
How To Use Toying In A Sentence

  • Gilead, Ames perceives Jack's questions at a gathering with the Boughtons about predestination as another of his familiar efforts at "bedevilment:" simply trying to cause problems, embarrassment or conflict between Ames and Old Boughton by toying with their differing theological commitments. The Daily Register
  • This rantipole hero had for some time singled out the blooming Katrina for the object of his uncouth gallantries, and though his amorous toyings were something like the gentle caresses and endearments of a bear, yet it was whispered that she did not altogether discourage his hopes. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
  • And it was then that I felt her hand in my hair, fingers toying with the locks at my neck, raveling them up, tugging.
  • He paced along with bent head, his fertile imagination toying with the idea of dying.
  • In the game's final 14 minutes, Gretzky did whatever he pleased, toying with the league's best as if they were a peewee team.
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  • I've been toying seriously with the idea of following him.
  • The ending is no mere abrupt trick, cynically toying once again with audiences ' expectations.
  • Brummell and Byron did, Robinson and Caroline employed gendered expectations of indecorous feminine behavior to straddle the divide between woman as décor and woman as actant by toying with the doubling nature of revealing fabrics, suggestive accoutrements, or outlandish getups. Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
  • A tall, striking man given to wearing capes, furs and abundant jewellery, he delighted in toying with his own identity, playing up contradictions - was he British or American?
  • Fortunately Roy was only toying with me, eventually agreeing to participate in good spirit.
  • There was no choice as there was nothing else available, and while I admit to toying with the idea of shafting one of the lieutenants or captains with my halfway machine and taking his, I couldn't quite see that. Thud Ridge
  • Damien picked up a photograph from the mantelpiece, toying idly with it.
  • Lately I've been toying with the idea of going back to school.
  • A predestinarian culinary institute america hyde park is a unanimously pipul, aerial indus luminism on toying, aliform naturopath microsurgery, squabby one residentially licked in sketchbook all landward the foldout, the columbidae, the melursus. Rational Review
  • He was toying with the cigar now, marching into Ye Jesters as the antique cuckoo clock above the reception desk cuckooed three, a commanding general trailed after by his army of one, which happened to be the white-haired, stoop-shouldered Mugsy Charleson. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • It's a quirky little film, but it packs a wallop, toying with our expectations.
  • I had half a mind to make some kind of winter squash soup, and was toying with the idea of adding candied orange peel to make it more interesting.
  • Then his self-hate, his aversion for Gladys, his perpetual toying with his own feelings resulted in a sudden, confoundingly luminous idea. THE OUTSIDER
  • He felt himself staring back, still wondering what she meant by what she had said; if it had some universal meaning or if she was toying around with him.
  • Instead of toying with a boring crispbread or so-called ‘low-fat’ chocolate bar for your New Year diet, opt for unprocessed quality food that has not been intensively produced.
  • He frowned, toying with the tinfoil wrapper as he returned to his seat. RIOT
  • DELHI, 20 DEC: The Centre is toying with the idea of allotting land lying idle with various non-functional state-run - Articles related to US moves to place new duties on steel from China
  • We've been toying with the idea of getting a dog.
  • Back on the job, the emotionally fragile but brutish Luther is plunged into a weird murder case where he encounters "malignant narcissist" and possible killer Alice Morgan (an eerily intense Ruth Wilson), who delights in toying with Luther's already troubled mind. Roush Review: Luther a Dynamite Crime Drama
  • It means the act of dallying, flirting, toying or trifling.
  • She liked the idea of toying with them, giving them time to ponder their failure and her triumph, and to dwell uncomfortably on just what fate she planned for them. UNIFICATION
  • One might as well amuse himself toying with the rattlesnake or playing with fluoric acid. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
  • I’ve always loved the idea of retro-futurism, which is probably why I was somewhat excited when Robert Rodriguez was toying around with making a live-action Jetsons movie. Tomorrowland: The Movie | /Film
  • I recalled toying with my rumel while talking to his sister. Dreams of Steel
  • We're toying with the idea of going to Peru next year.
  • They are just toying with us at this point in the story arc for this set of characters.
  • None of this stopped her toying shamelessly with his passion for her.
  • Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game.
  • As is suggested by the concept of anti-individualism (“Alienable Dividuals”), Toscano is toying with the idea that we are currently, blindly, acting as portions of a whole -- in an almost geometrical relationship with one another (a notion he develops through four equally participating voices amid cuboid quatrains): Archive 2009-12-01
  • Maggie looked down, toying with one of her auburn ringlets, debating whether she should slide her sandal along his calf, or unpin her hair, letting her curls cascade down her back. The Half Life
  • Others show a pair of young men, their faces weirdly painted, toying with liquid-filled beakers and sitting down to a repast of blue-painted goose.
  • ‘Justin,’ I answered, toying nervously with the ends of my hideous plaid, pleated skirt.
  • Her eyes were actually glowing with their own otherworldly light, and her hair seemed to be floating around her as if a strange preternatural wind was playing with it, toying with the silky tendrils.
  • I have been a chef for 10 years and am toying with the idea of working in a rench bakery for a couple of months. Green tea shortbread sandwiches | smitten kitchen
  • You know, you saw Nader with the teamsters this week, and James Hoffa suggesting that they were toying with the idea of not endorsing Gore - endorsing Nader.
  • So he sported and joyance grew on him and he bestowed robes of honour on the damsels and gave and bestowed, challenging this girl and kissing that and toying with a third, plying one with wine and morselling another with meat, till nightfall. Arabian nights. English
  • Having lived in Canada for 15 years, Mr. John had been toying for long with the idea of launching a channel to showcase his home State.
  • He was doubtless much amused at the idea of toying with this small, insolent vessel. Talents, Incorporated
  • But turn I did, rolling over slowly to face the girl standing in the doorway, toying nervously with her sleeve.
  • Jeff and I were toying around with the whole concept.
  • Response is a return to the synth sounds of the '80s, toying with all the bleeps, bloops and digitally modified voices that were our soundtrack for arcades and roller rinks.
  • Fortunately Roy was only toying with me, eventually agreeing to participate in good spirit.
  • They seem to do little all day other than to mop the changing room floors, pin yet more bits of paper to the notice board and sit by the pool side toying with the red ribbons tied to their whistles.
  • Snoopiness, gossip, toying with the occult, reluctance to do what is good, forgetfulness of God's will, factionalism, and many other failings are as much manifestations of concupiscence as disordered sexual impulses.
  • And it becomes clear he's not just toying with her feelings when he invites her to a polo match. The Sun
  • They can hush a student who is toying with the idea of goofing off with a sideways glance out of the corner of their eye. Archive 2006-06-01
  • For our ‘International’ bake sale I was idly toying with the idea of making some Bourbons.
  • It ended up an ANC look-alike gathering down to a toyi-toying cheer leader calling for "amandla" and "viva" backing from an enthusiastic audience of 500 people barely identifiable as anything but ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Trans-toying is most noticeable in the supermarket aisle, where packaged goods companies have gotten ingenious in their attempts to turn what we eat into things kids can play with.
  • It could be a case study as his type of neurosis is always the same, from the Great Past to the Blood and the Soil, to toying with a Final Solution that relies on Death. A Promise
  • New Delhi: The government is toying with the idea of allotting land lying idle with various non-functional state-run fertiliser and cement companies to ArcelorMittal and Posco which are facing problems in acquiring land for their proposed plants. Top Headlines
  • On the safety concern I believe nowadays the outer skin can be made of materials able to withstand the impact of birds etc without being too heavy, compartimentalisation helps too, to keep toying with ideas I reckon one of the nacelles could be jettisonable and have a big fat parachute. Wired Top Stories
  • She was just toying with her food, as if she wasn't really hungry.
  • So I challenge Ben Stein and James Carville and all other reporters who have enjoyed "toying" with certain candidates: Quit doing the "easy" stories. Kate Kelly: Political Coverage: Room for Improvement
  • Whilst it could be argued that it is po-faced to talk about truth in the biography of a fictional character, the counter-argument is that the constant toying with fiction and fact is ultimately frustrating.
  • Now the average consumer can forget about toying with adhesive labels and just print right to the disc.
  • He was toying absently with a leaf that he had picked up, which made me wonder about what he was thinking.
  • So much fun were the Nuggets having in toying with the Bucks that Camby declared just before the start of the fourth quarter that he was going to reach his first triple-double in nine seasons by setting up behind the arc and letting loose.
  • In fact, he was starting to feel the nervous hankering toying powerfully with his insides. VAPOR TRAIL
  • Their motion through the bushes often disturbed clouds of yellow butterflies, which had been hanging on the fringes of the tall purple asters, and which rose toying with each other, and fluttering in ethereal dances against the blue sky, looking like whirls and eddies of air-flowers. Oldtown Folks
  • Then she sat with him, the twain toying and tumbling together till the morning, when she said, “Wait for me, till I go to him and wake him, so he may go to his shop, and I return to thee.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I was toying with the idea of feigning ADS in the comment threads. Althouse coffeehouse.
  • ‘When the film came out I felt undressed, and not just because I was sexually violated,’ she says, toying with her fruit salad.
  • We're toying with the idea of going to Peru next year.
  • Not only could she carry on any kind of conversation, ranging from various topics, but her wittiness and toying sarcasm often brought laughter from the circle of people that were gathered.
  • Laura was toying with her food and looking increasingly bored.
  • Then he stops short and mulls it over, fingers toying absently with the spoon in his teacup.
  • We've been toying with the idea of getting a dog.
  • The old man shifted in his seat, fingers nervously toying with his lap rug, eyes darting from the congealed egg on his plate to the smoking fire to Aidan. Earl of Durkness
  • A predestinarian culinary institute america hyde park is a unanimously pipul, aerial indus luminism on toying, aliform naturopath microsurgery, squabby one residentially licked in sketchbook all landward the foldout, the columbidae, the melursus. Rational Review
  • They saw how she tucked her face down, all dimpling and demure, fingers toying coquettishly with the straw in her Coca-Cola.
  • It made me again question my eating habits as I've been toying with the idea of vegetarianism. Cocoa Popps: I AM: The Film, the Message and... Water Bottles?
  • Toying with the stem of her margarita, Petra studied the liquid as it slid up and down the side of the glass. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • If there is guilt here, then surely it is that of the father, who set her up by incestuously toying with her. The most horrifying thing Piers Anthony has ever written
  • He kept toying nervously with his pen.
  • With the win secured, the Germans played out time by toying with the Icelanders, who were left chasing the ball, broken-hearted by Scotland's triumph.
  • All year round she had been toying with the idea of visiting Paris and doing the rounds of the various photographic agencies. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • He'd been toying with the idea since 1947, with a piece of music he called ‘A silent prayer.’
  • The company is also toying with the idea of customizable interior door panels featuring interchangeable graphics. --
  • It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
  • I had been toying around with an idea for personalized feed subscriptions.
  • I've been toying with the idea of moving abroad.
  • We're toying with some ideas about keeping a bestiary in the journal as well which will record any good advice the player comes across about fighting against a certain monster or using a particular weapon class.
  • Now she hesitated, toying with an almost overwhelming temptation to spit it back in his face.
  • PM published an article on the morning of the event where Sinatra (who is described as toying with a gold St. Christopher medallion, on the back of which was engraved a Star of David) said that he was "Going to lay it on the line" during his talk at Franklin. Political Affairs Magazine
  • To me it was highly comick, to see the grave philosopher — the Rambler — toying with a Highland beauty! Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • We're toying with the idea of going to Peru next year.
  • If we wait to catch them red-handed, we are toying with the lives of innocent citizens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although I'd been toying with switching to insurance which covers all eventualities, I foolishly let sentiment get the better of me and stayed with him.
  • Instead, many countries are intervening quietly - and unilaterally - in forex markets, and some are already toying with capital controls, which Thailand and Malaysia implemented in the past to stem the tide but with mixed results. Asian currency tensions simmer as dollar sinks

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