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How To Use Touching In A Sentence

  • Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
  • In some quarters the touching belief that financial services companies will reward loyalty persists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dolphins have a natural affinity with humans and just being with them, playing with them and touching them, is credited with bringing about wondrous results for sick people.
  • A touching painting was the one depicting motherhood made in canvas by K. Kumaran.
  • The size and familiarity of the little lamb is genuinely touching. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Eventually a more thorough cleaning will remove any dirt and later retouching.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this were so, it could very well be that the chain or pulley or linkages to the back end were removed in the photo retouching because they were too difficult to cut around (if the manip was done as a collage) or to frisket out (if the manip was a double exposure process in a darkroom). 1933 Walker: Fact or Fraud?
  • Leaving aside the touching attempt to deflect criticism, what should savers do? Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he noticed that sitting next to her was a man who seemed very uncomfortable, touching her arm trying to coax her down. Christianity Today
  • Some students will perform the exercise best if naked and undistracted by clothing touching them. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • It's all right," Michael said, again touching her hand. Three Tamales for the Señor Part Two
  • I've even been damp dusting rather than just a quick polish but it's barely touching the surface.
  • His portraits often show his subjects brimming with youthful idealism and naivety; touchingly eager for fame, rather than sullied by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • And two more points over an indifferent Brods side would see them leapfrog the visitors and move within touching distance of leaders Bridlington and York.
  • Normally, I'd have groaned and complained about him touching me, but I didn't say anything.
  • The server software also records hand movements through wind changes directly above the tablet when the stylus is not touching it.
  • The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.
  • He took in a deep breath, touching my body gently, tenderly… hesitantly.
  • Now angle forward from your hips keeping the shaft touching those parts and you will get a feeling of keeping your back straight and your head up. Winning Golf for Women
  • As he accepts, it would have been dishonest to write an autobiography without touching on this subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found a quote on Anatoli Boukreev's chorten especially touching: "Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve," he said. Simply Because It's There?
  • Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.
  • Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.
  • When the song is over I reach my hand out and say, ‘Nice set, James,’ touching him on the shoulder.
  • I concentrated on sliding into his life, his history, his sacred imperial flesh, flesh that a person could be killed on the spot for touching with their eyes, let alone his dirty ungentle hands.
  • This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen. Archive 2008-06-01
  • As the story unfolds, she then responds to the children's comments and allows the toddlers to explore the book by touching.
  • First, the council are of opinion that you should now begin to stir in the thirlage cause; and they think they will be able, from evidence NOVITER REPERTUM, to enable you to amend your condescendence upon the use and wont of the burgh, touching the GRANA INVECTA ET ILLATA. Redgauntlet
  • To begin with, he sketches the canoe routes, touching on the fur trade and the penetration of the continent by the voyageurs.
  • A typical error is touching the other the wame way we like to be touched. Archive 2006-12-01
  • By the way, colds spread through touching infectious surfaces or inhaling viruses.
  • The kayakers were paddling in the bay, trying to spot whales when the mammal suddenly appeared within touching distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bend arm slowly upwards so your hand is touching your shoulder. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only British actress to be nominated for an Oscar this year is luminous and touching in Jim Sheridan's immigrant fable.
  • Touching her combadge again, she said, “Choudhury to command post, where are my sitreps?” Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Some are touchingly intimate: my sister-in-law received a set of pastel-colored cotton panties from her middle-school homeroom students, and to my utter amazement was utterly unamazed.
  • A telescope is normally bolted to a vast concrete plinth around which the observatory dome can rotate without touching it, and the instrument isolated from tremors.
  • I push on the diner's front doors, my fingers touching greasy glass.
  • The range of Orlando Gibbons can be savoured first in another expressive and touching pavan.
  • The object of this drill is to pass the ball to each other without the defensive man touching, deflecting, or stealing the ball.
  • ‘I am,’ said Jacqueline, twirling her fork in her fingers, but not actually touching the food.
  • Just as he plans a railyard robbery with Bronco, he enters into a touching relationship with the 15-year-old Irene, whose father is serving time for armed robbery. Bronco Bullfrog
  • I saw the glance that fell, scarcely touching, on my plain plaid frock. Daisy
  • The cyclist is pumping the pedals, his front wheel almost touching the back of the derny. Times, Sunday Times
  • We dissuade any lady from touching or going near a zebra's mouth, or the horns of an ibex or an algazel, or the pointed bill of a heron or stork, or from putting her hand near this fine painted pig. Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Everyone has something touching or amusing to say, but the movie maintains a feeling of being entirely natural and unscripted.
  • That 's lovely, Tom," and Polly found it so touching that she felt for her handkerchief; but Tom took it away, and made her laugh instead of cry, by saying, in a wheedlesome tone, – An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • She put her arm round his neck, touching the side of his cheek and her fingertips stuck to its surface.
  • The challenge, though, with touching a speaker or even touching a musical instrument is what we call perceptual masking. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It is a physical concept, on the physical difference between the human singing voice, and a monochord, which gives various tones by touching.
  • While David is away chairing (very eccentrically of course) the Cannes festival committee we finally get to see close to his best and most mysterious and touchingly tragic movie.
  • They can also be passed by touching the infected skin of someone who has strep impetigo, or by sharing towels, clothing or bed linen.
  • In fact, the only voice you might reasonably expect to rise in protest on your touching a painting or statue is that of your own conscience.
  • In some ways, it's a touching scene that has fans sending the system off with a proper goodbye.
  • Up here it's so quiet at night you can hear the cattle lowing in the valley, and the snow touching the ground in winter.
  • To be disapproved, that is, when the word condemns them, either as touching the faith or the holiness of the gospel; the which they must needs be, that are void of spiritual and heavenly judgment in the mysteries of the kingdom; Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • Use a neon circuit tester to verify the power is off by touching one lead to an exposed black wire and the other to a metal box or to the neutral wire.
  • This alternately harrowing and touching story of tragedy and hope has been impressing viewers and critics for years, and the prospect of witnessing this true-life horror story on the big screen is cause for excitement.
  • The touching scene speaks volumes about our shared lineage with great apes. The Sun
  • People believed that healing could occur through direct contact with the relics — by touching them, drinking water or wine in which they had been dipped, sleeping next to the tomb, or eating dirt scraped from the site. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Seat covers have been available for decades, and it used correctly, most seat covers will flush down the toilet without the user touching them.
  • When the jet reached Manchester Airport, the aircraft's wings were tipped in salute to its new home before circling and touching down.
  • Unable to stand it, he hunched over completely, forehead touching the surface of the altar as he fought to control his cries of anguish.
  • When you feel gross you don't want anyone touching bits of you that wobble. The Sun
  • He gave a touching valediction at graduation.
  • Thy hands should be touching each other on both the handstroke and the backstroke to ensure an even pull.
  • It is important to recognize that (the)... prohibition against sexual harassment does not extend to legitimate nonsexual touching or other nonsexual conduct.
  • This term, he is within touching distance of surpassing that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have witnessed touching acts of generosity and selflessness.
  • The finish of dining room furniture articles is such that it is completely unbeloved of any toxic elements used in its touching-up.
  • This city with its outlying satellite towns may have a population touching 10 million people.
  • But in its depiction of brotherly love it achieves much that is touching and unexpected.
  • Whatever you do avoid touching the gills as they are very delicate organs that are easily damaged.
  • On inspection, the foot has an ‘up and out’ appearance, with the dorsal forefoot practically touching the anterior aspect of the ankle and lower leg.
  • With the outside temperature touching 43 degrees Celsius, the extreme heat policy was in force.
  • They are affectionate and uninhibited and their lifelong devotion to each other is touching.
  • The man grinned, then reached out, gently touching Lexa's shoulders with both hands, and murmured, in a sing-song voice.
  • Goldsmith to try them, which he did; wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day, I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed, and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no: and you may easily conject that his words are untrue, which he alleadged against the young man, touching the buying of the poyson, considering hee bought the poyson himselfe. The Golden Asse
  • In a taxi in Mumbai, she sat quietly on the back seat awestruck by the towering buildings almost touching the sky on either side of the road.
  • The cover of his black-bound tech-heavy book about the architectonics of nuclear war features a photo of two hands in a firm handclasp, each hand touchingly identified as, respectively, “United States” and “Russia.” How the End Begins
  • The sun was out and Cay could feel its warm rays touching his back.
  • She went to the ballot box touching her hat.
  • Q As we follow up on what I think you called hunches earlier about who might be responsible, has the United States contacted any other governments for help in either trying to find certain individuals or touching base with certain organizations? Press Briefing By Colonel Crowley And Barry Toiv
  • If, on the other hand, your feet are touching the inside of your opponent's inner thighs then they are usually too shallow.
  • For all its wacky irreverence, it is also a rather touching story of moral decay in an uncivilized world.
  • It was a touching and heart-warming experience and I was grateful for their kindness.
  • It really tends to make people fall in love with other people who care about the same emotional, touching issue.
  • The father's left hand touching the son's shoulder is strong and muscular.
  • Woof, also, excels, touching a raw nerve within the psyche of a repressed romantic.
  • ` ` Walter, let's dance just once more, '' Alice said, touching his arm placatively. Alice Adams
  • Lie face down with your forearms touching the floor and your hips and legs on the ground. The Sun
  • They eased along the grass toward the vesicle on their toes, the heels of their boots never touching the ground. MINUTES TO BURN
  • A chukka is a seven-and-a-half-minute period of play, which is generally agreed to be about the right amount of time for a pony to be galloping around - although real pros often change pony several times within a chukka, leaping nimbly from saddle to saddle without touching the ground. Life and style |
  • ‘Calm, calm,’ she chirred softly, a finger touching my jaw and hushing my stumbling chatter.
  • His arms remained stretched out above him, his knees were almost, but not quite, touching the floor.
  • Give a different student the saucepan and the spoon and ask her to stand close to the bowl without touching it.
  • Against that he made five birdies in a row just to get us in touching distance. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the way, I think it's a wonderful scene. an elegiac scene, very touching.
  • Casually touching many cnidarians will make it clear how they got their name when their nematocysts eject barbed threads tipped with poison.
  • Here the Divine action is distinguished from the human actions of touching or speaking, though it uses them, but through this close connexion the word theandric is not out of place for the whole complex act, while the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • It was a compelling drama that told a touching story about how adoption secrets can have a terrible backlash to all concerned. The Sun
  • The fatigue from nearly drowning, touching bryozoa, being sobbed over by a couple of he-men, etc. The Boys Next Door
  • Samantha had remained erect, very still, and dry-eyed, her back not touching the witness chair.
  • Now the younger monk was perturbed by his friend's conduct because their monastic code forbade them touching a woman, much less giving her a piggyback ride.
  • He works at a photo-finishing lab where he spends his days touching up other people's photos while his manager reads magazines and listens to blaring death-metal.
  • I have walked behind goats and I have walked behing thru-hikers, and I can tell a thru-hiker is ahead by a good 1/4 mile, whereas a goat cannot be detected until you are practically touching it. Waldo Jaquith - 5 life lessons that I learned while hiking the Appalachian Trail that totally turned out to not apply to the real world.
  • A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday. Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
  • Slowly exhale and bend your arms up until your palms are almost touching your shoulders. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think you will all find it touching and poignant.
  • Yes, of course he was: he was consulting the very portfolios and notebooks where those copies were kept, retouching his early paintings, and even going to the Louvre to copy as late as 1897.
  • Knees bent fully, her skirt flares like a golden fan nearly touching the floor.
  • But none can be ignorant of plenty of rules, touching the administration of civill justice: we finde enough in the word, to bound the exorbitancy, and set banks to the pride and injustice of state. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • And still, given a set of circumstances that frighten me by touching unhealed sensitivities in my own heart, I become flustered.
  • Even if you have no experience, you can easily learn how to edit image and retouching your photos.
  • It was a touching tribute never since accorded to any other author, and an earnest of the esteem in which he was held.
  • The midcap index still rallied 57.88 points to 13,558.35 to stay within touching distance of its all-time best. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remembered reading that what many older people miss most as they grow older is tactile contact; people stop touching them. Christianity Today
  • Yet paradoxically he wielded huge power: the power that comes from touching the souls of millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In "The Book of Wonder," children's questions are intercalated and answered with touching deadpan: "Why cannot two people settle disputes? Papa
  • They experimented with cherry, wintergreen, grape, peppermint, and cinnamon: Kramm would taste each by taking a bit on his fingertip and touching it to his tongue, then rinsing his mouth with water.
  • They stared at each other for a few moments, not touching, not knowing what to say. MINUTES TO BURN
  • He had a powder green shirt under an emerald vest, his blue-black hair just barely touching his shoulders.
  • More than one-third of youth in the study reported engaging in precoital touching behaviours. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • At afternoon lunch, I sat in the common room nibbling on my potato knish, listening to Jo and Fanny, feeling as if my insides were made of India rubber and all their words bounced around without touching me. Deadly
  • Odysseus through his continency and the ‘promptings66 of Hermes’ abstained from touching them immoderately, and by the same token did not turn into Memorabilia
  • Complex tics might include jumping, smelling objects, touching the nose, touching other people, coprolalia, echolalia, or self-harming behaviors.
  • How about reaching back over your shoulder and touching the back of your neck?
  • “archangels” — although the word archangel was not then known — that the flames formed themselves round him into a triumphal arch without touching him; that his body had the smell of baked bread; but that, having resisted the fire, he could not preserve himself against a sabre-cut; that his blood put out the burning pile, and that there sprung from it a dove which flew straight to heaven. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The team moved into the Charleston rhythm with a midline (not touching) step sequence which was fast and and contained lots of turns and twizzles throughout.
  • My rationalism dissolved and I experienced a sudden thrill at actually touching a person who had left the Earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite all of that the relationship between the two main characters, Oskar and Eli, is both touching and bittersweet and the film has earned itself an extremely devout cult following. ARE VAMPIRES A DYING BREED? | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • Alternatively, Congress should have more leeway to fashion remedies because the states are more likely to be engaging in invidious discrimination where laws or practices touching upon suspect classifications are concerned. Balkinization
  • It's silly, but she is so adorable, and her seduction is inspired with such grace, that it makes a touching and subtle scene.
  • They also presented us with a park bench from South Point Elementary, which included a plaque with a very touching message.
  • To this day the visitor to Snowdon is told the touching story, and shown the place, called Beth-Gellert,3 where the dog's grave is still to be seen. Myths and Myth-makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
  • There are no special-effects, no car chases or shoot-outs, just a touching, fascinating sense of humanity that left audiences spellbound.
  • There are strict etiquettes about not touching the serving dishes with anything that has touched your mouth.
  • Our ville, so important to us, has scarcely an existence for our home government, and administrative changes there float over us like clouds of heaven, without touching us in their changefulness. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • In that touching movie, the hero Tristan often rode a horse, his long hair flying in the wind.
  • All further ideas about it, such as the oneness or manyness of the spiritual substance on which it is based, are therefore void of intelligible meaning; and propositions touching such ideas may be indifferently affirmed or denied. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • Asked to look to the future Adu briefly hesitates, perhaps wary of relighting the promotional touchpaper, yet can't resist touching on the 2006 World Cup in Germany.
  • Mangold's curled figure proves a curiously allusive and vulnerable emblem as it unfurls across one, two or three panels, nearing but never quite touching the edges of the support.
  • Clearings exhibited large quantities of grapes that crept along from shrub to shrub, their huge bunches of fruit nearly touching the ground.
  • She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.
  • It is their misplaced confidence that is so touching. Times, Sunday Times
  • I learned to chew on my left side, and eat only soft foods such as ice cream, rarely touching true solids, like swirls.
  • Other obstacles included a hanging tire described as a porthole on the Titanic where teams must get all their members through the hole without touching the sides. Undefined
  • Moreover, the muscle fibers of the heart are peculiar in that they are destitute of sarcolemma, the naked muscle fibers directly touching each other. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • And if a customer calls our IVR hotline, the call is electronically routed to the agent without anyone touching it, stealing it, or dropping the ball. Real Blogging
  • I think touching the ornaments is a great suggestion! » Wherefore Art Thou, Christmas Tree?
  • It is both logical and touching, and relieves the movie of the awkwardness apparent in the earlier efforts.
  • I couldn't see how far down the slabbed granite wall dropped, but as I peered into the darkening green water, I knew it was too far for me to even think about touching the bottom, not on air.
  • This term, he is within touching distance of surpassing that. Times, Sunday Times
  • She held his crushed and somehow empty body against her, deadweight, her fingers sticky and touching his beard. THE LAST RAVEN
  • grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.
  • Visitors to the flat in those early days found the scene touching. AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
  • It was like reaching back in time and touching the untouchable, the unknowable.
  • Pummice, the splendid house-painters at Dollington, arrived with his artists and charwomen to give the Assembly Room its annual touching-up and bedizenment, preparatory to the Hunt Ball. Wylder's Hand
  • Her films are thoughtful, touching and send out a positive message. Times, Sunday Times
  • The powers of the friars were the fullest possible and enabled them to inquire into all matters touching the welfare of the Indians and to correct abuses, but they were not “governors” as has been supposed and stated by many writers, but rather overseers, charged to ensure the proper execution of the laws which had been enacted to protect the natives. Bartholomew de Las Casas; his life, apostolate, and writings
  • He was sitting down on a chair, elbows on his knees, his hands were clasped with his chin resting on his thumb and his forefingers extended, touching the tip of his nose.
  • If helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas, and remove the clothing as quickly as possible.
  • They from the fociety 'of men i' rfwayi have no idea rf our feemg them, fliut up in their hoofes, they have Ipealung to 'diem, and touching lio ctimmunicatioit but with their them without' emotion, or without hulband, their father; their bro - being hurried headlong to'extremi - thcr, or fometimes their coufin. The Edinburgh magazine, or Literary miscellany
  • The feature is geared towards motor-impaired users who have trouble touching on-screen controls.
  • Leaves were mounted on a Perspex holder with their lower edge touching a reservoir of dilute nutrient solution that also contained the reference bath electrode.
  • It was a touching and poignant afternoon as friends gathered to show their respects to a man who had remained loyal and ever faithful to the ideals of Comhaltas.
  • He has a good eye for the dramatic or touching vignette and is a superb storyteller.
  • The result was funny, frantic and at times touching. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Well, let me tell you something, buster,’ I pointed a finger, touching his sharped, narrow nose.
  • Thus, your adventures take on a mythical quality and your romances aren't just conquests, they're heart-touching encounters.
  • After successive _heaves_, the gunner halted the piece with the wheels touching the hurter -- the timber laid at the foot of the parapet to stop the wheels. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • Sixty years before the Russian revolution, Abraham Lincoln credited a photographer with assisting in his electoral victory by retouching a portrait to shorten his neck and make him appear more youthful.
  • Since touching the skin of a dead pig makes one ‘unclean,’ no one can wear gloves made of pigskin.
  • He kept on coming until we were close, only a few centimeters apart, all I had to do was breathe in deeply and we would be touching.
  • He was touching the front of the coat, probing the bloodstain with his forefinger. SNOWJOB
  • The sages 'religious-devotion, which is lovely because it overflows with the nectarous waters of the knowledge of truth," and "the lusty undertaking of touching with one's palm that hidden part in the firm laps of lovely-limbed women, loving women with great expanses of breasts and thighs. India: The Place of Sex
  • He was kissing her bottom lip and suddenly his tongue was slowly touching hers, daring her, challenging her to duel with him.
  • He took her to a consulting room and helped her off with her clothes, before indecently touching her.
  • Can clickbait ever be touching? Times, Sunday Times
  • She then went on to dedicate Ray LaMontagne's touching ballad Trouble to "sr" (Samantha Ronson) before adding "ILY" (I love you). Tonight
  • Tanya bounded down the stairs, the slightest of smiles touching her lips as she recalled the previous night.
  • His hands swept restlessly over her body, touching, stroking, his fingers igniting fires wherever they roamed.
  • I loved to suck on the kokum in this bhaaji and as if to give an applause to Mom would make that sound with the tongue touching the palet to create a vacuum and a loud toch~~ in response to the tart flavors that tickled the inside of the mouth. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Thanks for a great analysis touching many of the important bases.
  • Talking leads to touching, and _touching_ leads to sex. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • After touching up her lip-gloss, Sally closed her compact.
  • Rafe," sighed Mingo, touching the old Mandraque's sword arm and pushing it gently down. Darkness of the Light
  • ANTEVERSION: -- Persons suffering from anteversion or retroversion should sleep without pillows under the head, and lie flat upon the back; they should sit with the feet as high as convenient and avoid high seats which hinder the feet from touching the floor. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • In appropriate touching, staring, and verbiage is also upsetting, disconcerting, or distracting to many people as well. Do you think "Consent is Sexy"?
  • The girl was beside the table before I could even move, helping me down slowly without really touching me too much.
  • It really is a good movie, engrossing, touching and funny all in one in the pleasantly dreamy, melancholic way only the French can manage.
  • Locals left touching floral tributes outside the house yesterday. The Sun
  • For me it's a choice between Raphael and Hawke for drinks and since a certain archangel is taken by a certain angel and that she would kick my a** for touching her man, I'll go with Hawke as he's technically not taken yet! PEARL Extravaganza
  • Western concern at the plight of workers in sweatshops is touching.
  • Ray's touching "goodbye" is a must-read, as is Mark's tribute at Toulouse St. Labels: ashley morris, oyster posted by oyster @ 12: 04 PM Archive 2008-04-01
  • It is a feelgood episode with some great lines and touching moments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gesture involves touching the right shoulder with the left hand while pointing the right arm down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, it continues to be a backward pass -- it was muffed, which is touching the ball but not controlling it, referee rss feed
  • Touching the temporal lobe can give a deep feeling of guilt. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings

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