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Tower of Babel

  1. (Genesis 11:1-11) a tower built by Noah's descendants (probably in Babylon) who intended it to reach up to heaven; God foiled them by confusing their language so they could no longer understand one another

How To Use Tower of Babel In A Sentence

  • The Tower of Babel, the great ziggurat beside Babylon's temple of Marduk, dates to this era.
  • Tower of Babel, to follow the dispersion of Mankind over the whole habitable and habilable globe. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • Ah, Bel-ustegui is as bad as El -ato, he feels his own weird obligation to carry on in German submariner slang, it is just precisamente a seagoing Tower of Babel here-the torpedo? why is he screaming about the torpedo? Gravity's Rainbow
  • the confusion of tongues at the Tower of Babel
  • The congress is the industry's very own Tower of Babel and more than 50,000 joined in the techno-speak gabfest this year.
  • They may be pushing the non-Creation version of events but when they put it that way, it all sounds a little too Tower of Babelish. Jules Crittenden
  • The complex would offer visitors the chance to slide down the Tower of Babel before climbing aboard Noah's Ark, parting the Red Sea and felling Goliath with a laser-guided slingshot.
  • The Bible certainly seemed to speak historically - Creation, The Deluge, The Tower of Babel - and yet the theologians said these things were myth, or poetry, or allegory.
  • Or, rather, he had invented for himself a language which used the sinews of the languages to which he had been exposed-and once I thought that his was, not the Adamic language that a happy mankind had spoken, all united by a single tongue from the origin of the world to the Tower of Babel, or one of the languages that arose after the dire event of their division, but precisely the Babelish language of the first day after the divine chastisement, the language of primeval confusion. The Name of the Rose
  • It's all wildly, unclassifiably bonkers – postmodern music hall or performance art in a house of mirrors or a tower of Babel. Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion - review
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