How To Use Trade unionist In A Sentence
Trade unionist and the Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo addressed the rally.
The effect was to galvanize male trade unionists to broaden their dispute.
The Times Literary Supplement
They have spoken to Unison branches and met trade unionists from other unions.
Some of his floundering was the result of a desire not to appear intellectually superior to his fellow trade unionists.
Times, Sunday Times
I couldn't believe it when I turned on the television and saw these young people coming together with the organised trade unionists, especially the teamsters and the steelworkers.

There it was met by thousands of trade unionists and Irish nationalists.
As a trade unionist he reached out to businessmen.
Times, Sunday Times
But Hall is not just a trade unionist.
Times, Sunday Times
I also say, as a proud trade unionist, that, unlike the Opposition, I do support the idea that if people are in the position of withdrawing their labour in a strike situation they should not get paid for it.
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
She deserves to be recalled as someone who showed how militant working class women could be active in a world dominated by male trade unionists in the 1920s.
It is an age-old tactic of fascists to target trade unionists and label them a fifth column or traitors.
Trade unionists, politicians on both left and right and almost all the press were united in protest.
Times, Sunday Times
The great body of liberal politicians, trade unionists and civil rights activists who fought apartheid and have not compromised with the government is again on the march.
Times, Sunday Times
Trade unionists were quick to give their verdict on the proposals.
Tens of thousands of European trade unionists have demonstrated in the Hungarian capital Budapest. The protesters oppose tough austerity measures imposed by many governments.
While the gag has gone down well with visiting business delegations, trade unionists... not so much.
The Sun
We're calling on trade unionists, community groups and everyone opposed to privatisation to come and support it.
Parks had worked closely with E.D. Nixon, a black trade unionist in Montgomery, the head of the local branch of the sleeping car porters ' union and a longtime fighter for voting rights and other issues.
The war is just one issue that has sparked a raging debate among trade unionists about whether unions should continue to fund Labour while it attacks their members.
The effect was to galvanize male trade unionists to broaden their dispute.
The Times Literary Supplement
On top of that, he enjoys an unusually untainted popularity among activists and grass-roots trade unionists.
It helped socialist trade unionists distribute anti-communist literature in Germany's Soviet-controlled zone.
Like Mayekiso, Erwin was one of the "workerist" trade unionists who helped to build the modern union movement.
IOL: News
The truth is that Britain's economic policymakers are as in thrall to bankers as their 1970s forerunners were to trade unionists.
Pleading with banks won't do. Osborne needs a plan B
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
Also demonstrating were Kurds, trade unionists, eco-warriors, socialists, anarchists and communists.
She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
Some, previously only marginally interested, developed a consciousness as trade unionists and became committed activists.
Tenants, trade unionists and MPs took part in a lobby of Tower Hamlets council, east London this week in support of a council press officer who faces the sack.
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
People with a history of involvement in anti-war movements, trade unionists and those of us who are fed up with claims about the ‘liberation’ of the gay community vocalised their opinions.
Note 27: A significant proportion of the Greek rural population was engaged in waged labour on large privately owned estates and thus identified with the trade unionists of the cities who worked in factories.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
Angry trade unionists berated candidates as privatisation of the rail industry swept on to the election stage.
In fact, they were acting not as revolutionary socialists but as mere trade unionists.
I say, "ostensible," because, in fact, the paramilitaries have rarely fought guerrillas themselves, but rather, have targeted civilians struggling peacefully for social change - for example, trade unionists, peasant leaders, teachers and Catholic priests advocating for the poor.
Dan Kovalik: Bush To Host Colombian Death Squad President
She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
You only have to use common sense to see it's not trade unionists and politicians but teachers and governors who know how to run schools.
The Sun
She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward.
Trade unionists and the Government each said that more work was still required.
Times, Sunday Times
Striking trade unionists can be jailed under anti-terror laws.
Times, Sunday Times
Labour's long-term supporters, ethical socialists, public service workers, egalitarians and anti-monarchists, trade unionists and pacifists, were harder to deal with.
In this work he gained the trust of people in many walks of life including trade unionists, politicians and church leaders.
Times, Sunday Times
Labour's long-term supporters, ethical socialists, public service workers, egalitarians and anti-monarchists, trade unionists and pacifists, were harder to deal with.
The effect was to galvanize male trade unionists to broaden their dispute.
The Times Literary Supplement
The uncompromising and terrible hatred of the trade unionist for a scab is the hatred of a class for a traitor to that class, while the hatred of a trade unionist for the militia is the hatred of a class for a weapon wielded by the class with which it is fighting.
The Class Struggle
Even more ambitious attempts to bring trade unionists and community activists together in educational settings have taken place at Northern College.
Some, previously only marginally interested, developed a consciousness as trade unionists and became committed activists.
By the term subversives they mean trade unionists, socialists and other campaigners.
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
The official march was a sea of colour and banners drawing a diverse crowd of public sector workers, trade unionists and students.
Times, Sunday Times
He was sometimes a hard drinker and a staunch trade unionist who came to Australia as a stoker in 1910 and jumped ship.
Though the movement soon after coming to power crushed independent-minded trade unionists, often dubbed as "Trotskyists," many of Angola's relatively detribalized urban workers also looked toward the MPLA.
Inside Angola
Even more ambitious attempts to bring trade unionists and community activists together in educational settings have taken place at Northern College.
We need to look at something that is not driven just by ideology, or that is the politically correct approach of this Government - a bunch of trade unionists who now want to unionise everyone.
Politically and industrially Alec was a socialist, a trade unionist, and an anti-fascist.
Even more ambitious attempts to bring trade unionists and community activists together in educational settings have taken place at Northern College.
These organisations gave him the opportunity to win the trust of the senior trade unionists of that difficult period of industrial unrest.
Times, Sunday Times
Here was a chance to have a dig at trade unionists.
Of course it's not Ali's support for 'the resistance', the cheerful catch-all for the Saddamite fascists, the mosque-bombers, trade unionist torturers and the head-choppers, which is the problem.
Late Daffodils From The Curates Garden
the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist
The question then arises, how did these activists develop such a consciousness as waged workers and trade unionists?
His contribution to the stability of the country at that time has been acknowledged by Nigerian politicians, businessmen and trade unionists.
Times, Sunday Times
The main reason the trade unionists failed in the U.K. was probably because their culture, one of an absolute, rationalist belief in egalitarianism, jibbed so badly with British culture it was bound to invoke the greatest antagonisms eventually.
Matthew Yglesias » EFCA in International Comparison
He is part stroppy trade unionist, part renaissance man with his broad range of interests from media work to hotels to coaching.
Times, Sunday Times
Party activists and trade unionists were going to inflict a string of defeats on the leadership on key policy areas.
Nobody knows how many trade unionists will take the transfer into the Labour Party.
Times, Sunday Times
Once upon a time, back in the late 1970s boom, when many of today's commentators, politicians, central bankers and trade unionists learned their economics, the economy could be allegorised as a fashionable restaurant.
Longshoremen rank with teamsters in the lore of hard-nosed trade unionists and Hobsbawm preferred their leader's politics.
Eight anarchist trade unionists were arrested: four were hanged, one committed suicide in prison and the remaining three were eventually pardoned.
If this force is hijacked by the likes of this man and those who vilify trade unionists emerging from the rubble of a tyranny, then there really is no hope at all.
The former trade unionist with a ready smile appears to have survived unaffected.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather, traditional trade unionists from militant areas of the private economy turned out to support a system that suits them.
The union is calling on trade unionists to bombard the council with messages of protest.
A leading adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer was due in Bradford today to talk to trade unionists.
One explanation is that, unlike farmers and trade unionists, sexual nonconformists did not have enough of a following to legitimize their opposition to majority norms.
We've been reminding him of all the calumnies and vituperations and bombast he has heaped upon the trade unionists of this country in recent years.
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
Faced with resignation from the union or the sack, the last trade unionist left in 1989.
Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.
Hadgkiss illustrates every page of his document with unsourced quotes designed to damage the reputation of trade unionists.
Large numbers of trade unionists went on the anti-war demonstrations, but not in general as organised delegations.
Too many trade unionists in Britain want to pick a fight and it has to be said that the government is not looking very strong.
Times, Sunday Times
Alderman Lewis, a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands.
Such were the sixty thousand trade unionists who met in St Peter's Fields in Manchester in August 1819 and were greeted by the yeomanry, who charged at them with sabres, killing 11 and wounding around four hundred.
Male trade unionists, by contrast, considered piecework anathema, for it was associated in their minds with unskilled labour, exploitative working conditions, and with a loss of control and dignity.
They offer models of 'global unionism' for trade unionists and anti-capitalists everywhere.
He was said to be with another trade unionist.
Times, Sunday Times
Here was a chance to have a dig at trade unionists.
The effect was to galvanize male trade unionists to broaden their dispute.
The Times Literary Supplement
The new statute will stop trade unionists trying to persuade workers in unconnected companies to take sympathy action.
Both men married and led families with multiple children, resided (at least part of the time) in journeymen's neighborhoods within close proximity to other trade unionists, and seemed to live rather stable lives while supporting temperance, antislavery, and moral reform.
Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
Chapter One employs a prosopography of over one thousand trade unionists and Working Men's Party operatives based on an extensive analysis of census, tax list, probate, insolvency, and other documents.
Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
He was the only university printer to hold this post, and it was unusual for it to be held by a former trade unionist.
Times, Sunday Times