How To Use Trabecula In A Sentence

  • Moving toward inner regions of a trabecular area results in a progressive enlargement of the crystallites, which is as expected for the mature mineral.
  • No dots can be detected in the vacuoles but the tonoplast and the transvacuolar trabeculae of cytoplasm are labelled demonstrating that actin is present at this level.
  • The arteries enter at the hilus and are carried in, and branch with, the trabeculae.
  • Objective To evaluate the long term curative effectiveness and the failure cause of the nonpenetrating trabecular surgery (NPTS) for primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) .
  • The cistern is traversed by delicate connective tissue trabeculae, which bridge across the interval between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater.
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  • Trabecular metal implants are a relatively recent advance, and are showing great promise.
  • Locally there are ‘hints’ of a parallel fibrous, possibly spicular, structure in the normally irregularly crystalline microstructure of the trabeculae.
  • The endpoint was defined as small formation or visible dispersion of debris from the trabecular meshwork.
  • Note the presence of numerous osteoclasts lining the bone trabeculae.
  • Howeer, measurements with BCECF - loaded rabbit trabeculae did not reeal any significant pantoprazole - dependent changes of pHi.
  • The outline of the enteron is here almost a vertical slit, and the lining entoderm consists, in its dorsal and lateral regions, of a single layer of columnar epithelium, while in its ventral region, where it adjoins the liver trabeculae, it is made up of several layers of cuboidal or irregular cells. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • An atypical hydronephrotic type may have isolated ureteral atresia with multiple cysts communicating with a dilated renal pelvis with dysplastic renal tissue forming trabeculae between the cysts.
  • In gnathic bones, the pattern is characterized by the presence of significant amounts of sclerotic bone, however, bone trabeculae are discontinuous.
  • These veins are found in the maternal part of the placenta, the spinal cord pia mater, retina, sinuses of the dura mater, most cerebral veins, trabecular veins of the spleen, and veins of the nail bed.
  • Purpose : To establish the culture system of human trabecular cells on filter and detect electrical resistance.
  • The effect was thought to be mediated via trabecular meshwork glucocorticoid receptors.
  • Classification as to Structure: a. Spongy - made up of bony processes called trabeculae giving it a porous appearance; found in the epiphysis and metaphysic of long bones, diploe of flat bones and in the medullary cavities b. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Some of the fibers of this trabecular tissue are continued into the substance of the iris, forming the pectinate ligament of the iris; while others are connected with the forepart of the sclera and choroid. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye
  • Note the presence of numerous osteoclasts lining the bone trabeculae.
  • An atypical hydronephrotic type may have isolated ureteral atresia with multiple cysts communicating with a dilated renal pelvis with dysplastic renal tissue forming trabeculae between the cysts.
  • Locally there are ‘hints’ of a parallel fibrous, possibly spicular, structure in the normally irregularly crystalline microstructure of the trabeculae.
  • When the trabecular meshwork is blocked at the junction of the cornea and iris, the resulting rise in intraocular pressure can reach dangerously high levels and damage the optic nerve.
  • Histologic study demonstrated a fibro-osseous lesion with woven bone trabeculae and bland-looking fibrous tissue.
  • Within the epiphysis of most sections, trabecular bone is frequently hypereosinophilic, and there is karyolysis and loss of osteocytes (necrosis).
  • Out findings of an apparently greater adverse effect on trabecular rather than cortical bone is in keeping with other publications on the effect of prednisolone.
  • Adhesions may also develop between the iris and cornea (peripheral anterior synechiae), covering up the trabecular drainage meshwork.
  • Their cytoplasm consists of a giant, multinucleated tissue, the trabecular syncytium, which is connected via open and plugged cytoplasmic bridges to cells such as archaeocytes, choanoblasts, and cells with spherical inclusions.
  • Together with additional stereome, these trabeculae cover dissepimentarium completely, so no reliable information on structure of dissepimentarium is available.
  • Mammalian Spongy Bone - Spongy bone, also known as cancellous bone, is less dense than compact bone and is composed of a honeycomb-like network of bones called trabeculae. Undefined
  • The smaller veins unite to form larger ones; these do not accompany the arteries, but soon enter the trabecular sheaths of the capsule, and by their junction form six or more branches, which emerge from the hilum, and, uniting, constitute the lienal vein, the largest radicle of the portal vein. XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
  • Parasympathomimetic drugs such as pilocarpine constrict the pupil and ‘pull’ on the trabecular meshwork, increasing the flow of aqueous out of the eye.
  • The tumor cells were arranged in trabecular and solid patterns with nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli, and scant basophilic cytoplasm.
  • (C) Histomorphometric quantification of the trabecular bone volume and osteoclast surface per bone surface (OcS/BS). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In such calculations, however, bone matrix is usually approximated as an isotropic material, and anisotropic mechanical properties result from a preferred orientation of the trabeculae in cancellous bone.
  • In such calculations, bone matrix is usually approximated as an isotropic material, and anisotropic mechanical properties result from a preferred orientation of the trabeculae in cancellous bone.
  • It shows prominent radial and concentric trabeculae that unite in three dimensions to produce a rectangular or quadrate skeletal framework.
  • The resulting septal trabeculae are thick with regularly produced lateral branches.
  • Special attention was paid to the structure and pattern of the distribution of septal trabeculae.
  • Bladder outlet obstruction, either functionally or structurally, could lead to bladder trabeculation, vesicoureteric reflux, hydronephrosis and, eventually, to renal parenchymal damage.

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