
tracing paper

  1. a semitransparent paper that is used for tracing drawings

How To Use tracing paper In A Sentence

  • Use tracing paper overlays and a soft pencil to sketch new landscape ideas and plans over your base map.
  • You will need some tracing paper and some 12 mm or half inch thick MDF [medium density fibreboard, apparently also called beaverboard in the US].
  • I cannot bear the thought of having to use something that resembles tracing paper and is as absorbent as a £10.00 note!
  • If you are not confident in your drawing skills, you may want to use a piece of tracing paper and trace the image you would to place on the rubber stamp.
  • These folders were used to store the sketch, tracing paper, felt, burlap and any other work in progress for the length of this lesson.
  • In this instance, I encourage them to trace the drawing or part of it on tracing paper.
  • Usually on yellow tracing paper, most of the visualizations are done in pencil and colored pencil, and with their sensitive lines and smudgily applied color they are undoubtedly art.
  • In 1968, he renounced painting, but in the 1980s returned to art-making with a series of black drawings on folded tracing paper.
  • To transfer the drawing from the tracing paper, one had only to dampen the sheet, place it face down on a copperplate prepared with a wax ground, and run both through the press.
  • Tape a piece of matching wood veneer to a cutting board and tape the tracing paper over the veneer.
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