to furnish growth for trailing nasturtiums, whose bright red and yellow blossoms were strangely at variance with their sombre setting. The Second Chance
  • There were wires trailing everywhere.
  • In flight, the long, wedge-shaped tail and prominent white trailing edge of the wing are evident; the underwing usually appears darker than the upperwing.
  • She walked across to the policeman, one shoulder hitched slightly above the other, her hair sticking out straight behind and worn in slick bandeaus on either side of her face, her hat trailing in a melancholy way on her head. Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
  • As the column filed across the vast tableland, sharp reports of rifle fire could be heard from the rear as the trailing company shot horses and oxen too weak to continue.
  • The trailing end has a height greater than the maximum height of the disc space forming a flanged portion adapted to overlie a part of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies adjacent and proximate the disc space to be fused.
  • I keep my freezer and my fridge out there, trailing extension leads to the power points in the kitchen.
  • The pilots took it up to 1000-ft or so and released the fire retardant that smothered the fire and left only smoke trailing out.
  • It was impossible to associate his remembered almost total uninterest in his surroundings with those chintzy curtains, that hanging basket of trailing ivy and fuchsia over the door of Faith Cottage or the two brightly painted yellow tubs still garish with summer flowers which had been artfully placed one each side of the porch. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don't trip up over them.
  • The drag of a subsonic plane is primarily due to friction with the air, as well as the pressure difference between the front and trailing surfaces.
  • Then he gave another whoop significant of the extreme of nervous abashedness and the incipient defiance of his masculine estate, there was a flourish of heels, followed by a swift glimmering slide of steel, and he was off trailing his sled. The Portion of Labor
  • She says: 'Most brides spend hours trailing around bridal shops looking for the perfect wedding dress. The Sun
  • Passengers behind the wing saw large flames trailing from the left engine. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, it had been rather haphazardly portioned with seemingly no utensil involved; an oozing brown viscosity trailing its ragged, blackened, peel. Snap
  • The party is trailing badly in the opinion polls.
  • After playing porously and leaving the Eagles trailing by 17-0 in the previous two games, Philadelphia's defense regained its familiar unassailability.
  • A friend remembers seeing a mother doing her weekly shop with a three-year-old trailing behind her, dressed as a Teletubby.
  • She's trailing in the polls approaching Election Day and the municipal tax base doesn't have the funds to cover the rising costs at local school boards.
  • Asters look fabulous combined with gold variegated trailing ivies and heathers with lime-green or flame coloured foliage.
  • This led us to believe lighting had hit the HF-trailing-wire antenna and the drogue that drags the wire behind the aircraft was lost.
  • Athene, as they say, took the form of Deiphobus for the sake of Hector, and the unshorn Phoebus for the sake of Admetus fed the trailing-footed oxen, and the spouse us came as an old woman to Semele. Is There Evidence For Mythicism?
  • The shy emerald mantles the valleys and fledges the heights; the pussy-willows tremble by lake and stream; the wild crocus brims the hollows with a haze of violet; trailing his last ragged pennants of snow on the hills, winter makes his sullen retreat. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • France also went close to losing after spending most of the game trailing Scotland and being jeered by its own fans at Stade de France.
  • Cecilia is wailing away at the organ like Amanda Mae Meyncke and hallucinating little wing-ed dudes trailing clouds of glory. I never knew | clusterflock
  • Along the brink of the bog, picking their road among crumbling rocks and green spongy springs, a company of English soldiers are pushing fast, clad cap-a-pie in helmet and quilted jerkin, with arquebus on shoulder, and pikes trailing behind them; stern steadfast men, who, two years since, were working the guns at Westward Ho!
  • Trailing edge vibration has been dampened by reinforcement with thin glass fibre rod inserts or mylar overlays, so eliminating excessive noise.
  • More like President Kruger than Prince Albert – that's the best I can do for him; and I see him on a chair, in a black frock-coat, not so very high up either; I can manage a cloud or two for him to sit on; and then his hand trailing in the clouds holds a rod, a truncheon is it? Monday or Tuesday
  • With Governor Culver trailing Terry Branstad by 19 points and Roxanne Conlin trailing Senator Grassley by 31 points, legislative Democrats could lose their majorities in the Iowa House and Senate thanks to the struggles at the top of the ticket. Kern has Speaker Murphy Worried in HD 28
  • Put it on your kitchen draining board with one end trailing into a water-filled sink and stand your plants upon it.
  • Other house plants to enjoy growing this way include wandering Jew, hoya, English ivy, trailing philodendron, Hawaiian ti, and, of course, lucky bamboo.
  • Houseproud John and Maggie Briggs filled the wrought-iron hayracks with trailing geraniums, busy Lizzies, wild cornflowers, lobelia and pansies.
  • I watched from between two great boulders, I beheld a Turkish convoy of about six hundred infantry, led by a bimbashi on a gray horse, with a string of pack-mules trailing out behind them, and five loaded donkeys led by soldiers in the midst. Hira Singh : when India came to fight in Flanders
  • In Nevada, where the party is making a big push for Reid, Democrats are slightly ahead of Republicans in raw early-vote totals, although Democrats are trailing slightly in turnout percentage. Democrats hope early voters will give them an edge
  • I let the canoe drift with the current, trailing my paddle in the mocha-colored water.
  • Slugs would drag along the bathroom floor, trailing their vestments of brown slime.
  • The Democratic candidate is still trailing in the opinion polls.
  • Below the trailing sweeps, violets and daffodils and drifts of yellow, blue and white crocus came forth in Spring and later tulips, grape hyacinth and other like bulbs kept the willow company.
  • I wandered despondently along, trailing my new sports bag through the dog-ends and sweet wrappers that littered the concrete of the playground.
  • Wearing a minimal amount of clothing just slightly filthier than yesterday, and already sweating in the unmoving 115 degree air, they rumble back into the desert trailing plumes of dust mile after mile. Kangaroo Dreaming
  • Taser guns fire two small darts, each trailing fine wires.
  • ‘It can't be,’ said Carl, his voice trailing off.
  • He smashed the tractor's "hooch" into the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer.
  • The parks superintendent began his job of supervising the distribution of hundreds of geraniums, ivy geraniums, marguerites, petunias, trailing lobelia, anthericum and salvia, a job which would be completed well before the festival.
  • Because of their trailing habit, floriferous nature, and tolerance of tough conditions, ivy geraniums are one of the most popular summer annuals for containers.
  • Her friend, Mary was trailing slowly behind her, her face filled with reluctance.
  • So the rocks were uncovered now, which seldom tasted the air, and the stems of the great oarweed, or tangle, which grew from them, were bent into a half-circle by the weight of their broad leathery fronds, as, no longer buoyed up by the sea, they lay trailing on the sands.
  • The Pistons could not score on their next four possessions, and Wallace shot an airball from the foul line and then missed another free throw with 2: 10 left to leave Detroit trailing by nine. - Davis, Raptors ward off extinction
  • A plane flew overhead, an ad for Coppertone trailing behind on a banner.
  • The lead car displaces the air, creating a vacuum to suck the trailing car along.
  • Jellyfish-shaped altocumulus clouds in the mid-atmosphere, trailing precipitation The impulse to collect can take strange forms. Cirrus Concerns
  • A spark fizzed and crackled, and he stepped into the dark opening, light trailing around him, and flames licking the air behind.
  • It came down to the end of the game and we were trailing by one point.
  • His vantage is an original combination of the archetypal and the impressionistic, the camera trailing after characters and hovering. NPR Topics: News
  • Then I climbed the long street over the rock and cobble stones between walls half green with pellitory, houses with high gables and rough wooden balconies where geraniums shone in the shadow, and from which the trailing plants hung low in that supreme luxuriance which is the beginning of their death. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • Watch for additional animals if you see one; a male may be pursuing a mate, and youngsters may be trailing their mother.
  • This incredible trailing groundcover has vivid fleshy leaves and succulent stems that enable it to store water and thrive in even the harshest climates.
  • His young son comes trailing white-faced behind.
  • It seemed a glow to him, a warm and trailing vapor, ever beyond his reaching, though sometimes he was rewarded by catching at shreds of it and weaving them into phrases that echoed in his brain with haunting notes or drifted across his vision in misty wafture of unseen beauty. Chapter 11
  • Carry out a safety check: tidy trailing electrical leads, plug electricity points for young children and make sure your smoke detectors work.
  • Trailing an article that uses the term accurately ( "the first world champion from outside the British Isles in 30 years") with an innacurate statement on the front page of the website ( "first foreigner to win world title since 1980") shows how it can be easy to lazily conflate the geographical with the political while making poor Ken Doherty a subject of the British crown. Sport news, comment and results |
  • Not every Frenchman will welcome the sight of such a leviathan trailing Union flags to the gates of Paris. ANTI-ICE
  • For a second the dog hesitated, then as if compelled by a command, Rocky pounced on Kevin trailing his rough tongue all over his master's face in long slurpy licks.
  • Long trailing flexes are a serious trip hazard.
  • Two peónes darted through the slits in the barrera and pulled him toward the railing, blood trailing behind him in a long black tail. Carlos The Impossible (Part 2)
  • The walls shone with rainwater trailing through the grime and the ground was thick with mud between the uneven cobblestones.
  • At 11: 12 p.m., during McGarvey's attack run, the aircraft trailing McGarvey's by approximately eight miles reported seeing a brilliant orange flash mushrooming from the area of the lead aircraft, after which no radio contact could be established with the aircraft. Carlton, James E. Jr.
  • Twenty-six-year-old Cyrille Aimée, with a voice like fine whiskey -- oaky and smooth, with a hint of smokiness -- offered a languid "Ce soir," caressing the French words, and an aggressive "Summertime," both trailing long strands of vocal roulades. Thelonious Monk International Jazz Vocalist Competition 2010 at Kennedy Center
  • Walcott is a Nobel Prize winner who, to paraphrase Wordsworth, leaves trailing clouds of sexual harassment behind him where e'er he goes, at least in the 617 area code. When Will the Poetic Violence End?
  • Suddenly the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy wafted in, dressed in black and trailing a cloud of cologne and his mistress, Daphne Guinness, who was wearing a revealing black cat suit and heelless Alexander McQueen platform shoes... Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: The Face of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
  • While his name recognition has been trailing behind other Republican hopefuls, a new poll of registered voters in Minnesota shows he does well against President Obama. Pawlenty's Polls
  • He winked at Maddy as the bell rang and sauntered down the hall with many girls trailing him like a dog.
  • The hearse crept round the corner into Cooper Lane, trailing cars. AMAGANSETT
  • He shudders as Jack leaves his body, trailing ectoplasm and humming ‘I'm the Wolf.’
  • If you want to further refine the trailing buy stop technique, you can lower your buy order the next day to the level one tick above the latest price bar.
  • In the 4x200 meter relay, he took the baton trailing two other anchors by 12 meters.
  • She pushed the door open and walked in, Ally trailing after her.
  • Bucks skylarked with bucks or flirted with the maidens, while the older squaws, shut out from this by virtue of having fulfilled, by reproduction, the function of existence, gossiped as they braided rope from the green roots of trailing vines. The God Of His Fathers
  • The tunics, square-necked, worn over white shirts with high collars, came to mid-thigh and were double-sleeved, the undersleeve, tight to the arm, of the same leaf-green as the hose, the oversleeve wide and trailing with dagged hems. This Scepter'd Isle
  • He was, in truth, a nomad, a rootless wanderer, trailing from one country to another and one place to another, varying longer stays with many restless shorter travels, living alone except when visiting or journeying with friends.
  • When we motor into the channel, however, I can't help noticing that the mooring buoy is trailing a foaming wake as the outgoing tide thunders past the boat.
  • The invitation featured a school of fish trailing a merman with hair made of coral riding a sea horse. Plenty of Fish at the Pisces Party
  • A moment later he emerged, a heavy-set young fellow of eighteen or nineteen, with a glowering, villainous countenance, trailing at his heels. Chapter 3
  • She screamed and shoved her way out of his hands and down the hallway, her long dress's train trailing behind her.
  • Trains 908m in length, and trailing 62 wagons, started transporting produce through the port last week.
  • If a sand and clay mixture is provided it will produce a dense, bushy plant developing a mass of trailing rootstock.
  • On one mission he flew so low over a German warship that he came back with the ship's aerial trailing from his tailwheel.
  • Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing.
  • Highlights included a heart-stopping display by the Red Arrows, whose daredevil pilots flew within whiskers of each other before rising into the sky trailing plumes of coloured smoke.
  • The trailing wheel attaches break the vehicle, the wheel design convenience migration, the break may be fixed meal the chair, and visible needs the DIY disassembling.
  • During the subsequent refueling from a Naval fuel dump at that location, an electrical spark jumped from the ungrounded bilge pump to the fuel on the trailing edge of the wing, causing the edge and both ailerons to be destroyed.
  • What it does bring is chaos, long waits on hot buses and people who think it is safe to drive with a yucca plant and trailing ivy hanging out of their back windows.
  • She noticed, trailing from the corner of the frozen grimace of his mouth, a trickle of mealy yellow liquid that was drying into a crust on his cheek.
  • Trailing fingers are terminals which ignite living flames, and the propeller of the little boat creates an avengeful commotion of light which trails far astern. Tropic Days
  • The flowers are lilac-rose; calyx, tubular; corolla of five petals, narrow and notched; leaves, awl-shaped, short, bent, and opposite; stems, branched, dense and trailing. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Destine nodded, trailing her fingers across the front of his throat.
  • He smiled down at her as they walked up the path, Stephen trailing behind.
  • They struck grayest and ghostliest on a high balcony, where a woman's figure crouched, swathed in damp, trailing drapery, with silky, falling hair about a still face, and steadfast eyes that had burned just as steadfastly through the long hours gone by. The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • A fin-like crease, or 'skeg,' ran from behind the front wheel opening to the rear of the car on the extreme lower body sides and there were special vertical crest medallions on the trailing edge of rear fenders. | Newest Listings
  • The tunics, square-necked, worn over white shirts with high collars, came to mid-thigh and were double-sleeved, the undersleeve, tight to the arm, of the same leaf-green as the hose, the oversleeve wide and trailing with dagged hems. This Scepter'd Isle
  • The team can fit grab-rails on staircases and in doorways, fix defective carpets or floor coverings, remove trailing wires and generally reduce trip hazards.
  • Some of my favorite windowsill plants include many varieties of trailing ivy, African violets, primroses, pansies and violets, geraniums, gloxinias, cyclamens, coleus, kalonchoes, peperomias, and heartleaf philodendrons.
  • Oval in shape, with a transparent float and distinctive crest, the organism has venomous trailing tentacles many yards long. Times, Sunday Times
  • A jeep trailing a cloud of dust was speeding in my direction.
  • Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a tall, rugged youth with an eye patch stepped out from the shadows, a slender girl with long hazel hair and a curvy figure trailing after him.
  • President Nicholas Sarkozy just suffered his own bout of shock and awe when polls showed his conservative party trailing the hard right National Front of Marine LePen.
  • Smoke starts trailing him from his right inboard engine.
  • The two which, throughout the Northern Atlantic States, divide this interest are the _Epigaea repens_ (May-flower, ground-laurel, or trailing-arbutus) and the _Hepatica triloba_ (liverleaf, liverwort, or blue anemone). The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 42, April, 1861
  • Shawn stirred a little, then lifted his head from the table; a long stream of slobber trailing from his mouth.
  • She'd go on and on like this as they'd bump along trailing dust clouds and squawking teds, and by the time they reached me harbor Alec would be weak with laughter. The Life of the World to Come
  • Low-fat and fat-free food sales are trailing behind foods that simply taste good.
  • Giselle blinked with her long, false eyelashes, then began to lead the way, Desiree trailing behind her.
  • Cougars were trailing 22-16 when Adam Mitchell floated a high ball across to the right wing.
  • Description: A monoecious annual, long-trailing or climbing herb with divided tendrils. Chapter 7
  • So she bought as she was going home, and saw the colliers trailing from the pits, grey-black, distorted, one shoulder higher than the other, slurring their heavy ironshod boots. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • His third of the day was a sensational effort, his awesome pace again leaving the Wolves defence trailing on 71 minutes.
  • He rose to his feet, slowly trailing behind the stern headmaster.
  • But now, turducken is a holiday tour-de-force, the third most-searched-for holiday item in 2003, trailing only "turkey" and "fried turkey" in the Thanksgiving holiday category.
  • It was remarkably unprepossessing - a translucent box-shaped blob, six or eight inches high, with threadlike tentacles trailing off beneath it.
  • The F - 117A has four elevons on the inboard and outboard trailing edge of the wing.
  • They went upstairs, Jenine and Geri carrying their overnight and school bags with them, and Sasha trailing slowly after them, her hands over her face.
  • The processes evaluated would use either a trailing suction hopper dredge or a cutterhead suction dredge to place the sand either on barrier islands for restoration or into temporary storage for later use as a construction material.
  • The new experience of trailing behind the rest might do her no harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • This country is still trailing badly in scientific research.
  • Long trailing flexes are a serious trip hazard.
  • As the bulldog descended, his prey — an outsize boar with a wide “three-finger” hoofprint — sensed its imminent demise, and bolted past Clifford and the trailing pack. The Boar War
  • I sighed as Pitcher waddled along, trailing slightly behind the others sometimes rushing to catch them up.
  • Buncan tried to picture the great rhino dragging a plow, furrow after endless furrow, while some ill-tempered fanner trailing behind berated him with orders and curses in equal measure. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • They cruise slowly through the water, cavernous mouths agape, skin covered in a foul-smelling mucous and often trailing long threads of algae from their long pectoral fins.
  • Remember to include the trailing slash when invoking custom actions.
  • A scrawny dapple-grey mare wearing a battered saddle stood there, reins trailing, lathered with sweat and blowing clouds of vapor. Conqueror's Moon
  • Three windows let in the afternoon sunlight, windows that sparkled from a recent washing; a trailing fuchsia in full bloom, in an old wash-basin painted green, was suspended from the ceiling in front of the east window. The Second Chance
  • The world No5 retired with a back injury in the fourth set while trailing Kyrgios. The Sun
  • The trailing-arm landing gear makes every landing a greaser.
  • They were trailing a deer.
  • Groundcovers may include African daisy, trailing gazania or even large-leafed Algerian ivy.
  • There is a comblike serrated feather on the leading edge of the wing, velourlike feathers on top and a trailing edge of feathers on the rear of the wing. NYT > Global Home
  • High frequent adventitious shoot formation , plant regeneration and micro - propagation were established in trailing petunia ( Petunia hybrida ) leaf.
  • A large elevon is clearly visible at the mid-section of each trailing edge.
  • The image of a cold brew, the glass beaded with moisture and foam trailing riverlike down its side at a crowded happy-hour bar, filled his mind. Honorbound
  • A short length of line was trailing from the rope handle, and I knew that I was good for a day at least, if the sharks did not return. THE HEATHEN
  • The company said the quarter saw a decline in international prices of olefins, polymer as well as fibre-intermediate on the back of weaker crude oil prices compared with the trailing quarter.
  • As Election Day neared with McCain trailing in the polls, 'campaign aides' began sniping at Palin as a" diva "who ignored top advisers and lacked" fundamental understanding "of key issues in the race. Palin says she is not a quitter
  • Spence studied a two-dimensional airfoil placed in an inviscid, incompressible, steady fluid flow, in particular a thin jet coming from its trailing edge of the airfoil.
  • All run-away sheep bound back bopeep, trailing their teenes behind them. Finnegans Wake
  • A proximity alert started to go off in the meanwhile - two Crab fighters were trailing him.
  • Vines trailing overhead and pot plants against the whitewashed walls add a Mediterranean feel.
  • All round us, the lilies, lotuses, white trailing fronds of aquatic plants are opening up their own restaurants to a buzz of water beetles and insects.
  • He is trailing behind us, apparently not really knowing what to do or say.
  • The race began and very soon our horse was trailing the leaders, all the way towards (I think) the last fence when there was a tremendous pile-up.
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • True to their name, trailing fuchsias are the most desirable for planting in suspended containers.
  • Sometimes when she goes home after a long shift and closes her eyes to fall asleep, she sees the spiking and trailing amperage of thought patterns. Intersomnolence
  • Vassilli's aim was true, and the plane went down trailing smoke from the engine cowling.
  • Along comes Betty Elms, a corn-fed blonde straight out of Deep River, Ontario, trailing the faint scent of Lynch's Twin Peaks ingénue Laura Palmer.
  • The leading edge of my left outboard pylon dented the trailing edge of the adjacent jet's right stabilator.
  • The gelding was an 18-length winner that day, but failed to build on his success by trailing home fifth of six in an Ascot handicap on his most recent start.
  • Dan's parents gave us three old chimney pots which I plated with trailing fuchsia today.
  • Why! suppose I possessed a theatrical wardrobe, would you venture to argue from that that I am in the frequent habit of wearing the trailing robes of tragedy, the saffron cloak of the mimic dance, or the patchwork suit of the harlequinade? The Defense
  • Use a good mix of trailing plants like Petunias, Ivy-leaf geranium, verbenas and lobelia round the edge of the basket.
  • The audit trailing of data is likely to multiply the amount of transactional data we store by a factor of two or more.
  • A new, fully-independent, double wishbone rear suspension incorporates a lightweight trailing arm, and positions the coil spring and shock absorber separately to minimize system intrusion into the loadspace floor. Autoblog
  • Morton began trailing him and ducking behind shop windows with Catherine when the man turned around.
  • Kevin said goodbye to Samantha and walked off trailing behind Martin.
  • Leaving home without my “sweat rag” is disastrous, as it often leaves me blinded from the salty sweat trailing through my ineffective eyebrows and into my eyes. Archive 2008-08-01
  • She grows low or trailing annuals like alyssum, lobelias, and petunias along the edges of the beds, with taller cosmos, poppies, and zinnias behind.
  • Then (in Roger's vision) he could see the garlanded bibliopole turning to the expectant audience, giving his trailing gown a deft rearward kick as the ladies do on the stage, and uttering, without hesitation or embarrassment, with due interpolation of graceful pleasantry, that learned and unlaboured discourse on the delights of bookishness that he had often dreamed of. The Haunted Bookshop
  • Priscilla, or some other winsome and good maiden of the early colonial days, who transplanted to New England this poetic practice, sweet as the fragrant pink and white blossoms of the trailing arbutus, which is especially used to commemorate it. Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir
  • Grimly, Auguste marched back through the tent into the kitchen, with a contrite Boris trailing behind.
  • Harry's wretched past revisits him vividly, trailing behind it issues of betrayal, death, punishment and revenge.
  • The partisan crowd showed their sportsmanship by loudly applauding victors from other nations and cheering trailing athletes from smaller nations. The Sun
  • With hesitant motions, she opened the door of the shop and walked in, with Valarie trailing behind.
  • If a sand and clay mixture is provided it will produce a dense, bushy plant developing a mass of trailing rootstock.
  • The sulci terrain features are on the trailing hemisphere of Enceladus, leading to the suggestion that they have been protected from bombardment by the bulk of the moon as it encountered debris in its synchronous orbit. Archive 2007-11-01
  • People bustled by, mouths trailing vapor, faces flushed and bitten by cold. SPIDERTOWN
  • West Virginia was trailing 13-7 before slotback Jock Sanders scored three touchdowns in the final 6: 13 of the third quarter to help the Mountaineers take control of the game.

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