How To Use Topmast In A Sentence
Our mizzenmast soon went, and soon afterwards the maintopmast.
Sea Troll, he thought, was damaged: it could not pursue without raising a new main-topmast.
To take the pull off the tops, the shrouds are continued round to the mast as "futtock" shrouds, on the same principle as the foretopmast-stay finds its continuation in the bobstay.
Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
Then the fore-topmast would fall, yards would fall.
Hornblower And The Hotspur
She is generally under two topsails, fore and main topsails, fore and foretopmast staysails, sometimes topgallant sails and jib, but seldom any sail on the mizzen, except while in chase of a vessel.

On Rose, the lower masts are steel and the topmasts and topgallant masts are wooden, typically pine or spruce.
We were not very long in getting our preventers rigged, after which we not only set our royal and flying-jib, but also shifted our gaff-topsail, hauling down Number 3, a jib-headed affair, and setting Number 2 in its place, a sail nearly twice as big as the other, with its lofty, tapering head laced to a yard very nearly as long as the topmast.
A Middy of the Slave Squadron A West African Story
There is a good deal of what I call a lubber's fuss, parson, kept up on board a ship that shall be nameless, but which bears, about three leagues distant, broad off in the ocean, and which is lying to under a close-reefed maintopsail, a foretopmast-staysail, and foresail -- I call my hand a true one in mixing a can -- take another pull at the halyards!
The Pilot
When I use Mikes numbers the main and topmasts fits but the topgallant masts seemed to be about 1/3 too high.
The port shrouds of the foremast carried away at the chain-plates, and the fore-topmast leaned over drunkenly to starboard.
The word is thought possibly to have its origins in sailing, where a bollock is a pulley-block at the head of a topmast. - Frontpage RSS Feed
In fact, she was a full-rigged, three-topmast schooner, newly built.
Chris Farrington, Able Seaman
The enemy's foremast was severed just below the fighting top and plunged through two decks; then his maintopmast went.
One of the big galleons--Derec recognized the Sea Troll--had storm damage: one topmast was gone.
In less than an hour I had the maintopmast on deck and was constructing the shears.
Captain Doane shouted to one of the sailors who had just emerged from the forecastle scuttle, sea - bag in hand, and over whom the fore-topmast was swaying giddily.
We had hauled the trysails and other fore and aft canvas, which was comparatively useless to a steamer when running before the wind at the time we had altered course towards the south, in quest of the ship in distress, the _Star of the North_ speeding along with only her fore - topsail and fore-topgallantsail set in addition to her fore-topmast staysail and mizzen staysail and jib.
The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
Bellerophon's main topmast had been shot away and her mizzen topmast was in a precarious state.
Her fore topmasts and yards, studdingsail booms and yards, jibbooms and entire mizzen masts were shot away.
Having called all hands, we closereefed the topsails and trysail, furled the courses and jib, set the fore-topmast staysail, and brought her up nearly to her course, with the weather braces hauled in a little, to ease her.
Two years before the mast, and twenty-four years after: a personal narrative
Lay out aloft, there, half a dozen of ye -- foretopmaststuns'l!
The next time the clouds thinned I looked for'ard, and there was the shadow of the topmast, long and attenuated, wavering and lurching on the deck and against the rigging.
That Dead Men Rise Up Never
The unfortunate man was at the head, engaged in unshackling the maintopmast spring stay, when the cap of the foremast came off.
More of the sailors took advantage of the interval to rush for'ard under the toppling fore-topmast, dive into the forecastle, and hastily pack their sea-bags.
Without a doubt the Japanese clearly recorded it, and the water depth where it sank was so shallow that the topmast of the ship provided refuge for some of the survivors just after the sinking.
No sooner, too, had the hands jumped into the rigging and the studdingsail halliards and tacks been cast off by the watch on deck and the downhauls and sheets manned, than the "first luff," pitching his voice to yet a higher key, sang out in rapid sequence, "Topmast stu'ns'l downhaul -- haul taut -- clew up -- all down!
Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
The full-jib was also set, and, as it departed in shreds, the fore-topmast staysail was being hoisted.
The Raven had lost her maintopmast three days out from San Francisco, which had slowed her down for two full days.
There is no doubt that getting rid of the leverage of the bowsprit, right up in her eyes, eased her a good bit; and as the topmast was a pretty heavy spar, too, that also helped.
Held Fast For England A Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83)
Jane_, as the fore-topmast had soon snapped off sharp at the cap like a carrot, bringing with it, of course, the fore-topgallant mast as well, and the main-topgallant mast, with their respective yards and other spars, and the jib-boom as well.
Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
The rig has at least three square sails: the course on the lower mast, the topsail on the topmast and the topgallant sail on the topgallant mast.
During the race, however, the Walters lost its foretopmast and fell behind.
On Saturday afternoons in the summer Ganges boys with spare time were allowed to climb the mast, and on one day he and a mate were at the crossjack - the highest point on the mast, except for the topmast and its notorious button.
Presently, therefore, I sprang into the mizen rigging and made my way aloft to the mizen topmast crosstrees, from which I directed the operation of sending down the royal and topgallant yards, and afterwards took a hand in sending down the topgallant mast, having the satisfaction of finding, when I returned to the deck, that we on the mizenmast had beaten both Briscoe and Kennedy.
The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
Sometimes additional pieces of wood were fastened to the topmasts, which carried topgallant sails.
Above the topmast was added the topgallant mast and above that the topgallant mast royal.
In our illustration the vessel has set her fore studding-sail, her fore-topmast studding-sail and her fore-topgallant studding-sail -- studding-sail being pronounced stu'nsail, just as topgallant-sail is telescoped into topgantsail.
Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
A second moment they devoted to the wreckage of the same on deck -- the mizzen-topmast, thrust through the spanker and supported vertically by the stout canvas, thrashing back and forth with each thrash of the sail, the main - topmast squarely across the ruined companionway to the steerage.
The outhaul block gave way, and the topmast studding-sail boom bent in a manner which I never before supposed a stick could bend.
Chapter XXXIII. Cracking on-Progress Homeward-A Pleasant Sunday-A Fine Sight-By-Play
Jane_, as the fore-topmast had soon snapped off sharp at the cap like a carrot, bringing with it, of course, the fore-topgallant mast as well, and the main-topgallant mast, with their respective yards and other spars, and the jib-boom as well.
Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
Her foretopmast had snapped in the middle-just as it had done on her first run two years before!
Such information did he gather, over many bottles of beer, that the next afternoon, hiring a small launch at a cost of ten shillings, he journeyed up the harbour to Jackson Bay, where lay the lofty - poled, sweet-lined, three-topmast American schooner, the Mary
As various design concepts were presented, the topmast and ring-of-spikes motif remained intact.
Her fin keel struck bottom, and her main topmast lurched and shivered as if about to come down upon our heads.
Chapter 15
It was a perfect replica of a Caribbean pirate vessel, right down to the Jolly Roger flying from the topmast.
I saw the mizzen topmast lurching across a faint radiance of cloud behind which was the moon.
That Dead Men Rise Up Never
The topmast anticked high in the air for a space, then crashed down to deck, permitting the bowsprit to dip into the sea, go clear with the butt of it of the forecastle head, and drag alongside.
The month in which my seventeenth birthday arrived I signed on before the mast on the Sophie Sutherland, a three-topmast schooner bound on a seven-months 'seal-hunting cruise to the coast of Japan.
That Dead Men Rise Up Never
The full-jib was also set, and, as it departed in shreds, the fore-topmast staysail was being hoisted.
The overlapping view makes it difficult to sort out the various spars, but it appears that the foremast has only lower and topmasts, while topgallants are carried on the main and mizen.
The Macedonian's mizzenmast was gone, her main and foretopmasts carried away, her main yard cut in two, and her ensign had disappeared.
Bellerophon's main topmast had been shot away and her mizzen topmast was in a precarious state.
There was a lookout on the fore-topmast crosstrees; but almost every one was looking out in the direction where some trace of David and Jonathan might be discovered.
Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
The term ship, as usually applied, has reference to a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts -- a mainmast, a foremast and a mizzenmast; and these three masts are each composed of three parts, namely, a lowermast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast.
The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island
Peaks, on the main topmast-stay, caught Howe in the very act of passing the gasket through the bight of the buntline.
Down the Rhine Young America in Germany
These, like the channels for the lower rigging, are mere projections or out-riggers; the true point of support for the topmast rigging is the lower shrouds, the connection being made by what are called futtock shrouds and catharpins.
The Lieutenant and Commander
January I signed before the shipping commissioner the articles of the Sophie Sutherland, a three topmast sealing schooner bound on a voyage to the coast of Japan.
Chapter 15
Orders were then given to set the jib and maintopmast staysail, and the former was set but the latter could not be, as the halyards were foul aloft.
The fore-topmast is a - complainin 'like anythink, I can tell ye, sir.
The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
The fine, three-topmast schooner Ariel, on a cruise around the world, had already been out a year from San Francisco when Jerry boarded her.
The topmast in turn supported the topgallant mast, which could be lowered and replaced, if necessary, even at sea.
The following morning the foretopmast was found to be chafed through, and in the afternoon the foretopsail was split.
A sorry, pitiful sight she looked, her fore-topmast broken off clean at the cap, her sails shivering in the wind.
Hornblower In The West Indies
Next day, the mast-steps clear and everything in readiness, we started to get the two topmasts aboard.
Chapter 35
The delinquent middie was sent to the ‘crows nest’ on the top of the main part of a mast; that is, below the topmast, which was a short mast lashed to the lower mast.
The full-jib was also set, and, as it departed in shreds, the fore-topmast staysail was being hoisted.
She was a small fast and shallow draft centerboard schooner and her rig except for foretopmasts and yankee was identical to the Shrewsbury Packets.
I extended the line between the cloudy radiance and the mizzen-topmast and found that it must strike somewhere near the fore-rigging on the port side.
That Dead Men Rise Up Never