How To Use Traffic jam In A Sentence

  • Our coach was caught in a traffic jam and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.
  • The average traffic jam was six miles long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forget the road congestion, it's the traffic jams inside the racecourse enclosures which will occupy the team bringing this magnificent spectacle to York.
  • It can even work out quick detours around traffic jams and roadworks, if you encounter any, Evesham said.
  • More now from CNN space correspondent, and based on his reporting last hour on "hypermiling" Mr. Rolling Traffic Jam, Mr. Roadblock, miles O'Brien. CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2008
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  • They were diverted from flooded roads twice, then found themselves in a traffic jam caused by a multicar fender bender. WRECKED
  • Traffic jams were expected because farmers were taking livestock with them.
  • New day, same old story - that's the opinion of most motorists who drive through Newry to work or on school runs as they patiently sit in sluggish traffic jams.
  • The playing is good enough, and the engineering is better, yet the final peroration does remind me of a rush hour traffic jam in New York City.
  • All the efforts going into fuel cells, hybrids and zero-emission vehicles are only going to yield clean-burning cars that crawl along in interminable traffic jams.
  • Traffic jam assist helps the driver to maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead and helps to keep the vehicle centred in the lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • The signals will automatically respond to the jams and allocate the required time durations for clearing such traffic jams.
  • All cab drivers are now asked to use the new entranceway opposite the Secondary School and exit through the old entrance, thus avoiding the previous traffic jams.
  • Traffic jams are frequent, often because the buses which use the road cannot get through. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then it's the traditional stop-go traffic jam, as the person at the head of the slip spends a few minutes rinsing down their boat before moving on.
  • Our coach was caught in a traffic jam and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.
  • Heavy traffic jams were reported on nearly all the main motorways as ten million headed to the countryside and beaches. The Sun
  • The move comes as many shopkeepers in the area are complaining that traffic jams and the lack of parking spaces are driving customers away.
  • The situation is not helped by motorists stuck in traffic jams seeing bicycles hurtle past. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mayor of Shenzhen bemoaned thethe southern boom town was plagued with traffic jams and pollution.
  • They detoured around the traffic jam by heading south.
  • By early evening, traffic jams still characterised the outgoing traffic as motorists tried to negotiate their way home after a wet day.
  • But there were reports of further violence in a coach park and in traffic jams where United supporters again came under attack.
  • An hour later, as the bus finally crawled its way out of that horrible traffic jam, it managed to reach the train stop.
  • Banks are sinking because they are the pooling spots of energy, like an adhesion aka knot in a muscle, it is a traffic jam to flow, the cause of pain and limited range of motion, banks are energetic blockages to the flow of energy, where greed stagnates. Evening Buzz: Bank Bailout
  • Over the last ten years, the number of Internet hosts has grown at an accelerated rate; slowdowns and traffic jams are plaguing the information superhighway.
  • Then I got tangled in a confusion of traffic jams, roadworks, diversions and obscure road signs.
  • Many pupils struggled to get to school after buses were cancelled and huge traffic jams developed as police set up dragnets to try to catch the sniper.
  • Last year, working in shifts, a number of the town's residents kept the button continually pressed, and at one point had a miles-long traffic jam of trucks called "lorries" in the UK and autos stretching back out of town. Gizmodo
  • Now the vast collection of cars reversed itself and the traffic jam back to the Bali Hai was even more tedious [731] than the earlier one, but when the cavalcade finally reached there and disappointed men filed into the Dagger Bar, a phone call awaited Dr. Mott: "Can you please come over to the press room at the Hilton? Space
  • Traffic jams were seen during the rush hours due to waterlogged and potholed roads.
  • Are we still in doubt about why our roads are so congested and traffic jams are the order of the day?
  • In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to detect and avoid traffic jams automatically.
  • Growth has brought with it problems associated with big cities everywhere, such as gangs and traffic jams.
  • You might jitter with anxiety yourself as he steadfastly refuses to shift angles during a maddening and calamitous traffic jam.
  • Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
  • Massive tailbacks and traffic jams were again expected to clog up Britain's roads today as families head back home after the great Bank Holiday exodus.
  • I spent half the morning sitting in a traffic jam.
  • A million pot-holes, mucky streets, traffic jams topped by heavy showers ensure a two-hour drive to the nearest mall.
  • SHERIFF JOE ATOP ARIZONA POLL OF GOP SENATE CANDIDATES - Infamous Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- who views living, breathing human beings trying to make a better life for themselves in the U.S. with the same level of compassion that we view gastroenteritis, traffic jams or unchecked bacne -- actually has a shot at being Arizona's next senator. HUFFPOST HILL - Rep. Jean Schmidt Under Investigation
  • Police report severe traffic jams on the M25, with five-mile tailbacks in places.
  • Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution.
  • These include things such as traffic jams, overcrowded public transport and call centres that seem incapable of answering our questions. The Sun
  • Heavy loads will be transported through York and Selby on a special boat in a bid to cut traffic jams on the region's congested roads.
  • But it's difficult to argue when traffic jams are landing us in a pickle every day.
  • Coping with traffic jams and long commutes provides daily stress.
  • Cell phones make it much easier to suffer through the brutal traffic jams that are the bane of city life around the world.
  • We got stuck in a traffic jam on the approach road.
  • It is two in the afternoon, the weather is awfully hot, and you are struck in a traffic jam.
  • They detoured around the traffic jam by heading south.
  • Which traffic engineering firm or engineers have completed their research and found that the interchange will reduce the traffic jams in and out of the capital?
  • Accident victims can now reach hospital in a fraction of the usual time - by leapfrogging traffic jams with the ‘flying angels’.
  • But the buses can be horribly crowded at times and are often held in the long traffic jams that snarl up key points at rush hours.
  • An early start will enable you to compensate for the inevitable traffic jam or late taxi.
  • Piloted by a savvy young man called Wayan (who doubles as a guide), I'm going to remain unruffled even during the vast traffic jam that oozes between Ubud and Kuta.
  • Traffic jam assist helps the driver to maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead and helps to keep the vehicle centred in the lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traffic jam assist helps the driver to maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead and helps to keep the vehicle centred in the lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • My daughter drops off my granddaughter on a regular basis and is now very late getting to work due to the traffic jams in this area.
  • If this results in motorists having to sit fuming in traffic jams, the solution is in their hands.
  • Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
  • Rush-hour buses are to start earlier in south Manchester in a bid to beat the traffic jams.
  • Their ability to cut through the massive traffic jams the blockade caused also boosted sales.
  • The repair works on Eagles Bridge juncture and the section connecting it to three other main city arteries caused hellish traffic jams during the week.
  • Growth has brought with it problems associated with big cities everywhere, such as gangs and traffic jams.
  • Already, a significant amount of coal transport has shifted from China's overburdened rail lines to its crowded roads, with coal-laden trucks blamed for snarling roads, as with a two-week-long traffic jam that clogged the national highway between Beijing and Zhangjiakou this summer. NYT > Home Page
  • As a result, they had to leave quite early to beat the evening traffic jam and to make up for their drummer's driving.
  • We have both experienced another, lost Florida, timeless and lovely and free, with nary a traffic jam, and miss the hell out of it, miss the balance, miss its buggy hum and its hush.
  • That'd be more useful than being woken up by all those flashing lights while you're trying to have a snooze in the traffic jam.
  • Every time I go to London I get caught in a traffic jam.
  • As you approached a bazaar you would come across a traffic jam made up of bumbling herds of fat-tailed sheep, strings of bad-tempered camels and heavily-laden tractors bringing in farm-folk with their crops.
  • The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
  • The main complaint appears to be traffic jams in the kingdom, with some rather chippy elves having to urge customers to get a move on to the next part of the Santa experience to keep the flow going.
  • If he was able to slip out the back exit with a few of the temps and part-timers, he would hustle to his car, hoping to beat the worst of rush-hour traffic, for nothing maddened him like traffic jams, especially on his own time.
  • We reckon that sitting in traffic jams costs us around $9 billion a year in lost output.
  • Or chance my theory - based neither on science nor the most rudimentary understanding of traffic flow - that all lanes progress equally in traffic jams? Times, Sunday Times
  • The only other painting in the room is Tinteretto's giant picture of paradise, a celestial human traffic jam.
  • It has triggered concern about the escalation of road rage in this congested city, where drivers must routinely endure two-hour traffic jams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Otherwise every traffic jam will gradually vanish beneath a rising tide of its own foamy output.
  • Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.
  • Our coach was caught in a traffic jam and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.
  • He said that builders could not afford to waste time queuing in traffic jams and began to go elsewhere.
  • The traffic jams also meant I was able to take in the cabin properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unlucky ones beg for food and spare change or sell tissues and selfie sticks in the traffic jams. The Sun
  • In times past, the vehicles arrived, with the drivers squeezing through the relatively narrow road, and there was a chaotic traffic jam.
  • GIANT traffic jams brought gridlock chaos to Johannesburg before the big kick-off. The Sun
  • They also have another reason to the use of the term relating to traffic jams during the holiday season that cops decided to call in "black friday" on that day because of the grim effect it would have on their work day. Stories / Popular
  • I thrive on chaos, noise, traffic jams, crowds, bazaars and even pollution.
  • Traffic jam assist helps the driver to maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead and helps to keep the vehicle centred in the lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • The situation is not helped by motorists stuck in traffic jams seeing bicycles hurtle past. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.
  • Then a female voice breaks in with an advisory about the traffic jam, during which she enjoins drivers already trapped to give lifts to pedestrians.
  • Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre.
  • Many motorists were unaware of the celebrations and confused as to why there was a traffic jam on a Saturday night.
  • [V, 1], the word gaper-block (or gapers 'block) -- a traffic jam caused by drivers gaping at an accident -- has been used by policemen reporting on Chicago traffic conditions for at least five years. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 2
  • And, of course, the antithesis is the dreaded bumper-to-bumper traffic jam, where we feel so out of control. Sunday Scribblings-Driving My Life
  • You see it now in those horrid traffic jams; in tar slicks that come and go when you swim in pellucid waters; and in the awful fires that destroyed many trees on the Cote during last summer's heat wave.
  • A 25 mile traffic jam clogged the northbound carriageway of the M6.
  • He is driving in north India when he becomes snarled in a traffic jam. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One way to lessen these shockwave traffic jams is to use your brakes as little as possible (albeit it safely). What Causes Traffic Jams? You. - Freakonomics Blog -
  • A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria when he 'mooned' a group of Hell's Kontraband Latest
  • It was actually quite beautiful, and it was fun to cause a little traffic jam, as it was peak flota passing time (Busses leave Sucre around 7pm headed for Coch every night and pass through La Palma around 8pm). ¡Que Viva Sucre! « Wanderings
  • He is driving in north India when he becomes snarled in a traffic jam. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It has triggered concern about the escalation of road rage in this congested city, where drivers must routinely endure two-hour traffic jams. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are constant traffic jams at every road junction and the honking of horns by irate drivers is deafening.
  • With hordes of people converging on these malls at once, the traffic situation becomes unmanageable leading to endless traffic jams and chaos.
  • But Sunday afternoon, the demonstrators regained possession of the streets by resorting to their new tactic of creating gigantic traffic jams.
  • We'd later learned they were caught in the traffic jam on the return trip.
  • But when I awoke early next morning, the city seemed quiet, almost leaden, and the daily traffic jam was missing.
  • Traffic jams and congested spaces under flyovers, where people stopped to escape getting wet, were a common sight.
  • Traffic jams are frequent, often because the buses which use the road cannot get through. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some highlights from the research shows that those firms looking beyond Dublin to get out of the traffic jams may not fare any better by chasing the rural idyll.
  • The general strike resulted in the near total shutdown of the rail network and lengthy traffic jams.
  • In the major cities 35% cited the daily commute to work as a major cause of stress with traffic jams the stress point for 48% of Leeds inhabitants.
  • The disputatious ceremony concludes, fittingly enough, with a traffic jam involving two processions trying to go in opposite directions.
  • Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre.
  • That the actions that follow on the failure to comply with minimum sleep need are themselves aggressive, whether in relation to others ( 'more likely to sit and seethe in traffic jams, quarrel with other people') or to the self ( 'overeat'), indicates the impasse reached, personally and politically, when the body's and the brain's last bastions of unconscious processing are ignored in favour of the logic of round-the-clock alertness. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • Two million cars overheat daily in smog-choked traffic jams on the ever-increasing suite of 12-lane ringroads.
  • These include things such as traffic jams, overcrowded public transport and call centres that seem incapable of answering our questions. The Sun
  • The road was uncrowded on a Sunday evening returning to the city, a relative joy that allowed me to admire the light from the setting sun on the trees that bordered the parkway—until all of a sudden I found myself in the middle of a 20-car traffic jam. Menaces of the Left Lane
  • If it is successful in reducing traffic jams and unclogging London's roads, it may then be rolled out across the rest of London.
  • Traffic jams were expected because farmers were taking livestock with them.
  • The resultant traffic jam was deeply impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here again, more than the enforcement of strict road regulations, observance of traffic rules by drivers would prevent traffic jams.
  • Here, the nearside lane of the westbound dual carriageway of the A64 was coned off, causing horrendous traffic jams.
  • In October, drivers sat in traffic jams and the northbound lanes of the M271 were blocked after a lorry went over on its side during morning rush hour.
  • In the future, cars equipped with on-board computers will be able to detect and avoid traffic jams automatically.
  • Had i woken up on time, I would have been caught in this traffic jam resulting from a 51 car pileup Archive 2009-01-01
  • He is driving in north India when he becomes snarled in a traffic jam. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She sat in the car, silently fuming at the traffic jam.
  • Visitors, if they are not already dead choked by air pollution and bumpy roads, are always nervous and edgy at the thought of the traffic jams and missing a flight or a train.
  • The reason I bring this up in the context of traffic jams is because I got caught on the edge of the battle when my driver's car broke down after he forgot to put coolant in the car and it overheated.
  • Regarding the traffic jam - countless limos, cars, buses and taxis - surrounding chez [how about casa, Steven?
  • And it would probably have been four from four but for an horrendous traffic jam on the M1. The Sun
  • Why is it that I always get stuck in traffic jams on dual carriageways, where it is impossible to do a U-turn (or anything else about it), when I am dying for a wee?
  • The device can also conjure up alternative routes to bypass roadworks and traffic jams, and will quickly get motorists back on course if they take a wrong turning.
  • This big freeze is being caused by a traffic jam in the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • More often, the underground traffic jam gnarls, and her overcrowded car will be filled with grouchy commuters, sardined shoulder-to-shoulder, sweaty and cramped, for almost an hour.
  • Full houseboats and hotels, jam-packed restaurants and dhabas and a ubiquitous traffic jam even at nine at night suggest that Kashmir has not lost its glory.
  • Vietnam lies at the center of a tectonic traffic jam.
  • In Yorkshire, protests arranged by demonstrators communicating by email and websites caused rush-hour traffic jams.
  • A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria when he 'mooned' a group of Hell's Angels, hurled a puppy at them and then escaped on a bulldozer. Hell's Angels' puppy; Nevada's unwashed; Palin's Norwegian dikes; Honore's finger on trigger; Rand Paul's mistaken identity; Virginia's confederate revival
  • If they have to wait for a traffic light to change twice, they consider it a major traffic jam.
  • We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.
  • The incident caused a traffic jam along the Banda Aceh-Medan route as police officers conducted a sweep of the area hoping to apprehend the attackers, but to no avail.
  • No trampling of feet, no crushed creases, no sweat and no traffic jams.
  • Many of his memories of his homeland are of sitting in traffic jams or waiting in lineups that ate up time he would have preferred to spend coaxing notes from his guitar.
  • Within a few hours the steps will become a traffic jam of joggers as thousands of runners pound out their daily practice.
  • Our David turned out to be a well informed man who, while in a traffic jam between Jersualem and Tel Aviv, gave me a rundown on the composition of the Knesset and why they had 121 deputies.
  • On the plus side, the dearth of automobiles means there are no traffic jams.
  • In the film, Douglas suddenly cracks one day while waiting in one too many traffic jams before rampaging across the city with a gun.
  • The other person lives in an industrial city which has considerable traffic jams, pollution, noise and crime. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • Every protest or procession results in traffic jams, long delays, frayed nerves and waste of costly fuel.
  • In uniaxial systems, traffic jams cannot be avoided as one increases the number of motors involved in the cargo transport.
  • But it's difficult to argue when traffic jams are landing us in a pickle every day.
  • Then I got tangled in a confusion of traffic jams, roadworks, diversions and obscure road signs.
  • Rick Tyler, whose back yard abuts Rosecroft, said he was chiefly concerned about the potential for the traffic jams a revitalized racetrack could generate. Penn National to buy Rosecroft Raceway for $10.2 million, with goal to add slots at track
  • Everybody is rushed and there may be a traffic jam so it's not the most conducive environment for fun and joy. The Sun
  • The traffic jam soon cleared once the offending vehicle had been removed.
  • Traffic jam assist helps the driver to maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead and helps to keep the vehicle centred in the lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out in the ruined west of the city, where most of the film was shot, the traffic jams that clog the centre thin out.
  • The link between the daily traffic jams outside schools and the bored, fat teenagers in the people carriers seemed to escape the members of the obesity taskforce.
  • During that time, most hotels are hopelessly overbooked, traffic jams are the order of the day, and prices are up while the level of service is way down.
  • The author talks about Gavaskar, Azharuddin (who are veterans) - Bonded Labour - Slavery - Honda City, Cellphones, Traffic Jams in the same time period. Reader reviews of The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga.
  • Something new or out of place can potentially instigate a serious traffic jam.
  • Over the last ten years, the number of Internet hosts has grown at an accelerated rate; slowdowns and traffic jams are plaguing the information superhighway.
  • There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead.
  • You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams.
  • The older and more congested arteries get, the more subject they are to blood clots, the body's version of traffic jams.
  • The traffic jams are now so ridiculous I wonder why I bother trying to get to work in the first place.
  • They are very soothing to play with in traffic jams.
  • "The existing facilities have almost reached saturation point and are under pressure, not to mention traffic jams on the expressways, " it said.
  • Sorry we're late. We got stuck in a traffic jam.
  • We got stuck in a traffic jam and I was desperate for the loo.
  • Roadworks have caused traffic jams throughout the city centre.
  • And when there's a rarity like a black-tailed godwit or a fork-tailed flycatcher, the traffic jams on the refuge's one road are legendary. Undiscovered
  • But I also agree with him that the second may be a bit more positive than just the government chucking money at traffic jams.
  • By the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church with its shorn spire, there was even a small traffic jam. THE INNOCENT
  • But this traffic jam was unlike what thousands of motorists experience everyday, as these cars were now only replicas of what they once were, when they travelled the byroads and highroads of the North West.
  • Turns out that one of the major causes of stress during traffic jams is the associated noise. Tales of the Road
  • So last Saturday Fell Foot was a country traffic jam as 491 runners arrived at the race start.
  • For people destined to seethe in traffic jams or to spend hours on packed public transport every weekday, swapping the rat race for an idyllic life in the country can seem like the easy option.
  • We reckon that sitting in traffic jams costs us around $9 billion a year in lost output.
  • She got stuck in a traffic jam which had snarled up the road from Kew Bridge Station all the way to Chiswick Roundabout.
  • The traffic jams also meant I was able to take in the cabin properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lengthy traffic jams and hold-ups are now a daily norm with an estimated 700 plus vehicles being carried on this roadway at evening peak time.
  • Using bicycle contributes greatly to people & aposs physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.
  • Building more motorways and by-passes will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.
  • Despite the expected traffic jams, potential electrical brown-outs and terrorist threats, modern Olympians and spectators have it easy, compared to their ancient counterparts.
  • Travelling on it is leisurely, not intruded on by fumes or traffic jams; in short, a tranquil delight.
  • You're a world away from traffic jams, bleeping mobile phones and your crotchety boss.
  • The average traffic jam was six miles long. Times, Sunday Times
  • Limited visibility due to heavy rain and massive traffic jams forced us to inch along in the Blazer.
  • Cars could be electronically tagged in a bid to pinpoint the county's worst traffic jam hot spots.
  • Whether anger is triggered by external events such as traffic jams, or by internal worrying, researchers are still unsure if it's healthier to express or suppress the emotion.
  • This big freeze is being caused by a traffic jam in the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wealthy motorists frustrated by the great equalizer, traffic jams, will pioneer a brand new gimmick: motorcycle motorcades for millionaires.
  • Some highlights from the research shows that those firms looking beyond Dublin to get out of the traffic jams may not fare any better by chasing the rural idyll.
  • Traffic jams are frequent, often because the buses which use the road cannot get through. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is much better than normal radio because you are not warned about traffic jams ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as the rise of the car gave us terms such as traffic jam, gridlock and road rage, this modern dilemma needs its own new phrases. Times, Sunday Times

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