How To Use Tract In A Sentence

  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • As a book about a nonoperational aircraft, Valkyrie will probably attract only a limited audience within the Air Force community.
  • This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ... Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
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  • Golub was an odd man out, one of those who kept alive certain ambitions scuttled by the artists who followed Abstract Expressionism.
  • I didn't know my success was going to be so big and that I would become 'the subtractor', always subtracting six years. Life and style |
  • The process of inspiration is active and requires energy for muscle contraction.
  • And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
  • The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
  • She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
  • It will not matter, however, whether the part-timer or the full-timer are working on fixed-term or permanent contracts.
  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
  • The depth and rate of breathing are controlled by special centres in the brain, which influence the nerves that cause contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
  • They spent many hours searching in commercial databases, looking for abstracts and full-text articles.
  • With a full tank of fuel, the weight bias shifts rearwards slightly, which helps traction, as does the standard limited slip differential.
  • The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
  • It's an evolutionary trick to distract the pursuer, much as lizards lose their tails.
  • He comes to be disgusted by all abstractions and ideas.
  • The paper hangs in its box frame, edges furling and contracting.
  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • About 10,000 Irish patients contract the superbug each year.
  • The attractive forces between molecules in a liquid are called surface tension forces and are what hold the liquid together.
  • It's about the right image going with the right story in the right direction, rather than it being abstract.
  • In July, the project came to a standstill for nine days when workers stopped to oppose the use of non-union contract labour on the site.
  • John Sayles is often hailed as the king of independent cinema, so it is little wonder that his latest movie, Silver City, was able to attract such a mouth-watering cast.
  • Zoophagous insects extract nutrients from a living animal host and represent a broad group of parasitic insects.
  • But a tiny, naturally-occurring steviol glycoside constituent (about two to four percent of a whole leaf) of the plant, called rebaudioside A (also known as reb A, rebiana, stevia extract), was passed into Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA in 2008. Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
  • The young birds' mandibles begin to cross about two weeks after they fledge, and they learn to extract seeds soon after that.
  • A touch is all that is needed to lube delicate trigger mechanisms, firing pins, ejectors, extractors and springs.
  • This was physical attraction, sexual temptation, nothing more.
  • The aim, therefore, was to attract substantial foreign investment.
  • The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
  • It also provides a condensed primer to some of the issues at stake in American avant-garde cinema, which, partly because of its historical opposition to the dictates of commercial mainstream moviemaking and partly because it resists commodification unlike, say, abstract painting, oppositional cinema doesn't rack up big sales at Sotheby's, has been relegated to the status of museum pieces and festival marginalia. NYT > Home Page
  • These tracts heed the critical strictures against both love and wit.
  • To tell you the truth, your plan is very attractive, but it doesn't seem to be practicable.
  • I have downloaded MCU 8051. tar from sourceforge. i extracted the folder. i don't know how to install it in ubuntu, Can anyone who are using MCU 8051 help in installing it in Ubuntu
  • By the term contracted foot, otherwise known as hoof-bound, is indicated a condition in which the foot, more especially the posterior half of it, is, or becomes, narrower from side to side than is normal. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • [12] The spermatozooids of certain plants can be strongly attracted towards a pipette which is filled with malic acid -- crowding around and into it with avidity. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.
  • The Orangery restaurant is not as gorgeous as the rest of the house, partly because it is in a modern extension, but mainly because it is unattractively lit.
  • The tractor was there with the trailer attached, its tailboard unfastened.
  • No major American artists in the twenties were making totally abstract, non-objective paintings.
  • To the cold syrup add the extracted juice and mix by stirring.
  • Mr Smith hopes that his campaign will attract the support of all organisations for the elderly or those on low incomes.
  • Dr. Kristina Durante of The University of Texas at Austin and colleagues found that young women felt more attractive when they had high levels of an estrogen known as estradiol, and they acted on those feelings.
  • The tropane alkaloids scopolamine and hyoscyamine were extracted and analysed from N. tabacum cultured hairy roots.
  • The extracts obtained were prefiltered through glass wool and sodium sulfate anhydride and filtered by column chromatography (clean-up performed using sodium sulfate anhydride and Celite 545).
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • As Christians who reject evolutionary theory, the family scoffed at the park's dinosaur attractions, which date the apatosaurus, brachiosaurus and the like to prehistoric times.
  • The channel's viewership is ageing, and attempts to attract younger watchers have yet to bear fruit.
  • Nearby attractions: Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation, Hilo.
  • In his abstract ballets or interpretations of music, he rarely worried about the mood or emotional content of the music.
  • The two merchants didn't look entirely pleased to have the players mooching off of their business, but it was obvious to the eyes of an outsider that the music was actually attracting customers.
  • Outdoor or extensively reared pigs that may be exposed to wildlife are at a greater risk of contracting trichinellosis from wildlife sources (6). ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • On top of this, contracted moderators check marked student work in every subject from every school, every year.
  • All yellowhammers have striking, rusty-coloured, unstreaked rumps which are most attractive.
  • Her bare feet created a rhythm of their own as she moved all over the floor, lunging and retracting, parrying invisible foes.
  • Flat lawns are formed into an abstract pattern that recalls tectonic fractures and fissures in the earth's surface, their edges defined by dark grey concrete retaining walls.
  • The gaffer is such a good manager that he is bound to attract interest from bigger clubs.
  • In the simplest case, the wires carrying the electrical signals are used to form an electromagnet which attracts and releases a metal diaphragm.
  • The selling may not see strong bids from regular customers because the sector's yield level is unattractively low, said Naoki Tsuchiyama , a market economist at Mizuho Securities. Japanese Yields Rise
  • Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who dropped out after failing to attract enough money or support.
  • The ink is hardly dry on young Hay's new three-year contract.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • A cloud of gas that is gravitationally attracted to the black hole can have a net angular momentum oppositely directed from that of the black hole. Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today
  • The lawn had been churned up by the tractor.
  • Caltrain contracts with Amtrak to operate the commuter rail line, which accommodates 26, 000 daily riders.
  • The case has attracted wide publicity.
  • Object Relational Mapping was created to abstract details of the underlying database from the Java object model.
  • If the contract is cancelled, it'll be a catastrophe for everyone concerned.
  • Some workers on zero-hours contracts are happy with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • OBJECTIVE : To optimize the extraction technique of moschus and formulate the preparation procedure for Shehuang - babu ji.
  • a Soxhlet, or similar extraction apparatus, and extract with alcohol for All About Coffee
  • It has been frequently asked if the existing and accepted formula for determining in advance the amount of refined sugar that may be extracted from either beets, _masse cuite_ or raw sugar, is to be considered exact, without special allowance being made for raffinose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
  • Thou shalt not deliver unto his master," &c., sets the servant free from his _authority_ and of course, from all those liabilities of injury, to which _as his servant_, he was subjected, but not from the obligation of legal contracts. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • This was followed by a further two extractions, and the dried extract homogenized in 1 ml assay buffer for DHT analysis.
  • A vast, impersonal, abstract pattern stands be-hind this legend.
  • Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who chairs an investigative subcommittee that will hold a hearing on the report today, said the Obama administration should "get on with it and actually debar the worst of the tax cheats from the contractor workforce. GAO report: Tax cheats received billions in stimulus funds
  • Cunnah is unlikely to let something like a labour dispute distract him from the job in hand.
  • Genomic DNA from each mutant colony was extracted using a Tween - 20 / proteinase K digestion mixture.
  • Brown, OTOH, is attractive and charming, with a compelling tie to the military – MASS National Guard Units (like everywhere) have been heavly involved in the wars over the last 8 years, and stories about them abound on local news. Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
  • Even supposedly essential functions are subcontracted out.
  • She questioned the authenticity of the contracts the two fighters signed, saying that one alleged he was forced to sign a blank contract.
  • In dunnocks, females may use song to compete for males, and in the alpine accentor, females attract males by song.
  • And therefore (quod iterum moneo, licet nauseam paret lectori, malo decem potius verba, decies repetita licet abundare, quam unum desiderari) I would advise him that is actually melancholy not to read this tract of Symptoms, lest he disquiet or make himself for a time worse, and more melancholy than he was before. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He was beginning to attract the attention of others in the locker room. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • The two-piece brass section added a full and funky sound that helped detract from the sameness and blandness of many of Mayer's songs.
  • Blue smoke belched out from the tractor's exhaust pipe.
  • It is likely to have benefited more from erecting the jawbone outside the island kirk and turning it into a tourist attraction, than the museum, which will simply be adding it to its existing collection.
  • Only some people believe that a guy who called criticism "distraction" is a good guy. Clinton has big lead in Kentucky, Obama on top in Oregon
  • If it has attractive art and nice looking parts I'm much more inclined to give it a try.
  • Many companies will be involved in the project from construction contractors to drillers to transportation firms.
  • I suggested that attracting backpackers and independent travellers would be a good way to get that ball rolling.
  • This column will doubtless attract accusations of self-indulgence, although you might equally contest that having demanded that my photograph appear at the top of the page and that my name appear in capitals and bold type, that particular ship has sailed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The auction house decided to withdraw from the sale when its December 1990 contract with Lord Northampton came up for renewal.
  • Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed.
  • They package their goods in attractive wrappers.
  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • Being a school photographer means being employed by a firm that contracts to do school / class / individual pupil photographs.
  • Under her they merely turn from pointillistic snapshots into abstract expressionism.
  • Almost half a century later their privileged lifestyle and their aura of being an exclusive caste still attracted comment.
  • Underlying all decisions about subcontracting is the desire to make the entire project profitable.
  • Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists.
  • The company is ideally placed to win the contract.
  • Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
  • In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention.
  • The party aims to attract votes from the business and professional communities, which want a faster pace of political reform.
  • In international custom, a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
  • The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As such, you could look at religious tracts and systems as being blue-prints for consciousness.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only one of the earliest European abstractionist, but also a sculptor, an architect , and an engineer.
  • Extraction of water from aquifers in India exceeds recharge by a factor of two or more.
  • This in some degree corresponds with Captain Cook's record of the irregularity of his compass when he passed near this part of the coast, in consequence of which he called the peaked island to the westward of the cape, Magnetical Island: this irregularity, however, was not noticed by me in my observations near the same spot; and the difference observed by him may very probably have been occasioned by the ship's local attraction, which in those days was unknown. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • The method includes the mechanical dissolution of the fiber parts containing thaumatin and, since the protein is very easy to dissolve in water, the aqueous extraction.
  • Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14.
  • Cadbury dismisses 'derisory' Kraft bid food giant Kraft yesterday, labelling it "derisory" and "unattractive" and calling on its shareholders to turn it down. - Articles related to Cadbury chief prefers Hershey to Kraft as bid battle looms larger
  • The patrons' tables are constantly resupplied with clear, cool, tart pomegranate juice and hot, flat white bread extracted with long-handled wooden spatulas from the ovens through openings in the walls.
  • Price is attractive but this time we make decision to purchase mill shell from tallinn shipbuilding.
  • The freaks of nature displayed here appealed to peoples’ prejudice, their unquenchable curiosity for the outlandish and the unknown, and the paradoxical human attraction and repulsion for the diseased and deformed.
  • Tractors and harvesters were replacing mules and manual labor, and mechanization was in the process of making black tenant farmers and sharecroppers expendable.
  • Failure to have the service done may invalidate some extended warranties or service contracts.
  • A distraction may cause it to wander off into the road, with fatal consequences.
  • The large lagoon and break in the reef attract many species, including dugongs, whale sharks, dolphins and manta rays.
  • The law is predicted to bring benefits not just for ramblers but for the whole region by attracting more walkers and tourists.
  • Maybe the bisection would leave a piece of his land isolated and far from any overpass, and how, the farmer wanted to know, was he supposed to get across that highway with a tractor? Interstate 69
  • I spotted a cleaner sporting a plastic bib with the words Tourist Attractions emblazoned across it.
  • Chains with more marketing clout, economies of scale and smarter ways of responding to rising costs are edging out smaller chains or those that fail to attract choosier customers. Hamburgers, Fries and a Shakeout
  • I have no desire to protract the process.
  • In Hygiasticon, neque enim haec tractatio aliena videri debet a theologo, &c. agitur de morbo animae. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It was an opportunity for a politician to grab some cheap brownie points without risk, because it would involve apologising for something he had no responsibility for --- a great distractor. Making Tea For Alan Turing
  • The neck (collum mallei) is the narrow contracted part just beneath the head; below it, is a a prominence, to which the various processes are attached. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
  • What makes these native arums so attractive are the thick spikes of fruits that follow the large white papery inflorescences.
  • A cat can retract its claws, but a dog can't.
  • In destinations such as Sharm el-Sheikh, which attract willing but poor hands from across the country looking for work, the effect is magnified. Egypt economy awaits its lost tourists
  • Stars are initially formed from gas, mostly hydrogen, and contract under their own gravitational attraction.
  • Parker also said that much of what Rhee achieved in contract talks already existed in D.C. law but was not used by her predecessors, including the power to weaken seniority protections for teachers who are "excessed," or let go from their jobs because of school closures. D.C. Teachers' Union election will affect survival of Rhee's initiatives
  • The attraction of the time theme inspired its creators to look to Greenwich and its meridian line.
  • Upper genital tract infection associated with intrauterine contraceptive devices is temporally linked to the insertion of the device.
  • We need someone at the event who'll be a big draw and attract the paying public.
  • When we gave Eli his big contract, we needed him to go from above-average/pretty good to very good, and to make the leap from a steward of a good offense to someone who could carry the offense by himself. Greg Hanlon: Ungiantlike: Eagles 45 - Giants 38
  • You know people have midlife crises when they turn 50 and they go out and buy a red Corvette and drive around college campuses to see if they can still attract babes.
  • Originally dating from the late 17th century this attractive trifid top pattern has three prong forks and a low relief based scroll and shell design, typical of the period.
  • It criticises the main contractor for seriously erring in its original estimates.
  • A large company contracted me to publicize its newest division.
  • Nicola nodded and slunk quietly over to the sleeping bags, trying not to attract the attention of whatever Landon had heard.
  • I shuffled my hospital armchair forward, across the BUPA contract carpet. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • It's a mistake to think of Florida only in terms of its tourist attractions.
  • As a result, some politicians have begun to think of war, not as the high-risk recourse of last resort, but as an attractive foreign policy option in times of domestic scandal or economic decline.
  • As it happens, Hicks was the first in what would become a long line of "difficult" men to whom Murdoch was attracted, culminating in a long affair with Elias Canetti, the future Nobel Prize-winner. The Good Apprentice
  • If radio is to contribute effectively to the national culture, its material needs to be presented in an attractive manner.
  • Note 62: TNA SP 10/1, no. 38 abstracted in CSP Domestic Edward VI, 36. back From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • To attract holidayers to the State during the Southwest monsoon, brochures detailing the various facets of the monsoon have been brought as in previous years.
  • Equally, the vendor can pull out if a better offer comes along, or if they retract from the market. Homebuying: A contract to keep the gazumpers from your door
  • Using his special truffling stick, he extracts the truffle from between the roots.
  • Under congressional dicta, an individual must meet specific criteria to be a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and binds himself, via contract, to certain obligations.
  • She was there to be the volunteer coordinator of the women's centre, and unlike other government and contract workers, planned to be in the community for a long time.
  • The main attraction of the place is the nightlife.
  • It's just a noise that might attract some birds, particularly things like wrens and thornbills, and saffron whitefaces which we've just seen.
  • He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.
  • The heart of their study is a large sample of loan contracts drawn by Parisian notaries.
  • The company does not accept the conclusion and exact arrangements for cancelling the contract are still being finalised.
  • The abstract representations are also a reflection of the artist's mastery over colour and light.
  • Looking radiantly healthy - in contrast to her wan mien of recent months - she lucidly defended herself the interviewers tried to extract an apology from her.
  • There is no mark, " the old man said in a clear but forceless voice, -or mention that this Contract has been approved by the Oriolis Cavernus. The Coelura
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He signed a five-year contract with an English company indenturing himself for labor in the South Seas at fifty cents a day. “Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray, . . . .”
  • As they ran the risk of losing the advantages they had been given if they went back on their previous statements or retracted their confessions, their statements were open to question.
  • Frenetic attempts to distract and comfort him may actually overstimulate him and increase his levels of arousal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read the small print in your contract to find out exactly what you are insured for.
  • In the meantime, Parkside is being maintained by a crew of former pit men working for a private contractor.
  • It has stunning views down the River Necker and was on the doorstep of easily accessible attractions.
  • To be a man's name it would have to be a contraction of Junianus, of a sort of contraction which is otherwise unattested.
  • In the countryside, on the contrary, more hands were needed to work the fields in grain-growing regions, and males contracted marriages at younger ages to increase the rural labour supply.
  • Extractive matter. Alcohol soluble, other solvents, nonvolatile ether extractive.
  • The threat to foreign contractors has escalated in the past month following a series of kidnappings and murders.
  • For example, it would be impermissible for the Society because it did not wish to offer annuities itself to use its discretion as to bonuses to make it more attractive for the policy holder to use another provider.
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Morphing "spacesuit" can adjust on astronaut's body to ensure perfect fit The 4-mm long 'peacock spider' and its mating ritual to attract a mate Walking while talking on cell phone risky for older people: Study LONDON - India has urged Western countries to stop eating beef in order to cut greenhouse emissions. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is understood they are to be the main attraction of a dolphinarium currently being built. The Sun
  • It also uses hyaluronic acid, kigelia extract and isoleucine to plump out crepy skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • If some extractive natural subsector gets scarce we will just substitute other sectors for it and growth of the whole economy will continue, not into any restraining biospheric envelope, but into sidereal space presumably full of resource-bearing asteriods and friendly highly-evolved aliens eager to teach us how to grow forever into their territory. From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy
  • Instead, eat food first, then drink afterwards for optimal health and digestive tract function.
  • If you know that, and contract a goblin craftsman, you should probably expect to abide by that concept. A very unsatisfying answer « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • abstractness," of science, it also accounts for its wide and free range of fruitful novel applications in practice. Democracy and Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education
  • The amendments to the Armed Forces Act include a provision under which the contracts of the professional soldiers would include a paragraph for precursory agreement for participation in missions abroad.
  • It attracts great international attention, but its ideas add little to long-established left-wing thinking.
  • These options are particularly attractive for storage, intra-plant or inter-company transport, and palletized loads of uniform box sizes. How to Use Less Plastic Box Sealing Tape, or None at All
  • I learned the word dépanneur 'convenience store'; I heard the affricated d and t; I did not notice the tense/lax vowels or the -tu questions; I did notice the contractions (chais &c) and a feature nobody mentioned in the comments, the raising of nasalized vowels: vent sounded almost like vin (with /æ/ as in hat), and vin had a high [e] and sounded diphthongized ([veiN]) -- in fact, one guy said matin so that it struck my ears as [matiN]. MONTREAL 2.
  • The agent of an undisclosed principal may also sue and be sued on the contract.
  • A contractor will remove ragwort, which is hazardous to many animals.
  • Pictures, diagrams, tables and models are used to explain the evolution of engines from steam through diesel to electric traction.
  • And companies used to button-down management types may not be attracted to these fast-paced, open-ended methods.
  • For men, it holds out the fantasy that babes are attracted to geeky men who really, really care about what they think.
  • Hart has attracted some sharp criticism, especially from Otago and southern parts of the South Island.
  • He subsequently contracted gangrene and had one leg amputated below his knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • The largest siderostat in the world is the Paris 50-inch refractor, which formed the chief attraction of the Palais d'Optique at the Exhibition of 1900. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition

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