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How To Use Track record In A Sentence

  • McCain's "preparation" is the pathetic track record of a moral coward, who will abnegate even the defense of his own dignity to achieve power. McCain "More Prepared;" All Preperation Gained in Reviled Congress
  • Getting involved in European companies is likely to bring a complexity of personnel management that will blow their minds," Graeme Maxton, a Europe-based independent auto industry analyst, told the news service, noting Chinese companies 'poor track record of managing their businesses. DealBook
  • Then let the bureaucrats pre-qualify the bidders by carefully scrutinizing their track records, resources and proposed fees.
  • He is a futurist with a track record and enough credibility for the National Academy of Engineering to publish his sunny forecast for solar energy.
  • The pair have an enviable track record. Times, Sunday Times
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  • But since hizzoner has turned the spotlight onto his track record as head of the bureau, here is a highlight reel (if you can call it that) from one frustrated bureau employee: For Adams, photo op becomes knock op (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • In a new study, researchers from London inserted the firefly gene that activates bioluminescent light into modified cancer cells, hoping to set off a chain of events that has a proven track record at fighting the disease.
  • We're looking for someone with a proven track record in selling advertising.
  • The 51-year-old is likely to impress Washington with an impeccable track record on human rights and her staunch defence of media freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other important criteria would be a clean track record, transparency, accountability, and the ability to communicate, he added.
  • Well, you know, he hasn't had a great track record as far as behaving himself in prison.
  • (Road & Track recorded 1.1 g on its skidpad; I managed a few ticks under a g on the street according to the ZR1's head-up display.) ZR1 Corvette: Performance, Little Else
  • Her leadership resulted in the unit's unprecedented zero Class C mishaps and an immaculate safety track record.
  • It has a track record of exposing frauds, gives space to sceptical views, and sparks debate about controversial subjects - such as ‘Is cryptozoology a science?’
  • If you want really long-term track records of unbroken dividend increases, you should have a look at investment trusts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Royal Family doesn't exactly have a spotless track record when it comes to choosing spouses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Film adaptations of video games have a bad track record to date.
  • Their track record is that they consistently overpromise and underdeliver. Times, Sunday Times
  • The late 1990s saw the introduction of cheap hard disk and minidisk multi-track recorders, many with effects such as reverb and chorus built in.
  • The track record against their pool A rivals does not augur well. Times, Sunday Times
  • I got one and sometimes more than one, but my track record in the survival department is far less admirable than my performance as a jobholder. Nickel and Dimed
  • Les Paul - as well as being credited as the inventor of the solid-bodied electric guitar - also invented multi-track recording.
  • This is because when a fund is merged or closed its track record usually ceases to exist. Times, Sunday Times
  • In both cases, they miss the point and misunderstand the man's track record.
  • The pair have an exemplary track record. Times, Sunday Times
  • My track record in competition is good. The Sun
  • Altman collaborated with multitrack recording expert Jim Webb to equip the actors with radio microphones, then gave each voice its own channel, to be accentuated or diminished in postproduction. Ann Hornaday discusses sound innovations in 1970s films
  • For us, if you liked 50 per cent of your own improv after the show, that's a pretty good track record.
  • Hitters need a good track record of success, with walk rates as a key indicator.
  • Even with that impressive track record, Thomas doesn't assume the public automatically will buy his next album, "cradlesong," due June 30 on Atlantic. Breaking News - The Post Chronicle
  • Why, for that matter, should the international community trust a backslider with a track record of preferring force to freedom? Democracy Is the Only Solution in Madagascar
  • We follow the manager, not the fund, and can trace his track record over more than two decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the recognized innovator in medical technology, we have an unrivaled track record.
  • I hope that the highest bidder knows that if he's into handbagging, he's got a weapon with quite a track record. Lady Thatcher's handbag fetches £25,000 at charity auction
  • I am certainly not in any position to give anyone advice on how to be a professional writer - and with my track record, if I did, you should do the exact opposite, but I can give my observations concerning the benefits and pitfalls of self-pubbing (printing) as I understand them. Self-Publishing Revisited: A Discussion – Brian Keene
  • Even someone with his track record - and, for a tubby obnoxious slug, he has managed to shack up with some stunners - must occasionally fall at the first hurdle.
  • The lady gives off a quality that used to be called "spunk" - a combination of confidence, toughness, and charm that wins over voters, even when a track record commensurate with the office she seeks is lacking. John Farr: The Lure of Strong Women
  • In this context, I would also like to reiterate that India's track record in nuclear non-proliferation is impeccable.
  • He said: ‘Nothing's been written down in memos, but they have a track record of it.’
  • The track record against their pool A rivals does not augur well. Times, Sunday Times
  • This grandly named body's track record is not noticeably better than anybody else's. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are proud of our track record of protecting user privacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm dismissive because in Alsace the good GC sites have a track record of many decades or centuries for producing the best gewurz (or riesling, pinot gris, etc.). Red Newt Cellars 2007 Sawmill Creek Vineyards Gewurztraminer
  • Far from "coddling" the industry, Rep. Miller's legislation would help rectify this by establishing a new guarantee program for lenders who provide construction loans to builders with viable projects and track records of success. Guarantees Will Aid Construction Recovery
  • None will have a track record, so tread carefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some commentators have a track record of cranking up public expectation, hyping up athletes who, in the wider scheme of things, are no-hopers; however most are sober and reserved.
  • The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management.
  • The WI has a strong track record as a campaigning organisation, particularly on green issues.
  • This Institute has already established a strong track record in the research arena.
  • They\'ll focus on Pedro\'s history of baiting Yankee fans, of Yankee fans\ 'own chants of \ "Who\'s Your Daddy, \" and of Pedro\'s mixed track record at Yankee Stadium. Jonah Keri: The Pedro I Know
  • Her track record has included stints fronting shows such as Top of the Pops, The Movie Chart Show and the sports reality show The Games.
  • Consider each individual franchise based on its own merit and track record.
  • The enviro movement's new poster girl lacks a legislative track record.
  • The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management.
  • We were landed with legislators and tribunes who were ineffectual and unaccomplished, with no track record as strategic thinkers or ability to communicate. Archive 2009-06-01
  • That pitch might have been better made against a track record of unimpeachable integrity, where promises had been kept, failure openly acknowledged, and honesty had been the keynote of his government.
  • Having no proven track record with Mars spacecraft themselves, let alone Mars landers, ESA asked the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to evaluate Beagle 2.
  • Now, while we take the term alternate reality game in this context with a grain of salt, Xenophile does have a decent track record with their past projects for ARGNet: Alternate Reality Gaming Network
  • African nations have little track record of success in forcing out dictators or ending bloodshed -- witness the reignition of war in eastern Congo near the Rwandan border in recent weeks. Turning Against Comrade Bob
  • Is she usually thoughtful and considerate of you, or does she have a track record of thinking only of herself?
  • HOW TECHCOM CAN SUPPORT Value Added Service Provider for your requirements of outsourced IT Professionals with multivarious skill sets and proven track record. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • With a puny drive and paltry track record, he has only accuracy off the tee to commend him, but it has not prevented the galleries accepting him as one of their own.
  • Having spent three weeks looking at the abysmal track record of the majority of fund managers, and the danger of even slightly mistiming your investments, I really do wonder why anyone bothers trying.
  • He lowered the track record, which had stood since 1983, on that occasion.
  • The search can then focus on identifying those who exhibit the necessary leadership capabilities and track record.
  • The company should not be running this, they have an abominable track record.
  • Some GPs have a great track record of identifying potential symptoms and referring patients quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did he release a cassette of lo-fi four-track recordings?
  • After all, these treasures are literally priceless, and the dome has a bit of a bad track record when it comes to guarding treasure - remember the diamond heist?
  • Some of the brand names, like Gallup and like Zogby, actually have average to slightly below average track records, whereas some what I call boutique polling firms, like SurveyUSA, which is out in New Jersey, like Rasmussen, all they do is polling, those firms actually do quite well. Democracy Now!
  • The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.
  • We follow the manager, not the fund, and can trace his track record over more than two decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin has a PhD in behavioural biology and a track record as author and co-author of popular science books.
  • The track record against their pool A rivals does not augur well. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would improvise one layer, and then through multi-track recording, he would lay a second layer of improvisation over the first.
  • This enables trusts to smooth their dividend payouts over the long term and some have very long track records of unbroken dividend growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The school has an impressive/strong track record in getting its students through examinations.
  • None will have a track record, so tread carefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.
  • At his side on the Barcalounger is his still-smokin 'blackberry so that he can feebly continue his pathetic damage control -- or, if his track record is any indication, he's still reaching out to other girls for comfort. Vicki Iovine: Girlfriends' Guide: Tiger Woods Is A Baby, But His Wife Does A Real Man's Work
  • His knowledge of English football from grassroots upwards is without parallel; ditto his track record of nurturing talent and producing consistently watchable teams.
  • Her track record does not have much of radicalism about it.
  • In graduate school I made a transition into time-based media: film, video, audio synthesizers and multi-track recording.
  • August has a track record as a harbinger of doom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite his track record Davies admits to being in awe of Doctor Zhivago, largely because the 1965 film version still exerts such a pull.
  • His organisation's woeful track record speaks for itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although it was not the first track recorded, it proved determinant in how this album would sound.
  • Bernhard's lap was one of three that bettered both the official and unofficial track records.
  • We follow the manager, not the fund, and can trace his track record over more than two decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is equally clear that, for a department with such a long track record of energy wastage, it should not be hard to make improvements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of the 4 track recordings I made of them live during that era have THICK layers of phasing and flanging from the REX50. My New Thing: Yamaha REX50
  • Eugene has an exceptional track record and brings biotech and pharma drug discovery and development experience, which is important for Affimed as it continues to grow as a leading biopharmaceutical company in the development of bispecific antibodies. Reuters: Press Release
  • This album starts with four track recordings made in his front room, before drifting through punky political reggae and dub to techno and trip hop.
  • Just to name one example of stumblebum leadership, the Obama administration could have put the economy in a much better place simply by reading the Huffington Post columns of economists like Dean Baker and Robert Reich, who have a demonstrably better track record of prognostication then Larry Summers or Timothy Geightner. Lee Stranahan: Obama's Double-Dip Disappointment Is Bad for Business
  • On the basis of his track record so far, Porter expects to sell 25,000 hardbacks of Brandenburg, plus 100,000 paperbacks, and to be published in 13 countries.
  • He has a proven track record in marketing.
  • I mean, my track record was impeccable. Christianity Today
  • But during the giddy precrash era, that track record gave little pause to Citi or others. Citigroup's Bad Boy
  • I know who my money would have been on, and it wouldn't have been a baby-faced smoothie with no track record and a silver spoon in his lah-di-dah gob.
  • Expectations were naturally high that those that would replace the sacked ministers would be men and women of proven track record of performance, and not merely recycled deadwoods. Vanguard
  • He has a track record of making very large amounts of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair have an exemplary track record. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just to establish my historical track record I will quote one of the great epicures whose advice has survived for 2,350 years, Archestratus of Gela in Sicily.
  • Do the recent track records of returning stars warrant their elevated status in new shows?
  • We've been able to launch this new business because of the successful track record we've built at our Hai Hua plant, not only gasifying hash bituminous coals, including coal washing wastes, but also because of our success gasifying high-ash sub-bituminous Yima coal and most recently, the inner Mongolian lignite. Home Page
  • Applicants should have a proven track record in telesales.
  • My concern, as an environmentalist, is what, if anything, have you heard about Wyoming's ability to deal with - or their - and their track record to deal with something like this compared to Arizona's? 'Yellow Dirt': The Legacy of Navajo Uranium Mines
  • A high-achieving executive with an impressive 20-year track record in finance, Elizabeth has held a variety of senior positions including, at one time, CEO. Elise Lelon: The Career Epidemic: You Don't Have to Choose Between Your Job and Your Health
  • Foster did not have a track record in that dept…..will be interesting to see how Mendes does with the material, monal on Jan 5, 2010 Sam Mendes is Directing James Bond 23, On Track for 2011! «
  • The school has an impressive/strong track record in getting its students through examinations.
  • A weblogger has an individuated track record, has ultimate responsibility for the final form of everything that appears in the main body of his site, and is individually answerable for it.
  • The fund has a good track record of investing in the equity market.
  • Did he release a cassette of lo-fi four-track recordings?
  • He has a track record of making very large amounts of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • His track record is unimpeachable and there can be no doubt that he knows the game inside out.
  • The fund has a good track record of investing in the equity market.
  • The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.
  • My woeful track record behind the wheel means I have reason to be more scared than most. Times, Sunday Times
  • A knowledgeable counselor can walk you through behavior modification techniques that have a proven track record.
  • But they've left it late, and their track record doesn't inspire confidence.
  • In high school, I started dabbling around with the guitar and some other instruments, alongside my experiments with turntables, pedals, samplers and four-track recorders.
  • Hollywood heavyweights from all quarters knew darn well that Gibson's 25 year public track record of being a decent citizen far surpassed his sad one night incident and by many of those who were clearly northing more than grandstanding opportunists who's envy and jealousy far succeeds their hypocrisy. Robert De Niro Joining Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness «
  • These team-builders, no longer royalty, are valued as much for their unsullied reputations as their solid track records.
  • However, given their poor track record in maintaining, let alone growing, their market share, it seems unlikely that mainline Protestant congregations such as the UCC will stanch the flow of young people out of religion. American Grace
  • When asked if it's intimidating to undertake a play that boasts such a rich production track record on stage and on the big screen, he is quick to underline that the theatric opportunities outnumber the pitfalls.
  • If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.
  • Even though 1960s and '70s music was mediated by increasingly sophisticated multi-track recording equipment, it made the live context the testing ground of each performer's authenticity.
  • The recent track record has certainly been unimpressive.
  • Peter Black notes that Jane's track record as a member of the cabinet is about as popular as a Rancor at a Jawaese wedding. Grant shake-up plan
  • Overlooked in all this international backscratching is a country with a longer Sino track record and perhaps a, if less visible, more dignified national character.
  • Their track record is that they consistently overpromise and underdeliver. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a proven track record in marketing.
  • The job needs someone with a good track record in investment.
  • How can we rely on our economists when they have such a woeful track record? Times, Sunday Times
  • Some GPs have a great track record of identifying potential symptoms and referring patients quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The media moralist and TV frontman has a long track record of preaching about the evils of child abuse and individual irresponsibility.
  • Brad Johnstone has a sound track record of moulding such players into a very useful outfit.
  • If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.
  • First, the leader has or creates the illusion of a track record of success.
  • With a track record like this, one might have expected the man in question to be a hustler, all gold bracelets and wide ties, talking percentages and gabbling conspiratorially into a mobile phone.
  • There is no track record for Cadillac's XLR two-seater, which makes it easy to dismiss as a reskinned Corvette.
  • But Sarah Palin's track record in herself being unwed and pregnant (she tries to minimize it off by claiming that she and her now-husband "eloped"), and then her own 16-y. o. daughter getting knocked up while being left with grammamma (mommy and daddy are off doing their own thing) is a subject which is ripe for discussion since mommy, i.e., The Litterbox
  • Part wildcatter, part deal-maker, the 64-year-old executive has a track record of building up oil and gas exploration companies from scratch, taking them public and selling them for a premium, having done so twice prior to Thursday's deal. Deal Is Coup for Petrohawk's Chief
  • "To gain a science position, it helps to have a track record from a post doctorate overseas, especially because graduates can gain experience in specialist areas which may not be available in a small economy," she said in an e-mail.
  • It is fitting that New Zealand ratify the Convention today alongside Belgium as both governments have impressive track records when it comes to cooperating and leading efforts to prevent civilian harm from weapons such as antipersonnel mines and cluster munitions," said Wareham. ScreenTalk
  • Their companies would dress up their track records in glossy brochures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plus, people who fervently believe in stupid ideas have a quite consistent track record into reacting against dissent with violence.
  • We carefully studied and weighed the track record of community service rendered by each biographee. NZ On Screen
  • Their track record of doomsaying isn't really very good.
  • When you look at who's won it before it's a pretty spotless track record. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain has a poor track record in international collaboration.
  • They can ensure continued growth by joining forces with another organisation, preferably one with a track record in successful acquisitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • That pitch might have been better made against a track record of unimpeachable integrity, where promises had been kept, failure openly acknowledged, and honesty had been the keynote of his government.
  • Stevens Capital Management L.P. ( "SCM") is responsible for the overall portfolio management and trading of a $3 billion multi-strategy hedge fund with a 21+ year track record of generating outstanding returns for its shareholders.
  • He was just chilling out with friends at various places but he was, because of his track record, asked to do things here and there.
  • Martin has a PhD in behavioural biology and a track record as author and co-author of popular science books.
  • The 51-year-old is likely to impress Washington with an impeccable track record on human rights and her staunch defence of media freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also worth noting the cheap shot thrown at the State Department's intelligence agency, which actually has a very good track record.
  • Blue Marble has a long track record of training surveyors and GIS users about the intricacies of geodetics, including coordinate systems, projections, datums, and other essential concepts, through applied hands-on software training. GISuser - GIS and Geospatial Technology News
  • August has a track record as a harbinger of doom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your impressive track record on paper must be matched by your ability to talk about it, otherwise you will lose credibility.
  • The best case scenario is that you get stuck with someone else's loser husband with his own track record of dirty dealings and trying to score some poon on the internets. Julianna W. Miner: Internet Dating for Married Moms and Douchebags
  • We're looking for someone with a proven track record in selling advertising.
  • Unseasonably cool weather also contributed to track records in four competition categories.
  • Her track record as a national figure is going to propell her right out of the race. Los Angeles Times Declares That Hillary Is No Longer Frontrunner
  • After the revelations of Ben Trafford's past track record and including his level of honesty and truthfulness in business dealing, his criminal record for fraud and deceit and deceitful business practices, his swindling of employees and investors and handing out bad checks, I can't regard his comments here as either benignly or well-meaningly fomented. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Chris DiMarco, the American who has a track record of excelling himself in the season's first major, was neck and neck with Mickelson.
  • Over the past year his green zeal held up multibillion-dollar industrial projects, an anticorporate track record Mr. Singh admitted he did not support. A Rudderless India
  • There are also various demos, rare film soundtrack recordings and a smattering of incendiary live performances. The Sun
  • He has a track record of making very large amounts of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Professor McKenna's track record in research on 'radiobiology' - the study of how radiation affects cells - is second to none. Analysis
  • Aware that I had unwittingly become the first person to blot his unblemished track record, I got the feeling as we parted he won't be rushing to return anymore of my phone calls.
  • He also holds the track record for most laps led by a race winner, 162.
  • By 1961 we had tape, multitrack recording and the facility to overdub. Times, Sunday Times
  • The harbour has a good track record of being able to berth ships on arrival.
  • Your track record is one of pacifism and peacenik activism.
  • The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management.
  • After all, these treasures are literally priceless, and the dome has a bit of a bad track record when it comes to guarding treasure - remember the diamond heist?
  • The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in project management.
  • Paul Verhoeven has a track record of movies so offensive they are perversely beguiling.
  • We are a disputatious and ingenious species and have a pretty good track record of solving problems sensibly.
  • It is amazing and tragic that a man with such an illustrious track record in struggle of politics should succumb to such baaskap political philosophy akin to Bantustan leaders. JOINT STATEMENT BY ANC MPS, RICHARD NTULI AND BHEKI MNYANDU
  • The late 1990s saw the introduction of cheap hard disk and minidisk multi-track recorders, many with effects such as reverb and chorus built in.
  • McCann pointed to his company's track record to silence critics.
  • In fact, Irish mortgage customers have an excellent track record of repayments.
  • He has a proven track record in developing innovative, award winning programmes which the BBC audiences love.
  • That's probably overstated, but the exploits of the overseas based domestic assemblers do have an excellent track record with product, price, productivity and profitability.
  • Part wildcatter, part deal-maker, the 64-year-old executive has a track record of building up oil and gas exploration companies from scratch, taking them public and selling them for a premium, having done so twice prior to Thursday's deal. Deal Is Coup for Petrohawk's Chief
  • Although that one interpretation may indicate a lenience towards general abstention from the death penalty, Pre-diasporic Judaim's track record shows that many many ‘whores’ and thieves (ganefs) were terminally judged by the Sanhedrin and executed.
  • His strong track record of contrarian stock picking suggests that he is well worth listening to. Times, Sunday Times
  • If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.
  • Honestly, the vast majority, even those with great track records, when we really tear apart the way they invest, we just walk away unconvinced that they are really a great investor with a repeatable process that is explainable and logical. A Bond Giant's Stock-Fund Strategy
  • As the recognized innovator in medical technology, we have an unrivaled track record.
  • These days, people use a laptop computer as the multi-track recorder, and they also often use automatic speech recognition software to create a draft of the transcript.
  • the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is 2 minutes 24 seconds held by Secretariat since 1973
  • Applicants have a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology or related areas with more than 8 years of experience in the life sciences industry, a proven track record in aseptic manufacturing, lyophilisation processes, protein formulation, drug delivery of macromolecules and protein analytics, and broad leadership experience. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The Acoustic Labs Mixer turns your typical PC into a digital audio multitrack recorder , editor and mixer that allows the user to utilize up to eight separate tracks of audio.
  • Lord Hanson will not want to ruin a fine track record by acting in haste.
  • She had become one of a handful of UK women fund managers whose track records mean they can virtually name their price.
  • Weston is undeterred by the less-than-successful track record of eclectic compilations.

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