How To Use Touchable In A Sentence

  • The quick touch buttons on the top are not really "touchable," you have to smudge (grind) the button a little to use it. RSS Feed - Daily Deals
  • After his long stretch as an untouchable hero and saint (courtesy of hagiographer R Bolt) it was about time that creep More was taken off his pedestal. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • His semi in ‘Foulness, near Southend’ has long been reduced to ‘a condition of untouchable sordor’, and is also ‘saturated with pornography in all its forms’.
  • He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ. The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
  • He believed he was ‘untouchable’ but his victims finally became sick of the yob and helped a specialist council unit to boot him out of their neighbourhood.
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  • He was real, huggable, touchable, I saw him smile, heard his laugh.
  • They would at the very least hold on to their 13-point lead and with a game in hand over most of their rivals they would be virtually untouchable with just four matches still to play.
  • The mass, however, could adore Gandhi and abhor untouchables.
  • Christian humility enables her to do the scavengering work usually performed only by "untouchables. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • No other scripture of any other religion of the world contains any kind of writings of holy men belonging to another faith, caste or creed, or of those who were regarded as outcastes or untouchables.
  • It was only during the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars, when the monarchy was untouchable, that George IV was able to force through the royal building-spree that culminated in Buckingham Palace.
  • I am lucky to live in this time with this new medium - this touchable way of using digital formats. Spread ArtCulture: Interview: Filmmaker Ruth Hogben Revamps the Fashion Video
  • The department's budget is untouchable.
  • The 25-year-old was untouchable as she soared to her winning height of 2.06m at the first attempt.
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • * These Jamaican/Somali young men and boys are all ripe cannon fodder for recruitment by the Turkish heroin barons and Vetnamese cannabis barons, who make most of the money from illegal drugs whilst sitting, usually untouchable, in the background. British Racists Must Be Condemned
  • Traditionally there are four castes in the Hindu religion, the fifth section of society being the untouchables, so lowly they are considered outside the caste system.
  • untouchable resources buried deep within the earth
  • Mocked for repeatedly using the term lockbox to suggest that funding for Social Security and Medicare should be untouchable, Gore was caricatured, not without reason, as a finicky policy wonk. House of Bush, House of Saud
  • Clothing and Textile Workers Union (Sactwu), Vavi said that some ministers were "deadwoods who remain untouchable", and that some were ANC Daily News Briefing
  • How bitter it was that the most guilty party, Calvin, was untouchable by shame, and therefore could not have his adultery used against him, unless Lord Ashworth was a champion dueler (and even then, Margaret suspected that in a duel with Calvin, Lord Ashworth would find that his pistol would not fire and his sword would break right off). Heartfire
  • And the ice-cream gaudery of his paints simply enhances the fact that you actually want to put these almost - touchable bodies in your mouth ... Undefined
  • Here he stressed Nehru's commitment to the emancipation of women and untouchables, to communal harmony and the maintenance of a united and plural India, and to the fostering of a socialist economics.
  • He became so reckless in his deceptions and crookedness precisely because he believed himself to be untouchable.
  • Union, Vavi said some ministers were "deadwoods who remain untouchable", and that some were "dying on duty". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
  • If marriage is invincible, indelibly written on the human heart, untouchable or only slightly touched by culture, where do all these fatherless families come from?
  • It was like reaching back in time and touching the untouchable, the unknowable.
  • The caste system, he says, will never be abolished by social reform or positive discrimination in favour of Untouchables.
  • in most museums such articles are untouchable
  • Traditionally there are four castes in the Hindu religion, the fifth section of society being the untouchables, so lowly they are considered outside the caste system.
  • He broke all traditions of the society; during the early sixties India was pretty much like the U.S. in the way she treated her "Harijan" -- God's chosen people as Mahatma Gandhi termed the "untouchables". Mike Ghouse: A Tribute To My Pluralist Father
  • During a recent visit, I found liberals and intellectuals, jet-setters and slum dwellers, men and women, Brahmins and untouchables expressing this Hindu pride.
  • I could have watched Dean fail to impress Ness with his "Untouchables" references and overuse of the word "awesome" for hours. The Full Feed from
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • Caucus challenges Vavi to point out any "untouchable deadwood" within the cabinet and provide evidence of any deliration of duty by any deceased or current serving minister. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I may begin to humanize them and think of them as persons instead of as animals or some untouchable class.
  • In 1984, Retton clearly was untouchable on the floor and vault events,[sentence dictionary] where her powerful physical makeup could be highlighted.
  • Coventry City have proved untouchable this season - they've just won their sixth consecutive game.
  • Although there was no certainty as to the overall winner, at the time of going to press it looked like it would be the midland's day, as deputy presidential candidate, Derek from Carlow was already untouchable.
  • Turkey's elite military -- known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman times -- were once deemed untouchable. Arabnews - frontpage
  • Indeed, the citizenry's incentive to finger such bad guys isn't particularly strong when the word on the street is that the these people are untouchable.
  • I use the word overrated because my friends kept telling me The Untouchables was a 10. Undefined
  • The individual lawmakers are untouchable for anything they do as legislators.
  • She looked delicate and untouchable, dressed in white.
  • Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in 1891, an untouchable in an India run by the British – that is to say a subaltern twice over, subjugated by an imperial government and by high-caste Indians. Unthinkable? An Ambedkar memorial | Editorial
  • The life that can never be recreated is the invisible, untouchable inner one, which cannot be reproduced even by the most psychoanalytical detective.
  • His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.
  • Elsewhere, where Hindus did convert, it was not the hoped-for Brahmins, but the powerless and disenfranchized lower castes and untouchables who made the change.
  • His Buddhist piety led representatives of the thousands of Untouchables who had embraced Buddhism to invite him to be their leader.
  • There's is a bit of fatigue but a sense that it is now touchable, a sense that we're through the hardest bit. UK Sport eyes London 2012 with hunger, some fear but no complacency
  • They were arrogant enough to think they were untouchable, but they have been arrested.
  • When can we work on making things more "touchable" and linked between the web and the world?
  • I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
  • Re: AMD and Intel preparing to launch six-core processors gaud dammit ... i was anticipating a febuary launch for the EE's and the lower versions march/may .... not like september orsomething for the more "touchable" version.
  • Shaw's renditions, unlike paintings or photographs that capture a passing moment, are all the more fascinating for being actual, touchable objects.
  • OAS is untouchable because of the raging grannies. Welfare For Everybody? Collectivism In Capitalism « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • The problem is that United's players, fans and staff like to think of themselves as being unreachable, if not untouchable.
  • Mahatma Gandhi coined the word Harijan, which translates roughly as "Children of God," to identify the former Untouchables with greater dignity. Jim Luce: Touching the Untouchables in a Rural Indian Village
  • In her nerve tissue, nevertheless, the aversion to untouchables continued to twitch.
  • Protected by his alleged status as a police informer, and until recently by two bodyguards, he has become a Scottish Don Corleone, the feared head of an untouchable empire.
  • Bush has come full circle: His ridiculousness is approaching the sort of existential absurdity that is untouchable. Sunday Reading
  • They are untouchable - nobody is prepared to go to court because they are too intimidated.
  • He was reported to have referred to some ministers as "deadwoods", "who remain untouchable", and some who "are dying on duty". ANC Statement on comments by Zwelinzima Vavi
  • Rather, untouchables are outcastes placed below the sudra caste.
  • The aim will be to make you a leper, an untouchable.
  • If your hair is short, style it, but make sure it's always touchable and not sprayed into place. A White Shirt Goes Formal
  • IF they do trade Doumit to the Giants, the haul wouldn't be sufficient because the GIants traded their "touchable" good prospects at the deadline last year. Bucs Dugout: FanPosts
  • The health service is very politicised in this country which makes it almost untouchable.
  • Agreed, Danny was untouchable last year with his Yakumbuyo album to the extent that fans still talk about the title-track at his shows the moment he finishes performing Kaya.
  • Money brings status and we want to take away the flash car a drug dealer is driving and show them they are not untouchable.
  • Rather, untouchables are outcastes placed below the sudra caste.
  • In her nerve tissue, nevertheless, the aversion to untouchables continued to twitch.
  • for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target
  • Coventry City have proved untouchable this season - they've just won their sixth consecutive game.
  • The order should show that no one is untouchable.
  • Cammell wrote the scripts for two other 1968 films The Touchables and Duffy, a crime caper starring three Jameses - Coburn, Mason and Fox.
  • The Touchable items in the GUI are indicated by an orange underline, which is all well and good, but the spots are so small, and so often at the very edge of the recessed screen (like OPT in the picture to the right, to open the Options menu), that they are almost impossible for me to get to respond. Mobility Site
  • They choose to hide their faces, or more often to brazen out the inevitable flak to show lesser mortals that they are among the 'untouchables' ... and yet they are the antipathy of democratic governance and an anathema to what Chavez in his heart of hearts truly has ambitioned for his Venezuelan people. Mass media's amateur dramatics that scream "Vampire bats" in the latest re-enactment of "Jaws" hysteria
  • We've seen some fancy applications for Microsoft's Surface, the touchable, strokable, caressable computing device/big-ass table, but not a single one has made us twitter in nerdy glee like Surfacescapes. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • It supplements the visual experience with auditory commentary, tactile maps, and touchable models to provide information about a room or an exhibit.
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • Touchable panels are one of the most basic user interaction devices for embedded devices -- keypads, sensors, and roller wheels also are included in many different devices for various purposes.
  • In the streets, they are almost untouchable, but their property is not.
  • The match started promisingly for Oxford, as Hannah of Oriel was untouchable in the hammer throw, achieving a match record of 37. 24m.
  • I looked in admiration at this highborn Englishwoman whose true Christian humility enables her to do the scavengering work usually performed only by “untouchables.” Autobiography of a Yogi
  • A particularly interesting plate (at left), illustrating a large deep-sea fish Beebe named the "untouchable bathysphere fish," or Bathysphaera intacta, which he sighted at a depth of 2,100 feet off the coast of Bermuda. "Grow till tall. They all, in the end, will fall."
  • For the last few years Howard's entire political program has been based on the premise that Australia's sovereignty is not only absolute but inviolate, untouchable, a veritable law of nature.
  • If the government really wanted to restore the public trust they should go after execs like those at Adelphia and Enron that betray the public trust by acting like they are above the law, that corporate crime is untouchable.
  • Japan develops 'touchable' 3D TV technology by Staff Writers Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • At its center is the unallowable lovemaking of a middle-class woman, Ammu, and an untouchable, Velutha, two fine people destroyed in ugly fashion (others are swept in too) when their affair is discovered.
  • Are we now to assume the England rugby team is officially untouchable in the prize-giving context by all except an elite comprising members of the Royal Family, knights of the realm and fellow World Cup winners?
  • He's ranked 13, but for six consecutive years he was untouchable at the top of the rankings.
  • He was the boss's husband and therefore untouchable.
  • The Harijan candidates for some seats in the legislature would be selected in private consultation between Hindus and untouchables.
  • The ‘Other’ was not at a distance but highly visible and touchable as a workmate, a neighbour or a friend with whom close contact was maintained both within and outside the mill.
  • He is one of Cincinnati's top prospects, and was deemed untouchable when the team was negotiating the trade.
  • While they were untouchable last year, there may be four or five teams chasing Kilkenny's tail this year, each giving their fans a reason to feel optimistic about the summer.
  • It looked ethereal, almost untouchable, and I fingered the silk, let it run between my fingers like water, then folded it up with the rest of my stuff that I would need.
  • Caucus challenges Vavi to point out any �untouchable deadwood� within the cabinet and provide evidence of any deliration of duty by any deceased or current serving minister. ANC Caucus Statement On Zwelinzima Vavi
  • Jive and Yammer take on traditional email and collaboration systems by incorporating an untouchable social and stream-like model that anti-social technologies from Microsoft unsurprisingly lack.
  • That $750 million is in the bank, unspent and untouchable.
  • Gelb concedes “It’s true” the Lobby “has made America’s longstanding $3 billion annual aid program to Israel untouchable and indiscussible” but notes the U.S. is also giving $2 billion a year to Egypt. How Powerful is Jewish Lobby in the U.S?
  • He's ranked 13, but for six consecutive years he was untouchable at the top of the rankings.
  • They loot the evidence room to sell drugs, they run prostitution rings, they form untouchable rogue "sub-patrols" of ultra-violent, steroid-pumped jump-out boys, such as the pigs who cold-bloodedly, unprovokedly murdered Adolph Grimes III outside his grandma's house and then lied about it. NOLA Indymedia
  • It is a hard-edged, hard-nosed, hard-boiled, in-your-face and deeply profane concept, and any approach contrary to that will once again flush film 1's legacy of emotional truth into the sewer of mediocrity, sealing the property away - perhaps forever - in the caverns of the untouchable. Robocop Screenwriter Says Darren Aronofsky is Still Attached | /Film
  • He said: ‘Many offenders think that they are untouchable and above the law.’
  • ‘It was kind of a wake-up call that we're not untouchable,’ said Logan, who lives in the District.
  • This right is infrangible, untouchable.
  • Canadians spend so much time agonizing over our lack of solid, touchable, definable identity that it has practically become a national pastime.
  • The trio was under the impression that they were untouchable and would beat the rap and began to transfer their assets to relatives' modern-day off-shore accounts.
  • In more modern times, thanks to Betty Friedan and her followers, housecleaning is deemed total drudgery and demeaning work -- something that evidently should be relegated to the untouchable class of India. January Organizing and Housecleaning
  • In her nerve tissue, nevertheless, the aversion to untouchables continued to twitch.
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • The individual lawmakers are untouchable for anything they do as legislators.
  • Most are from among the Untouchables in the now outlawed caste system, and regard it as their duty to pay off their parents' debts.
  • Most importantly, he will be remembered as the emancipator of other untouchables and the jurist in charge of drafting the constitution of the Indian republic. Unthinkable? An Ambedkar memorial | Editorial
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • From his days as a small-time fence selling stolen goods from Boston's second-hand shop in Leith to the years running guns and stolen vehicles up the coast of east Africa, it appeared that he was untouchable.
  • The classical epic was born in the silent era of Chaplin and Dietrich, and its success was synonymous with the golden age of Hollywood, a time of lavish productions and an exotic world of untouchable screen icons.
  • His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.
  • The city's vivid past gave rise to numerous films about Al Capone and the mob in Chicago, as well as violent television series like "The Untouchables," with crimebuster Eliot Ness engaged in weekly submachine gun battles with the likes of Frank Nitti. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2004
  • Cast in the role of liberation movement valiantly fighting multiple evils of the apartheid system, the ANC is able to situate itself on the virtually untouchable high moral ground.
  • There the name ‘the untouchables’ was given to a group of unbribable mafia hunters under the leadership of the Norwegian Mr Ness.
  • But the untouchables rejected this, they still called themselves, Dalit, a term meaning 'outcaste', 'crushed', 'broken to pieces'. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Murphy also saw his name surface in trade discussions, and figures that no Met is untouchable. NYDN Rss
  • With the exception of the Brahmans and the untouchables the middle level was extremely heterogeneous and often unidentifiable within the four-fold varna.
  • I want to make it clear, however, that no one is untouchable in this investigation.
  • We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
  • A woman from the Dalit or formerly Untouchable castes , she is admired for her courage and persistence but also feared for her vengefulness.
  • Six years ago McCain was seen as untouchable in a primary challenge, or even the general election, despite his apostasies. Today in 'Be Careful What You Wish For': McCain's Message Is Heard
  • These three Lebanese designers have not attempted to become the disembodied and untouchable master architect.
  • Police were today still hunting the weapon used to kill the 6ft, 20-stone criminal, who boasted in a TV documentary that he was untouchable.
  • It supplements the visual experience with auditory commentary, tactile maps, and touchable models to provide information about a room or an exhibit.
  • These authentic-looking, touchable items lead the reader into another narrative that unfolds beyond the pages of the book. An Interview with Innovative Author J.C. Hutchins
  • Legislators and activists who opposed the legislation said it would represent a Big Brother intrusion on civil liberties - they called it "liberticide" - while the European Parliament last month adopted a nonbinding resolution that defines Internet access as an untouchable "fundamental freedom. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal:Today's Headlines
  • Illustrated with spectacular, touchable foils , this book helps children explore the world around them and discover the colors in nature.
  • They think they are untouchable because excuses are made for their appalling behaviour.
  • We all know that youths are untouchable, that we're not allowed to defend ourselves and that authority is ridiculed.
  • A month or so ago, Arsenal, 49 matches without defeat, looked untouchable.
  • The corporeal, physical body is the tangible, seeable, touchable body, manifesting the desire of the spirit energy, to see itself manifest into a form that proves and provides its worth to all.
  • His brilliant career as attorney lifted him into prominence and gave him acceptance as spokesman for the untouchables.

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