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  1. an unpredictable phenomenon
    it's a toss-up whether he will win or lose

How To Use toss-up In A Sentence

  • He's so sunny and earnest that it's a toss-up whether to be charmed or vaguely nauseous.
  • It's a toss-up whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead.
  • This might not be one in the end -- but it was clearly a toss-up; and to consecrate a toss-up in this fashion with manufactured unction before a crowd of fashionable free-thinkers -- for who thought otherwise than freely, or not at all, when they were "dolled" up -- seemed to her as near Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • Although the Swiftech solution won the majority of the benchmarks, it is really a toss-up when you look closely at the numbers.
  • The miss rate on our trend estimates -- districts where the leader in the poll averages ultimately lost -- increased in stair-step fashion from 6% in the likely or non-competitive districts, to 14% in districts rated as leaning to one party or the other to 28% in the toss-up races. Explaining The Pollster-Dashboard U.S. House Model
  • It's not his best work by far (that would be a toss-up between any of the other four roles I listed), but it's pretty incredible.
  • Whether this is a result of poor writing or poor acting is a toss-up, but let's be generous and blame both.
  • The three-way Alaska Senate race remains very much a toss-up and by far the biggest wild card, given the hard to measure write-in candidacy of incumbent Republican Lisa Murkowski, although either Murkowski or Republican nominee Joe Miller would caucus with the Republicans. Final Election 2010 Polls Diverge: Will It Be Tsunami Or Bad Storm?
  • Either way the net impact is relatively small, our current trend estimate gives Raese just a 1. 6-point edge (46.9% to 45.3%) -- very much a toss-up race. New Polls Confirm Sestak's Rebound, Leads For Boxer And Brown
  • It's pretty much a toss-up as to which arena is more cutthroat.
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