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How To Use Tormented In A Sentence

  • They hold, there shalbe a resurrection, and all shall come to iudgement, but the account shalbe most streight, insomuch that but one of 10000 shalbe receiued to fauor, and those shall liue againe in this world in great happinesse: the rest shalbe tormented. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It attracts men beset by alcohol, drug and gambling woes along, increasingly, with those tormented by serious mental health issues.
  • A year ago I arrived at her door sad, depressed, suicidal, and tormented by my demons.
  • My 18-year-old grandson has been tormented with severe acne for more than three years.
  • It was more like the "chivaree" with which ironic crowds tormented bridal couples back in Nimrim, Mo. We Can't Have Everything
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  • Unfortunately, in spite of some progress, many of these kids are still tormented and teased.
  • My own belief in non-partisan politics is not the musing of an idealist, but the tormented cry of a desperate man.
  • After having almost killed him, a group of bullies is tormented by a Nerd who uses black magic to get back at them. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • He lives a miserable life, tormented by his aunt and uncle and his spoiled cousin.
  • We've all been tormented by self-appointed experts who regularly criticize the weekly choice of music. Christianity Today
  • The labouring poor of Shakespeare's London, deformed by drudgery, illness, and accident, tormented by vermin, illiterate and unregenerate, must have presented a certain Calibanesque aspect.
  • The murderously obscene verse that he occasionally turned on his rivals and enemies matched the aggression and violence of the time, but it also sprang from the same tormented and inspired source as his own helpless love.
  • Graham Stuart tormented and teased Gary Ablett mercilessly throughout, beating the ex-Liverpool defender at will.
  • Thrse is tormented by the pull of multiple vocations: warrior, priest, apostle, doctor, martyr. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • I'm tormented by these zero-based environments where we've abandoned so many children.
  • The consolation is that Blair was tormented by the encounters. Ed Miliband draws first blood at PMQs
  • Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.
  • This heaven, however, does not and cannot last: the soft toot of a car horn cues the return of ambient sound, and ushers in the somewhat jealous and tormented dialogue that ensues between this couple.
  • I looked up at his tormented face, and my missish tendencies were banished, his need for comfort much exceeding my need for proper English conduct.
  • Then, as if he had tormented himself beyond endurance, Luke ripped it clear, down past her waist and beyond.
  • Many adults are tormented by fears that stem from childhood experiences.
  • As they trample on nationalities to reproduce London and Londoners in Europe and Asia, so they fear the hostility of ideas, of poetry, of religion, -- ghosts which they cannot lay; -- and, having attempted to domesticate and dress the Blessed Soul itself in English broadcloth and gaiters, they are tormented with fear that herein lurks a force that will sweep their system away. English Traits (1856)
  • Thou knowest that I tormented Salah al-Din the Cairene and befooled him till I buried him alive and reduced his lads to obey me, and amongst them Ali The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The knowledge of his guilt tormented him.
  • On his journey, he endures numerous physical hardships and is tormented with many psychological dilemmas.
  • He carried off the stiff, tormented froideur that makes the character both crucial and problematic in Ulysses.
  • Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.
  • The sinners will be tormented in hell, according to the bible.
  • He was constantly tormented with headache.
  • Her gentle touch soothes his tormented soul.
  • Her softly spoken words of comfort never penetrated the horror which enclosed his tormented mind. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • For instance, my high-school self — skinny, scabby, giggly, gabby, frantic to be noticed, tormented enough to be a tormentor, relentlessly pushing his cartoons and posters and noisy jokes and pseudo-sophisticated poems upon the helpless-high school — strikes me now as considerably obnoxious, though I owe him a lot: without his frantic ambition and insecurity I would not now be sitting on (as my present home was named by others) Haven Hill. John updike | march 18, 1932 – january 27, 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • There are no traditional rules or rigid formality or fairy tale settings involving tormented love between a man and woman.
  • Bradford, however, had a void in her life that she tried to fill with anything she could find, resulting in what she described as a tormented lifestyle. Biblical Recorder
  • Instead, he just offers a dreamlike glimpse into the mental anguish of a tormented artist being crushed under the pressures of commercial success.
  • It came up with a splayfooted shuffle which, awkward as it looked, would take it at an unvarying pace day after day across this tormented land. Uncharted Stars
  • She tormented me with some silly questions.
  • He's an alcoholic physician tormented by an horrific memory.
  • The idea that anyone could be tormented by curiosity with regard to her life stupefied me.
  • Her softly spoken words of comfort never penetrated the horror which enclosed his tormented mind. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Among those who are guilty of an offense against good taste, he is a scofflaw tormented by felons and scoundrels.
  • He was a tormented, bitter man, who excelled at resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was constantly tormented with headache.
  • King Hamlet's tormented spirit reveals that a hidden crime of foul murder condemns it to walk the earth and roast in hell.
  • Fourth, look at the Romans' idea of a general get-together - those amphitheatres where you could enjoy watching animals being tormented and humans murdered.
  • Broderick's Shaw engaged in tormented arguments with his conscience and several times had to over-ride it. Finding Amanda, losing Matthew Broderick
  • That sword tormented him beyond measure, brought him an intolerable horror of suffering in woman, the very thought of which scattered his pious submissiveness to the winds. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Why G-d's creation suffers, and how and when this suffering will cease is a question that has always tormented me - a mystery only G-d has the answer to.
  • The brushwork had a tormented quality: it was like the work of a Van Gogh who had everything but the talent.
  • She can find no peace in holy rites, which further inflame her tormented feelings. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • Her grub, let us suppose, once conceived the notion, when tormented by the Tachina, of making the stercoral slit open above. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • At its center hulked a tormented volcano of ropy black stone. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Thrse is tormented by the pull of multiple vocations: warrior, priest, apostle, doctor, martyr. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • Clitophon, in the first book of Achilles, Tatius, complaineth how that his mistress Leucippe tormented him much more in the night than in the day. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Is this the body language of the tormented man, back from the war? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not alone, had Ngurn informed him, was the Red One more bestial powerful than the neighbour tribal gods, ever athirst for the red blood of living human sacrifices, but the neighbour gods themselves were sacrificed and tormented before him. THE RED ONE
  • I was wild with indignation and pity when I remembered how my poor brother had been cruelly tormented because he did not want to sit in heder and learn what was after all false or useless. The Promised Land
  • She can find no peace in holy rites, which further inflame her tormented feelings. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • But they're not as well known as the tormented characters that I've done. The Full Feed from
  • Billowing clouds of steam and smoke drifted and eddied, obscuring then revealing the tormented reddish rock of the opposite wall.
  • Householders are being tormented by the buzzing wasps and businesses like restaurants and pubs are being plagued by the insects with a sting in their tail.
  • A bringer of healing water, she soon found herself pursued by believers in her sanctity and tormented by officials who hounded her with police interrogations.
  • What is evident is that for years she was tormented by physical longing for Abelard. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • We should all weep for the poor inhabitants who have been tormented for years by yobbos. The Sun
  • I tormented myself with the thought that life was just too comfortable.
  • He is collected and quiet; totally convincing as a tight-lipped obsessive, tormented by his own demons.
  • He was a tormented, bitter man, who excelled at resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb of God. Can America Survive?
  • Kierkegaard's models were Abraham on the day he was asked to sacrifice Isaac and Jesus' disciples: tormented by uncertainty, unmoored from any of society's ethical anchors, staking their life on fabulous improbabilities.
  • The same old monsters surface to be tormented like animals at an Elizabethan fair. The Times Literary Supplement
  • On the surface, Saya is a stunning 16-year old girl, but that youthful exterior hides the tormented soul of a 400 year-old "halfling". Film School Rejects
  • As a result, I spent six years being unendingly tormented and bullied.
  • My memory is tormented by self-criticism, and also by hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many times in school, kids had tormented her because of the sheltered upbringing, and she always proudly defended it as necessary.
  • Henrik is tormented with sorrow over the loss of his wife Anna and the conflict over Karin's leaving is heightened by his need to cling to her in the absence of Anna.
  • [330] One is crowned for that which another is tormented: Ille crucem sceleris precium tulit, hic diadema; made a knight, a lord, an earl, a great duke, (as [331] Agrippa notes) for that which another should have hung in gibbets, as a terror to the rest, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • (The two other subjects are a gay man who was once a staunch evangelical tormented about his sexuality, and a Latino writer who gravitated from a life of crime to writing the amazing stories of his life.) GreenCine Daily: Park City Dispatch. 4.
  • His missing left hand still tormented him more than did his injured knees or feet. Bomber
  • The brushwork had a tormented quality: it was like the work of a Van Gogh who had everything but the talent.
  • Cartoonists have depicted these forces more anthropomorphically, drawing tormented characters with shining angels on one shoulder and gloating devils on the other. Song of My Selves
  • For a Tony Blair tormented by the unquiet ghosts of the conflict, this threatens to be a war without end.
  • It proposes a numberless succession of sons passively tormented by their fathers' ghosts.
  • They will be further tormented by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.
  • Well, he drew a chair close to mine; and, after again enquiring how I did, said, in a low voice, You will pardon me, Miss Anville, if the eagerness I feel to vindicate myself, induces me to snatch this opportunity of making sincere acknowledgments for the impertinence with which I tormented you at the last ridotto. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • One in six youngsters quizzed admitted they had been tormented by thugs online. The Sun
  • She was tormented by a furious little gadfly that bit her mercilessly, though she flicked her tail this way and that.
  • I tormented myself," he declares in a tone which, for sheer plangency, has not sounded since Whittaker Chambers sang among the pumpkins. R_urell: William F. Buckley: Father of Modern "Conservatism"
  • These are just four of the angst-ridden horror stories that have turned into deep and unhealed sores in the psyche of a tormented people.
  • But that dilemma tormented another New York family whose wealthy mother was terminally ill in December. NY Post: News
  • Yet far from finding comfort in this addition to her family, Mrs Harrel proved to her nothing more than a trouble and an incumbrance; with no inherent resources, she was continually in search of occasional supplies; she fatigued Cecilia with wonder at the privacy of her life, and tormented her with proposals of parties and entertainments. Cecilia
  • In the pantheon of U2 acolytes, McCormick occupies a singular position, uniquely privileged, tormented and compromised.
  • I might, I comforted my languishing hart, vnmeasurably tormented, in putting of it in minde, of solacious and amorous hope: and with that, there was neuer a coale so neere put out, but it was presently renued and set on fire, with the company of the next. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • ENGLAND'S batsmen were teased and tormented by a Pakistan bowler playing his first Test since being banned for a misdemeanour. The Sun
  • Jamal Mashburn again tormented his former team and fans, trading barbs with Tim Hardaway and Dan Majerle, sticking out his tongue at hecklers in the crowd and scoring 22 points. - Hornets embarrass Heat again, take 2-0 lead
  • Think back to your highschool days and recall the most nerdy, goofy, awkward kid that you and your jock friends bullied around and tormented each and every year.
  • By the time grandfather was a half-grown boy, big enough to join in the rough crowd of village lads who tormented Jed, the old dizzard had been for years the local butt. Hillsboro People
  • I know firsthand it's true that warriors like Charley are tormented in their dreams and cry out in their sleep as they re-fight their battles; yes that I know from bunking with him.
  • The decline and fall of everything is our daily dread; we are agitated in private life and tormented by public questions.
  • It would have been easy for the unacquainted to determine which was the title-chasing side and which the tormented.
  • The circus is coming, and it has nothing to do with soleil, shriners or tormented crackpot elephants!
  • Erratic and vagrant instincts tormented me, and these I was obliged to control or rather suppress for fear of growing in any degree enthusiastic, and thus drawing attention to the 'lioness' -- the authoress. Life of Charlotte Bronte — Volume 2
  • As therefore France was made use of, in the instance ffiven, to yex and scorch the Aus - trian famuy, in both brandies of it; so after - wards was he himself tormented, when he saw himself forced to leaye Holland, which he was so near surprising, A. Apocalyptical key. An extraordinary discourse on the rise and fall of papacy; or, The pouring out of the vials, in the Revelation of St. John, chap. XVI ..
  • His wealthy counterpart, however, is tormented in the netherworld.
  • She did not foresee the severe disappointment with which an exclusive purpose of this sort is pregnant; she was inexperienced enough to lay a stress upon the consequent gratitude of those she benefited; and she did not sufficiently consider that, in proportion as we involve ourselves in the interests and society of others, we acquire a more exquisite sense of their defects, and are tormented with their untractableness and folly. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  • This is someone else who is unable to fit in, because he suffers from tinnitus, tormented by sounds inside his head - leading to an awe-inspiring exorcism scene.
  • The experts explain her behavior as due to her tormented abusive past.
  • Seth was tormented by feelings of guilt.
  • The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.
  • More important has been the second traditional source - the collected, cataloged, and often published accounts of the Union soldiers whom bushwhackers targeted and tormented.
  • The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible
  • Huge gusting winds, roaring up off the cliff face of the Boomerang Range, blasted billows of fine powdery snow high into the air like a tormented geyser.
  • Jews; to whom he said that the false christian men be yet lower and deeper in hell than the Jews, for as much as they have despited and villained the blood of Jesu Christ of which they were redeemed, so much the more be they tormented. The Golden Legend, vol. 2
  • Again tormented to the very end by the veteran Bucks, Orlando blew a 14-point lead in the final five minutes of regulation, but rode a heroic effort from Tracy McGrady in overtime for a 121-116 victory that was equal parts stunning and exhilarating for the sellout crowd at TD Waterhouse Centre. - Magic sweat out overtime win to avoid sweep
  • Epileptics were supposedly possessed by spirits that threw them to the ground and tormented them with convulsions.
  • At the same time, he became adept at nurturing his image as a tormented rebel in touch with primal truths.
  • Yet on and on he had gone, playing the "hated" sport well past typical retirement age – keeping schtum until looking like a fascinatingly tormented soul would sell his book. Serena Williams's love for shopping over playing is telling for tennis | Marina Hyde
  • The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.
  • While he gormandized he tormented the shrinking girl with his coarse gallantry. Bloom of Cactus
  • Donie tormented the opposition but generally was well marshalled by James who restricted him to just that single injury time point.
  • Months passed; Nancy was tormented by a desire for expression keener than ever and the sense that until she had some knowledge of actual life she would write nothing that was vital, nothing that was true. DEVELOPMENT A NOVEL BY W. BRYHER WITH A PREFACE BY AMY LOWELL
  • Certain persons betrayed him, demanded his death, brought him to trial, condemned and delivered him up, mocked, tormented, and executed him.
  • a small tormented schoolboy
  • She had never been tormented by womanhood, and she had lived in a dreamland of Tennysonian poesy, dense even to the full significance of that delicate master's delicate allusions to the grossnesses that intrude upon the relations of queens and knights. Chapter 14
  • Here the story picks up as the tormented devourer of souls tries to escape his captor, the omnipresent octopus-like Elder God.
  • Those that had done well, went to the elysian fields, but evil doers to Cocytus, and to that burning lake of [6399] hell with fire, and brimstone for ever to be tormented. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But, as directed by Ian Talbot, it is all preposterous fun and John Gordon Sinclair, despite his lack of visibility, excellently suggests the tormented demonism of the hero. The Invisible Man – review
  • City teased and tormented the visitors but to no effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some are so tormented by the disorder they have demanded that limbs are amputated.
  • A year ago I arrived at her door sad, depressed, suicidal, and tormented by my demons.
  • The word tormented them, and they are glad they are freed from it. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Or they were tormented souls, buffeted by external dilemmas and prior vulnerabilities.
  • Vicky was tormented daily, every single period, just because Leo Gerdin had showed some interest in her.
  • But it soon abandons easy-listening hipness and becomes a heavy-handed biopic about a tormented genius.
  • A student on the threshold of a new life at university killed himself with a massive cyanide overdose because of the acne that had ‘tormented’ him.
  • Giamatti’s tormented thespian is attempting to survive an especially grueling stage production of “Uncle Vanya.” Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Why did you decide to shy away from the burned-out, tormented cop and create soccer dad type guys? Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Marshall Karp, part one
  • Linking to the same Washington Post story, Crispin Sartwell, at his eyeofthestormblogs. com, writes: "this, we may speculate, is the reason that many prisoners of the u.s. will never be released: nothing they did before, but the secrets they learned in prison, the details of their own torture, present a security risk. we will not only torment you, we will detain/disappear you for having been tormented by us. Balkinization
  • The image of this tormented soul driven to suicide, takes center stage in Oe's later narratives. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • This film had to move fast: it was set on a runaway train hurtling towards destruction at the hands of a driver facing retirement, tormented by jealousy.
  • Through the second and third sets, the Olympic gold medallist tormented the Czech with chips and dinks.
  • The earth moved and groaned underfoot, and on all sides the wind shrieked like tormented demons. The Gods of Asgard
  • Is this the body language of the tormented man, back from the war? Times, Sunday Times
  • Many a time had I heard and read of our lifeboats, and had seen them reposing in their boat-houses, as well as out "for exercise," but now I had _seen_ a lifeboat tearing before the gale through the tormented sea, sternly bent on the real work of saving human life. Battles with the Sea
  • The children tormented the stuttering teacher
  • We learn of his tormented childhood.
  • After a deeply traumatic childhood, where his father left him to rot in Newgate prison, Sweeney takes violent revenge against the gaoler who tormented him in prison.
  • We have polluted, consumed, caged, corrupted, deracinated, tortured, and tormented just about every form of creation on Earth.
  • Thrse is tormented by the pull of multiple vocations: warrior, priest, apostle, doctor, martyr. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • She's in poor health and often tormented by illness.
  • The hedger and ditcher must make his hedge clean and clean his ditch even though he be tormented by rheumatism. The Duke's Children
  • He still manages to capture the divide between civilised and unrepressed society that reflects the dual and tormented soul of Jekyll and Hyde.
  • She's desperate for ice cream, or anything else to eat, tormented by a constant hunger that never, ever goes away.
  • His face alone is a portrait of sickly, soured ambition, with sunken, shadowed features and huge, tormented eyes.
  • First, the malefactors would be swiftly put out of their misery and not forced, at huge expense from the taxpayer; to live on for countless years with their inner demons and tormented souls.
  • She tried but she was still tormented by the anger and jealousy. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The following day, in a Latin address which he repeated in German, he admitted that he had been overviolent in his attacks upon his opponents; but he said that no one could deny that, through the popes 'decrees, the consciences of faithful Christians had been miserably ensnared and tormented, and their goods and possessions, especially in Germany, devoured. An Introduction to the History of Western Europe
  • ENGLAND'S batsmen were teased and tormented by a Pakistan bowler playing his first Test since being banned for a misdemeanour. The Sun
  • Fourth, look at the Romans' idea of a general get-together - those amphitheatres where you could enjoy watching animals being tormented and humans murdered.
  • Every day he wakes up to an increasingly tormented family.
  • We're given to understand that because Charlie is tormented by guilt that he somehow occupies a higher rung on the moral ladder than his unrepentant, remorseless elder brother.
  • I know they get kazillions of entries, because the cartoonists I recently tormented with questions said so.
  • His jeremiad sounds a generational alarum: The days of isolated, tormented, anti-commercial white male geniuses are done and done.
  • The same old monsters surface to be tormented like animals at an Elizabethan fair. The Times Literary Supplement
  • At its center hulked a tormented volcano of ropy black stone. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • As time went on she grew more and more jealous of him, and more and more certain that, if only she could know what had happened, she would get some ease to her tormented heart and some assuagement of her perfectly natural curiosity.
  • City teased and tormented the visitors but to no effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is evident is that for years she was tormented by physical longing for Abelard. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • He meant the sense of profound mystery, the revolt against utter causelessness, which had tormented to no clearness so many generations of minds. Cytherea
  • Is it possible for him, who is love itself, to be cruel, harsh, and inexorable; to sit in heaven contriving gins and snares to trapan and ruin his poor creatures; and then to delight himself in the cries of the damned, and the woful estate of tormented souls? Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • Maybe I'm just tormented by my own Libran capabilities, but I can see both sides, can't you? Dr. Susan Corso: Tortured By Torture
  • My experiences sometimes troubled and tormented me by not understanding while the picture is in shaping stages.
  • Be so good as to give a cut just there, right across the umbilical region -- there lurks the fellow that for so many years tormented me on my first waking! or -- a stab there, I beseech you, it was the seat and source of that dreaded subsultus which so often threw my Book out of my hand, or drove my pen in a blur over the paper on which I was writing! ... Letter to William Sotheby
  • It tormented him to think that something might happen in his absence, and he made every effort to minimize the risks.
  • Zeus had once tried to seduce the lovely Io, but Hera, his jealous wife, had discovered her husband's intentions and turned poor Io into a cow, left to wander about the earth, constantly pursued and tormented by a pestilent gadfly.
  • With just his guitar and a four-track tape machine, he conceived the stark sounding, tormented soul of Nebraska, pre-dating the alt-country movement by a good 10 years.
  • And one more southern rock choice in the soundtrack, I was going to go home and invent a time machine, go back in time, and sneak a sackful of rabid weasels onto Skynyrd's plane so I'd know that during the entire crash, they were ALSO being tormented by the weasel bites. Archive 2005-04-03
  • The only reason he had put it on in the first place was because some kids in Colorado got sick of being pushed around and shot the kids that tormented them.
  • Permanently tormented by pain, the depravations of peasant life slowly take their toll on him, forcing his wife and daughter to play a more central role in caring for the family.
  • She finds herself beckoning, urging, pleading with the other woman to calm the angry fires of unquenched lust ablaze within her own tormented soul.
  • Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother's past.
  • She is caught in a loop, doomed to repeat her lonely, tormented existence day after day.
  • Though just as the Mozart film unpicked the myths perpetrated by "Amadeus" -- Mozart did not die a pauper and was not poisoned by Salieri or anyone else -- we discover that Beethoven was not the unkempt, unhygienic, tormented figure of romantic tradition, struggling, unloved and alone, against his tragic deafness. Debunking the Beethoven Myth
  • Even after he had kidnapped and tormented the kid, he had still gone on to worldwide fame.
  • She fought against sleep as long as she could, not wanting it to steal from her these precious moments when Raschid gave his strength un stintingly but the warmth of his body made her drowsy and her tormented senses were not proof against the smothering waves of sleep. Falcon's Prey
  • If your protagonist comes across as unfriendly, ubertormented or just plain psychotic, the agent may not want to spend more than a few graphs with them before moving on to clear more slush from their desk. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Agents and the First Two Pages
  • Dog-eared, loose-leafed copies have been sullenly passed from tormented teen to tormented teen on campuses and in libraries across the globe. The Spark of Yahoo!
  • We've all been tormented by jealousy or grief or anger; we've all experienced the way such emotions can carry us away from our reasonable, day-to-day state of mind.
  • My own belief in non-partisan politics is not the musing of an idealist, but the tormented cry of a desperate man.
  • A question that has tormented me for a long time is that of giving tips or gratuities - with particular reference to hotels. Times, Sunday Times
  • And saying , Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy , grievously tormented.
  • Now reflect that all these sentient beings, although they naturally desire happiness and wish to avoid suffering, are tormented by unimaginable sufferings.
  • Andie MacDowell portrays a woman who is tormented by the ghost of her abusive, alcoholic husband.
  • To this hour art thou not tormented with the vile asthma that thou gattest in skating against the wind in Flanders? and is it but two months ago, that in a fit of laughter, on seeing a cardinal make water like a quirister (with both hands) thou brakest a vessel in thy lungs, whereby, in two hours, thou lost as many quarts of blood; and hadst thou lost as much more, did not the faculty tell thee — it would have amounted to a gallon? — The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Statistics from the U.S. Census Report and quirky audience participation sections punctuate sociological debates, scuffles and tormented soliloquies by the characters.
  • She can find no peace in holy rites, which further inflame her tormented feelings. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath

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