How To Use Tormentor In A Sentence
Arguing and bickering wasn't going to change her tormentors' mind set, and Selina, for one, was not an agitator nor instigator.
she screamed furiously at her tormentors
This artifice is called equivocation or amphibology; it consists in the use of words that have a natural double meaning; it supposes in him who resorts to it the right to conceal the truth, a right superior to that of the tormentor who questions him.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
I know that you are playing with me just as a cat plays with a mouse; yet even the most piteous mousekin sometimes causes his tormentor surprise or disappointment by getting under a bureau or behind the stove, where, for the moment, she cannot paw him.
Mince Pie
Reference to the diagrams will show that the tormentors have a "flipper," which runs to the proscenium arch wall; in the flipper is usually a door or a curtained opening for the entrances and exits of acts in One.
Writing for Vaudeville
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The children eventually rise up against their tormentors.
Indeed, in our modern mindset, we take the notion of the tormentor and merely blot it out, wishing away its existence without really addressing the underlying causes.
Sister Charlotte of the Resurrection, seventy-eight and an invalid, having been thrown roughly to the pavement from the tumbrel, was heard to speak words of forgiveness and encouragement to her tormentor.
27 July -- Bl Titus Brandsma, O. Carm.
Eugene O'Neill of accident which keeps a homesick sailor tied to the sea in "The Long Voyage Home," and the mutual humiliation which abashes both victim and tormentors when, as conclusion to the panicky solemnities of "In the Zone," a parcel of Smitty's is found to be a bunch of old love-letters instead of the suspected bomb.
The Real Eugene O'Neil
I will discrown thee and give thy body to the tormentors, and set thy soul loose to follow her whom thou hast slain. '
The World's Desire
The torture situation is an external conflict, a conflict between the subject and his tormentor.
He is kidded and cajoled by his three secret tormentors into approaching her at the bar and making a pitch.
Reidy was relieved at finally recording a win over his tormentors, but less than happy with the seven kicks at goal his team missed over an absorbing seven-try thriller.
The Confederate hero who dreams of redeeming the New South by restoring the antebellum social order ironically proves a tormentor to his wife and thus fails in his assigned role as protector of the southern flower.
Only he kept mounting higher and higher, till at last his impish tormentors -- _impish_, I said -- dared follow him no farther.
Children of the Wild
Nay in fome inftances they would glory over their tormentors, faying that their hearts would never be foft until they were cold, and re - prefenting their torments as fweet as Englilhmen's fu - gar.
A complete history of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical, from the emigration of its first planters from England, in MDCXXX, to MDCCXIII
Jacob Shuster was the name of the man whom she spoke of as her tormentor and master, and from whom she fled.
The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
She fled abroad to escape her tormentors and keeps her past a secret from new acquaintances.
The Sun
And she feels with blood-chilling certainty that her mysterious tormentor is perilously close and that she may vanish next.
Joy Fielding biography
The laugh was at the expense of the tormentor, and he retreated from the shop in the "guffaw," and Fitz was permitted to finish his shave in peace -- in peace, at least, so far as this particular tormentor was concerned, for a more formidable one assailed him before his departure.
Make or Break or, The Rich Man's Daughter
Could Mr Smith be another Warrior, or even further up the hierarchy of Tormentors than he'd thought?
Phyllis' opisthotonic reaction to being stabbed is almost as animalistic as the opportunistic mercilessness of her tormentors.
31 Screams: Lucy Grantham
I curl up into a ball and remain like that until my tormentors have gone away.
She claimed that she was under attack by invisible tormentors who pinched her, pricked her with pins, and spoke of women who assumed the shape of cats.
That stopped when she knocked down her chief tormentor.
Times, Sunday Times
Would they riot or would they be relieved that an even-handed exercise had removed their tormentors?
A businessman was yesterday unmasked as her tormentor after being convicted of harassment.
Times, Sunday Times
Although Thurman's character ultimately triumphs, the most memorable sequences by far involve her humiliation, subjection and abuse at the hands of three tormentors.
That teenage boy is going to do his best to identify the nameless, faceless tormentors, and draw them into a public reckoning.
It conveys a tension between courtesy and awkwardness that is peculiarly English, as Motion mumbled a humiliating ‘thank you’ to his tormentors after they grew tired of bullying him.
In a fit of anger, he takes extreme action to deal with his tormentor.
In fretting, we are enemies to our own peace, and become self-tormentors; in fretting against the Lord we affront him, his justice, goodness, and sovereignty; and it is very absurd to take occasion from the trouble which we pull upon our own heads by our wilfulness, or neglect, to quarrel with him, when we ought to blame ourselves, for it is our own doing.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
Is snooker the love of his life, the redemptive vehicle that has saved him, or his principal tormentor?
Times, Sunday Times
Golf, the game that defines him, has become his chief tormentor.
Times, Sunday Times
The teenager entered the school, found his family's tormentor alone and stabbed him through the heart.
Wolf Larsen it was, always Wolf Larsen, enslaver and tormentor of men, a male Circe and these his swine, suffering brutes that grovelled before him and revolted only in drunkenness and in secrecy.
Chapter 26
ENGLAND were merciless tormentors of a callow Wales, who succumbed to their heaviest defeat against their rivals.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, the ballboys had to wipe the sweat from the baseline on Mirnyi's side of the court as his tormentor worked him into a lather.
Behind the tormentors is a curtain called the "olio," which fulfills the triple purpose of hiding the rest of the stage, serving as scenery for acts in One and often as a curtain to raise and lower on acts playing in the space back of One.
Writing for Vaudeville
For instance, my high-school self — skinny, scabby, giggly, gabby, frantic to be noticed, tormented enough to be a tormentor, relentlessly pushing his cartoons and posters and noisy jokes and pseudo-sophisticated poems upon the helpless-high school — strikes me now as considerably obnoxious, though I owe him a lot: without his frantic ambition and insecurity I would not now be sitting on (as my present home was named by others) Haven Hill.
John updike | march 18, 1932 – january 27, 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
He orientated himself slowly, like a simpleton, arms outstretched, turning gradually as if surrounded by tormentors.
It wasn't just that they wanted to reject the crass behaviour of her tormentors.
The Sun
My tormentor laughed bitterly.
Since coming out the other side of ppd and no longer have that to catastrophize over, the environment has become my tormentor.
» Saving the World Without Going Crazy
She hurled herself at her tormentor, intent on gaining by strength what she could not extract through sympathy.
The departing leader yesterday delivered a coruscating attack on the tormentors within his own party who he claimed had made it impossible for him to continue in office.
He was too small to do much against his tormentors.
Mr. Tickels writhed beneath the sarcasm, and turned deadly pale, although he and his tormentor were the only persons present who comprehended the secret meaning of the words -- for Fanny was too much engrossed in conversation with Argyle, to heed the remark.
Venus in Boston; A Romance of City Life
In March, 2007, 17-year-old Eric Mohat shot himself in the head, after a long-term tormentor told him in class, "Why don't you go home and shoot yourself; no one will miss you.
NYT > Opinion
With no thought for their own safety, the women took a decision to give evidence against their tormentors in court.
She fled abroad to escape her tormentors and keeps her past a secret from new acquaintances.
The Sun
Liskula Cohen, who successfully sued Google to unmask the blogger, told "Good Morning America" Wednesday that she called her tormentor and ...
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
When you tire of tolerating the troll trash trust the true tribesman to thrust the tenacious tergiversation of the tormentor of our terpsichorean teacher You been doing a good job of dancing around the fool to the termitarium to which he resides.
Think Progress » Pundit Attacking Muslim Congressman Is Bush Appointee to Holocaust Memorial Board
It wasn't just that they wanted to reject the crass behaviour of her tormentors.
The Sun
Like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the refuseniks, Sakharov and Bonner ultimately outlasted their tormentors.
John delivered a coruscating attack on the tormentors within his own party.
I rose and was about to clap my hat upon my head and burst away, in wrathful indignation from the house; but recollecting — just in time to save my dignity — the folly of such a proceeding, and how it would only give my fair tormentors a merry laugh at my expense, for the sake of one I acknowledged in my own heart to be unworthy of the slightest sacrifice — though the ghost of my former reverence and love so hung about me still, that I could not bear to hear her name aspersed by others — I merely walked to the window, and having spent a few seconds in vengibly biting my lips and sternly repressing the passionate heavings of my chest, I observed to Miss
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
He orientated himself slowly, like a simpleton, arms outstretched, turning gradually as if surrounded by tormentors.
I wouldn't mind death, so I could escape my tormentors here, but I fear the painful ways of dying the men here invent.
Another claimed his tormentor was a psychotic neighbor who first tried to lure him into a threesome.
CNN Transcript Mar 14, 2006
The children eventually rise up against their tormentors.
Even though wild and unwise boar do not look for danger above them, and that a man hiding up a tree with a big sharpened log was sure to be able to get himself some pork for the barbecue, our porcine tormentors were safe.
Luckily, his tormentor is less extreme than the examples above.
The Good Girl
A businessman was yesterday unmasked as her tormentor after being convicted of harassment.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet she came to enjoy the harsh regime at King's, and grew to respect and admire the teachers and matron who were often her tormentors for four weeks.
A vast humanitarian operation could threaten their gainful isolationism and turn the population against its tormentors.
She fled abroad to escape her tormentors and keeps her past a secret from new acquaintances.
The Sun
Sam soon discovers that what he writes comes true and decides to get sweet revenge on his tormentors.
Carnificinam exercent, one saith they tyrannise over men's consciences more than any other tormentors whatsoever, partly for their commodity and gain; Religionem enim omnium abusus (as [6405] Postellus holds), quaestus scilicet sacrificum in causa est: for sovereignty, credit, to maintain their state and reputation, out of ambition and avarice, which are their chief supporters: what have they not made the common people believe?
Anatomy of Melancholy
And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.”
Wolf Larsen it was, always Wolf Larsen, enslaver and tormentor of men, a male Circe and these his swine, suffering brutes that grovelled before him and revolted only in drunkenness and in secrecy.
Chapter 26
His words of "Love your enemies", carefully cross-cut against his prayers for the tormentors forgiveness during his throes on the cross is a powerful piece of editing work.
She hurled herself at her tormentor, intent on gaining by strength what she could not extract through sympathy.
She fled abroad to escape her tormentors and keeps her past a secret from new acquaintances.
The Sun
One ill-advised, briefcase-swinging charge at a tormentor had earned me forever the nickname Ferdinand the Bull, soon shortened to Ferd the Nerd.
Wednesday that she called her tormentor and said she forgives her.
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so great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors
By one of those strange coincidences, however, that drive comic novels, Gutman finds himself accidentally dispatching one of his tormentors, a horribly over-confident and over-articulate graduate student by the name of Dirck van Camper, and subsequently presents an essay of van Camper's, entitled "Total Mindfuck: A Study in Ethics and Embodiment," as his own.