
How To Use Tracing In A Sentence

  • Now he's considering retracing the steps of legendary Greek messenger Pheidippides, who carried dispatches from Athens to Sparta in the Battle of Marathon in 490 b.c.
  • Absorbing and retracing my history, memories of the special, never forgotten days, when our family made the crossing over the lagoon to the hummocks beyond.
  • On the occasion of his 95th birthday, the city of Paris celebrates his work with an exhibition in the hall of the Hôtel-de-Ville, retracing 75 years of his career, with stories and reminiscences by the artist.
  • At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the building was extended by addition of east and west wings linked to the centre by colonnades tracing the path of the old road.
  • They then painted the outlines of their face and facial features with a dark color of acrylic paint, tracing their pencil sketch through the Plexiglas.
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  • She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.
  • I signed the word for juice on his cheek, curving my thumb and forefinger into the shape of the letter C and tracing the movement slowly across his skin.
  • Managing your monthly credit card bills can be a damper on your free time, but how about retracing the entire bill in black marker and photo documenting every purchase on your statement?
  • But we left no stone unturned in tracing a huge amount of evidence. The Sun
  • Tracing the relationships between sources and the historical assessment of readings can be facilitated by stemmatic filiation.
  • He stood there, as calm as ever, wearing only his neat black trousers and his scuffed boots, a few tendrils of plum-coloured hair tracing a colourful pattern against the smooth monotony of his skin.
  • Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages. The Tapestry Book
  • The images of endosperm without an aleurone layer were prepared by tracing cell contours on a transparent sheet from the microphotograph, and were digitized by a scanner and transformed into a binary image.
  • Some elements are lost as when the sea fret covers the coast to then reappear again with echoes of previous layers, tracing a history and creating the painting's own character.
  • Use tracing paper overlays and a soft pencil to sketch new landscape ideas and plans over your base map.
  • By the end, players will find themselves skirting around gaping chasms and outracing avalanches while being battered senseless by Mother Nature's best.
  • Platelet aggregation tracings of the PRP from 12 healthy individuals, adjusted to five different plasma fibrinogen concentrations, were the primary parameter measured.
  • Grann's article describes a retracing of Fawcett's route undertaken earlier this year, with the aid of modern motor vehicles and aluminum boats.
  • He is fond of retracing the experiences of his youth.
  • The exacting task of tracing the course of the Potomac to its headspring was undertaken by William Mayo and Robert Brooke acting for the Crown, and Benjamin Winslow and John Savage acting for Lord Fairfax.
  • By tracing a brand throughout the brand books, the history of a particular ranch can also be discovered-who took over the ranch and reregistered the brands, what types of livestock the ranch raised, and where the animals were pastured.
  • The truth is, the cost of college has been outracing inflation for decades.
  • I could intellectualise, of course I could, tracing influences and references and justifications.
  • The company is now tracing all the parcels and packages that were at the warehouse, and will be tracking down and informing affected businesses and individuals.
  • Without tracing the history of the notion of rights, or exploring their uncertain ontology, let me simply note here that the current concept arises from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Dear Mollie -- I was glad to know that bound with the fetters of Science, and depressed by thought, you were Struggling yet to ascend the rugged Steep -- where "Star eyed Science" and fame unfold their banners to every anxious aspirant, and under whose folds of magnitude and magnificence all alike are permitted to recumb, and recur those who have in vagrancy strayed "tracing Shadows" -- beware of Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,June 2, 1854
  • The tracing of likenesses quickly becomes rabbinism, almost cabalism. A Book of Prefaces
  • The main criterion for establishing a teaching as authentically Buddhist is its unbroken lineage tracing back to Buddha - whether one describes Buddha according to classic Buddhology, transpersonal psychology, or the Hinayana, general Mahayana, or highest Tantrayana views. Making Sense of Tantra ��� 2 The Authenticity of the Tantras
  • I took an interest in this question when researching the book, and tracing back the history, you start to think, well, what is the difference between recreational word coining and regular word coining? Sniglets and Slithy Toves
  • But we left no stone unturned in tracing a huge amount of evidence. The Sun
  • It not only provides an account of the society which underpinned this success, but is also a very useful source for tracing the social origins of the Dutch nation as it is today.
  • I knew my exact place on the map, tracing a portion of a castellated line across the neck of Britannia ... Zornhau: My Eagle of the Ninth
  • Duplicate tracings of the photographs were subsequently assessed by 2 independent observers, resulting in 480 observations.
  • The post office is tracing the missing package.
  • For adopted children that quest may include tracing their natural or birth parents.
  • The furniture was stained a light buff, and the upholstering was a delicate cretonne livened by exquisite tracings of wisteria. The Flaw in the Sapphire
  • The ensuing difficulty in tracing such ownership is now at the heart of the courts 'objections and the compelling argument for a government-enforced national moratorium on home foreclosures to provide sufficient time to sort this mess out. Robert Scheer: Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers
  • Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
  • For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heartwoes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not belie the obvious deduction. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Most practitioners are aware of and use traditional methods, such as tracings and rulers, to evaluate wound surface area.
  • The first is a healthy tracing, and the second indicates enlargement, technically called hypertrophy, of the heart The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • While figure skating involves graceful acrobatic manoeuvres with music in the background, the freestyle performer executes a set of movements tracing a figure on the floor.
  • For historians of reading and historians of the book, the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries offer particularly rich ground for tracing the evolution of the reading experience. The Times Literary Supplement
  • After leaving school at 15 he passed from one odd job to another before joining Larkins Studio at the age of 21, learning the rudiments, painting and tracing cels on productions made for the Film Producers Guild.
  • The owner of a valuable parrot stolen by ram-raiders is appealing for help in tracing his feathered friend.
  • New York State Library: Genealogy: Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Immigration resources at the New York State Library.
  • I moved to his side, my finger tracing one runnel of sweat down his chest. My Fair Succubi
  • You will need some tracing paper and some 12 mm or half inch thick MDF [medium density fibreboard, apparently also called beaverboard in the US].
  • The tracings turned up in a broadside published by John Taylor through the Nauvoo Neighbor on 24 June.
  • A representative tracing from one lean and one obese Zucker rat is shown in Figure 3.
  • It's a one-book explanation for the current move to the left in a growing number of Latin American countries, tracing a centuries-long history of rapine and plunder, of genocide and dictatorship, first at the hands of Spain, and more recently under the baleful influence of the US, which operated directly or by proxy to ensure that nothing would ever change. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Jynx felt at the barely noticeable cleft, tracing her fingers down it until about hip-height.
  • "You haven't shaved in a while, " she said, tracing her index fingertip over the stubble.
  • He was more interested in carefully re-tracing the faded pencil scribbles on his side of the desk.
  • He uses a metal pen with a faceted diamond point on one end to etch into the datolite's surface, tracing over his original pencil drawing.
  • The first man cinches his arms around his opponent's waist from behind, bucks forward and then simply dead-lifts him up and drops backward with him, tracing an arc of perhaps 140 degrees so that they land together, their weight on the neck of the man being thrown. Has UFC Found Its Transcendent Star?
  • I have been successful in tracing the Cooper family line back to the 1780s, but so far cannot find any of Mark Cooper's direct descendants.
  • Government veterinary officers are also tracing other horses that may have been in contact with the infected animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since his descendants were in hiding, tracing a line of authority became problematical.
  • Tracing back their lives, the survey found that in almost every case the decisive factor had been marriage.
  • Watching as hundreds pressed through the narrow Jerusalem street called the Via Dolorosa - the "Way of Suffering," tracing Jesus 'final steps - was Katy Fitzpatrick, 24, of Spokane, stories
  • She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.
  • But its tracing of the band's origins from glue-sniffing toughs from Queens to kings of punk resonated with a sincerity and sweetness that won over critics and the audience.
  • Deirdre murmured, a tear tracing a path down her cheek, from sympathy, or from the bruises Alana was probably inflicting, he had no idea.
  • The first story tells of two middleaged women retracing childhood steps to confront their demons, as fact and memory merge.
  • So does this have something to do with Theseus in the labyrinth, having slain the Minotaur, retracing his steps with Ariadne's thread?
  • He exited the servant's room, and crept his way down the hall, retracing the same routes he usually took when wandering at night.
  • The pulse tracings by the sphygmograph are equally significant.
  • It is kind of disillusioning to realize that even painterly paintings and other works that are considered entirely novel creations often involved analogous 'tracing' techniques rather than realistic forms just springing onto the canvas from a painter's mind's eye. Archive 2006-08-09
  • However with ray tracing, shadow mapping, radiosity, and caustics, an algorithm to compute light reflected from curved or transparent surfaces, it is easy to create multi-layered soft lights and shadows in LightWave.
  • The LBT will be used for everything from tracing the universe back to its origins to trying to capture visual images of planets circling distant suns.
  • He wiped a bead of water off my lip, his strong fingers tracing my lips for a moment as he got closer.
  • His primary insight being anatomical, Kuypers was concerned with increasingly powerful ways of tracing fibre connections.
  • For three agonizing hours, they trekked on, knowing full well that they were just retracing their steps.
  • Feminists now challenge patriarchy by tracing their descent through the female rather than the male line.
  • We also publish the goods status tracing information to the agencies and shippers .
  • He defined ‘lightness’ as ‘luminous tracings that are placed in the foreground and set in contrast to dark catastrophe.’
  • The effect palette allows you to quickly select and deselect color controls like levels, brightness, and curves, which helps you avoid retracing steps to make color changes.
  • He was gazing out the window and his fingers were tracing the scar on his cheek.
  • This closest of sky luminaries, a sphere as well as the Earth, casts its own shadows on its surface, tracing the shape that is then turned away from the sun.
  • Previously it was fairly trivial to locate a zombie running on an infected Windows machine, by just tracing the source IP back.
  • Precisely measuring and tracing is a precondition and basis of arc-suppression coil with automatic tuning accurately compensating system capacitive current and efficiently quenching ground arc.
  • For the genealogist, however, the principal value of the returns lies in the help they provide in tracing elusive ancestors.
  • Her hand moved over the sand slowly, tracing out strange patterns he couldn't distinguish.
  • The semi-transparent overlay sheet can easily be folded back for placing photos or illustrations underneath for the purpose of tracing those images into your favorite editor.
  • So, after releasing the cow and her calf to graze around the settlement, and checking on Rune and the other two horses in the outfield—he nickered with renewing spirit—she began retracing their steps to the mountain with the picture-stone. Raven Speak
  • As with the arterial pressure wave, a normal pulse volume tracing has a brisk upstroke and a dicrotic notch.
  • But the narrative for the film is based in fact, tracing Dan's real journey to Ukraine and telling the story of his attempt to revivify his ancestor's Zorokovich vodka distillery by rebranding it for western markets. Dan Edelstyn: My quest for the family spirit
  • A new book has been published tracing the history of an Oakworth family and charting its influence on the area.
  • Retrospectively, we looked at airway flow tracings, identifying the start of slow inflation.
  • The child was tracing patterns in/on the sand with a stick.
  • Violeta Went to Heaven Chile-Argentina-Brazil/World Dramatic; Director: Andrés Wood; Screenwriter: Eliseo Altunaga; Producer: Patricio Pereira This film tells the story of famed Chilean singer and folklorist Violeta Parra, tracing her evolution from impoverished child to international sensation and Chile's national hero, while capturing the swirling intensity of her inner contradictions, fallibilities and passions. S.J. Main: Latino Themed Movies Take the Spotlight at Sundance Film Festival: Mosquita y Mari
  • Government veterinary officers are also tracing other horses that may have been in contact with the infected animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outdoor Geek – the kind of hiker that drinks from a camel back in his rucksack while tracing his steps with a handheld GPS EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Get your geek on
  • Individual values were then augmented by the Zone System without risk of retracing the Pictorialist's penchant for broad painterly strokes.
  • Poulantzas therefore develops his theory by elaborating his conception of the capitalist state and tracing its connection with the class struggle.
  • I manoeuvred the heavy horsebox carefully through the small village and set off northeastwards on the road over the Downs, retracing the way I had come from London. Forfeit
  • Measurement of wound surface area was obtained by using an acetate tracing and planimeter, a method that has been validated in all common etiologies of ulcers.
  • Now Lloyd and Debbie Peters, who moved to Australia from Hockley, are calling for help in tracing the white Havenese dog who ran off while being groomed.
  • Despite many hours first of tracing, then of copying copperplate examples, my handwriting never became other than serviceable at best. The Handwriting Is on the Wall
  • To reconstruct the webs the scientists focused through the amber at 40 different positions, tracing it through the layers and then splicing it together again using a computer technique called confocal microscopy. Home | Mail Online
  • For each target, the tracing compound name or fragment the measurement should be traced to, and the data type that it should be traced as.
  • That bias rightly reflects the biblical concern with patrilineage — tracing families through the male line. Rebekah: Bible.
  • I watched in horror as he shivered, streams of tears tracing paths through the dust on his cheeks.
  • She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.
  • Figures 1 and 2 depict various tympanogram tracings based on variations of the original Liden and Jerger classifications.
  • She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks.
  • If you know the word lexicographer, there’s a better-than-even chance you also know Samuel Johnson’s self-mocking definition of it: “a writer of dictionaries; a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification ofwords.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Guestblogging Dictionary Myths (Pt 4):
  • Her arms hooked around his neck, fingers stroking his soft, silky brown hair and tracing the top of his spine.
  • Shot glasses and matchboxes (usually with bar names and addresses which are useful for retracing the previous night's steps) are a favourite.
  • Among the haul are foreign identity cards that are handed to embassies tracing missing nationals.
  • Before he called Frankie, Leo took a drive, retracing the route he and the other two had taken through the dark a week before.
  • He lay back on the mattress, looking up at the ceiling, as the single tear tracing down his cheeks was lost among the sea of swelling purple and black.
  • Then they passed over a brick bridge that must have been more than a mile long and Bligh knew that they could no longer be retracing their route from the capital.
  • From the point, A, a line, AB, is drawn in any direction to the boundary; the tracing point of the planimeter is now placed at A, with the hatchet at X, Fig. 3, that is, with the instrument roughly square with Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • Grimm explains the principle of this test by tracing it to an old heathen superstition that the holy element, the pure stream, would receive no misdoer within it. The Customs of Old England
  • My leaflet about tracing lost relatives and friends details other sources of help. The Sun
  • Root growth was recorded by tracing on an acetate film.
  • The Pali commentaries support this point by tracing the word nibbana to its verbal root, which means "unbinding.
  • She felt Molly's tiny fingers gently tracing her necklace.
  • Thus, the tide of emigration, swelled from the tiny ocean-drop which marked its first inception more than three hundred years ago to its present torrentine proportions and bearing away frequently entire nationalities on its bosom, still flows from the east to the west, tracing the progress of civilisation from its Alpha to its Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Coming back, retracing the path, it turned colder and we were really hustling to keep warm and get home.
  • Laurie's hand automatically moves to cover the silver brooch, fingers tracing the elaborate curling leaves encrusted with marcasite.
  • Two-dimensional cartoons are no longer created by tracing and painting but assembled on computer screens using software like Director and After Effects.
  • One of these formal tracings is color-coded according to the materials employed, and it details the contours and regulating lines for a silver-gilt ciborium (Pl. XII).
  • The framework places accountability soundly where it belongs: at the country level, with strong links between country-level and global mechanisms for tracing resources and tracking their results.
  • New York State Library: Genealogy: Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors - Immigration resources at the New York State Library.
  • The market is outracing everybody's ability to cut costs.
  • It is what we call morphology, which consists in tracing out the unity in variety of the infinitely diversified structures of animals and plants. Autobiography and Selected Essays
  • Her face was wet against his neck, his shoulder, his cheek, her fingers tracing his lips. SPIDERTOWN
  • Research on early medieval Italy based on written sources therefore shifted to later periods, taking the innovatory character of the Lombard era for granted and of relevance only for tracing the prehistory of later phenomena.
  • - use @decorator to create a decorator in this case called @tracing MSDN Blogs
  • Before looking at his recent work, it is worth briefly retracing Anuszkiewicz's history.
  • It had occurred before - she had tried tracing a prank video-mail that was sent to her and instead she ended up frying her computer system.
  • Try tracing each plaited mat design, making sure you don't change direction at any intersection.
  • Riding in each others’ slipstreams is crucial to race tactics: a lone rider has little chance of outracing a small group of riders who can take turns in the strenuous position at the front of the group.
  • These schematized formations recall aerial ballets, spiraling nebulae or orbiting planets, tracings of tiny fireballs, even measles and skin rashes.
  • Viewers follow her progression slowly as she bides her time and moves through life confident of the path she is tracing.
  • The trim is made by tracing around the curved edges of the box and cutting with decorative edge scissors. One More Altered Box
  • The afferent connections of the lateral preoptic area in the rat were studied by using the HRP retrograde tracing method.
  • Contributed to the acquisition and Code tracing for the DS spread spectrum com munication systems, this paper presents the scheme of sliding search self-synchronization for a DS system.
  • Among the stories he told was an only partly scrutable tale tracing the roots of a favorite song to Billie Holiday , Cary Grant and a bowl of oatmeal allegedly made to levitate and assume new form as a moon. Singing Saw's Christmastime Tour
  • They first drew their portrait on paper before tracing the sketch on to the fabric.
  • The leaf tracing is then pasted on to the assembly so that the centre vein coincides with the join.
  • What is backward tracing vs. forward tracing?
  • Tracing a melodic line from flamenco to raga, it's a subtly modulated burst of Hindu-lusian passion.
  • A new method of radioactive tracing involves the use of a new clock, based on the radioactive decay of uranium - 235 to protactinium - 231.
  • Julia Briggs brings to our attention this intriguing and essential part of Woolf's character by tracing the story of each of her major works from conception, via birth and growth, to completion.
  • As far as possible, she verifies each detail, tracing them via other visual or written sources. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was staring grimly after her son, one hand tracing the cereal box as if to square off its corners.
  • King also journeyed by camel and Land Rover through the Sahara, retracing the stumbling meanderings of the mariners, and verifying historical and geographical details.
  • No means of tracing him except through the coils of Geary family history, where she was now effectively forbidden to go. GALILEE
  • Sequence pseudo orbit tracing property is defined, and a sufficient condition on topological transitive is given.
  • Tracing the course of the profits squeeze is inevitably rather complicated and speculative because the various influences can not be quantified.
  • I told the patient that I was concerned about the tracing and that if it didn't improve, I would recommend a c-section.
  • A curve described in space by a point of a circle or sphere, which itself is carried along at the same time, is some kind of cycloid; if the centre of the tracing circle travels along a straight line, we get the ordinary cycloid, the curve traced in air by a nail on a coach-wheel; but if the centre of the tracing circle be carried round another circle the curve described is called an epicycloid. Pioneers of Science
  • His fingers started absently tracing patterns in the wood grain on the bar.
  • His small face flushed with delight, his finger tracing the print of the title.
  • Usually, they are tracings of things he did do, or sometimes composite tracings - the head from one sketch traced onto a tracing of the body of another sketch.
  • It is interesting that provinces, such as Shaanxi, are now struggling to claim their Chineseness either by tracing their ancient Chinese tradition, or by emphasizing their multiethnicity, such as Guizhou, as Oakes has noticed. 252 Indeed Yunnan is making a similar claim, by citing its multiethnic culture in its effort to attract more resources internally and internationally. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Another tear escapes, tracing clean a second path through the accumulated dirt on his face.
  • The legend continues that in time the kinship system changed from a matrilineal to a patrilineal one (tracing descent through the male line).
  • Superimposed tracings of these images, reproduced as figures here, were used to determine the range of motion at each joint.
  • Dust had collected on the tube's surface, turning Nick's finger a dark gray once he ran his finger across it, tracing a clear streak across the cloudy tube.
  • In his new book, The English Room, Chippy Irvine explores the history of English living, retracing how the country's homes and interiors have developed over the centuries.
  • With the institute on your left, follow the single track road as it climbs and curves, tracing the natural incline of the hill.
  • He wants the reader to involve him/herself in the "intricacy" of design, to find in the tracing out of the incremental, spiralling pattern a source of interest at least as compelling as character identification, if not more so, since Powers's novels make it clear that the writer's job is not merely to tell stories and evoke characters, but to use such things as story and character to make something fresh from the form, to find the means to unite story, character, and theme with form in a way that is mutually reinforcing: character is tied to the evolving revelations of form, formal ingenuity itself embodies and discloses theme. Elsewhere
  • Spirometric measurements and maximal mid-expiratory flow rates are accurate and reproducible, because effort variation is detectable from the configuration of the tracings.
  • Wherever possible we also operate a grave tracing and photography service, for those unable to travel.
  • If a company's money is misappropriated by a director and paid into a bank account with a nil balance, however, tracing is possible.
  • If I get up from my office desk and walk across the room I can see in the distance the twin towers of the Severn Bridge spanning the Bristol Channel and behind them the first grey-green tracings of the landscape of Wales.
  • From the riverbank we turned toward the uplands and began retracing the migration route of one of his animals, an ambitious female he had labeled E.
  • Disorders of heart rate and rhythm alter the time intervals on the horizontal axis of ECG tracings and usually can be diagnosed by analyzing the findings on a single lead from a bedside monitor.
  • Both groups of children in the study performed one hour a day of ‘near’ work, such as coloring, tracing, reading, and crafts, while their eye was patched.
  • Retracing the route of the Jarrow march against poverty 75 years ago, the main demand of today's marchers seems relatively modest: they just want a job. Even Mervyn King is losing faith in Osborne
  • Slowly realization dawned onto him and he suddenly wrapped his own arms around her waist, a single finger tracing her spine upwards and then back downward again.
  • Looking through all his pics, I'd be interested in tracing his Whakapapa.
  • Programmes will look at how they became estranged and follow the process of tracing the family through to the emotional reunion. The Sun
  • I cannot bear the thought of having to use something that resembles tracing paper and is as absorbent as a £10.00 note!
  • His hands were slimed in blood as well, tracing signs on the door as he muttered prayers and exhortations.
  • He realised for the first time that his left arm had wrapped around her other side to hold her in an embrace, and that his fingers were tracing small circles over her stomach.
  • Her reliance on transparent papers, stencils, stamps, collage and tracings lightens the often horrific nature of her imagery by making it seem on the verge of dissolution.
  • It's a thin scar six inches long tracing a curve from his forearm toward his triceps muscle.
  • One of these formal tracings is color-coded according to the materials employed, and it details the contours and regulating lines for a silver-gilt ciborium.
  • The styles of the canonical masters, as transmitted through tracing copies and replicas, may thus be considered a kind of DNA imprint from which all subsequent idioms emerge.
  • But the very project of retracing a journey taken by one or more previous travelers remains citational from the start.
  • The Duke wondered what he should do and the idea came into his head that he should go back to Abdullah's where this whole misbegotten night had started, as if by retracing his steps that way he could somehow straighten things out.
  • Police today joined the appeal for the public's help in tracing the serial arsonist, who is believed to have an accomplice.
  • Our raft skirted the whole length of the fuci, three or four thousand feet long, undulating like vast serpents beyond the reach of sight; I found some amusement in tracing these endless waves, always thinking I should come to the end of them, and for hours my patience was vying with my surprise. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • My hand went automatically to my own neck, my soft fingers tracing the violet spirals adorning my pale back.
  • The final aspect of control is the tracing of the sexual contacts of the infected patient, who may have infection without being aware of it.
  • The projection from the hypoglossal nucleus of muscles of tongue in rats was studied with the combined method of HRP tracing and immunocytochemistry.
  • Our hopes were high as we left Esperance the next day, retracing the 1931 party's route in reverse.
  • If you are not confident in your drawing skills, you may want to use a piece of tracing paper and trace the image you would to place on the rubber stamp.
  • From the very beginnings of life in the sea - the mollusks and trilobites - to the appearance of vertebrates, the author sets the stage for the evolution of sea creatures to land animals, tracing the development of fins to limbs, fish to amphibians and reptiles.
  • Objective To scientifically instruct on the therapy of complete denture for doctors and get the precise biting relationship by Gothic Arch Tracing.
  • Every now and then oversees visitors will drop in and it always winds up they sometimes are tracing ancestors or relatives.
  • Gun tracing is such a politically sensitive issue that Congress in 2003 banned the release of any federal data connecting dealers to guns seized in crimes. Virginia gun dealers: Small number supply most guns tied to crimes
  • He returns to his childhood in Littlestone-on-Sea, the Mixed Room at the golf club and finds happiness and comfort in retracing his youth and his days in the army.
  • If you are tracing to shared memory, the size of the trace buffer controls the size of the dump file.

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