total eclipse

  1. an eclipse as seen from a place where the eclipsed body is completely obscured
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How To Use total eclipse In A Sentence

  • Collect information on a partial eclipse and a total eclipse of the moon.
  • The total eclipse of the sun in your birth sign makes today a turning point when wishes you make with a sincere heart can happen. The Sun
  • For instance, if input: One day which can Paris see the next time total eclipse?
  • It was the week of the total eclipse, so the place was like Bethlehem at census time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The eclipse is an example of the rarest type of solar eclipse, a ‘hybrid’ in which some areas see a total eclipse while others see an annular, or ring-shaped, eclipse.
  • Like the chromosphere, the corona can only be seen by eye during a total eclipse, although there are other technical ways to observe it between times.
  • Every prostrate Kanaka; every coil of rope; every calabash of poi; every puppy; every seam in the flooring; every bolthead; every object; however minute, showed sharp and distinct in its every outline; and the shadow of the broad mainsail lay black as a pall upon the deck, leaving Billings's white upturned face glorified and his body in a total eclipse. Roughing It, Part 7.
  • So, one will observe either a total eclipse by the umbra (which can be well observed), a partial eclipse by the umbra and penumbra, or a total or partial eclipse by the penumbra only.
  • The total eclipse of the moon inspires you to give and get more love. The Sun
  • a total eclipse
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