How To Use Tragic flaw In A Sentence
In the good old days, cocaine was the ‘magic bullet’ against alcoholism, morphinism and that ‘vicious habit’ of nicotinism, but it had one tragic flaw - people liked it.
Your hamartia is your: a. tragic flaw that leads to your downfall.
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Their tragic flaw, of course, was the relatively arbitrary assignment of these functions to areas, and the belief in the corresponding shape of the skull.
Aristotle's idea that a tragic hero acts from a hamartia or mistake rather than evil intent was distorted into a theory of the so-called tragic flaw and was applied to describe foibles of Hamlet and Othello (jealousy).
The "Nemeses" grouping calls attention to Roth's continuing concern with men who may not be stricken with what's often defined as a "tragic flaw" but who nevertheless come to live debilitated lives of their own making.
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If there is any tragic flaw in her character, the playwright has turned the blind-spot to it and evidently wishes us to do the same.
The concept of a tragic flaw, after all, is strangely comforting, even absolving.
It was for Alexander a tragic flaw, or hamartia, a Greek word meaning to miss the mark when shooting an arrow Christians would later use the same word to mean “sin”.
Alexander the Great
Tragedy is a story or play that has a significant conflict of morals, with a noble protagonist displaying a tragic flaw that is their strength but leads to their downfall.
Now, if you were to just pop over to the PS3, and set the environment variable DISPLAY to, for instance, "laptop:0.0", and run an xterm, you'd discover a tragic flaw in this scheme: Permission denied.
Rocchi gives a great explanation to the feel of both parts: "The first half of Che feels like nothing less than Lawrence of Arabia, as a charismatic outsider helps fight, and win, a seemingly impossible series of battles; the second part is a little more sad and thoughtful, as we witness Che's tragic flaw where, after creating a revolution in Cuba, he simply could not stop, and tried to re-create something irreproducible.
Why You Should Take an Interest in Steven Soderbergh's Che «
The critic Frank Kermode corrected our mistranslation of Aristotle's word hamartia (tragic flaw), suggesting that a more accurate and useful interpretation would be missing the mark.
This confused sense of reality and possibility turns out Brutus's tragic flaw that underlies all the major decisions he makes and consequently results in his own ruin.
It must be their tragic flaws that make them fail to measure up in our eyes.
This confused sense of reality and possibility turns out Brutus's tragic flaw that underlies all the major decisions he makes and consequently results in his own ruin.
Furthermore, empirically speaking, "perfect" guys have one tragic flaw: timing.
The question was, indeed, broached by the greatest thinkers among the great Greeks; howeer, their answer was always with reference to the presencing of the present Anwesen des Anwesenden, and the ambiguity contained in this "twofold," the tragic flaw contained in this failure to make what Heidegger calls the "ontological difference" was to haunt western thought concerning the tiny word "is" from Parmenides' famous maxim to the "is" of Hegel's speculative propositions.
Beyond that, there is a classic hero theme, complete with a tragic flaw, to richen the drama.
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