How To Use Trader In A Sentence
From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
With check-in times now prolonged because of security issues, traders are lapping up even more business as they tempt us with their trinkets and gewgaws.
Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering.
Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
There were horse traders, mule teamsters, and frequent drovers of cattle.
'David Ruggles'
Many coffee farmers sell their beans to domestic traders for between 27 to 31 cents a pound, Robinson says.

Undercover cops set up a stall and posed as market traders to catch a gang of mobile phone thieves.
While SocGen management has called Kerviel a trader "without genius" who was "acting alone," French bloggers are touting his "lucidity" and bravery for standing up to a system that "brings up its shady dealings only when they are unfavorable to them.
France’s New Anti-Hero
He was also a liveryman of the Paviors' Company and founder member of the World Traders' Company.
An assortment of leather sheaths hang like washing on a line in a mocked-up Saxon trader's stall.
Traders in Waterfoot hit out at DEFRA'S new guidelines that rule all waste disposed of by business owners must be accompanied by a certificate of proof, showing how the waste was disposed.
There is no justification for allowing illegal traders in open spaces other than the markets.
Imagine, if you will, the Bubba Keg (a gift from Aunt M-mv) filled to capacity (52 ounces) with Trader Joe's French roast, brewed dark and strong, the way a certain autodidact favors it.
Archive 2004-12-01
DELHI: India's Reliance Industries Ltd has awarded its term tender to sell diesel to traders Trafigura, Kuwait's IP. and Africa-focused Galana as it prepares for a surge in supply later this Oil company Reliance Industries is planning to export low sulphur diesel to refinery at Jamnagar comes on stream later this year, P. Raghavendran, the company's refining China will cut diesel exports in May by 40 percent versus April volumes to a four-month low of - Business News
Many traders and economists still believe the dollar is likely to head higher in the medium term.
He got his first job in Joyce's of Ballymoe at the age of sixteen and went into business himself some years later as a street trader.
Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area.
Hydrofluoric Acid
Expense of formation Neither a sole trader nor a partnership is inhibited by legal formalities when commencing trading.
Your dismissal will be conveyed to the Traders 'Council, and to all the clanless traders as well, along with the reasons for my action.
Scion of Cyador
Cities such as Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov, and Yaroslavl grew around the old fortresses (kremlins) and monasteries that formed their centers and near the gates where artisans and traders peddled their goods.
A lead trader in a bank, he is complicit as his company tries to divest itself of toxic holdings before they destroy it.
Times, Sunday Times
Police have declared war on rogue street sellers causing a nuisance to shoppers and traders in Chelmsford.
But they are certainly a more welcome sight for traders hoping for a good sales season.
Market timing occurs when traders make rapid in-and-out trades in unit trusts to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies.
BAT Kenya serves as a hub for 16 African countries most of which are landlocked and import directly from Kenya, which has seen some traders diverting transit goods.
Sutton's police chief has pledged to make the borough the safest in London by waging war on career criminals and drug traders.
The sale of the calls reduces the price paid to get long the stock to $5.68 from $6.13, and provides an effective exit strategy for the trader should the contracts land in-the-money by June expiration.
Bulls Dive Into Jim Beam, Speculation Seen In KKR
Traders and investors who limit themselves to long positions are conceding a big advantage to market professionals who are just as likely to go short as go long.
However, traders tended to discount the rumor.
A market trader has told how he faces going out of business after overnight raiders stripped his van of £10,000 worth of goods.
The chiefs left the ship displeased at what they called stingy conduct in the captain, as they were accustomed to receive trifling presents from the traders on the coast.
Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River
Dyed silk was purchased from Arab and Indian traders until sericulture was introduced on the island in the early nineteenth century.
Her mother, Jackiey, the daughter of a market trader, was described in her daughter's autobiography as a petty thief and "clipper" - a woman who pretends to be a prostitute but runs off with the money instead.
Penn's letter, of 1683, to the Free Society of Traders, sufficiently intimates the cause of its location there, showing that Penn expected business to concentre there.
Growing concern that the crisis would now spread to other vulnerable nations such as Portugal and Spain also spooked traders.
Times, Sunday Times
Veteran traders say U.S. grains feel "toppy" after last week's rally to multimonth highs, but many remained hesitant to pick a direction for the coming week given the outside storms rattling the markets.
Reuters: Top News
Traders on commodity exchanges are warning that a cold winter in the northern hemisphere could see prices, already up 38% since the start of the year, rise a lot further.
As it was evident that the dhow was a lawful trader, Rhymer apologised to the captain, and stepping into his boat pulled for the shore, while the dhow sailed on her course.
Ned Garth Made Prisoner in Africa. A Tale of the Slave Trade
It's an ingenious hybrid where true believers provide the cannon fodder while an elite cabal of generals, arms merchants, land appropriators, oil prospectors and slave traders, muscle their way into the profits of war.
Traders and residents are being warned the city will be drab and cheerless if funds are not found to pay for proper illuminations.
Traders are under an obligation to make reasonable checks about the information they provide.
Times, Sunday Times
The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest.
The market traders began setting out their displays.
The number of informal traders who had their goods impounded for trading illegally in undesignated areas stands at 4 669.
Do stock market traders understand how politics affect the markets?
Then the fad proved short-lived, as many traders suffered substantial losses when the internet bubble burst.
Times, Sunday Times
I saw one group of traders run off like a startled herd, humping their bags of bags, while three police, like a pack of hunting dogs, scragged the least nimble.
It was the first and last time that management capitulated in the face of a departing mortgage trader.
Its main business was the safe but dull bills discounting - a sound and a profitable business as traders all over the country rarely ever dishonour their bills.
The original merchant bankers were traders in a different sense altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus in block discounting and factoring the trader sells the debts due to him from his customers to his financier at a discount.
In other words, it seemed that as petty commodity traders these marketwomen were often unable even to reproduce their present conditions.
What traders want to confirm is that the price is indeed falling and will break back through the upper trendline.
On Tuesday the senior trader who oversaw the operation to disentangle Kerviel's off-the - book trades, Maxime Kahn, 39, told the court the bank had faced collapse due to the "astronomic" bets Kerviel had taken.
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Traders must display a notice banning sales to under 16 year olds.
Principio ut illo advenimus, ubi primum terram tetigimus, continuo Amphitruo delegit viros primorum principes; eos legat, Telobois iubet sententiam ut dicant suam; si sine vi et sine hello velint rapta et raptores tradere, si quae asportassent redderent, se exercitum extemplo domum reducturum, abituros agro Argivos, pacem atque otium dare illis; sin aliter sient animati neque dent quae petat, sese igitur summa vi virisque eorum oppidum oppugnassere.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
I have the same sort of vision of the early 'English' in Britain as you, a mixture of people speaking various sorts of Germanic, who had settled at various times spanning a couple of centuries at least and for various reasons, including retired Roman soldiers, traders, federates, independents etc.
Lord of Silver, by Alan Fisk. Book review
Many Indian and Arab traders (and after them the Europeans) chose to land their products at Mergui and use barges to travel upriver to Tenasserim and then have their good portaged the rest of the way.
The original merchant bankers were traders in a different sense altogether.
Times, Sunday Times
He said rebels had disguised themselves as traders attending the weekend market.
This will provide a digital options trading platform, initially for day traders.
Times, Sunday Times
His father is a market trader, selling fruit and vegetables.
I've covered stories about the market, and that the traders are complaining bitterly about its current placing (down Horne Lane).
Some necessary change of raiment, and a very few pieces of gold, were all which he thought it needful to withdraw from the general stock; the rest of the baggage and money he left with the sumpter-horse, which he concluded his father might need, in order to sustain his character as an English trader.
Anne of Geierstein
Volume was light and trading volatile as some traders were off for the Jewish new year holiday in an already slow week shortened by Monday's Labor Day holiday.
Shopkeepers and traders used wooden sticks with deep notches cut in them to keep their accounts.
A school near his family village has been named in his honour and street traders hawk T-shirts and calendars bearing his image.
Times, Sunday Times
Gradually market traders and hawkers moved in until eventually the tunnel became a seedy backwater.
We will contact the trader on your behalf to establish what action they propose to take following your complaint.
A new law to protect consumers from rogue traders came into force this week.
Times, Sunday Times
MCO Group is a famous retail trader.
After all, there is no shortage of traders willing to deal in Third World debt.
Even in towns women did not normally act as traders.
Aeolis, where he was a seafaring trader and, perhaps, also a farmer.
Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
Bhagwati is a passionate, very passionate, free-trader, but he has more complicated views on things like capital flows and regulation.
Matthew Yglesias » Economists for an Employee Free Choice Act
Traders are under an obligation to make reasonable checks about the information they provide.
Times, Sunday Times
He was not a lumberjack, or a fur trader, and he didn't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dog sled.
Traders had thought the Food and Drug Administration, which is testing imports for a fungicide not approved for use on oranges domestically, might prohibit shipments.
FDA Says No Ban on Orange-Juice Imports
During the early part of the 17th century, Japan's shogunate suspected that the traders and missionaries were actually forerunners of a military conquest by European powers.
This leaves ETFs more prone to so-called contango effects, as well as vulnerable to tax hits and front-running — when traders can jump ahead of expected trades to profit from the subsequent demand.
Commodities Investors Favor Mutual Funds Over ETFs
Now prices must remain high to encourage U.S. farmers to plant more corn and soybeans in the spring, and traders will be on tenterhooks to see whether crops in the U.S. are enough to correct the deficit in inventories.
End Of Cheap Food Era May Be Near
Once they find takings dwindling they will be off and away to pastures new and local traders will not be able to afford the high rents and rates, so lots of empty shops.
Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.
Traders fear the move will drive people away and force them to shop elsewhere.
Traders fear that the bank 's 1.4 trillion balance sheet could contain more hidden problems and that the worsening global economy will add to the red ink.
Times, Sunday Times
This theft was premeditated because the barrow is completely worthless to anyone other than a trader.
Non Muslim traders reverted to Islam after mixing with the scholars of Islam.
And the traders are still there, their modern stock-in-trade tracksuits, tacky ornaments and whiskey sold for a 200 per cent mark-up.
Even more broadly, the skin inoculation concept has been shown to lead to high immunogenicity in other systems; for example, it was shown a couple of years ago that yellow fever vaccine is more immunogenic when delivered intradermally than when given by its conventional subcutaneous route:
Research Blogging - All Topics - English
There were a few heavy downfalls, but even they proved a boon to the indoor traders who did a roaring trade when the crowds scurried for shelter in the stands.
Failure by a trader to comply with a prohibition notice or notice to warn is a criminal offence.
'The market is absolutely dead this morning,' said one foreign exchange trader.
The holder of the licence must be a motor trader, vehicle tester or vehicle manufacturer.
These confluence levels allowed traders to see where a stock, future, commodity, or currency had the greatest probability of pausing or reversing on intraday charts.
Anticipate manipulation by adopting an early warning system of large trader reporting and possibly position limits.
Over at the Serious Eats boards, a user points out that a Trader Joe’s onion label instructs the consumer to store them in pantyhose for maximum freshness.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
Being sole traders, they are answerable to no one else within the business.
Having said that, the Grand Bazaar traders have realised that hard-core hustling is bad for long-term business, and so do not pester shoppers in the way that bazaar touts do in some parts of the Middle East or north Africa.
The company is an international trader in grain.
The example of harmonious and industrious living set by the missionaries was continually undermined by the licentious behaviour of visiting European traders.
If a trader wishes to put up a fingerpost sign, sandwich board or tables and chairs on the streets they will be required to pay annual licence fees of between 125 and 630.
The term silent evidence comes from a book I am currently enjoying, entitled "Fooled by Randomness" by a former securities trader named Nassim Taleb. which I have mentioned before.
Archive 2008-01-01
In the real world, no hedge fund or other large trader actually ‘loots’ a fund, embezzles assets, or engages in other clear-cut forms of larceny.
Importantly for the English traders, the late Francis Day had noted that the calicos woven by the traders of Madraspatnam were cheaper than the ones that Britishers were procuring.
From that fate no trader was immune.
Bond traders believe the fall in the yield in short-dated bonds to record lows last week indicates that a half-point cut to 3% is imminent.
I couldn't have scripted a smoother year," says Jeffrey Hirsch , editor-in-chief of the "Stock Trader's Almanac," an annual book that compiles market statistics and esoterica.
Stocks Going By the Book
He said he was saddened that instead of supporting farmers by buying their produce at a reasonable price, some traders and millers had decided to exploit them.
The batteau is a sort of mongrel between the canoe and the boat, a fur-trader's boat.
The Maine Woods
On Brighton seafront, traders said large numbers of sunseekers on the beach came as a welcome break in their "disastrous" spring season.
They were space traders and smugglers, they had refused an offer to join the Federation halfa century earlier, and their record on humanoid rights was abysmal.
The Fearful Summons
These craftsfolk survived beneath the notice of the wealthier merchants and traders who dominated the commerce of the south coast of Premmois.
Into the Thinking Kingdoms
Traders put on the squeeze by buying large amounts of Martha Stewart stock to drive up its price and force the shorts to cover their positions at a loss.
Traders were buoyed by a rise in US factory output and a jump in Chinese manufacturing.
The Sun
Traders are under an obligation to make reasonable checks about the information they provide.
Times, Sunday Times
Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.
Product innovation: define and write new payoffs with sales, traders and quants (pro-active and reactive), participate in the study of the risk management of the new payoffs.
As a market trader I understand business and running the town would require a sense of business.
Stock trader bullpens are packed with video screens.
Former spend-happy bankers, executives and traders are counting their dimes and travelling economy class.
Democrats — all but five of whom voted in favor of the bill last week — would do well to remember that in 1932 Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran as a free-trader, pledging to lower Smoot-Hawley's tariff walls.
The Trade and Tax Doomsday Clocks
It lets traders and investors speculate on the rate of fluctuation for US stocks.
Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin said Wednesday that he has been looking into whether weekly meetings held by Goldman's traders and securities analysts -- known within the firm as "huddles" -- violated any laws.
Along with SEC, other investigators and suits may target Goldman Sachs
At any given moment on the trading floor billions of dollars were being risked by bond traders.
Long delays caused traders to switch to road haulage and to coastal shipping, taking advantage of the country's extensive coastline and ports.
Traders have won the first battle in their fight against council plans to introduce charging at a free car park.
This tendency to repel every suggestion of inferiority is one of the surest signs of provincial habits; it is exactly the feeling with which the resident of the village resents what he calls the airs of the town, and that which the inland trader brings with him among those whom he terms the "dandies" of the sea-board.
Recollections of Europe
The two major parties at the first federal elections were free-traders and protectionists, with the latter securing a narrow victory, though not a parliamentary majority.
The traders have taken to heckling him and his security men have warned him to stay away.
Times, Sunday Times
Traders heard about it and smelled weakness.
Times, Sunday Times
At the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War the Spartans slew any trader they caught sailing around their coast line, irrespective of their ethnicity.
In the little trading towns, the traders sat in their shops, far too weary to cry their wares.
Traders are not the only ones suffering an attack of the jitters.
Times, Sunday Times
The streets of La Paz are today filled from sunrise to sunset with traders selling anything from razor blades to fast food.
Certainly traders were still fuming yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
With the loss of the harbor, traders working the coast of Asia Minor moved elsewhere, which pretty much put Ephesus out of business.
Bob Schulman: Ephesus Survives Swords, Scimitars and Silt
Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area.
Hydrofluoric Acid
So support your local market traders and enjoy fine food.
Rogue street traders may be ripping off Lancaster people by posing as charity volunteers.
Such traders are trying neither to help nor to harm the British economy.
Times, Sunday Times
Evidence citing emails and instant messages included in settlements is often attributed to particular traders by the media.
Times, Sunday Times
Traders heard about it and smelled weakness.
Times, Sunday Times
According to transcripts of internet chatroom conversations, traders shared confidential information on client orders.
Times, Sunday Times
When we travel by horse or by modern motor car in that now accessible region and look about us, we should not fail to reflect on the long trail of the upbound boats which Manuel Lisa and other traders sent out almost immediately upon the return of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
The Passing of the Frontier; a chronicle of the old West
The bank probe into internal emails and instant messages has also allegedly unearthed other City traders' sordid behaviour.
The Sun
The ladies are impatient for their new clothes; the gentlemen half wild for want of tobacco; and things coming to a crisis, they make inquiries for the trader down the road, one village to another, and then, if it is found that a village has killed the trader, and stolen all his goods, there is naturally a big palaver, and things are made extremely hot, even for equatorial Africa, for that village by the tobaccoless husbands of the clothesless wives.
Travels in West Africa
Underperforming hedge funds are looking to load up on credit risk via collateralized debt obligations or the fast maturing high yield debt market, say credit derivative traders.
Nor is the opinion of Hannibal opposed to this who, when he saw in the engagement at Cannae that the Consuls made their horsemen descend on foot, making a mock of a like proceeding, said: Quam malem vinctos mini traderent equites, that is, I would have more concern if they would give them to me bound.
Traders say it would take some time before fruits become a plentiful commodity in these parts.
Although Tuesday's interest rate hike spooked global markets, they quickly recovered from what analysts described as a kneejerk reaction by traders.
China's economy slows in Q3
If your looking for something like autotrader. com, cars. com, carsdirect. com, etc, then check this out.
ASP.NET Forums
Then the fad proved short-lived, and traders suffered big losses when the bubble burst.
Times, Sunday Times
The group has been calling for temporary halting site facilities for transient traders.
But a reversal of traffic flow, introduced in November by the city council, has got traders fearing for their future.
The fundraiser received a lot of support from the local traders in Abbeyleix who contributed a wide variety of prizes, which were raffled on the night.
To a trader this sort of opening sounds ominous.
In the late 1800s, Portuguese and Muslim traders moved further inland and established trade with tribes.
To add to the incessant cacophony of all the usual hucksters and souvenir traders, the pilgrims and the clergy, the temple is also still being built.
The first French settlement was begun by fur traders in Acadia in 1604.
Poor quality paving work by rogue traders has left homeowners facing massive repair bills.
The Groups Areas Act furthered this concept by rigidifying urban segregation and excluding black traders from central business districts.
2. South of the Limpopo
Daytraders in their pajamas dabble in Thai baht and South African rand online.
If a trader, therefore, has alternative or multiple income streams, they may be better off to incorporate their business as a company and reinvest the profits back into it.
For commodities traders, shipping lines and banks, the costs have been punitive.
Times, Sunday Times
If gangs thieve from and threaten repeatedly a small number of traders, again you keep the gangs happy, and tell the traders to book it as an insurance claim.
How “Police Performance” Fraud Works. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Presenting Hav as a fascinating nexus of East and West, a teeming entrepôt of cross-breeding cultures, Ms. Morris describes the architecture with great relish: There are mosques from brief Arab rule during the Crusades, Russian onion-domed palaces, colonial remnants from the post-Napoleonic "Hav Britannica," and "the most cheerful of follies," a multistoried pagoda built by 15th-century Ming Dynasty traders.
Visiting a Land Beyond Fodor's Reach
Both patients described in cases 1 and 2 were treated with intradermal calcium gluconate injections and were pain free after treatment.
Hydrofluoric Acid
But, in the back rooms of the main concourse, customs officials demand bribes from traders trying to import clothes, shoes or electrical goods into the country.
Other reports suggest that some Chinese ivory traders dodge export controls by passing off illegal elephant tusks as mammoth ivory.
Times, Sunday Times
International check organization and quality department appoint to adopt TILO brand extensively, have had as many as ten thousand domestic and international high-quality travelling traders.
The company lets out its vans to small traders such as electricians and plumbers.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a moment that had traders scratching their heads and wondering if they had missed something.
Times, Sunday Times
The study concluded, as the majority of mall traders already know, that most anti-social behaviour and criminal damage is carried out along the mall in hours of darkness.
The traders had to pay toll on all the goods which they brought to the fair, in addition to the payment of stallage or rent for the ground on which they displayed their merchandise, and also a charge on all the goods they sold.
Vanishing England
The son of a prosperous Hindu trader, Bhai Pheru, Guru Angad was an ardent devotee of the Hindu goddess Durga.
Criminals are costing British businesses more than £1.3bn a year as traders live in fear of louts who steal from their shops, daub graffiti on their walls or subject them to intimidation.
As much or perhaps more than longer-term advances for the sector, many options traders appear drawn in by the chance to turn a quick profit in a volatile market.
Traders Return to Rare-Earth Metals
The factory greatly wanted a flat-bottom iron steamer, a stern-wheeler, with sliding keel, and furnaces fit for burning half-dried wood — a craft of fourteen tons, costing perhaps £14 per ton, would be ample in point of size, and would save not a little money to the trader.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
Feeling a career in the academy would be too risky, he became a commodities trader and trading systems designer.
With the ability to receive simple text messages, Wall Street traders now get real-time alerts whenever a major deal is carried out in overseas financial markets.
Off a lane where market traders push rickety handcarts toward the bazaar, steps lead into the courtyard of a Shia religious school.
Whether traders in this country choose to sell in imperial or metric units should be a matter between them and their customers.
Traders remark by the time the issue closes, it may have been oversubscribed seven to eight times by retail investors and about 15 times by institutional investors.
In the proposed bylaw, it is not only sand miners who will be sanctioned but also transporters and traders.
Japan was alert, and in 1899 had just put a final end to the extraterritorial privileges enjoyed by European traders in Japan.
Greg Roberts (a.k.a. "Fokker") is a research trader for a based hedge fund.
The British traders in the room had been comprehensively outmanoeuvred.
Times, Sunday Times
Renko, originating from the Japanese word Renga meaning brick, offers a simpler view of the trend and allows traders a clearer view of the price action as well as support and resistance.
The best traders take into consideration multiple scenarios.
The traders had come into the village early that morning requesting lodgings for the night.
His parents were traders, buying and selling livestock and agricultural goods.
Times, Sunday Times
they are traders out to make a fast buck
A particular failing was the inadequacy of systems that recorded traders' phone conversations.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a growing view among traders that Washington sent out some memo to coordinate everyone to start talking hawkishly?
Lawrence G. McDonald: The Zero Transparency Policy in Our Financial Reform Process and What it Means for Your Investments
But it wasn't until nearly 300 years later that Arab traders began to boil or roast these precious beans.
A trader sells a currency pair if he/she believes the base currency will go down relative to the quote currency, or equivalently, that the quote currency will go up relative to the base currency.
Fx Wars | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
In the early 19th century, fur traders wiped out its seals; during the Gold Rush, a lucrative and larcenous trade in seabird eggs killed millions of common murres.
The miner and commodities trader embarked on a plan in September to cut its $30 billion of debt.
Times, Sunday Times
That would put at least 3,000 jobs at risk, say the traders.
The Sun
And the legions of other day traders who speculated on internet stocks are long gone.
Others bark like ` toy-dogs, 'while still other kinds utter a whistling noise, from which one species derives its trivial name of ` whistler' among the traders, and is the ` siffleur 'of the Canadian voyageurs.
The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North