
How To Use Traditionalist In A Sentence

  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
  • And unlike the previous use of archaic folk tunes, Cajun stomps and swamp water boogies just don't have the same traditionalist staying power.
  • Modern Hopis and Navajos parade as hoary traditionalists, rightful stewards by ancestral occupance.
  • I suggest you also size the walls before doing this, and as your decorator is a traditionalist I am sure he will agree.
  • Starting new ones will only compound the problem: the traditionalist is in the same boat as the liberal to the extent that both are prisoners of a denominational market (p. 205), even when appeal is constantly being made to the model of Reformation confessio - or even early Christian martyrdom. Ramsey Lecture - Durham - 'The Lutheran Catholic'
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  • Very little had, at that time, been published on southern African traditionalist art forms.
  • There are timber-frame houses that are still crafted in the timeless way by woodworking traditionalists.
  • Toryism is a traditionalist political philosophy, which grew out of the Cavalier faction in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 18, 2010
  • Traditionalists see crime and poverty as largely the result of a breakdown in social discipline or self control.
  • But he is a traditionalist and is said to have opposed the constitutional changes which reduced the role of the monarch to that of a ceremonial head of state.
  • The bishop was at the centre of a row yesterday over a document designed to protect traditionalist Anglicans who are opposed to women priests.
  • This production of 'Swan Lake' is in traditionalist style.
  • Also, I think gamers can be a rather stubborn, pernickety bunch, but if a game is good then I believe it will find a place within the heart of even the most ardent traditionalist. Come Out And Play
  • If ever we need a strong traditionalist bishop we need one now! ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Flower o’ Scotland was given the kind of revamp that must have had traditionalists birling, and it seemed to sum up everything that the national manager has been seeking from his players: all gusto and passion.
  • The traditionalists are at a huge disadvantage in either defining or re-defining any sense of selfhood in a cultural environment of differences.
  • I have no quarrel was those who call themselves ‘Traditionalist’ Catholic per se.
  • Some traditionalists feel that capoeira is in danger of losing its identity through its commercial appeal. Times, Sunday Times
  • In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive.
  • Also, his quasi-anarchist political views coexisted uneasily with his conservative traditionalist leanings. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Books that Influenced Me the Most
  • Traditionalists naysayed his gamble on commodity components, but Cal Poly San Luis Obispo aerospace engineering professor Jordi Puig-Suari, one of the originators of the CubeSat movement and inventor of the P-POD deployer, argues that Kalman opened the field to a wider user base. Nanosatellites Take Off
  • Not just for the traditionalist either; some of the modern china and glass designs are stunning.
  • One of the things that I find annoying about the divide between ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ art is the blather of the traditionalists.
  • There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history.
  • German Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, is known as a traditionalist with uncompromising views.
  • Indeed, as some traditionalists complained, the more outrageous the art, the more likely the critical accolade.
  • They either view retirement as a second chapter -- the "potentials" -- or they view it as a time to take it easy - "the traditionalists. Is There an 'Encore' Career in Your Future?
  • The traditionalist camp has had to swallow some bitter pills.
  • The core is the alignment of traditionalists, libertarians, and anti-communists into a coherent conservative movement.
  • He believes that the old rite is vastly superior to the Novus Ordo, indeed that the NO represents a radical breach in liturgical tradition, but at the same time is convinced that many so-called traditionalists are as much children of Vatican II, and of the Enlightenment, as the liberals are. On "Gnostic Traditionalism"
  • We've all heard the stories about undereducated, traditionalist marriages in which the partners never realized that sex is possible in a position other than missionary, or that a woman can orgasm.
  • In Kyoto, the traditionalists fought against his design as unfitting for Japan's ancient spiritual center.
  • I often feel that America's religious traditionalists ought to engage in more self-congratulation.
  • The traditionalists of the discontinuant left keep scratching the same old sores.
  • In recent years, he has consistently used paint on his clay rather than glazes, which distresses traditionalists.
  • Furthermore, this form of revivalism is often linked to a call for action which has not merely conservative or traditionalist implications.
  • And, once again, traditionalists are reacting against globalization just as vehemently, if not more so, as they did against modernity.
  • Fortunately, the traditionalists that have survived are some of the best winemakers in Barolo.
  • Saudi Arabia mourns King Fahd, a traditionalist in changing times, and it pledges loyalty to Abdullah, heir to a stable government and an unsettled state.
  • Indeed traditionalist, Tridentine Roman Catholics deplore the theological modernism into which their church has sunk through the espousal of the theory of doctrinal development.
  • The oath sworn by new citizens remains the source of some bitterness among traditionalists north of the Border, who claim it ignores Scotland's unique history.
  • Against the backdrop of these feeble intellectual currents lurks the traditionalist discourse that altogether consigns modern science to oblivion and attempts to prop up a fatal mix of mystical and alchemical knowledge.
  • Both traditionalist and progressive arguments were mobilized in those parts of France where regionalism was strong.
  • This is why Hindu traditionalists strongly oppose the up-grading of milch cattle by crossbreeding with Jersey cows and other commoner breeds.
  • While this article will be of interest particularly to our traditionalist readers, I'd like to draw attention particularly to the various manifestations of popular lay devotion -- the procession with its sodality and society banners, the family atmosphere, the call to live our Faith through our common culture. "Make the Truth Lovable to Them through Beauty"
  • In terms of the Produttori, this is only speculation on my part, but I think that this desire not to be perceived as gouging their clientele has a historical foundation that runs strong through at least the older generation of traditionalists in Piemonte. Natural wines, premox, chenin blanc, 07 Port and Rhone – John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Kozinski believes that "traditionalism" can become an ideology that makes one spiritually sick, "as one becomes more attached to the traditionalist movement, its narratives, personages, publications, polemics, criticisms, etc than to the Church as a whole - and to Christ Himself". On "Gnostic Traditionalism"
  • In addition, its anticipated director, Msgr Perl is certainly the man in Rome who best knows the traditionalist world, its ways, its outlines or its detours. Rumor Watch: Ecclesia Dei to Become Part of CDW?
  • She sees him as idiosyncratic, traditionalist, and with a gift for combining political shrewdness with a sense of self-promotion and opportunism.
  • A ‘traditionalist’ is defined by the obverse on each of those scores.
  • In many traditionalists' ideal world, the legislature would disapprove gay marriage and that would be that.
  • Derision of a traditionalist segment of the public for not immediately jumping into line with standard selectionist narratives (however far-fetched they may be), is not the answer here. A New Book
  • Traditionalists may howl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules.
  • And unlike the previous use of archaic folk tunes, Cajun stomps and swamp water boogies just don't have the same traditionalist staying power.
  • If it's a powerboat, some traditionalists suggest running it aground (gently, of course).
  • Far from being a deep-dyed traditionalist, he is a maverick, a valuable eccentric, who uses his influence to stimulate rather than stifle debate.
  • The traditionalists use metal sewing thimbles but lot of people have trouble keeping them on their fingers.
  • People before our fact-obsessed centuries were fully at ease with the made-up fiction, and so I see myself as a traditionalist rather than a conventionalist I suppose.
  • She holds traditionalist Muslim views.
  • The holy wall that has separated fact from opinion and which has hallmarked newspaper journalism for almost a century now can never be breached say the traditionalists, but new challenges demand new thinking and new business models.
  • He's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he won't have any modern gadgets in the kitchen.
  • Traditionalists insist that there are only three appropriate accompaniments to Wensleydale: - apple pie, gingerbread, or fruit cake.
  • He was aware of the reformist current in Iranian culture and government, which clashes with the more traditionalist conservatives.
  • We bought it Sunday afternoon; Sunday evening, we cooked a beef roast, because we're such conformist traditionalists.
  • Neither a traditionalist, a Chicago stylist, a folkie or a rock 'n' roller, he had from the start a unique sound and a fresh outlook.
  • It also exemplifies how cultural battles between traditionalists and progressives and structural battles over federalism resonate among women and provide strategic openings for their campaigns.
  • Previously, most units had a clean-lined, contemporary look that did not answer needs of style-conscious traditionalists.
  • This production of 'Swan Lake' is in traditionalist style.
  • Last month, Benedict met with the head of the Society of St Pius X, the schismatic traditionalist movement whose leaders were excommunicated under Pope John Paul II.
  • This image of Bloom as traditionalist curmudgeon is considerably at odds with the impression one might have gotten from his critical writings of the 1970s and 1980s, in which Bloom advances his own intricate (if ultimately rather private, even hermetic) theory of literary production and reception that does indeed focus on poetic greatness but hardly defends tradition for tradition's sake. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • But the mullahs wish to follow a much more traditionalist pattern of life. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • This is where he loses me, and it's where the traditionalist argument always loses me.
  • In order to complement the three meats in turducken, the traditionalists maintain you need three stuffings.
  • In contrast to modernists and traditionalists, some young designers take modernist principles as only a starting point for their ideas.
  • The mixture of classical modernism with traditionalist references was thick, and it seemed undeniable that many of the works were deliberate remakes of recognizable Western modernist icons.
  • There is a very profoundly conservative side to Newman's thought which appeals to traditionalists and those who wish to maintain the orthodox tradition.
  • At Passover seders, traditionalists who favor sweet kosher wine and modernists who prefer dryness can share this 2006 late-harvest chenin blanc.
  • When a few new traditionalist architects began to stir in the 1970s, they reawakened with a strange amnesia.
  • The so-called "traditionalists" I don't cede the term readily often behave badly, then when you call them on it, they respond by citing how they were "hurt" and treated badly. The Grand Inquisitor
  • In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive.
  • The beauty of classical ballet lies in adhering to traditionalist art forms of dance.
  • Such unorthodox tactics incur the anger of Billy's traditionalist colleagues, most notably Philip Seymour Hoffman's head coach – a performance of mostly unleavened grumpiness, this, just as Robin Wright as Billy's estranged wife is simply supportive, and Kerris Dorsey as his 12-year-old daughter purely precocious. Moneyball – review
  • For the traditionalists, I have found several exceptional clarets at very competitive prices.
  • These fundamentalists want to be known as traditionalists, while they are actually revisionists with no historical backing or facts.
  • Leopard skins, neo-traditionalist insignia, made frequent appearances at the installation of chiefs.
  • At the undergraduate level, some schools offer traditionalist approaches to education.
  • Traditionalists and historians will argue over whether the stottie cake is a Northumbrian or Tyneside invention, but one thing's for sure - it has graced many a Northumbrian packed lunch.
  • He is a curious mixture, this Freddie who gets a Christmas card from the PRIME Minister and sees himself as an anti-establishment traditionalist.
  • A purist and a traditionalist, Gangubai has always believed in the classical tradition of music.
  • The traditionalists who cling to uptight Wall Street business wardrobes and rooms full of Hepplewhite reproductions are exiled to style Siberia.
  • Though essentially traditionalist, the work shows a critical spirit and a lively interest in recent discoveries and debates.
  • Religious traditionalists objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.
  • When Lewis spoofs the postwar anti-traditionalist movement by having Jill attend a school called Experiment House, he gives the school a headmistress, which is supposed to signal its absurdity. In Defense of C. S. Lewis
  • We use Japanese in our class, but I guess our sensei is a traditionalist. Thursday's Musical Interlude
  • Of course there were heroic modernist artists and writers who opposed twentieth-century totalitarianism, and classicists and traditionalists who supported totalitarianism.
  • He is a traditionalist and is said to have opposed the constitutional changes.
  • Whether you go traditionalist with a pav or cheesecake, or whether you pair them with basil, or cheese, or balsamic vinegar, or pepper, I reckon strawberries are always a warm welcome to summer days and al fresco dining.
  • He's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he won't have any modern gadgets in the kitchen.
  • If you are not hunting with a match-lock arquebus, while wearing hose and a whale bone corset, you're not a "traditionalist. Electrifying Muzzleloaders: CVA's New Electronic Ignition System
  • Indeed, as some traditionalists complained, the more outrageous the art, the more likely the critical accolade.
  • The Hopi elective government have fought for defense of their original reservation, while traditionalists support the Navajo families' efforts to remain on the disputed lands.
  • From this it is but a short step to viewing those who oppose liberal ideas or policies as hidebound traditionalists, bigots, or ignoramuses.
  • Amber (ethnocentric, mythic): The Amber Altitude began about 5,000 years ago, and indicates a worldview that is traditionalist and mythic in nature—and mythic worldviews are almost always held as absolute (this stage of development is often called absolutistic). INTEGRAL POLITIC
  • The traditionalist camp has had to swallow some bitter pills.
  • This ideologically diverse group is made up of cultural pessimists, environmentalists, traditionalists, egalitarians, and technophobes.
  • Whether you are the type who goes for flaunting traditional bling, or a non-traditionalist who got engaged with a soda can pop-top, there is something beautifully symbolic about the tradition of exchanging rings to symbolize a long-lasting commitment to your partner. GREEN WEDDING GUIDE: Eco Wedding Rings | Inhabitat
  • On occasion, Soviet students openly disputed with lecturers purveying official truths, and this was quite shocking for traditionalists.
  • Religious traditionalists objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.
  • The traditionalists are also reviving their designs, either recolouring or launching contemporary ranges.
  • A traditionalist who believed a woman's place was in the home, Gaskell sought not to celebrate their work, but to ‘exonerate and iconise the authors’.
  • In literary criticism the traditionalists were more articulate and aggressive.
  • At one level he was a great traditionalist, using the sonnet form extensively and experimenting with the ballad and the villanelle.
  • They accuse stem cell research traditionalists of hoodwinking the public by promising cures they cannot deliver.
  • Previously, most units had a clean-lined, contemporary look that did not answer needs of style-conscious traditionalists.
  • In truth, he was a remote, inaccessible figure to most tribal people, and his traditionalist pretensions were rarely accepted at face value.
  • Et bien aussi traditionaliste que je puisse être, je pense que la vidéo aurait plusieurs aspects intéressants dans le Football. Retirer - French Word-A-Day
  • Our builder tells us that it is all right to paper the newly plastered walls, but our decorator says that he is a traditionalist and would prefer to wait some time for possible cracking, due to drying after the heating is switched on.
  • Traditionalists argue that the so-called nonconformist has become the boring norm, and that the nominee or wedding guest who respects the rules has as many ways of expressing his individuality as the one who flouts them. Men In Black
  • Still, the Emerging Church movement is treading on ground that traditionalists call unorthodox, if not heretical. Young Evangelicals Find Faith In Emerging Church Movement
  • Yes, Kool-Aid, meaning somebody who merely deep-fries candy bars qualifies, in this setting, as a traditionalist. News -
  • By placing women in ideological straitjackets, both the feminist and traditionalist women's groups have made themselves largely irrelevant to today's women.
  • Whether she will maintain their commitment to innovation or adopt a more traditionalist approach remains to be seen.
  • Soon the singer with the smooth baritone and straight-up style revolutionized the genre, spurring the so-called neotraditionalist movement that produced some of country's biggest stars. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Traditionalists tolerate a certain amount of amoralism in the market because they see the market as an important disciplining institution - a valuable tool of social order.
  • Yet such neo-traditionalist frou-frou has no place in mid-century homes, no matter how drastically revamped.
  • Traditionalists will be drawn to steaks or the Cumberland sausages with mash and onion gravy, while lighter tastes are catered for with grilled salmon.
  • The opposition of the traditionalists and the fear of disillusioning the faithful led to a third choice.
  • A traditionalist might easily jump to the conclusion that the show's second half is irreligious.
  • My phonology isn't much different in Mid IE than in PIE, save for the addition of labialized dental stops and sibilants and the absence of a phonemic plain/uvular contrast or palatal/plain for you traditionalists out there. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • Often omitted by traditionalists who may not be able to afford them, they are mandatory for Nazarites and lend to the Church umutsha its distinctive luxuriance.
  • When news of the ‘air corridor’ agreement appeared in the press, it produced a paroxysm of traditionalist rage against such ‘collaboration’ with a Tory government.
  • It is the first time the church has had a pro-gay group campaigning within its ranks and the stage is set for a bruising battle with traditionalists, who advocate celibacy for homosexuals.
  • Then, unhampered by rigid, traditionalist gender role notions, he put on Grandma's nightclothes, crawled under the bedclothes, and awaited developments.
  • From this it is but a short step to viewing those who oppose liberal ideas or policies as hidebound traditionalists, bigots, or ignoramuses.
  • It is also ironic that, despite the dominance and visibility of reactionary traditionalists, liberal traditionalism is still thriving.
  • Mr. Tsui, a specialist in the quasi-historical sword-and-fantasy martial-arts genre known as wuxia , is both a traditionalist and an innovator, eager to blend classic Hong Kong athleticism with the newest techniques of digital filmmaking. NYT > Home Page
  • He's a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist where cooking is concerned - he won't have any modern gadgets in the kitchen.
  • Pope John Paul's papacy has been marked by his attempt to maintain the traditionalist wing of the Church while rejecting more liberal interpretations.
  • I interpret this latest little burst of controversy as signalling several things: Some traditionalist Catholics I'd call them Catholic triumphalists would like to over-catholicize the Taize movement. Philocrites: Brother Roger's communion with the bishop of Rome.
  • Far from being a deep-dyed traditionalist, he is a maverick, a valuable eccentric, who uses his influence to stimulate rather than stifle debate.
  • The move threatens to create a schism in the Church, pitting modernisers against traditionalists.
  • The problem, as Mates points out, is that if anybody even doubts that "whoever believes that D believes thatD", then a traditionalist's explanation of synonymity is wrong.
  • There will be traditionalists who lament the change, but the company's founder was no traditionalist.
  • Beyond the predominantly traditionalist sentiments of most Americans on capital punishment, two main explanations account for why America's death penalty politics remain distinctive and resistant to abolitionism.
  • Julius Caesar favoured a traditional style of portrait, but used his image in a regal manner that traditionalists found offensive.
  • The Vatican stressed that the pope had lifted the excommunication of Williamson and three other traditionalist bishops '' benevolently '' as a result of repeated requests by the society to which the bishops belong as a precursor to bringing the breakaway group back to the Church. Clerical Whispers
  • There's a radical difference between this kind of traditionalist politics and laissez-faire conservative politics.
  • The traditionalists are also reviving their designs, either recolouring or launching contemporary ranges.
  • The two strongest objections each approach levels at the other is the claim that eclectics are undisciplined, and that traditionalists are stagnated.
  • Yet there are still debates between traditionalists and progressives as to reforming the electoral process even further.
  • An avowed traditionalist, he is against reform of any kind.
  • Many will be pretenders, consciously or unconsciously, because traditionalistic and idealistic models of the world serve their sexual interests.
  • There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history.
  • The world, as the traditionalists see it, has been turned almost completely upside down.
  • Surgeons are traditionalists, and the early experience of our peers has coloured current surgical opinion and slowed the introduction of conservative surgery for the benign parotid lump.
  • And Miracle Grill, a guacamole traditionalist for 17 years, now offers a newfangled pineapple version.
  • Such statements come from hawkish traditionalists peeved that they didn't get the all-out war they wanted.
  • Traditionalists insist that there are only three appropriate accompaniments to Wensleydale: - apple pie, gingerbread, or fruit cake.
  • The removable lids have an inbuilt solar panel and bulb, though traditionalists might prefer a tealight instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event, traditionalist liberals are just as able to claim that their faith is directly ordained by God, rather than simply a matter of human interpretation, as are reactionaries.
  • Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.
  • KRIEGER: Poujadism is -- as a general term, discusses -- it refers to an individual, Pierre Poujade, who led a revolt by shopkeepers of a kind of right-wing traditionalist motif in French politics in the post-war period. The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World
  • For I am of that school of French traditionalists which has made a kind of concordat with the Republique, a la Leo XIII. Governor Palin
  • The grip panels are inset with a gold company medallion, a motif that harkens back to old Colts and pleases some traditionalists, such as yours truly.
  • Her opposition to abortion and feminism mark her as a convinced traditionalist.
  • Exploring waters redolent of manure and marked by signs warning of mercury contamination, he caught pikeminnow, carp and bass -- species that traditionalists look down on as "coarse" fish. On Fly Casting's Urban Frontier, the Fish Are Big, the Water's Dirty
  • Alternately re-creating daily life and picking, brick by symbolic brick, at the abundant archaeological and psychological detritus, she proceeds to exhume, analyze, and reconstitute the time and place in a manner pleasing to traditionalists, revisionists, and inevitabilists alike. Cover to Cover
  • Discussion) Some fundamentalist Protestants, "traditionalist" Catholics, and, as they call themselves (two theologically liberal schools of thought today: the latter even infiltrating evangelical Protestantism) deny these ancient orthodox doctrines on God's nature, and deny that Scripture (in other words, God, Who inspired Scripture) utilizes the literary or teaching device of anthropopathism as a means to teach men about the nature and ways of an almost incomprehensible and extraordinary God. Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
  • The elders enjoy high prestige and occupy a high social status in a traditionalist culture.
  • This meant that women were encouraged to stay at home and maintain traditionalist forms of dress, including beadwork.
  • There's the jazz student, the angry punk, the rock purist, the classical dabbler, the pop traditionalist, and the roots traveller. Shawn Amos: PLAY > SKIP: New Music for Nov. 2
  • For my fellow traditionalists who still occasionally write letters and cards by hand from time to time, it can be useful to know how to write a fleuron. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The two were used interchangeably as early as the 1920s, although some whiskered English traditionalists will still insist on "fount" in an elitist way, in the hope that it will stretch their authenticity all the way back to Caxton, the great British printer of Chaucer. The Guardian World News
  • And as much of a traditionalist as I can be, I think that videoing would bring several interesting aspects to soccer. Retirer - French Word-A-Day
  • This ideologically diverse group is made up of cultural pessimists, environmentalists, traditionalists, egalitarians, and technophobes.
  • In this sense the sentimental ruralism of the speech had very real effects as part of the successful traditionalist resistance to those in favour of full-blooded capitalist development of Irish agriculture.
  • Traditionalists fear their regional garb is being obscured by tourists and designers appropriating cotton and even plastic versions of their beloved clothing. At Oktoberfest, a Controversy Brews Over Racy Designer Dirndls
  • Traditionalists insist that there are only three appropriate accompaniments to Wensleydale: - apple pie, gingerbread, or fruit cake.
  • For purists and traditionalists there's only one choice - tried and tested ceramic.
  • Hence the sense of rage that now envelops both modernists and traditionalists alike.
  • But the move away from an institution established in 1815, when Wellington's troops took the bearskins from the heads of their defeated French opponents at Waterloo, risks upsetting traditionalists across Britain and around the world.
  • (I have heard some Internet blowhards attempting to expound on what they apparently see as an inherently right-wing traditionalist heavy metal philosophy, but I am fairly sure this is simply the result of a few too many hours spent feverishly masturbating over their dog-eared copy of Lords Of Chaos.) Author-friends, Meet Helen Walden
  • Championed by one of China's leading directors, it ran for a month and was enthusiastically received by all but the traditionalists who believed a play is not a play without a gallant hero completing some epic task.
  • Christopher Miller, Sr., who preferred to be called Rusty—a nickname attributed to the fiery red hair of his youth—was a traditionalist, a man who believed in the right to bear arms and to know how to use those weapons. The Thieves of Darkness
  • Benedict XVI wants for as soon as possible the return to the Church of the 500 ultra-Traditionalist priests suspended "a divinis" and of their 60 thousand sic faithful scattered in the 159 priories and 725 religious centers throughout the world. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Traditionalists are right to be concerned about potentially harmful impact of tall buildings on historic settings.

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