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How To Use Tortured In A Sentence

  • The language is necessarily tortured in describing the 18,225 electronic scratch-ticket machines that would be apportioned according to a formula in the initiative.
  • Their e-mails were 'tortured haikus of indirectness', so he told me. Relationships Of Mutual Mistrust
  • I stood it until I became tortured day and night by the prod of reason, then I quietly left the church and bade farewell to the heathen Scapular and the ten thousand other trinkets of blind paganism, and resolved to break the chain of this "_slave of the soul_" and "_tyrant of reason_. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain. Andersonville — Volume 1
  • They may not realise that the Irishman was a tortured soul during the match, and was losing sleep at the possibility of becoming the Crucible's biggest-ever choker.
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  • The prisoner told lawyers he was tortured using the strappado, in which a prisoner is suspended from a bar with handcuffs.
  • Previously, detainees have been hit or tortured during questioning, villagers say.
  • They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence.
  • We Tortured and We'd Do It Again for his latest hysterical rant in support of kidglove treatment for headlopping babyhunters. The Jawa Report
  • They have been subjected to the most degrading treatment and have been tortured to extract confessions from them.
  • The latest case of miscreance is his refusal to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the rendition of a Canadian man who was taken ast JFK from a flight to his home and instead sent to Syria where he was kept in prison and tortured for a year. OpEdNews - Diary: America Back on Track... for Friday, July 25th
  • The genius part is that height and rebound are fully adjustable courtesy of handgrips, you don't need tools to give the tortured undercarriage some breathing space on the road.
  • This may seem surprising to those who associate suicide with tortured geniuses like Ernest Hemingway and Vincent Van Gogh.
  • The secret police tortured him to obtain information.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • When I was a small child, I imagined that hell consisted of caves in which the damned were trapped, tortured and burnt.
  • He was persuaded to take the job only after being imprisoned and tortured.
  • He told how he was blindfolded, taken to an interrogation centre and tortured for seven weeks.
  • Several claimed to have been tortured whilst in custody.
  • In many countries people are victimised, terrorised, disappeared or tortured, for publicly, or even privately, expressing dissent.
  • That was the first squeamishness the Pathan had shown of any kind, but men of his race would rather be tortured to death than hanged in a merciful hempen noose. In The Time Of Light
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • The surviving leaders of the conspiracy were tortured in prison to make them confess.
  • The Kashmiri police say he was taken into custody as a suspect, tortured and shot in cold blood.
  • Three years after Stewart's disappearance, Boone's life was again devastated when a Cherokee tortured and killed his eldest child, 16-year-old James, and later another son, a brother, and a nephew were also killed during the often bloody fighting over the settling of Kentucky. Great American Hunters: Daniel Boone
  • Bernal has every tick of repression down as Amaro, tortured by the conflict between his calling and his own desire.
  • At that moment, Nosair and Abouhalima may have had an epiphany: back home in Egypt, suspected terrorists are dragged in and tortured. The Road To September 11
  • People were regularly imprisoned, tortured, or killed for literally any reason: not stopping in front of the Palace for the daily noontime playing of the national anthem; speaking -- if you were a man -- to the girlfriend of a government henchman; protesting that a cow got into your garden, if that cow's owner had a friend in government. Beverly Bell: In Haiti, "We Will Never Fall Asleep Forgetting"
  • A criminal might deserve to be tortured; we refuse to torture him nonetheless, because to do so degrades us.
  • Well, at the end, those people, the prisoners will be able to finger the people who tortured them or badly treated them.
  • The average foreigner is a tortured soul, trying desperately to discern any logic in the squirms and squiggles of an Indian road map.
  • It seems that he was never tortured by his homosexuality, and he had a curious fetish for grey flannels and corduroys.
  • At another location in Kratie, prisoners at the Kanh Chor commune prison were tortured; Mr. Yoen Chhoen describes how he himself was “physically tortured” until his ribs were broken. The Death Toll in Cambodia: Quantifying Crimes Against Humanity (Craig Etcheson)
  • A puckish irreverence, calculated to upend the cliché of the tortured master builder, is integral to his impressive resume. Building a Better Future
  • They tortured him until he was broken in spirit.
  • When the English girls at the Kensington Academy, where Rachel Esmond had her education, teased and tortured the little American stranger, and laughed at the princified airs which she gave herself from a very early age, The Virginians
  • But many more wounds will be opened before the government can stabilise this deeply tortured nation.
  • He was held in solitary confinement in the General Intelligence headquarters in Riyadh and was reportedly tortured.
  • In response the lord takes back his forgiveness and orders the unforgiving slave tortured.
  • From time immemorial despots have imprisoned their opponents under particularly cruel conditions; they have tortured them, dishonored them, debased and executed them.
  • Does “weatherboarding” mean people are being tortured by global warming? pseudonymous in nc says: Matthew Yglesias » Inhofe Kinda Sorta Admits Waterboarding is Torture
  • But now when an Egyptian simpleton is tortured by the hands of a Libyan officer - a government representative - in an official police station for a prolonged period of time with the intention of torture and homicide, and when the guy is shipped back in a pile to spend the rest of his life incapacitated - when all of that happens, will we see thousands of Islamists demonstrating in his defense? Global Voices in English » Egypt: What’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander
  • In response, their debut single for the major was a playful, painful cover of Al Green's ‘L.O.V.E. Love’ which featured a tortured sounding man trying to hit the high notes like an alley cat mewling on a fence.
  • For a nation to endorse torture as an element of policy and to employ it just once is to befoul it morally ever bit as much as if it had tortured millions. Hastert goes (back) to work for Turkey « Blog
  • The L Word shatters stereotypes about lesbians as tortured, troubled man-haters who never find happiness.
  • Some of them have been tortured or given heavy prison sentences for this offence alone.
  • As I posted before, the unproven allegation that Mr. Padilla was "tortured" is irrelevant to his current prosecution. Balkinization
  • They were tortured, humiliated and abused in gross contravention of the Geneva convention.
  • The President asked that it be CIA agent Buckley, but Buckley had by then been tortured to death.
  • At the apex of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, there's a scene where Ransom Stoddard has a tortured burst of scrupulosity.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • The first stage of the Adolf-666 fell away in the subfreezing black sky above the Atlantic Ocean, with the gunshot bangs of the explosive bolts, the scream of tortured exospheric oxy-nitrogen on hypersonic aluminum, and the roar of the modified A4 upper stage's ethyl alcohol/liquid oxygen engine electrically ignited and blasting like a blowtorch from Hell. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • The regime routinely jails dissidents, has tortured them, and bans all opposition.
  • The public display of the tortured body terrorizes through the depths of horror implied in its calibration of pain witnessed by a culturally informed public.
  • There is nothing more demoralizing to the torturer, or more inspiring to the enemy he seeks to torture, than the sight of the tortured dying with a smile or even a blessing, physically broken but mentally unvanquished.
  • In retaliation to killings of northerners in the South, the military rulers massacred thousands of southerners and many were brutally tortured.
  • The student was tortured with anxiety.
  • His jailers realized that his ransom would exceed those of the other prisoners, so Raymond was continuously tortured for preaching.
  • It later emerged that prisoners at the camp were routinely tortured, and many executed.
  • Prosecution witnesses were allegedly tortured or subjected to other pressure to fabricate evidence against them.
  • Their debut song was a maudlin affair - to say the least - that dredged up just about every unforgiven sin and memory in his poor tortured soul.
  • The other, Alexandra/Tatiana, is a tortured cipher who nevertheless shows glimpses of a specific person/ality buried in the cliché. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Circus Ringmaster: John le Carré
  • The prison was where the president's henchmen tortured and executed many political prisoners.
  • Good work too from Pip Carter who plays the accident-prone Yepihodov as a tortured, lovesick soul, from Emily Taaffe who shows both the flightiness and heartbreak of the maid Dunyasha, and from Kenneth Cranham who pins down the sad senility of the neglected servant, Firs. The Cherry Orchard - review
  • The setting is Baku in 1920, in the last tortured months of a brief utopian period in that city when people of all nationalities and religions lived in harmony.
  • He is a man on the edge of a mental abyss, a soul tortured by events in his past he dare not confront when sober.
  • At least a dozen times over the past two years I've heard the sickening thud and tortured tire screech that signals a fresh wreck in the intersection.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • More "underground" Pagan priests are discovered, arrested, burlesqued, tortured and executed in Alexandria, Egypt. The Church-State Alliance and the future of humanity
  • Kensington Academy, where Rachel Esmond had her education, teased and tortured the little American stranger, and laughed at the princified airs which she gave herself from a very early age, Fanny The Virginians
  • Jones, 54, of Waukesha, foolishly "gambled" by dealing drugs and by lying to his lawyer about being beaten and tortured in a POW camp for nearly four months before escaping, the judge said. Ary Jones
  • Schools of grunts, coneys and tangs marked the entrance to the grotto, an ancient lava flow that cooled to a black tortured cavity.
  • For weeks she lies awake, tortured by financial worries and the uncontrollable series of events that have led to her demise.
  • He was immediately captured by hostile forces and taken to a prison camp where he was interrogated and severely tortured.
  • She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.
  • In his desire to make himself utterly irrecognizable as the seafaring man who had carried the tidings of the murder to Mellish Park, the captain had tortured himself by substituting a tight circular collar and a wisp of purple ribbon for the honest half-yard of snowy linen which it had been his habit to wear turned over the loose collar of his blue coat. Aurora Floyd. A Novel
  • The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured.
  • _Manrico_ is being tortured, after having been taken prisoner in a combat during the _entr'acte_. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, October 29, 1892
  • Caught up in a frenzy of 17th-century persecution, the elderly woman was thrown in the city's tollbooth and tortured before being executed.
  • He must learn to relax more, not be racked by the tortured tenseness that had afflicted him for the past weeks.
  • (through whose tortured glottis the word nymphet has decisively been lifted into the linguistic mainstream from the minor Jacobean rivulets of Drayton and Drummond), whose speech is effectively spoonerized by the "tender, mysterious, impure, indifferent twilight eyes" of "Haze, Dolores" (to firmly place the child where she belongs -- in a school attendance list): VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • Of course, I was only displaying the ultimately cliched boomer trait, a tortured denial of my own advancing years.
  • He depicted a version of his scarred but curiously often blissful family life: nine siblings (three of whom died in infancy), a drained and loving mother, and a tortured, violent-tempered father who died when Davies was 6; his burgeoning homosexuality and struggle with his Catholic faith; the solace and rapture that the cinema bestowed on him. Intimate History
  • I did a paper on torture in college and I can never forget the worst ones: the glass tube shoved into the penis and then broken while the tortured person is forced to drink glass after glass of water, the legs encased in a vise and put in a burlap sack and then pounded with hammers until the burlap is the only thing holding them together. Land of the Blind
  • It is unconscionable to think that people are dropping like flies on Syrian streets, the injured are hiding in private homes to avoid capture or cold-blooded murder, the funeral procession are being shot at with many killed at a time they bereave the dead, the detained are tortured and many die and are buried in mass graves, yet the international community seems only willing to extend words of comfort. . . Notable & Quotable
  • As soon as the feverishly seething blood rushes over my brain and drowns my consciousness, the oldest devils, driving out and disarming all laterborn ones, come back again, and that best shows, without doubt, how they must once have tortured me. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 Friedrich Hebbel and Otto Ludwig
  • Thousands of people were tortured on the rack.
  • Usually the first thing we do with a new batch of stock, is dip in a ladle, as we are in too much of a hurry to even drain it, having been teased and tortured with the redolence of chicken for a couple of hours, pour it into cups that already contain home made noodles and hungrily devour the soup. At My Table
  • I am sure Mr. Smith grieves for the murdered Soviet soldiers, the brutalized Chinese, the tortured Americans, but like the rest of us he can only focus on one horror at a time.
  • Like a ghost lost between digital static and analog confusion, LaFontaine wails on guitar, operatics shooting from her tortured throat.
  • In Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the character of Esmeralda is tortured using the boot.
  • The fun/horror begins when the customer who presents himself for shaving is none other than the smooth monster who tortured Ivanov.
  • As every outraged nerve in my body cried for alleviation, so my tortured mind shrieked for surcease from the accusing memory of the things I had said and done while under the influence of alcohol. Madeleine: An Autobiography
  • Certainly the romance of the Tortured Genius has perdured in modern Western art.
  • My ability to string words into a necklace of meaning is hobbled by a shaky, tortured, and misshapen syntax…
  • And by consciously undermanning the "liberation" we created the circumstances that have led to sweeps of innocent Iraqi people who are then dragged into a prison system with no due process and are systematically tortured --- by us, not Saddam. Hullabaloo
  • Caught in the vamp-vs.-werewolf standoff between the Salvatore bros and the vengeful Jules with hunky new Brady as her hench-wolf, poor Caroline is shot in the head, trapped in a cage and repeatedly shot, sprayed and tortured by Caleb until novice were-teen Tyler is delivered. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • This twisted notion that we would only observe our own laws, our own Constitution, our own Enlightenment Age ideals-if there was something in it for us, if we could somehow profit by it - appalls me. brought to mind something in a talk given by Sabine Willet (one of the attys for the Uighur and a commerical bankruptucy lawyer who felt compelled by the injustice to do something - while DOJ litigators felt compelled to lie to courts and continue to block habeas requests for men who their own files showed were innocent and had been abused and tortured bc of governmental policy that * no one leaves GITMO innocent*) Firedoglake
  • He was tortured severely, stripped and manacled to a concrete cell floor.
  • He is plagued by a series of surreal hallucinations in which his father is brutally tortured.
  • WIth the departure of Darth Cheney, America will again uphold the rule of law at home and not the petty rule of an oligarch-tyrant who believed “l’etat c’est moi” was the policy for both 300 million Americans as well as untold countless illegally-detained and - tortured overseas in his gulags. — And the Winner Is … - The Caucus Blog -
  • Its tortured waters would writhe and convolve into huge ridges of foam, as if a new ocean were struggling for birth beneath the laboring surface. Fleetwood, Or, the Stain of Birth
  • A reader sends along a copy of a breathless invitation that he received from Matthew Stadler, a Randy Gragg comrade in pretention and tortured artist-type gay author who puts together "presentations/symposia/bacchanals in Portland, Oregon, replete with food, drink, music, and general boisterousness garlanding the central pleasure of bright intellects voicing their excellent texts, winging it in conversation, and screening or presenting various textual and visual delights. Creep Suzette (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He was tortured severely, stripped and manacled to a concrete cell floor.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Thompson's solo is a cry from the heart, both a reflection of the violence, the tortured mind of Wells and the women he slaughtered. Michael Giltz: Music: Richard Thompson at Town Hall
  • Today, it is the outdoor activity capital of southern Utah, and mountains around it echo with whooping base jumpers, spluttering river rafters and the squeal of tortured mountain bikes.
  • The rehearsal scenes saw him perform the obligatory and cringeworthy tortured-genius-kicks-chair-over routine.
  • John Wayne Gacy, who tortured and murdered dozens of young men, was engaged when his execution date arrived.
  • Dapper of dress and genial of manner, Corbett seems the antithesis of the tortured comic suffering endless agonies for his art.
  • If someone spends several years in a POW camp being beaten, tortured, starved, threatened with death, having bones broken and never set, having their groins bayonetted and never treated, having their teeth knocked out....then they have the right to talk about that experience, should they survive, all that they want. How stupid is it for Obama supporters to question the truth of McCain's "cross in the dirt" story?
  • Of course this could just be my tortured logic enabling me to vote for him with a clear conscience…
  • Most of these tortured souls end up among the ranks of bureaucrats, politicians, teachers, televangelists, social workers and ‘mental-health professionals’.
  • When your girlfriend is airlifted away to get tortured, you, as a gamer, trust that you will be able to get to her on foot. Not Now, Honey, I'm Exploring
  • But for McCain to hold those two positions simultaneously requires no duplicitousness and no tortured logic. Romney Blasts McCain! Presidential Race Underway
  • Distrust comes from an Administration that lied, wasted lives, dollars and resources, committed TREASON against the American People, stacked the DOJ against the Republic, violated Constitutional Principles and warrantlessly spied on Americans against FISA and TORTURED people in violation to the Constitution AND International Treaties, And distrust comes from a body politic of Congress that tolerates an Administration that engages in and in some cases, in collusion WITH Congress to remain criminal. Think Progress » Former government employee Dana Perino doesn’t trust the government.
  • He saw women who had been raped in gulags, and children who had been tortured there.
  • He has become familiar with the trials and tribulations that have tortured Ireland over the years but still says that the people and splendour of the country make it a bit special.
  • At the end of this film the character whom you have been following, identifying with, gets brutally and horribly tortured and has his skin flayed off and his eyes pulled out. Exclusive: Wanted's Mark Millar Settles the Score for Fans «
  • As he stepped into a dim beam of light, I could make out his face; the face of a tortured man whose entire life had been called into question.
  • Veteran leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, tortured and jailed in his native Egypt.
  • After a few hours of tortured screaming and vomiting, that is. Jennifer Lopez Sues Ex-Husband Over Naughty Book
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • While the battle prose is excellent, the language describing noncombat scenes is sometimes tortured and overdrawn.
  • Having seen people tortured and brutalized, Newton possesses a certainty about death that is neither abstract nor vague.
  • Trina, a smart, beautiful and sweet teenage daughter becomes abusively profane and violent; she is both tortured and the torturer.
  • Their gibbering hybrid of beer-hall chants, dramatic pseudo-emoting, spooky synths, throbbing rhythms, and tortured, swirling arrangements remained multiform and strange, but were internally consistent.
  • They had been held by the DRS and had allegedly been tortured in their custody.
  • With a wry self-deprecating humour that stops her from coming across as self-aggrandising, GIlbert roots the trope of the tortured artist in this, asks if maybe this is a cause for all those suicides and self-destructions. Genius in a Bottle
  • The reason why Bush has now become so reviled is not because he started a war of aggression or because he had prisoners tortured. Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
  • In order to prevent children from being tortured, they can be temporarily placed in a foster home.
  • Against a backdrop of political intrigue, police corruption, and her own tortured history, she brutally exacts her revenge.
  • They are often tortured during interrogation and some of them are found dead.
  • We know that they have arrested everyone they take to the hospital, taken people to jail and tortured them.
  • Well, I don't have a staff, but I can just about remember the words, thought Robert, his tortured mind snatching at the possibility of escape, however slim.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Approximately half the hostages were slain during the predawn hours, while the remaining half were released after being beaten and tortured. A Covert Affair
  • It's also a taste of things to come, a reward for the patient, and a merciful release for the tortured.
  • Neuroscience inilalagay ang matunog na halik pababa sa labis na pagpapahirap , nagpapakita na ang mga tao na tortured iugnay ang pakikipag-usap sa kaluwagan mula sa sakit at na ang stress ng mga labis na pagpapahirap nakakaapekto sa kanilang mga alaala at kawastuhan. »2009» Septiyembre
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • We have been tortured for 30 years for no reason and I would like to see some of them doing 30 years in the slammer.
  • Suppose we had all seen the people gunned down in the stadium, being tortured with cattle prods, getting punished for their crime of supporting their democratically elected government?
  • He places it in the foreground of the picture, lapping with its little pink tongue at the deep red blood which trickles down the torso of the tortured satyr.
  • We need to hybridize in clever ways (perhaps asset forfeiture ahead and contingent liability ahead of imprisonment and execution). fatbird - If my family was tortured, I'm not sure that I would accept an argument that it would be ineffective to prosecute those responsible because our justice system was flawed and the trial would be ugly. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • You have the completely over-the-top action scenes, the tortured hero, the slushy romantic side story and the entirely more-cool-than-the-hero antagonist.
  • He believed that he would be imprisoned, tortured or possibly executed.
  • The foreign affairs department has denied claims that the men were tortured.
  • Where were they when he was being tortured and brutalized?
  • During 10 months of detention, he was repeatedly abused and tortured.
  • Certain Israelite money-lenders, who hated him because he would not wink at their sweating and extortions, saw in this an opportunity to overthrow him; so they reported to some leading Jews in England that he had tortured the boys, whom he had not, in point of fact, punished in any way beyond reproving them. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • We have a enough things to worry about without being tortured by evil lawyers and other professional annoyers!
  • There was a catchphrase Amin used with his closest confidants, which meant that the person should first be tortured — not for information, but as punishment or for exercise — and then murdered. Kahawa
  • His tens of thousands of victims were often gassed or shot in the back of the head or tortured to death, but I have not heard that they were photographed in their t-shirts.
  • He makes his body's tortured movements perversely vigorous, strenuously dragging his twisted leg, glaring fiercely, and speaking fast with a hard edge.
  • They climbed past the neighborhood into a nameless gulch, huffing and wheezing through the sagebrush in their weight-tortured Reeboks, wading through prairie star, peppergrass, sunflower, the gossamery spores of plants kicked free and floating. The Shell Collector : Stories
  • He is no Baltasar Garzón, the flamboyant, media-hungry Spanish magistrate who sought the extradition of Chile's Augusto Pinochet on charges that the Latin American strongman had Spaniards tortured and killed — and who is now weighing a possible case against some top Bush administration lawyers who gave advice clearing the way for the alleged torture of terror suspects. The Long Arm of the Law
  • Abouhalima had already been tortured by Egyptian intelligence agents for 10 days, and had the wounds to prove it. Tortured Reasoning
  • Annie tortures the writer Paul Sheldon in memorable, horrible ways, but she herself is tortured by the enemy within. MIND MELD: Bad Guys We Love to Hate: The Best Literary Villains in SF/F/H
  • Alsop explained: "For me, the main motivation is to get beyond the image of Beethoven as this disembodied bust, to give people insight into this man who lives upstairs or next door, who writes this incredible music, but is such a tortured soul. CSI: Beethoven from Baltimore Symphony
  • Nevertheless the fanatic lowlanders, propense to pillage and proselytizing, burned the Christian churches, massacred the infidels, and tortured the priests, until they provoked a blood feud of uncommon asperity. First footsteps in East Africa
  • He watched the altimeter unwind and he blinked repeatedly as his Kittyhawk smashed through the tortured, blackened air.
  • The other, Alexandra/Tatiana, is a tortured cipher who nevertheless shows glimpses of a specific person/ality buried in the cliché. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Circus Ringmaster: John le Carré
  • She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.
  • She was arrested and barbarously tortured.
  • Blockbusters may come and go, but when you see a lower-budget debut feature film, even if it turns out to be the laboured work of a tortured soul, you can be sure that its very existence means the world to somebody somewhere.
  • Nobody wants to be tortured, be he or she a Muslim or a Christian or a Buddhist or even a non-believer.
  • They were and are still being tortured to confess to crimes they did not commit.
  • Her husband was arrested and detained for approximately three months during which period he was tortured.
  • My first impression that there was something disconcertingly spartan about the room was reinforced after a bit of tortured thought.
  • The large relief on the wall of the prison memorializes the Vietnamese revolutionaries who were tortured and guillotined by the French until their defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.
  • Once again the snow began to fall as he staggered onward, his future unknown, his past tortured, and his present uncertain.
  • Beethoven managed to put an end to this noble tradition by inaugurating a barbaric U-turn away from an other-directed music to an inward-directed, narcissistic focus on the composer himself and his own tortured soul.
  • So we believed him and he ceased not to cozen us till he cast us into jail and fettered us and tortured us with exceeding sore torments; and we are strangers in the land and have no helper save Almighty Allah and our lord the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This is a place where both classical and current colonization have taken brutish forms: genocide, slavery, resource robbery, military juntas - and almost every family has a member who has been arrested, tortured and/or desaparecido.
  • It seemed the wheelsman on the icebreaker had spent the majority of another tortured night calling ship-to-shore on the radio.
  • I've flatlined, I've been counted out in a coma, and I've been tortured by Pesto.
  • This, as you might appreciate, presents many problems for a man with the soul of a tortured and penurious poet.
  • They tortured the prisoner to death.
  • I realise that he likes the tortured martyr parts in which he valiantly combats the treacherous world that seeks to subdue him.
  • Jaibriol was a secret psion, with telepathic abilities, and to be a psion in the Eubian Concord was to be a contemptible slave, eventually to be tortured for the pleasure of the slave's owner. Reviews of fantasy and science fiction books
  • A will-o'-the-wispish set of tortured facts, emotions, and flimsy philosophies, the arguments are super-charged with pure poppycock. Growing Pains
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • I also get the sense that some lawyers think baffling legal jargon and tortured syntax will impress their clients.
  • So I used to be one of those who sniggled at those who tortured themselves running to death, but now I am one of them and I can't say I'm not pleased with my new profound achievement. .
  • But notice the huge difference: Rand takes the existence of the physical world as obvious, while Descartes has a tortured argument deducing the existence of the physical world from the cogito. Ayn Rand, Wise Philosopher Despite Some Bad Arguments, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We should have tortured him, deprived him of sleep and food, and played Metallica loudly at all hours during his stay in a bedless, cold steel cell! Think Progress » Thanks To Obama’s Rejection Of Torture, Abdulmuttalab Has Been Providing Intel On Al Qaeda
  • William Blake produced a series of visionary paintings about mankind transfigured by revolution and a series of graphic illustrations to highlight the plight of black slaves tortured in Surinam.
  • The Mother's Best collection reminds us that the man who came to symbolize tortured genius - and who's been stuffed into the live-fast-die-young clich� with many rock stars - well, he was a loose goose, a commercial shrewdie and a generous genius, as well. Hank Williams: The Working Musician, The Creative Genius
  • The Appellant states that he was not asked much about how he was tortured.
  • The southern slaveholding judges and lawyers argued for a system that enslaved human beings, bought and sold them as chattels, and tortured them with horsewhips, and sought to expand that system into the free territories. Balkinization
  • The wreck and ruin of the old forest was put in order, shattered trees made whole, tender grasses covering the tortured land.
  • When he refused to give up his plans, despite being threatened at gunpoint, he was tortured.
  • Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.
  • Afraid someone will pounce upon me in the darkness, or tortured deathlike Mom, deprived of her life-giving medication, and in her dead moldy, gray-green shroud will come back again. Jay's Journal
  • He has killed hundreds of thousands of people and tortured and oppressed countless others.
  • The Inquisition had tortured rich and poor alike.
  • I can still see the tears streaming down my father’s cheeks when I convinced him that his so-called backslidden parents, both of them Pentecostal preachers, were not being eternally tortured in the fires of hell. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • The 51-year-old Penn, meanwhile, with his craggier looks and outspoken opinions, appears more to epitomise the tortured artist. Sean Penn and Brad Pitt finally share the same screen
  • Some of the situations they encounter on the dating and relationship circuit are promisingly wacky, but the tortured jokes lean way too heavily on pop-culture references: "I feel like I was on a UPN reality show. Roush Review: Not Happy With New Network Comedies
  • He was beaten, tortured and brutalised, suffering over 50 injuries including a fractured jaw.

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