How To Use Tosser In A Sentence
What kind of tosser does that—drop chewing-gum on a shop floor?
The Devil's Kitchen
As if we're all going to sit around and say things like "squiffy," tosser "or" wanker "- although we can think of a few who deserve that last moniker.
Beaumont Enterprise Blogs
Yahoos widget site, including a bulk coin tosser and one that tracks the price of gold every 30 minutes.
Internet News: Yahoo Widgets
Over the past fortnight a rap song calling the health secretary "Andrew Lansley tosser" and "greedy Andrew Lansley… you grey-haired manky codger" has become a theme tune of the anti-cuts movement.
Andrew Lansley: He's got designs on our health
Tho some right tosser at work seems to think byker grove was in liverpool. lol haha What a tw @ t ......
Army Rumour Service
Do you think there is any semantic difference between the words 'tosser' and 'wanker'?
A rose by any other name...
Some tosser with a "didge" honking all over DJ Nut Nut's set at the Magic Loungeabout Club.
Grace Dent's TV OD: Perfume
At the time, the Conservative Party came under criticism for it mainly because it used the word "tosser" and was apparently insulting to people.
Archive 2007-09-01
IG, shame that this absolute tosser is not revealed to the whole world. on January 8, 2010 at 7: 23 am inspectorgadget
A tosser is man learned and skilled in the ways of Onan and a mockney acent is a cockney ccent affected by a middle class person.
Cruel and Unusual
It worked, on the whole, but there are still a few things which push my buttons, and uncompromising arrogant tossers are one of them.
He left me alone, I worked my nuts off and we locked up loads of villans and put them in prison and I squared away some lazy tossers who did chuff all for their money.
Therefore, for those unaware of the nature of this programme, I’m A Tosser as it is known amongst the cognoscenti is a programme that – seemingly - every few weeks trawls the fetid bottom of the celebrity swamp.
I’m A Publicity Seeking Tosser, Bury Me Alive….
Such that assetless tossers bring spurious actions knowing that no penalty can be levied against them should they lose.
Infidels Are Cool
After it's been decided, the tossers will have to swallow their insults.
Over at Jake Tosser's Political Cockpunch, one of Tosser's interns smarms it up on behalf of the boss:
Roger Ailes
In my opinion Peter is a good and consistant Lib Dem blogger - and I find the descriptive adjective 'Lib Dem' to be far more insulting than 'speccy', and than the derivative of 'tosser' for that matter!
What place for Sharia Law.
The "tosser" shuffles again, the man wins and puts many silver dollars in his pocket.
Six Months in Mexico
The "tosser" has one or two accomplices who win the first money to excite the crowd or again to increase their waning energy.
Six Months in Mexico
I shall never upgrade, you misanthropic bile spewing pedantical tosser!
It’s No Name-Calling Week, mofos! « raincoaster
Tosser's Brewing that "extra dry" on the label infringed its copyright, according to TheAge.
Nokia, Apple, Microsoft: Intellectual Property - Bloomberg
As long as my furry oh so good looking arse points to the ground the tosser who is in gummite sprouting this shite will never get my fkn voted.
Cheeseburger Gothic » More of a Friday Writing Thought than a Friday Writing Blog.
It must be galling to say the least when scumbags like the chavtastic tosser you mentioned very early get away with murder.
Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
You need to challenge your own prejudices with a little more historical sense P from M (and Frank P I'm coming to you too in a minute you fatuous old tosser, oops I swore I wouldn't sink to your level of name-calling Frank, but you just have this effect on people - by the way, who cares what your granny did or didn't say to you you big looby).
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
As for the US links ... that's what I call smearing and that's what I call right wing tossery.
Man Watching: Greater Spotted Tossers At Large
Barry is repulsed by Tosser's Little Englander mentality, but beggars can't be choosers, and he knows that unless he can raise some cash quick the bailiff will be moving in on him, his business and his unsuspecting wife.