
How To Use Tragic In A Sentence

  • Ray was knocking them down one by one, unlike his tragic ancestor who only knocked himself down.
  • Owner Jane Organ said it was tragic for the pup to be taken from its mother at such a young age.
  • If the rivalry pwnage wasn't at tragic levels going into last year, it certainly is now.
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • It was a throwaway remark that proved tragically prophetic.
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  • It is dreadfully sad to reflect that he grew up in such a short time and in such tragic circumstances. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is at its most exasperating in detailing the tragic story of Eduardo "El Chino" Hernandez.
  • That last complaint is tragicomic given that Memphis schools typically rank among the nation's five worst with fewer than half of black males graduating from high school. Tennessee's Chamber Maids
  • The Little Sparrow," "Je Ne Regrette Rien", the tragic fate of her boxer-lover, do we really need to crank that victrola one more time -- haven't we had enough? Paris Then, Paris Now: James Wolcott
  • The Largo is done broadly and is less nostalgic than tragic; some suspect intonation from the wind choir reduces the music's power somewhat.
  • It was so tragic and sad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her tragic death, poignantly captured on grainy mobile telephone footage, has flashed around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have warned those looking after children to keep them away from garages and factory sites before there is a tragic accident.
  • The tragic death of Mr. Shane Fitzgerald, from Kilmacleague, Dunmore East, last week was felt all over the barony of Gall Tir including Passage and surrounding areas.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • We have laws on murder, but, tragically, we still have murders and killings in this country.
  • But the government's toadyish diplomacy, which overlooked the key issue affecting its relations with North Korea, led to a delay in resolving the abduction cases and resulted in tragic consequences.
  • Avoid anything too long - they might be fine for adolescent surfer dudes, but look tragic on the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • “When Prayer Fails: Faith Healing, Children, and the Law” is the first book to look unflinchingly at the tragic cases of children who have died because their parents place absolute faith in the power of prayer rather than in the efficacy of modern medicine. Christian Scientists pushing change in Wisconsin prayer law
  • Oops, sorry, I forgot Chicoutimi was the boat involved in that tragic fire and is still not repaired. One way to fill blogspace on a pre-long weekend Friday – Liveblogging a PMO background briefing - Inside the Queensway -
  • Tragically, the second version was also lost in a fire.
  • She passed out when she heard the tragic news.
  • When Kwan shocked Hong Kong by coming out, he was already established as one of the city's best filmmakers, esteemed for his finely tuned aesthetics and perfectly realized tragic heroines.
  • If that is acceptable, why not create a clone of a child who was lost in a tragic accident?
  • The plays fall into the categories of history, tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy.
  • These are not satanic monsters, but tragic, pitiful figures.
  • I find myself wondering, as I watch and read the unfolding news coverage of this event, if, as a society, we remain equipped to pause long enough to consider the long-term ramifications of any event, tragic or otherwise. Elizabeth Bisbee Silber: The Consequences of Our Rapid-Fire Culture
  • Polak is a powerful presence in the lead, displaying remarkable physical and emotional range, while Treasa Levasseur is a standout in both comic and tragic turns.
  • To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.
  • The Republican Party's slapstick search for a leader would be heartwarming and sidesplitting, but for the tragic knowledge that one of these scrambling midgets will collect tens of millions of votes in the presidential election of 2012. Frank Schaeffer: President Obama Will Win In An Overwhelming Landslide in 2012 and Will Deserve the Victory
  • Her mother is a drug addict and has been in and out of jail for over a decade, and Megan's insatiable craving for affection is both tragic and repellent.
  • Frustrated by his lack of social acceptance he retreats into a world of fantasy and self-delusion ... with tragic results.
  • The Chorus also recalls how Bacchus' mother, a mortal woman, was killed after she was tragically struck by Zeus' thunderbolt.
  • Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
  • We are now sanitized and correct, factual and precise, but tragically bereft of relationship.
  • They had a battle and it's just a tragic end. The Sun
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • In short, the comic poet is invading the territory of the tragic muse.
  • In short, the comic poet is invading the territory of the tragic muse.
  • Again there is a comparison with Beckett and tragicomedy, where happiness and sadness are all the more vivid from being in relief to each other.
  • Tragic cases like these simply scratch the surface of a society that appears to be in rapid decline. The Sun
  • She wanted to free the Haluk — those highly intelligent, extremely numerous, misunderstood aliens — from the allomorphism that had so tragically hindered their progress. Perseus Spur
  • Witnessing the devastation and tragic scenes of human suffering left an indelible impression on Burchett and had a profound effect on the rest of his life.
  • There were the Knights of the Round Table, vowed to the highest ideals of chivalry, and the greatest of them, Sir Lancelot, who, of course, has a tragic love affair with the Queen.
  • He calls the episode ‘perhaps the most tragic example of the exportation of conflict.’
  • It is against these projections and insinuations that Luzhin tries to devise a defence, the failure of which has tragic consequences.
  • The letters are by turns hilarious and tragic, highly inappropriate and oversharing.
  • Lolling in their leisurewear, with lager cans as a substitute for ammo, these soldiers don't quite belong in that tragically vulnerable company. The big picture: On the way to the Falklands War, 1982
  • Originally published in 1971, the publication has at its heart what purports to be the yearbook of the fictional C. Estes Kefauver Memorial High School in tragically woebegone Dacron, Ohio.
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.
  • We've traded our epic heroes for tragicomic ones who bear a stronger and stronger resemblance to ourselves. Christianity Today
  • I say tragic, because on every hilltop is a ruin of either a fortress or a church in which men sought security and there was no security. London To Paris To Rome
  • Why should his death, however tragic, threaten irreparable damage to an institutional structure of such proven strength?
  • ‘It is tragic that a momentary lapse of concentration can have such consequences,’ said Mr Singleton, who recorded a verdict of accidental death.
  • This ending is as bleak as any in the history of tragic drama - death, rape, slavery, fire destroying the towers, the city's very name effaced from the record of history by the acts of rapacious and murderous Greeks.
  • One of the things which I've learned from it all, from this - it's amazing how some - such a tragical experience can bring so much love and so much - can teach you so much.
  • This is one of the first tragic news events that has not been immediately followed by a round of sick jokes.
  • This is a triumph of his, not a desperate, tragic failure," Anita Thompson said by phone, recounting that she was sitting in her husband's chair he called his catbird seat in the Rockies. Don't romanticize Thompson's suicide.
  • Some were histrionic tragic performances dripping with sensibility. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Four men met their deaths in a tragic accident as they worked on the West Coast Mainline at Tebay, in the early hours of Sunday morning.
  • The 39-year-old, from the West End area of Ashton, said: ‘They were just lads larking about which ended with tragic consequences.’
  • Imagine our horror at the thought that we might now be held legally responsible for the tragic results of an inadequate diet.
  • A barely audible, beautifully modulated voice recounts some mundane or tragic moment, as it relays from one audio station to another.
  • It is this sense of loyalty and brotherhood, found amongst miners the country over, that led to the tragic deaths of two brave men who would not give up their ‘marrer’ for lost.
  • The updates on meeting schedules posted to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors account, with its strictly business mien, is tragically unendearing by comparison. Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • Inquiries are continuing to establish the circumstances around this tragic incident. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early today, they did not believe there were any suspicious circumstances and said they thought it was a tragic accident.
  • While ostensibly the pie plate would serve to prevent the derailleur from inadvertently and tragically wandering into the spokes like a Nü-Fred jumping into the Gimbels Ride, in the absence of any sort of rear mech "rear mech" is Yiddish for derailleur--the "ch" is guttural I can only assume the pie plate is vestigial. New Customs: Changing Language, Changing Bikes
  • Across the intertragical notch is the prominence known as the antitragus, part of the stiff cartilaginous shelf from which hangs the fleshy auricular lobule earlobe. Archive 2009-06-01
  • I regarded _tragic_ knowledge as the most beautiful luxury of our culture, as its most precious, most noble, most dangerous kind of prodigality; but, nevertheless, in view of its overflowing wealth, as a justifiable _luxury_. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • The action starts at 2 pm, and as a political tragic, I can hardly wait!
  • Tragically, or perhaps fortunately, the hunt was aborted by Gaitskell's untimely death in January 1963.
  • I think we've neglected vocational education in the most tragic way.
  • It lacks the note of inevitableness which is the final touchstone of tragic greatness. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 4
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • A whole new tragic category of bankrupts are in the making.
  • While David is away chairing (very eccentrically of course) the Cannes festival committee we finally get to see close to his best and most mysterious and touchingly tragic movie.
  • This unfortunately means that the difficult and tragic is overrepresented in the discussion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brent tragically lost his life after the agreement was reached, and as I listened to Deirdre, I wondered that if we had foresighted politicians in Ohio years before -- public officials who could see that there was a gap in the law and that something needed to be done -- this young man could still be with us today. Wayne Pacelle: It's Wild to Allow Dangerous Exotic Animals as Pets
  • The _baxa_ was a coarse sandal made of twigs, used by philosophers and comic actors; the _calcæus_ was a shoe that covered the foot, though the toes were often exposed; and the _cothurnus_, a laced boot worn by horsemen, hunters, men of authority, and tragic actors, and it left the toes likewise exposed. The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • Luckily with condolences it wasn't necessary to go into detail -- all she need do was commiserate on the tragic accident. PROSPECT HILL
  • The play is one of the most potent amalgams of the Bard's keen psychological observation, tragic fatalism, and bitingly intelligent verbal and conceptual humor.
  • We've traded our epic heroes for tragicomic ones who bear a stronger and stronger resemblance to ourselves. Christianity Today
  • Living in reclusion is both the style of life for the Survivor Ci-poets and the natural choice for them to seek relief in tragic life experiences.
  • The Left in two of its three forms in the UK is suffering badly from this whole tragic mess.
  • I went from a size 16 to an 8 a few years back, and - thanks to clever dressing in my lardier days - the sheer enormity of my achievement went tragically unrecognised : Belly 4U
  • i, film geek, proclaim the title apt and brilliant for this tragic tale. Trailer Blazer: 'Quantum of Solace' |
  • The roll-call of the missing presumed dead is the tragic emblem of such atrocities, and it is no surprise that the fate of one woman in particular has caused much comment.
  • At this stage, the need to control war to prevent it becoming a tragic and self-defeating activity demanded strong action.
  • He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure.
  • The tragic irony is that the drug was supposed to save lives.
  • We do not want to see a repetition of last year's tragic events.
  • It then offers another way of living with the enormity of pain and suffering in our world-a model of tragic suffering which explores human freedom and finitude in the context of pain.
  • Constant experience with jeopardous tasks has eliminated the human fear of danger, and even death, in its most tragic shapes, by long association has lost its terrors. The Eternal Maiden
  • It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented.
  • Tragically, every effort to actualize such ideological illusions inflicts collective trauma on those who are attacked, and they respond with an intensification of their resurrective ideologies. Robert D. Stolorow: The Meaning and the Rhetoric of Evil: Auschwitz and Bin Laden
  • While the story might be tragic, his recounting of it is both witty and perceptive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tragic hero, we are told, still treats the ethical as his telos or goal, even if this entails subordinating particular duties to its attainment.
  • Mince pies become my life once December begins. Well, maybe not my life. I'm not quite that tragic.
  • There was complete silence in the room as the play came to its tragic conclusion.
  • Multiple writers later produced similar tales, including one set in Siena instead of Verona, but the tragic lovers became inextricably associated with Shakespeare in the early 1600s. Juliet has a history, a home and a inexplicable draw
  • I've been labelling myself as 'tragicomic pop'. The Sun
  • The entire area is deeply shocked and saddened by this untimely and tragic death.
  • His career was prematurely ended by his tragic death in a plane crash in 1939 at the age of 55.
  • The tragic nature of Eugene O Neill splays is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek tragedy, the expressionism of Strindberg, and O Neill sown experience.
  • It's tragic!" swoons Jeffrey in mock horror.
  • Like the white swan, she is meant to be a tragic figure. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this paper, we hold that the fundamental feature of tragic persons is that they long for bringing free personality into being, and have a strong transcendent impulse.
  • We would also like to send our condolences to all the other families and people involved in this tragic incident. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would be accepted as evidence if not disease, madness, misery, irrationality, frustration, criminality and sickness, that a tragic disparateness now exists between the needs of human beings and the imperatives of society. Rogue Of Gor
  • Police have now warned that gates guarding the railway crossing should be kept closed at all times to try to prevent a repeat of the tragic accident.
  • One aspect of such reality is that tragic accidents and violence happen and they shock and traumatize the victim's body, mind and soul at the time and for the rest of their life.
  • Tragically, he died in hospital from a bacterial infection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero.
  • Jego oczywiscie. na nauke czas pozostaje poznymi wieczorami, a moze i nocami? nie no, nie jest tak tragicznie. ogolnie to jesli sie spreze, to dam rade. moze pomijajac anatomie, chociaz nie do konca. aczkolwiek na dyzur pojde po wszystkim. niech sie to wszystko przewali, to bede miala glowe do lektur. -
  • Time to go for a wander - otherwise I'm in danger of turning into one of those tragic netslaves who go on holiday and spend two weeks figuring out how to say "do you have an adaptor?"
  • However much he might mock the pedantic generic confusions of the ‘pastoral, tragical comical’ theatre of his predecessors, Shakespeare was their heir.
  • This was a no win exercise from the get go and so many have died or have been tragically maimed for what is becoming all the more unclear to me. 08 « May « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
  • So we can say that in all his films the plot leads to a fatal end, a tragic destiny which the characters cannot avoid because it is presented as an absolute truth.
  • And with a maddening clutch about his heart he saw again the tragic searching in her eyes when she had said, "Then you have known me long, your Grace," and afterwards, so soft and strangely slow, "Then you might have been one of those who came to my birthnight feast, and saw my life begin. His Grace of Osmonde Being the Portions of That Nobleman's Life Omitted in the Relation of His Lady's Story Presented to the World of Fashion under the Title of A Lady of Quality
  • Yesterday's train crash near Selby, North Yorkshire, was clearly a tragic consequence of chance and deadly events.
  • Now, if you were to just pop over to the PS3, and set the environment variable DISPLAY to, for instance, "laptop:0.0", and run an xterm, you'd discover a tragic flaw in this scheme: Permission denied.
  • It is such a tragic loss. The Sun
  • As a result, what we see is consistently open to interpretation, often with profound and tragic consequences.
  • her life...presented itself to me as a tragicomical adventure
  • Mercury Energy says it regrets what it calls the tragic circumstances surrounding the death and will investigate further. CNN Transcript May 30, 2007
  • Hers is a tragic story.
  • The Aboriginal rebellion is as tragic as life aboard the Sincerity is hilarious.
  • In fact this approach, called stichomythia, played a part in the creation of the Elizabethan tragic style.
  • The play closed with the tragic death of both hero and heroine.
  • So irrepressible in youth is the thrust to become," one specialist has warned, "that it will surface somehow, if not in constructive self-expression, then in wilful vandalism or defiant apathy or even suicide as an ultimate, tragic expression of self-determination. Our Responsibility to Youth
  • If we are going to claim sexual equality, we can't throw our hands in the air and play the tragic victim when things go awry.
  • What happened to this mother is tragic, and right now she'll be feeling bewildered and confused. The Sun
  • The overwhelming agism of this whole show crystallized when, in Demi's intro to the Dead People Montage, she said of the dead ones passings: "some tragically and much too soon. Tallulah Morehead: The Our Gang Oscars
  • It arouses dim memories of that tragic time when the flow of milk ceased for the child, when he was weaned.
  • Affectionately, the documentary gives due to what gay visibility there was, even if gay characters met tragic ends.
  • The best of lives are sad and tragic. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it's the latter, electronic dance music makes you want to put on sunglasses at midnight and drive your stubbled, tragic self into the night.
  • My prayers and condolences are with those whose lives were tragically altered by the cowardly attacks.
  • Myshkin is a later, more riddling and more tragic figure of lost absolutes.
  • This tragic case must mean we are all on guard and follow basic precautions. The Sun
  • In the past three years, eight young people from the general area have lost their lives in tragic accidents.
  • And that one sloppy, dozy, cosy thing leads tragically to another. Murdoch could let the News of the World rise again
  • He and Lady Charlotte both tragically perished in a great fire at the temple today.
  • But the ultimate cost will be the tragic demise of small family farms around the world.
  • She was witness to the tragic event.
  • What you do is squirt a packet of ketchup on your arm, have a seat and watch the tragicomic parade of gore and suffering roll past.
  • It could have been a tragic accident, or there could have been third party involvement.
  • Even so, it would be tragic if Russia's leaders used them to justify further centralising power, more crackdowns on political freedom and greater powers for the state's security forces.
  • She was reportedly a tough character, bitterly acerbic and tragically alcoholic.
  • Haiti is also the latest in a string of nearly annual megadisasters extending back through the past decade, calamities claiming tens of thousands of lives more because poverty and the forces of nature met with foreseeably tragic consequences. Averting Disaster
  • But a mistake like this, while it's very tragic, really is very avoidable, which is why a lot of these companies make these specific pediatric brands. CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2004
  • The tragic death has shocked and saddened the local community and shattered his family.
  • Our sense of the Depression may be bound up with the tragic social realism of Steinbeck's 'The Grapes of Wrath'.
  • Yet what should be a tragic ending just comes across as melodrama. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • There is always a flaw in the character of a tragic hero.
  • Tragically a British Para died in the fierce firefight along with the translator. The Sun
  • The D minor Quartet is by far the most tragic of the six, with a piercing sadness that sometimes borders on gloominess.
  • And this powerful drama focuses on the tragic issue of knife crime. The Sun
  • This is a plea to all bar owners and councillors to help make Bolton a place to be proud of and to prevent these tragic accidents happening.
  • HUNDREDS of mourners pay their respects yesterday as five tragic helicopter heroes return home. The Sun
  • The tragic sky is the only thing that can be appealed to in certain circumstances.
  • It was, notwithstanding the ultimately tragic fate of the Soviet Union, the historical antipode to capitalist barbarism, and the beacon for future generations.
  • Well if it do not, Pilatre-like, explode; and demount all the more tragically! The French Revolution
  • Tragically poorly attended meetings, in point of fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is just one example of tragic, avoidable deaths in our prisons. Times, Sunday Times
  • She renounced the role of tragic widow with an austerity that irritated her would-be saviours.
  • She interprets the role as more tragic than I expected.
  • She said:'I have no doubt that the loss of her close and very dear friend in very tragic circumstances would have had a profound effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • In spite of the serious and even tragic cast of the plot, the use of spoken dialogue compels us to class 'Les Deux Journées' as an opéra comique; and the same rule applies to 'Médée,' Cherubini's finest work, an opera which for dignity of thought and grandeur of expression deserves to rank high among the productions of the period. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
  • After a childhood spent "surveiling" the protected "legitimate" family, a term proud Gwen hates, rebellious teenaged Dana inserts herself into her half-sister's life, with tragic results. rss feed
  • Why highlight the tragic demise of one woman, and gloss over the deaths of the 14 men?
  • And it is leaving behind a tragic toll of death, heartache and despair throughout Britain.
  • Tragic indeed, People were once again befooled, but this time by their own men.
  • She was what I call not just "not funny" but NF, which is far worse -- it's truly, deeply, tragically not funny. Nora Ephron: Take My Secretary of State, Please
  • Beyond that, there is a classic hero theme, complete with a tragic flaw, to richen the drama. Tim Berry: iPhone as Classic Drama
  • He regarded the man again; it was very strange, as if a circular stage, the buskined world's tragic-comic wheel of fortune, had turned, and a person whom he had seen in one character had reappeared in another. Half A Chance
  • Based on Irving Stone's popular book, Vincente Minnelli's beautiful, vibrant film tracks Van Gogh's tragic journey into obsessive madness with unusual perceptiveness and insight. John Farr: Kirk Douglas Turns 95!
  • From the humorous to the tragic to the mundane, stereography has left its indelible mark on history.
  • We still haven't got over her tragic demise. The Sun
  • The tragic hero's reversal inspires pity if it is due not to wickedness of character but rather to some hamartia, by which Aristotle seems to mean some error in action, sometimes blameworthy and sometimes not.
  • The Black Cross of that book was the Golden Cross in Portobello Road, which tragically tarted itself up the week of publication, thus missing out on literary-tourist-trail notoriety.
  • The novel is comic and tragic.
  • Tragically, about one-third of these babies are stillborn and the rest die in the first days of life.
  • The noble "idyl" of _Echetlos_ is thus a counterpart, in its brief way, to the great tragic tale of Herakles and Robert Browning
  • To some extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation.
  • It is the height of folly and a tragic waste to gallop into war.
  • This tragic incident underlines the need for immediate action.
  • As tragic events unfolded in Europe, Luce ran his thriving magazine empire with an odious tilt.
  • Tragically, on Christmas Eve, as elements of the division crossed the English Channel on board the troop ship Leopoldville, a German submarine torpedoed the ship.
  • … On the other hand, it must be obvious, that when Circe’s unfortunate animals are induced to worship chastity, all they see and _worship_ therein, is their opposite — oh! and with what tragic groaning and fervour, may well be imagined — that same painful and thoroughly superfluous opposition which, towards the end of his life, Richard Wagner undoubtedly wished to set to music and to put on the stage, _And to what purpose? The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • The biggest incident in which he has been involved was tragic double fatal accident in which two young girls died.
  • And Gorgias used to call tragical poems cheats, wherein he that did cheat was juster than he that did not cheat, and he that was cheated was wiser than he that was not cheated. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Race, gender, appearance, body language, rictal spouses and offspring, even bursts of tragic grandeur, are all subsumed by marketing and "image-making", now magnified by "virtual" technology. Archive 2008-06-01
  • In these past two weeks Norway has been the focus of understandably intense scrutiny, and as is typical, the tragic events have been coopted as a means to talk about issues ranging from immigration reform and religious tolerance to gun control and the rise of the European far right. Jake Townsend: Branding Peace: Norway's Identity Put to the Test
  • This appears to be a tragic scuba diving accident. The Sun
  • It is not a severe attack," my father wrote at the beginning, "yet it is attended by fits of exceeding discomfort, occasional comatoseness, and even delirium to the extent of making the poor child talk in rhythmic measure, like a tragic heroine -- as if the fever lifted her feet off the earth; the fever being seldom dangerous, but is liable to recur on slight occasion hereafter. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • a playwright specializing in tragicomic drama
  • Oh! what a bitter discordancy grated upon my ears that day when the tragic chorus was directed by this same Peace

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