How To Use Tragedienne In A Sentence
Nobody wanted their little princesses to live the life of the great French tragedienne, with her denial of moral constraint, her ridiculous traveling menagerie and her monumental myth-making.
Actress, Seductress
Tiffany presents Paris Vignettes posted at tragedienne, saying, In the summer of 1999 when I was 20 years old, I went on a study abroad trip to Paris with my cousin Danielle, sponsored by her school, Tulane University.
Creative Carnival: July 2009 « Write Anything
The first Rita is French, she was an exotic dancer of the generation of previously mentioned Rita Renoir, the tragedienne of strippers.
2 x Rita Cadillac = 2 x guilty pleasures « Jahsonic
Jennifer Bostock, a precocious young scientist from New York clad in a vintage velvet dress that gave her the appearance of a slightly aggrieved Gothic tragedienne, swung around from her desk.
She was a glamorous loser, a musical comedy tragedienne, a mixture of frivolity and misfortune.

In any genre where a happy ending is not only not guaranteed, but almost forbidden, one is likely to find a Tragedienne.
Via Zines, a lovely series of portraits of nobrow strip-teaseuse Rita Renoir, the tragedienne of strippers.
J’aime le striptease « Jahsonic
She was regarded as a tragedienne and often compared to great actresses of the day.
Olga Averbuch — strong-headed Jewess, suffering tragedienne — contains multitudes and stories.
Writing from the Contact Zone: Posthumanism in literature and theory
Rita is French, she was an exotic dancer of the generation of previously mentioned Rita Renoir, the tragedienne of strippers.
The tragedienne of strippers « Jahsonic
Her skills as a tragedienne come forward in Rigoletto and even more so in La traviata, where she is an unforgettably poignant Violetta.
However, she was also a tragedienne not only on-screen, but, sadly, off-screen as well.