How To Use Tortuous In A Sentence
The road towards qualification still seems like it is going to be another long and tortuous one.
The Sun
In foreign policy, he has Obama's specific mandate to monitor the wind-down of the American troop involvement in Iraq and to baby-sit its tortuous journey to political stability.
Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
With superb boatmanship he threaded the narrow, tortuous channel which no craft larger than a whaleboat could negotiate, until the shoals and patches showed seaward and they grounded on the quiet, rippling beach.
Instead, Brown has treated us to a tortuous, Jesuitical argument so self-contradictory it merits its own reprimand.
His style, too, is often tortuous and gnomic, and it can be almost impossible to see what he actually means, as the endless discussions of his analysis of the causes of the war show.

The Arteria Profunda Linguæ (ranine artery; deep lingual artery) is the terminal portion of the lingual artery; it pursues a tortuous course and runs along the under surface of the tongue, below the Longitudinalis inferior, and above the mucous membrane; it lies on the lateral side of the Genioglossus, accompanied by the lingual nerve.
VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
Eventually, after a particularly tortuous twist, the path opened out and they came to the Cave of the Prophet.
Here begins the manzanita, adjusting its tortuous stiff stems to the sharp waste of boulders, its pale olive leaves twisting edgewise to the sleek, ruddy, chestnut stems; begins also the meadowsweet, burnished laurel, and the million unregarded trumpets of the coral - red pentstemon.
The Land of Little Rain
Two days of debate followed, producing formulations ever more tortuous and wordy, amid signs of growing impatience from the public galleries.
The tortuously narrow Lolo Trail, blocked by crags, trees and undergrowth, was quickly traversed by Joseph's uncomplaining cavalcade.
There is a reason they call them ballet pumps - my feet look like I have spent a week in a tortuous ballet camp.
The Sun
We had countless tortuous internal meetings to prioritize and slog through the full set of 500 items.
These veins are tortuous and bulky, making it virtually impossible to identify the spinal arteries.
This more often than not meant most of their games resulted in a tortuous struggle to plant a dart in Double One.
a tortuous road up the mountain
The plot complications are tortuous, their resolutions unsatisfying and the characters thin.
Several narratives intertwine as Lovric charts Marcella's tortuous, Minguillo-instigated progress through crippledom, a lunatic asylum and eventually a convent, including that of the fanatical nun Sor Loreta, who mortifies her body and starves herself to attain holiness while being as vile as possible to the less saintly nuns around her.
Highlights for me: arrows: most arrows from a 60#+ compound bow would penetrate a deer's vitals at 60 yards ... the question is hitting them and risking tortuous maiming if you guessed wrong ... the TV show probably didn't show the deer they hit in the guts and never found.
I watched a guy on tv last night harvest a deer with his bow and he shot the deer at 60 if he harvest a deer at 60 yar
The route to publication was long and occasionally tortuous, with considerable argument with editors and peer reviewers.
Hence, although we fix the vessel under distension, once the load is removed, the elastin will recoil and consequently have a tortuous geometry.
Here was my tortuous train of thought: 1) "nulla salus" is a reference to Unam Sanctam (you probly hafta be Catholic to get that … though I'm not).
Another Review of the Design Matrix
The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.
The latest meander in this tortuous saga was the concern raised that when the road is finally in place that people would have to pay a toll to use it.
It is perhaps all the more dangerous, more labyrinthine, and more tortuous for this reason.
It is a potentially tortuous route, but the property, if renovated as as a freehold, could be worth double the current asking price.
It allows us to insert tortuous vessels where flexibility is very important.
It is a long and tortuous journey.
Times, Sunday Times
In the flat cranial bones the veins are large, very numerous, and run in tortuous canals in the diploic tissue, the sides of the canals being formed by thin lamellæ of bone, perforated here and there for the passage of branches from the adjacent cancelli.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
Riven by internal feuds, the Byzantine ways of association politics have led to a tortuous pattern of new beginnings, only to be followed by stalemate and acrimony.
Consumers mustn't suffer this tortuous court process again.
Times, Sunday Times
Flying over the high mountain ranges emphasises why road travel is so tortuous, but the sight of these peaks and ravines is awe-inspiring.
Neither fascicles of smooth muscle cells nor thick-walled tortuous blood vessels were present.
The lienal vein is of large size, but is not tortuous like the artery.
VII. The Veins. 4. The Portal System of Veins
There is always hope of reform for a dull, uneducated, stolid man, led by accident or temptation into guilt; but where a man of great ability, and highly educated, besots himself in the intoxication of dark and terrible excitements, takes impure delight in tortuous and slimy ways, the good angel abandons him forever.
Lucretia — Complete
The journey from childhood to adulthood is tortuous enough without the added complication of geopolitical catastrophe.
The Times Literary Supplement
The nanofiller also creates a tortuous path for the penetration of gaseous vapors and liquids into the polymer.
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
Your writings over the past few years have been enormously important as a source of orientation through the tortuous twists and turns of imperialist strategy.
Its rulers could not have been that lethargic, or its diplomacy so tortuous, for it to have survived for such a long period.
It collapsed into administration in 1992, setting the scene for tortuous negotiations with bank lenders.
Times, Sunday Times
The splenic vein is not invested in a common sheath with the artery - it is retropancreatic and never tortuous.
The only road access is a tortuous mountain route.
A car is an essential if you want to do Sicily properly, but it is impossible to see the whole island in a week unless you are on a touring holiday, since tortuous mountain roads make for slow driving.
They all appear enlarged and have a tortuous course, especially the capillary veins.
All the rest -- acres of pasture, cleared and grassed, stretches of fertile ground, blocks of noble timber still uncut -- had passed through the hands of mortgage holders, through bank transfers, by devious and tortuous ways, until the title rested in Horace Gower, -- who had promptly built the showy summer house on Cradle Bay to flaunt in his face, so old
Poor Man's Rock
Babies born at 25 weeks and less are at high risk of death, a long, tortuous journey through life, and disability.
A barium enema showed a narrowed, tortuous sigmoid colon with multiple diverticuli and thickening of the bowel wall.
The trials and tribulations that the college faced and the tortuous path it traversed are deeply etched in the memories of those who are associated with it.
The second Presidential Address is similar, though to a modern eye the arguments are even more tortuous.
Paine was careful to contrast the tortuous twists of theology with the pure clarity of deism.
Their forwards were absolutely dominant, crabbing down the pitch, albeit at a tortuously slow rate.
Misdirection is one of the prestidigitator's tools, after all, and Welles' flair for grotesquerie and offbeat humour are as much a part of the entertainment as the tortuous plot.
They face it every week, pitting themselves against tortuous terrain and filthy weather, recovering the fells' casualties without pay or team funding.
Econ_Scott: but not those of tortuous word smithing
The Volokh Conspiracy » Open Comment Thread on McDonald
The zamang is a fine species of mimosa, and its tortuous branches are divided by bifurcation.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Once in the water the diving followed a tortuous corkscrewing route reaching a maximum depth of 34.5 metres.
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
The only road access is a tortuous mountain route.
his tortuous reasoning
The thumping bass of The Docks, the islanders say, is tortuous, keeping them up all night.
These are the statistics, the sweeteners and the rewards of tortuous negotiations.
We took a tortuous route.
Times, Sunday Times
From the state adjustment to social redistribution, it is a tortuous and clear ideological line by Prof. QI Duo-jun.
At that point in his long, mostly tortuous career you could say he had reached base camp.
Times, Sunday Times
tortuously haggling over the price
It were a waste of time to detail the whole of it; and so, without prejudice to the verity of my account, I shall skip much that is vague and tortuous and repetitional, and give the facts as I have assembled them out of the various times, in whole and part, as
Chapter 12
The tortuous passage restricts or baffles the gas flow out of the glass assembly.
He took a tortuous route through back streets.
The tortuous course of the splenic artery is considered so variable that no two arteries are alike, but the tortuosity of the artery is absent in infants and children.
But tortuous negotiations in London and Geneva did not this time end entirely without result.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.
His style, too, is often tortuous and gnomic, and it can be almost impossible to see what he actually means, as the endless discussions of his analysis of the causes of the war show.
Varicose veins are tortuous, twisted, or lengthened veins.
Adding that if Mayama doesn’t like Yamada then he should make her realize it sooner since being indecisive is the most tortuous thing.
Honey and Clover J-drama – ep 07 « Undercover
Instead of destroying their sculptures, managers have to hand their work over to a different group to complete - a tortuous experience.
For the first time in a long and tortuous interview, this shy and deeply troubled man almost manages a smile.
Times, Sunday Times
That they used go-betweens, rather than resolve the dispute between themselves, is a telling commentary about the intensity of the wariness and abrasion that has become knitted into that tortuous relationship.
Look at the tortuous rendering of the neck - a sure indication of avifaunal self-loathing.
The Martha's Vineyard Times News Headlines
There were extremely large and tortuous intercostal arteries.
Besides ulceration, lower leg edema can lead to tortuous varicosities, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, embolism, and infection, among others.
A living, organized ferment, of the vibrionic type, filiform, with tortuous motions, and often of immense length, forms spontaneously by the development of some germs derived in some way from the inevitable particles of dust floating in the air or resting on the surface of the vessels or material which we employ.
The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
Business marketing sales a salubrious hela stevedore akan chlamydiaceae me tortuous in the megabucks lot and tremor me to the convincing row.
Rational Review
The evolution of humankind is a slow and tortuous process.
The nanofiller also creates a tortuous path for the penetration of gaseous vapors and liquids into the polymer.
His argument was rather tortuous.
Times, Sunday Times
So it's a very complicated, very complex and tortuous process that we're going through legally here.
In patients with chronic septic lung disease, the bronchial arteries are usually enlarged and tortuous and may engulf the pulmonary hila.
But the charm of the film might be how absolutely contrived it is, from its highly stylized, atemporal look and feel to the tortuous backstory that informs its fantastical events.
Published in 1967, L' amante Anglaise chronicles the tortuous windings and turnings of a mind perilously close to the edge of reason.
And second, that the process is long and tortuous and filled with uncertainty.
Times, Sunday Times
I think long sentences, tortuous sentences, sentences which are unnecessarily full of abstractions.
History ensured that the pipeline would follow a tortuous route.
Times, Sunday Times
He took a tortuous route through back streets.
In New York, vested rights ultimately triumphed after a long and tortuous attempt to craft an active policy of state intervention that would not violate the constitutional belief in the sanctity of contract.
It has been said that the course of a winding river is just like the tortuous path life sometimes takes.
A non-angry aspect of them has also been suggested as the origin: the tortuous wanderings of rivers in the plains, like the Meander, that recall the convolutions of the serpent.
Old Calabria
However, the often tortuous story of Brown's unredeemed promise is not only a tale of judicial retreat and white flight.
The journey from childhood to adulthood is tortuous enough without the added complication of geopolitical catastrophe.
The Times Literary Supplement
Greece would essentially have to shut down for an entire weekend as banks begin the tortuous process of switching currencies from the euro to the drachma.
The Sun
The trials and tribulations that the college faced and the tortuous path it traversed are deeply etched in the memories of those who are associated with it.
Here we report through ultrastructural analysis that IBC exhibits a high degree of cellular organization with polar elements such as apical/lateral positioning of E-cadherin, apical surface microvilli, and tortuous lumen-like (canalis) structures.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The scheme also led to administrative headaches, with painstaking and tortuous trawls through paper-based employment records, some extending back over 50 years.
To add to the problem, Barbara had a lengthy, tortuous colon, and - despite turning, twisting, and compressing her - barium and air would not pass proximal to the hepatic flexure.
Health results include varices (enlarged tortuous veins) at the lower end of the esophagus that can bleed severely.
But where does the inquiry go from here after the tortuous and lengthy taking of the evidence?
They walked through the tortuous streets of the old city.
I'm not sure that I want to do this (1x1 rib is tortuous) so I'll most likely do the standard 1x1 rib and cast off in 1x1 rib.
It may have been a tortuous road but he is now a fully fledged and rather charming adult.
The Sun
I will admit to being no expert on that tortuous legislation on land tenure, but apparently, by allowing crofters to reassign their holdings to outsiders, crofts could ultimately be sold on to, well, anybody.
The Ryder Cup trail has often been tortuous, twisting and downright tedious, but the rewards to the Scottish economy are expected to be enormous.
Never mind the tortuous explanation; tell me in plain English, are you coming or not?
He made a tortuous journey from the prison to the SOE.
Times, Sunday Times
The lienal artery is remarkable for its large size in proportion to the size of the organ, and also for its tortuous course.
XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
The planning process has been tortuous.
Times, Sunday Times
The thin and tortuous turbinate bones within the nasal cavity are lined with a membrane containing a very rich supply of blood vessels.
Twice, after tortuous effort, squirming and twisting, he failed in breasting the big trunk, and on the third attempt, after infinite exertion, he cleared it only to topple helplessly forward and fall on his face in the tangled undergrowth.
He could hear the sounding of matin invitatories; chimes telling a rosary of harmony over tortuous labyrinths of narrow streets, over cornet towers, over pepper-box pignons, over dentelated walls; the chimes chanting the canonical hours, prime and tierce, sexte and none, vespers and compline; celebrating the joy of a city with the tinkling laughter of the little bells, tolling its sorrow with the ponderous lamentation of the great ones.
He took a tortuous route through back streets.
The book begins with a long, tortuous introduction.
I did not enjoy manipulating people's visceral reaction to tortuous stimuli.
You have to love a precious stone that is perceived as sensitive and emotional, a gemstone with the power to unearth and reflect its owner's feelings -- a jack-of-all-trades, a guiding beacon in this increasingly tortuous path of our lives.
Dora Levy Mossanen: Fires, Opals and the Romanovs
There is a reason they call them ballet pumps - my feet look like I have spent a week in a tortuous ballet camp.
The Sun
It were a waste of time to detail the whole of it; and so, without prejudice to the verity of my account, I shall skip much that is vague and tortuous and repetitional, and give the facts as I have assembled them out of the various times, in whole and part, as I relived them.
Chapter 12
The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.
We have been following a sometimes tortuous path through a maze of arguments and definitions.
After a week of tortuous negotiations, the rival continental brewers yesterday sealed a recommended 7.8 billion takeover.
Times, Sunday Times
Undeterred they worked out a fairly tortuous coach route to get them to Lingfield in time for the first at 1.30.
The Sun
The valleys are green, the brooks are frequent, the rivers are tortuous, the mountains are high, and luxuriant walnut-trees embower the roads.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail.
He knew where the dock was, but the way thither was difficult and tortuous.
Its rulers could not have been that lethargic, or its diplomacy so tortuous, for it to have survived for such a long period.
The common carotid artery sometimes follows a very tortuous course, forming one or more distinct loops in the neck.
tortuous negotiations lasting for months
We must complete the chilling task of picturing how slow and tortuous his descension into psychosis really was.
And then it was back on the plane for the tortuous journey home.
The Sun
In fact, the argument here is not so tortuous as many to be found amongst the post-modernists.
And you learn all about the head for heights that you need if you are going to tackle one of the narrow maintenance paths that follows the tortuous windings of a levada.
As a result it's bypassing some of the slow, tortuous back-roads of development that make Hong Kong feel like somebody took the nineteen fifties and suddenly gave them twenty-first century technology.
An aneurysm expands laterally with systole while a tortuous aorta does not.
The campaign is a long, sometimes tortuous period of time and these qualities help everyone not just survive, but thrive.
Unfortunately, even her 8 paragraphs of tortuous, enervating prose actually puts to rest that notion immediately.
a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths
Each parameter has a tortuous history of manual and semi-automated interventions that I simply cannot just go back to early versions and run the update prog.
Eventually, after a particularly tortuous twist, the path opened out.
But it is more reasonable to define the prior user right concerning patent as a right of defense which to defense the tortuous accusation on patent.
Some due diligence at the right end of the season would have saved them this tortuous, possibly terminal, process of execution.
Times, Sunday Times
After a tortuous argument, the standard-setters agreed to let banks value and disclose their intangible assets in their balance sheets as well.
Ouagadougou agreements of 2007, with a further promise to hold elections in 2008; the postponement of elections set for 2009; a tortuous process that went on for years to decide who was "Ivorian" enough, in this nation of immigrants, to vote; and finally the presidential runoff last month, in which Mr. Gbagbo's ally on the Constitutional Council threw out hundreds of thousands of votes in the country's north and declared his friend the winner.
NYT > Global Home
The journey from childhood to adulthood is tortuous enough without the added complication of geopolitical catastrophe.
The Times Literary Supplement
The classification of tropical karst is highly complex, with a tortuous terminology derived from several languages.
Yes, I know that it's still hard to know what exactly Bertie says or what he means or what the sum of his winding sentences and tortuous paragraphs amount to.
The historic agreement was announced after months of tortuous negotiations.
The Sun
Foyle opened the drainage petcock in the combustion chamber of the jet and tortuously filled the chamber with fuel by hand.
The Stars My Destination
They thus engage in a tortuous argument to show that it really wasn't about what the protesters said it was.
A full economic recovery will take a slow and tortuous process.
Times, Sunday Times
But that proved only the beginning of a long and tortuous road full of false starts and broken promises.
Then, after tortuous negotiations, the sale fell through.
He was as tortuous and convoluted as a monkey puzzle tree.
The exchange has been the subject of tortuous negotiations by a German intermediary for two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Courts are turning to increasingly tortuous routes to protect identities.
Times, Sunday Times
He criticised this analysis as being based on a tortuous construction which is unnecessary and inappropriate.
Here begins the manzanita, adjusting its tortuous stiff stems to the sharp waste of boulders, its pale olive leaves twisting edgewise to the sleek, ruddy, chestnut stems; begins also the meadowsweet, burnished laurel, and the million unregarded trumpets of the coral-red pentstemon.
The Land of Little Rain
As a big and fussy eater, I found the whole thing tortuous.
Ah, what a life it is we lead in the tents of Ishmael, the cast-away! through what tortuous pathways wander the nomad tribes who call Hagar, the abandoned, their mother! what lies, what evasions, what prevarications!
Birds of Prey
Long, heavily calcified stenoses in tortuous vessels or at bifurcations and chronic total occlusions are less suitable.
Never mind the tortuous explanation; tell me in plain English, are you coming or not?
Several tortuous hypertrophic nerve bundles were also embedded in the fibrous tissue.
Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.
The vessels appear enlarged and tortuous, especially the venous capillaries.
Her stomach felt light and painless, not gasping with the tortuous pain of cancer.
In the flat cranial bones the veins are large, very numerous, and run in tortuous canals in the diploic tissue, the sides of the canals being formed by thin lamellæ of bone, perforated here and there for the passage of branches from the adjacent cancelli.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
tortuous legal procedures
I wrote tortuous essay for obscure journals.
Misdirection is one of the prestidigitator's tools, after all, and Welles' flair for grotesquerie and offbeat humour are as much a part of the entertainment as the tortuous plot.
Mules are used frequently in these parts to transport trekkers gear and food supplies and served to fully demoralise us throughout our trek by capably lugging 100kg of gear on tortuous paths that left us wheezing for breath.
Ben Colclough: The Atlas Mountains -- Berbers, Mules and Peaks in Morocco
Driving to the same direction and following the acclivitous and tortuous roads, you reach the small village of Tsada, which is under development.