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How To Use Totality In A Sentence

  • Now, while our _idea of God_ thus tells us that God has in his hand all causal chains in the world, and its million-threaded web in constant omni-surveying presence and in all-controlling omnipotence, our reflection on the _world_ and its substance and course also leads us from the _a posteriori_ starting-point of analytical investigation precisely to the same result; it even leads us to a still more concrete conception of this idea -- namely, to the result, that not only the _causal chains, in their totality and in their web_, but also _all single links_ of these chains, The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Now, while our _idea of God_ thus tells us that God has in his hand all causal chains in the world, and its million-threaded web in constant omni-surveying presence and in all-controlling omnipotence, our reflection on the _world_ and its substance and course also leads us from the _a posteriori_ starting-point of analytical investigation precisely to the same result; it even leads us to a still more concrete conception of this idea -- namely, to the result, that not only the _causal chains, in their totality and in their web_, but also _all single links_ of these chains, The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • What this means in totality is that he has to think strategically before barging into a battle, otherwise he could get killed. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • The question then is how do we measure and change our "exposome"--or the totality of the impact of the environment on your genes. Mark Hyman, MD: Why Your Genes Don't Determine Your Health
  • Thus the totality of intervals is thought of as a graduated structure leading from unitas via the perfect and imperfect assonances to the dissonances and nonharmonic rela - tionships. MUSIC AS A DIVINE ART
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  • The most interesting parts occur when the moon plunges into Earth's full shadow, called the umbra, and of course during the period of totality. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • So I expect the totality of the statement will be along those lines saying look, this is a sham and here is why.
  • Greek, "The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, the thanksgiving, the honor, the power, the might [the doxology is sevenfold, implying its totality and completeness], unto the ages of the ages. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • It's essential that we look at the problem in its totality.
  • We need to consider this very serious issue in its totality.
  • To get totality, the Moon must be near enough and the Sun far enough such that the lunar disk can completely block the Sun.
  • It doesn't mean he can't, or shouldn't, be investigated for the totality of his behavior.
  • But this totality still has strong oneiric qualities - dogmatism leads only to the hallucinatory domain. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Morality bears, neither in its progressive realization nor in its guilty perversion, the character of historicalness, — is in no respect a power essentially modificatory of universal history, and consciously aiming at such modification as its end; and even the ideal state is and remains simply the very limited activity-sphere of a special moral virtuosity of the governing individual spirit, without a higher world-historical purpose in relation to the totality of humanity. — Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • As we might expect, then, philosophy has generally been defined in ways which imply a certain totality, generality, and ultimateness of both subject matter and method. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • But the totality of their successes can't be put down to running slick campaigns.
  • Hedonists have appropriated the term happiness as an equivalent to the totality of pleasurable or agreeable feeling. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The projected totality of all conventional and nonconventional natural gas sources depends significantly on the assumptions made.
  • The key to our reformation will be a positive and receptive attitude toward the totality of the human experience.
  • Now, if one adds criteria such as 'repeatably predictable observational consequences' etc one runs into a problem with regard to testing for the reality of conscious minds, since what's it's really like to be me — the totality of my qualia — plausibly is unique to me and is intrinsically not observable by anyone else. Darwin's God
  • Just such a totality of symptoms has been recorded by provers after taking the fungus for some length of time in toxical quantities. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Besides this, Heidegger includes all sciences into a homogenic and homological group, the totality of science, which seems to be, not only a coarse judgment, but also simply a totally blind and incompetent misjudgment. Enowning
  • Yoga is then not just exercise and stretches, but encompasses the totality of the whole person.
  • These books suggest that our commitments in their totality may be more important in choosing a church than denominationalism or form and style of worship.
  • Goodness knows what horrid things he saw and I fear that there's no knowing the totality or the extent of the images that remained in his memories.
  • The Universal Community, which possessed truth in its totality, became for Royce a viable alternative to the Absolute.
  • It is a limit to language if language here is understood as the totality of available procedures for observation, interpretation, description and explanation. Philosophy at the Limit
  • the totality of war and its consequences
  • Because Fairbairn thought that it is not possible for the child who needs others to withdraw completely from objects when deprived or thwarted, he viewed the child’s ego as coping with environmental failure by splitting its experiences with bad objects into the following different internal parts, the totality of which is referred to as the endopsychic structure. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • On the contrary, features and limbs are perceived in isolation without relation, as fragments rather than as part of a totality.
  • In eroticism the poles of life and death, being and nothingness, fullness and emptiness are one, dissolved like subject and object in the insensible totality of things.
  • It was to be a science of man in all his plenitude, in his totality.
  • The first tribunal concluded that looking at the totality of the evidence the claimant represented a genuine and sufficiently serious risk to the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if it should be allowed that the series has no first term, but has originated _ab œterno_, it must always at each instant have a _last term_; the series, as a whole, can not be infinite, and hence can not, as Kant claims it can, realize in its wholeness unconditioned totality. Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
  • Using the term 'gnostic' for what you believe in all its depth and its totality was intended to reach a similar level of simple courtesy to that I get when unbelieving friends call me a 'pagan' - a good general term for roughly what floats my spiritual boat - rather than 'heathen' - the specific term for what sets that boat alight. [christianity] is fair discussion possible [1]
  • Certainly it would be worrying if students were being taught that these aspects are the totality of what literature has to offer.
  • But this is not the totality of the number of failures in the war on terror.
  • Is it thither that the human drift in all its totality is trending? THE HUMAN DRIFT
  • He posed once the idea to me that the whole, the totality of the universe is just perception.
  • appalled by the totality of the destruction
  • A humble proletarian hotel proprietor is subsequently pole-axed by the super-structure of the capitalist means-of-production in a dramatic example of Asiatic despotism at work throughout the totality of the imperialist capitalist system. Libertarians Still Lusting for Palin? « Blog
  • The attraction and power of such a bid resides in its totality, as if someone had disaggregated the dots in a photograph, discarded half, added new ones and then reassembled them all into a compelling new photograph.
  • Creation, God, the Absolute - it's all the emergent totality of an infinite dynamic process.
  • Well, let us indeed examine the totality of the Prime Minister's words and deeds, and discover how we came by this misunderstanding.
  • The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .
  • But it is also apparent that that totality is not completely known, nor is its future shape even presumed.
  • Many people will have seen some of the photos and footage of these areas, but it is still hard to be fully prepared for the totality of the devastation.
  • It is the international system of currency that determines the totality of life on this planet!
  • He insists that religious belief as a whole is not superstition, and that it is true so far as it is an expression of a ˜nisus to totality™ or a ˜move to wholeness.™ My Recycled Soul
  • At emergence, the seeker may reconstruct the ego under the Will, that the ego will in totality reflect the true light.
  • An artwork then, when seen as one of Leibniz's monads, is its own universe but its perspective is within the larger totality of society in which the other artworks reside and refer.
  • Tunbridge, and praising the German Spa, in cant words, emphatically and conceitedly pronounced, and brought round upon every occasion, and in every speech, with so precise an exclusion of all other terms, that their vocabulary scarce consisted of forty words in totality. Camilla
  • But the bibliomaniac may in fact have supplied his contemporaries with a resource for thinking about how booksor, better still, the canon (that "imaginary totality of works" referenced by John Guillory, who cautions us against the ideological misprision involved in thinking that it might be materialized anywhere) might be more firmly attached to persons, might be rendered personal effects. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • The Moon sets during totality from East Africa, the Middle East and central Asia.
  • It is to be served concurrent to the sentence for manslaughter, in light of the continuity between the offences, and having regard to the totality principle.
  • On the contrary, in every organic process, the antitheses always reflect a unified totality, and civilization is an organic process.
  • Sometimes the term scope is used to mean the totality of work needed to complete a project.
  • We haven't made up our minds in totality yet ... but still, this hit home. We Are Four
  • The totality of English grammar is too great to be studied in detail.
  • The American people will make a judgment on the totality of those issues.
  • We had some windows where the market was strong and some where it was dormant, but in totality, the quality and breadth were quite encouraging. Wall Street Rides Wave of Stock, Bond Rallies
  • The Hegelian dialectic attempts to grasp the totality of the system and argues that change occurs as a result of contradictions internal to that system.
  • The Roman state was false and anti-Christian precisely because it wanted to be the totality of human capacity.
  • At an early age, before he had experienced life in its natural totality, he embarked upon an odyssey charted out for him by others.
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • Levinas for example, still go on imperturbably talking about the way "the feminine is the Other refractory to society" (Levinas, Totality and Infinity 265), and, implicitly, about Jehovah as an old man with a long gray beard. Crossroads of Philosophy and Cultural Studies: Body, Context, Performativity, Community
  • The first tribunal concluded that looking at the totality of the evidence the claimant represented a genuine and sufficiently serious risk to the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • The key to our reformation will be a positive and receptive attitude toward the totality of the human experience.
  • One regrets for the hundredth time that incidents such as this should be swallowed up as minor details in the totality of the battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a systemic, chronic failure of management right across the totality of the agency.
  • Trudeau: Yes, it sort of took me by surprise that it had a kind of novelistic totality that certainly was unintentional... The Guardian World News
  • The totality of living organisms is the biosphere, although this term is also used to denote the environment inhabited by living organisms.
  • The totality of evidence, to my mind, powerfully suggests that he is clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • In general, an automorphism of a space, any space, is an invertible transformation of the entire space into itself, and such a transformation is nothing other than a rearrangement of the totality of the points of the space from their given ordering into any other. SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY
  • The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.
  • And the affirmation of life is what we had all been gasping for in an effort to regain the totality of our humanity.
  • Each social construction is then part of a larger whole - a totality.
  • It deals with the totality of individual and social health including preventive and curative aspects.
  • The first tribunal concluded that looking at the totality of the evidence the claimant represented a genuine and sufficiently serious risk to the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • The highest Self is called by these different terms in order to teach threefoldness of devout meditation; viz. meditation on Brahman in itself as the cause of the entire world; on Brahman as having for its body the totality of enjoying (individual) souls; and on Brahman as having for its body the objects and means of enjoyment. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • But to say without qualification that the totality of the events constituted an injustice misdescribes the historical record.
  • Therefore, acceptance of human genetic diversity in its totality necessarily leads to the rejection of unidimensional rankings of the capacity of human individuals or groups. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • Such ideas as that of unconditioned totality, and of the perfect creator who exists of necessity, generate illusions when considered in their constitutive role: that is, when considered as descriptions of reality.
  • appalled by the totality of the destruction.
  • The plethora of mediocre, bad, and atrocious charter schools speaks to this, as does the fact that, in totality, charters actually underperform their traditional counterparts. Paras Bhayani: Waiting for a Fair Shake: The One Sidedness of 'Waiting for Superman'
  • The totality of the evidence needs to be weighed and assessed.
  • It would seem to follow from this principle that enumerative induction is unjustified, since we should not expect (finite) samples from the totality of natural numbers to be indicative of universal properties. Non-Deductive Methods in Mathematics
  • Wait for clarity and totality before starting a new business venture.
  • As the eclipse reached totality that had fallen to just 83 degrees.
  • Sometimes the inferior power emanates in its totality from the superior, in which case the entire potence of the former is founded upon the potence of the latter, so that obedience is due to the higher at all times and without exceptions. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • To put it epigrammatically, the totality of the modern state seems to require unconditional surrender as a necessary correlative of its total wars.
  • Let there be safeguards by all means, but these should not be in the totality that they currently are.
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • The totality of evidence suggests that most people will likely benefit from reducing sodium intake. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Mind you, not in totality, but I think you get the gist of what I mean.) Moon
  • Although the husband had only forty-seven days in totality within the relevant twelve months he had made nine arrivals within the jurisdiction.
  • This eclipse is unusual because the Moon itself eclipses, or occults, a brightish star during totality!
  • Chimpanzee youngsters thus acquire the majority, if not the totality, of their gestures by individually ritualizing them with one another.
  • The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.
  • The image of the social totality has often been remarked to be more difficult to perceive from street level than from above.
  • The totality of the minute, simple world of the humans, microscopic and negligible as it was in the siderial universe, was as far beyond his guessing as is the siderial universe beyond the starriest guesses and most abysmal imaginings of man. CHAPTER XXIV
  • Indeed, hers is a strikingly nonhistorical and nondialectical account of antagonistic social dynamics constitutive of an apprehensible social totality.
  • Furthermore, critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality.
  • Very few countries and societies have come close to achieving good governance in its totality.
  • ‘Any concerns are heavily outweighed by the totality of the positive benefits,’ he said.
  • Totality means continuity -- the carrying on of a former habit of action with the readaptation necessary to keep it alive and growing. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • Only the eastern coast of North America will see the eclipse totality, as the Moon rises.
  • For this reason, the definition of such conceptions as generality, totality, and ultimateness is most readily reached from the side of the disposition toward the world which they connote. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • For Aquinas, universum was synonymous with creatura, there being a radical difference between creative being and created being, a distinction that Aquinas highlights by equating the totality of created being with the universe. Dietrich of Freiberg
  • Supposing this primitive stock to have {140} arisen directly from a very lowly organized animal indeed (such as a nematoid worm, or an ascidian, or a jelly-fish), yet it is not easy to believe that less than two thousand million years would be required for the totality of animal development by no other means than minute, fortuitous, occasional, and intermitting variations in all conceivable directions. On the Genesis of Species
  • It is true that it controlled the details rather than the totality of life; but the reason why it dealt with life, detail by detail, was that its exponents, owing to their spiritual purblindness, were unable to see the wood for the trees. What Is and What Might Be A Study of Education in General and Elementary Education in Particular
  • How can one respond to the totality with partial, fragmentary pattern?
  • The main theme of the works of Eco is a mythopoetical totality. "Although people in humanities have always lamented the state of the field..."
  • In this totality the conscious mind is contained like a smaller circle within a larger one.
  • When a statement is formulated, it is checked against the totality of existing statements.
  • The Goya concept is inspired by the idea of the cosmos, blending totality with the unspecific.
  • Parts of it will be true and some of it will be only as I conceive it, but in totality it will make the final statement about the Venus program and about myself. REVIEW: Beyond Apollo by Barry Malzberg
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • The totality of chthonic tradition could thus serve the goal of human dignity as effectively as a western code of human rights.
  • The main theme of the works of Tarantino is a mythopoetical totality. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Yet it was there, shouting its message of warning through every tissue cell, every nerve quickness and brain sensitivity of him — a totality of sensation that foreboded the ultimate catastrophe of life about which he knew nothing at all, but which, nevertheless, he felt to be the conclusive supreme disaster. CHAPTER VI
  • It encompasses the totality of life. Christianity Today
  • The poem builds toward a negative telos: the eventual proclamation of ‘the darkness of white’ - whiteness seen as the totality of its ambiguities and paradoxes, an aporia.
  • This displaces the track of totality about 60 degrees east in longitude.
  • Culture, and the harmonious perfection of our whole being, and what we call totality, then become secondary matters; and the institutions, which should develope these, take the same narrow and partial view of humanity and its wants as the free religious communities take. Culture and Anarchy
  • De Manian rigor is of course, for Guillory, a sham, an excuse for the pathos and the lurid figures it generates; 14 but the de Manian master-trope of rigor "facilitates an imaginary reduction of the social totality to the structure of trope," allowing "rhetorical reading to function as a political theory just by virtue of being no more than a theory of literature Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • The point is the musclemen of that era thought more about the totality of their physiques than bodybuilders do today.
  • This bifurcation decays and falls to pieces when productive labor, in its totality. appropriates the special characteristics of the performing artist.
  • I think that the capacity for societal contextualization is key strength of sociological analysis, which can relativize the parts vis-a-vis the wider whole without actually grasping the whole totality. Satire: Intentions, Best Interpretations, And Reality » Sociological Images
  • I could imagine the whole of Arcadia slowing slightly as it processed my totality, my thoughts.
  • My totality of thought was precipitated to consciousness in a single all-embracing flash. THE PRINCESS
  • The idea of possessing eternal life as an immortal soul attempts to rob death of its totality, and therefore of its sanctity.
  • At totality, the moon hides the sun for anything up to seven minutes.
  • The board used a flexible standard that said totality of the circumstances when it clearly appears a chad is separated from the card or, in circumstances where it's not separated from the card, the remainder of the ballot appears to reflect the same type of intent from vote to vote, and the example is -- and you may have seen this from interviews from the chairman of the canvassing board on -- on television -- where an imperfectly punched ballot was reviewed by the canvassing board, known as the indented chad or the dimpled chad, and the canvassing board saw no other evidence of that type of indentation throughout the remainder of the voting, the board determined that the intent to vote was not fully formed and provable for that presidential race and, therefore, it did not count as a vote. CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: The Florida Recount: Duval County Officials Prepare for Recount - December 9, 2000
  • The New determine the orbit of the param - with the crown of glory. the Seven Mansion Worlds, the Jerusalem will be revealed as a eter, a test is taken to see what 30 We can see h o w Merkabah Light worlds of the lower Merkabah totality, a system which energy fields need to be crossed. can spiral through the inner chem - luminaries. will coordinate all building blocks Once they know how many fields ical lattice of planetary program - 35 Merkabah is witness to the of crystal into one greater life force. need to be crossed they create ming so as to attune the species to bringing of prophetic consciousness This is why the key tells u s that what they call rotational circumver - central growth cycles, or speed from one level to other levels of the higher intelligence uses the sion which is two conic sections of through star systems and connect a creation. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • If tracks of totality were so considerate as to pass across well-established observatories, then astronomers' lives would be simpler.
  • The Rules of Conduct cover the totality of a registrant's conduct, but several are directly applicable to risk issues.
  • The Palestinian-American critic Edward Said, who in polemical moments indulged in a Manichaeanism inflamed by the Palestinian cause, was one of those who found in Fanon a link between Marxist totality and Third World anticolonialism. The Chosen Peoples
  • Each of these requirements is worthy, even noble, but in their totality they should be cause for alarm.
  • In their totality, they represent and are called the archetypal man, without whom the production of permanent worlds was impossible. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • the all-embracing totality of the state
  • Whence it is easy to conclude that the totality [assemblage] of all spirits [esprits] must compose the City of God, that is to say, the most perfect State that is possible, under the most perfect of Monarchs. posted by Brandon | 11:45 AM Liebniz on the Image of God
  • One of my posts is not the sum totality of my thinking on the subject.
  • At mid-totality, the Moon's southern limb is a mere 0.7 arc-minutes from the umbra's centre.
  • On the contrary, features and limbs are perceived in isolation without relation, as fragments rather than as part of a totality.
  • I've compiled a list below, and the totality is striking. Rove, Chamber ads widely debunked as false or misleading
  • Therefore, acceptance of human genetic diversity in its totality necessairly leads to the rejection of unidimensional rankings of the capacity of human individuals or groups. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • The projected totality of all conventional and nonconventional natural gas sources depends significantly on the assumptions made.
  • Prague School structuralism is a programme for the precise and systematic explanation of the aesthetic effect of a text in its totality.
  • The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.

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