- a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
How To Use traffic island In A Sentence
- The last thing I saw before I rolled the bike was the machine-gunner at Hyde Park Corner - a callipygian figure dominating the war memorial on the traffic island.
- A traffic island at the junction separates left- and right-turning vehicles.
- A science fiction forum on which some green moon arose in conversation allowed me to mention our greenest of greens, and arguments about urban planning in some city I'd never been to were were fertile ground to suggest hyperefficient trees on their traffic islands. Reconstituted (novel excerpt)
- And why on earth were the original kerbs and traffic island ripped out and replaced in virtually the same places as before?
- We will have to rearrange the traffic islands, signal lights and road dividers to implement the rule.
- There are about 37 traffic islands and numerous medians in that part of the city.
- There, roads are generally free of cycle lanes, red or green painted patches, pedestrian refuges, traffic islands, widened pavements for cycle use and silly speed limits.
- Coimbatore city has many such road medians, roadside parks and traffic islands.
- A sound system was established on the traffic island and pumping for all of 30 seconds before the police decided enough was enough and kettled us.
- As Titta watches impassively through the window of his hotel room, a suited man in the traffic island below, distracted by the sight of a passing woman, walks smack bang into a lamppost.