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How To Use Topic In A Sentence

  • Side effects of all topical treatments include allergic and contact dermatitis, depigmentation of surrounding normal skin, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • There are few food topics that arouse as much emotion as fish and chips. Times, Sunday Times
  • He expressed his racial hatred for everyone, especially OBama making veiled death threats, spoke of other dangerous topics etc … and then offered to sell me a mosser rifle as he was buying a a whole shippment of them. Alex Jones' Prison
  • With the usual prerogative of the wealthy classes, he tended to choose doctors with a reputation for having studied some topics in greater detail than usual.
  • The attitude of sex offense and the examination of mass media were the topics less to be reported lately.
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  • That being impossible here, let us return to the topic of theism and the relation of evil to divine purpose.
  • ‘News’ is often more agitprop or tabloid than topical.
  • Tessa Morris-Suzuku of Australian National University perhaps the most widely known Australian historian of Japan presented a paper on colonial Karafuto, one of many topics she is currently researching. 2007: Japan Top Ten Year in Review
  • In fact, I found myself reluctant to skip any topic in the book.
  • For example, the origin of ivory can be identified by its strontium isotopic composition, which reflects the diet of the elephant.
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I am not convinced and that is why I have asked for this topic to be discussed at the town council.
  • Will R. Huysman on the Catholic Patristics starts off his new blog with a series of patristic catenae on a series of topics. Hyperekperissou
  • The topics in those categories that were less widely dispersed throughout the curriculum included stereochemistry, drug design, drug nomenclature, natural products and biotechnology.
  • Your Anon commenter is a TROLL, they are people who basically google a topic, find blogs and start trouble. Homemaking Without Worry
  • In 1881 Tait published an important paper on the topic in which he showed how to correct the temperature readings because of the high pressures on the thermometers.
  • A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • The topic of this thesis is focused on the DOP technique applied to monitor the PMD of the optical link and the impact of the PMD on the PM system.
  • One of the current topics on the Child-Lit listserv, where I usually lurk, is a discussion "Harry Potter -- Hype or Word Of Mouth," which got me thinking about when I first read HP and its impact on me, personally and professionally. How I Found Out About Harry
  • All the hot topics are sizzling on: timesonline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The exuberance with which he engages every topic attests to the wonders he can accomplish with his prose.
  • Mr. Summers organizes the meetings, usually picks the topic, and sometimes acts as a devil's advocate.
  • We shall return to the topic of education in Chapter 7.
  • Mercury promises success when you write about a topic you hold dear. The Sun
  • The purposes of this study were to report our experiences with high-energy wartime extremity wounds, to define the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in these patients, and to determine the factors that might lead to development of the condition," said lead author Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Agner Forsberg, MD. Dr. Forsberg and his team compared data from 243 patients who were treated for orthopaedic injuries between March 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 at the medical center, including patients who underwent: amputation external or internal fixation of one or more fractures removal of damaged, dead or infected tissue, or 'debridement' EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • I am always tempted to revise more for my stronger topics.
  • When I went for my walk this afternoon there was still no sign of snow, though the drifts of fallen May blossom along the hedge bottoms kept my mind on the topic.
  • This time however the concern is the operation of such systems at the level of the corporate group which is the topic of interest.
  • Public attention was riveted on this topic on both sides on the Atlantic.
  • While she brings experience and sagacity, such a slim volume on such large topic demands a few leaps of faith, notwithstanding the appended 56 pages of interesting notes and comments.
  • Ms. Fuchs believes the topic of safe sex isn't one where a parent can allow for a child to break down into the giggles and get squirmy. Mother Works to Make AIDS Education a Priority
  • At length one noticed the fact, and another; and then it became the general topic of conversation in the group upon the bridge, where Ethelberta, her hair getting frizzed and her cheeks carnationed by the wind, sat upon a camp-stool looking towards the prow. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Probably he felt an attempt to demonstrate the scale of Flaubert's achievement would be otiose and would, in any case, take up too much space in a short essay devoted to another topic.
  • General Philosophy covers such topics as mind and body, theory of knowledge, causation and personal identity.
  • The treatment process and efficacy, judicial program evaluation, establishing assessment tools, sex offense prevention education, and treatment program evaluation were popular topics recently.
  • Sex is considered taboo as a topic for discussion.
  • A preliminary glossary of Inuktitut words relating to bowheads, whaling, and related topics has been prepared, but it is not included in the book, as it awaits verification by Inuit elders.
  • Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • Topics include his exegesis, Mary and the incarnation, divinization and eschatology; but the Trinity and the Holy Spirit are the constant background.
  • This symbolic geography, of course, typifies the upper division course in any discipline, where the field of study is the central topic.
  • Topical wild yam preparations, which contain diosgenin, and progesterone creams were tested.
  • Public religious education has been an increasingly contentious topic in Britain. Christianity Today
  • Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
  • The physical geography section provided the key topics that candidates would have focussed on, such as landform development. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • So with that we called up the Hottopic in Orland Square mall, only to get a busy signal for over two hours of constant redialing. Twilight Lexicon » Twilight Tour Continues
  • As far as I know, the perfume is still at Hot Topic .. Twilight Lexicon » Twilight Perfume Lawsuit
  • Comments, "likes" and shares on Facebook, as well as retweets and favorites on Twitter, can indicate what topics and subjects your followers found interesting and valuable.
  • Thereby, in the absence of other myocyte structures as well as the absence of endogenous Cav1. 2, ectopic expression of BIN1 is sufficient to concentrate surface Cav1. 2. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • We have introduced some basic components which would be required in a characterisation of the topic framework for any discourse fragment.
  • There they gather short, or editor-shortened, letters in which correspondents with opposing views slug away at each other on a topic selected by the editor.
  • I think you have done well in avoiding the topic altogether; but between ourselves, do you really think that the refinement of manner, the censorious, hypocritical, verbal scrupulosity, which is carried so far in this "picked age" of ours, is a true sign of superior refinement of taste, and purity of morals? Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • Wald was working on statistics and probability and he persuaded Lukacs to take an interest in this topic too.
  • And a general weariness in having the same conversation about genre versus the mainstream that crops up whenever a young'un who hasn't bothered to read anything published on the internet over the last decade gets the bright idea to write in haphazard fashion about a topic that's like the same piece of gum masticated for a month. [Guest Post] Part 1: A Manifesto of Imaginative Literature by Justin Allen
  • For Edinburgh residents, a safe place to park the car became the main topic of conversation.
  • He lowers himself and the book by covering these topics.
  • In fact, the response went on to totally digress from the topic and talked more about the airline’s new premium cabins, and not customer service. » 2010 » March » 09 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • The service life of electrolytic pots is an important topic for research in aluminum industry.
  • They have also been regarded as a topic distinctive to fluid dynamics.
  • It's very easy to find your way around, and there are topical menus on every page, leading you to categories such as Beyond Buddies, Head and Heart, and Out of Bounds.
  • Rather than an alphabetical sequence of topics, for each country the contents are organized into chapters that address 13 basic issues, ranging from basic sexological perspectives to sexual dysfunctions.
  • Contact dermatitis in the ear canal can result from almost any local irritant, including topical anti-infective agents and anesthetics and other topical preparations.
  • Social psychology is clearly another large and highly complex topic.
  • They instantly fall into certain companionable roles: the smartest one lends an educated perspective on a topic, the most outrageous one cracks the kind of jokes she wouldn’t dare to if a man were around, the least intellectually secure one feels safe enough to ask the most rudimentary questions. The Uses of Enchantment
  • The great and good were planted to ask rather tedious questions about other topics, which they duly did. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leeson was looking around for inspiration, a topic that didn't rub salt into wounds.
  • The working group was formed in 1986 and during its working period several reports appeared on the same topic.
  • The EWP event will run until Saturday, and is set to discuss such topics as the cultural commoditisation of books and literature tailored for mass consumption, as well as how globalisation, the digital era and multiculturalism have affected the conventional boundaries of literature. VS Naipaul withdraws from Turkish event after row over Islam comments
  • The topic she really dislikes talking about is body image. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alright , since we mentioned Saks and Tiffany , I guess today's topic is stores.
  • The speaker showed good judgement in his choice of topic.
  • Topic: Oldsmobile Bravada Awd Conversion (Read 8 times) king cadilac oldsmobile pontiac gmc Wii-volution
  • The following papers are contributions to a symposium on these topics presented at the 1999 meetings of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology.
  • Our choices are presented in no particular order, but each covers a topic that made us think about coin collecting and/or the hobby and business of numismatics in a different way. The Best and the Worst of 2008 : Coin Collecting News
  • Ongoing staff education activities should include the topic of proper procaine and benzathine administration.
  • Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
  • Consequently there is no topic that is off limits for discussion, even if a few are off limits for experimentation.
  • Any questions that veer away from the topic that is uppermost in her mind are swiftly redirected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Launched the GuideLiner ™ catheter, D-Stat Rad-Band ™ topical hemostat, Gator ™ ClipSeal plug, Drainer ™ centesis catheter and Guardian® II hemostasis valve in the U.S. News
  • It is possible that the difference in setting could affect the way personal topics impact on participation rates.
  • The topics include more commonly used products such as kava, ginkgo biloba and St. John's wort, and some older but mainstream products such as aloe and the laxatives senna and cascara sagrada.
  • Social psychology is clearly another large and highly complex topic.
  • So, how to accurate and promptly gain the structurized data information has become a current vertical search area research big topic.
  • Anyways in that post you mention something about structuring a class for "multilinear editing" and I'm curious if you can point to me to any sources where I can learn some more on this topic. Game programming in Norway
  • The new topical news programme has been launched and is turning into a disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The topic of my law review note was qui tam actions under the False Claims Act. Every decade or so, a discussion comes along in which my expertise is actually relevant. The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
  • They had obviously been hoping to approach the topic with more subtlety.
  • Here thematic chapters treat topics such as manors and granges, woods and parks, gardens and vineyards, and towns and transport, setting out in a big, fat book a valuable overview.
  • People speak readily of the untended wounds of the dead, but practice silence on the topic of the peaceful, pluralistically driven, and loving Muslims who are seeking to build this center of community. Grant Brooke, M.Div.: Hindsight: Burying the Ghost of Ground Zero
  • Each topic is covered in the same folksy style, with the minimum of ‘geek-speak’ and the text is often amusing in the extreme.
  • In the absence of payment, amateur reviewers write overwhelmingly about topics they love.
  • These findings strongly support the origin of the tumor from heterotopic retroperitoneal rests of the adrenal gland.
  • They'll pump out this dry language with words like "appetitive" and "phenotypic" but they won't use any pleasing visual aids, on that one-out-of-a-thousand occasion on which it is directly related to the chosen topic. House of Eratosthenes
  • the library had to discard books that had lost their topicality
  • Your point is correct, but your complaint is moot here because the nature of animacy is not the topic at hand. The early Indo-European case system and definiteness
  • We looked at hospital admissions data for congenital and acquired syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy.
  • In fact, I was pretty sure that the latest romances were the major topics of the staffroom at recesses and lunchtime breaks.
  • That such feedback is not enough to prevent many from smoking and abusing alcohol is another topic for another time.
  • They began to talk loudly and at length on a range of topics: the benefits of various air miles and insurance packages; the moral beatitude of wealth creation; their twin enthusiasms for brand development and soul music.
  • Book Five is all about what he calls pasta—which still meant pastry and dough, so pies, tarts, and fritters are the main topics of interest rather than maccheroni, vermicelli, and ravioli. Delizia!
  • They usually have a few guests and discuss topical issues, usually of interest to men.
  • As such she acts as a de facto clearing house for much of the material brought forth from academia on the topic.
  • We're proud of talking about the taboo topics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The topic was on the docket of one of the industry's biggest trade shows.
  • This question doesn't have anything to do with the main topic of the survey.
  • Teaching methodologies vary according to the topic.
  • The tone of her voice was designed to stamp on this topic of conversation once and for all.
  • Pei Jingkang the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to China, told this reporter that the earth is to be operated a news topic.
  • Traditionally the treatment of atopic dermatitis has included the frequent use of emollients and the intermittent use of topical corticosteroids to control acute flares.
  • The second project focuses on renewable energy research, and covers such topics as solar, biogas, mini-hydro and geothermal energy.
  • Under the "favored applications clause," a person whose knowledge of any particular subject was unique and authoritative, whether the topic were Esperanto or fistiana, went to the head of the waiting -- list automatically and had his initiation fee remitted. Average Jones
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • The topic today centers about the crisis in the Middle East.
  • We must assume his comments were deliberately provocative to attract interest to the rather dry topic of female participation in public life.
  • Many of these topics will be taken up and discussed in greater detail in subsequent chapters.
  • On paper, Lieutenant Commander Brian K. Waite, a United States Navy chaplain, appears to be one of the nation's foremost scholars on a wide-range of topics such as traumatology, theology, and Biblical history. Navy Chaplain Who Called for Attack on Islam Finds His Credentials Under Scrutiny
  • Cameron and Hague both continue to shilly-shally on this topic which makes many suspect that they will seek to avoid the issue if they can, knowing that a vote then to reject the Treaty would open up the whole issue of our membership of the EU at a stroke. Archive 2008-03-02
  • The chaotic state of the world as evidence of divine absenteeism is a topic for another day. The gods must be crazy | Her Bad Mother
  • Thus, in an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg has implanted itself outside the uterus.
  • With such discourse, and the intervening topics of business, the time passed until dinner, Macwheeble meanwhile promising to devise some mode of introducing Edward at the Duchran, where Rose at present resided, without risk of danger or suspicion; which seemed no very easy task, since the laird was a very zealous friend to government. Waverley
  • The risk of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis was also significantly higher.
  • In the next chapter the writer focuses on the topic of adoption.
  • Not only could she carry on any kind of conversation, ranging from various topics, but her wittiness and toying sarcasm often brought laughter from the circle of people that were gathered.
  • The candidate concluded his recitation with an abbreviated recapitulation of the subdivisions of the five principal topics.
  • Pictures depict the major topics of discussion and support the text well.
  • The mention of critics can only bring us to the topic of Nunn's sworn enemy.
  • These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
  • The topics covered in the report, which compares its main findings with those from previous surveys, include service provision, policing priorities and fear of crime.
  • Each help screen has an index from which you may select a topic.
  • A preoperative thyroid scan should be performed to rule out ectopic thyroid tissue.
  • He jumps from one topic to another. I can't make out what he is driving at.
  • We talked about school, friends, family and browsed among all these various topics, usually complaining or moaning about them in some way.
  • The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics in a tweet.
  • Licorice and chamomile have demonstrated long-term anti-inflammatory action similar to topical steroids without the side effects. The Truth About Beauty
  • My thinking on this topic has been influenced by stimulating discussions that I have had with social scientists.
  • A considerable background literature exists on this topic but only recently has economic urgency again directed attention toward this method of conversion.
  • Four Public Workshops lead by Dr de Freitas came from the Glossop Lecture on the following topics: The London Basin, Failure in mature landslides, Scale and its use in geotechnics and, The geotechnical significance of Boundary Layers of particles. - Latest News
  • In this reviewer's opinion, topics in the various chapters should be arranged in the order of their occurrence.
  • It was a topic of conversation for the naturally curious players. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I am quite sure also that Professor Doit would write to his class: 'Whatever topic you discuss, _discuss it originally_. The Perfect Gentleman
  • Topical pain relievers are creams, lotions, or sprays that you put on your skin to relieve pain from sore muscles and arthritis.
  • Plus, a narrative bibliography is included to provide a discussion of the professional literature and topics covered in the book. The Literacy Coach’s Survival Guide: Essential Questions And Practical Answers « Books « Literacy News
  • Judging by the news and links on its sites, this is a hot topic for the industry, bureaucrats and research organisations.
  • Topics will include menstruation, sexuality, pregnancy and childbirth in a cultural context.
  • We also assign sections addressing Biology, computing, and advanced topics.
  • I am glad to hear from you on this important topic.
  • Since 1948 his research topics have included carbohydrate-amino acid relationship in nervous tissue, a study of the mode of action of insulin, fermentation technology, 6-aminopenicillanic acid and penicillinase-stable penicillins, lysergic acid production in submerged culture, and the isolation of new fungal metabolites. Ernst B. Chain - Biography
  • a drug for topical (or local) application
  • This is a topic which highlights some of the difficulties which are created if the claimants' views of European jurisprudence are right.
  • The five-part series of online workshops, at www. pwc. tv, will cover topics like: how to craft a boffo "elevator pitch" and how to articulate your long-term career goals to interviewers.
  • Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 4/4.
  • Being newly refurbished, the premises now houses files, books and information on every imaginable topic.
  • It is an accomplished film that uses dark humor to leaven its serious topics.
  • The history of mathematics had always interested Rey Pastor and late in his career his interests in historical topics extended to cartography.
  • I hear these topics regularly being discussed in private and feel it is time that a public airing was given to the matter.
  • The flagship daily news and current affairs programme Kildare Today will deal with topical issues and provide a forum for listeners to air their views.
  • Topical anaesthetics are used under adhesive occlusive dressings in children before venesection.
  • While it can be argued that make sex too-taboo of a topic can hamper the spread of information, in 10 – 16 year-olds, giving that hyperactive brain region a chance to relax a smidge is more likely to be helpful. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Overall, this is a timely and useful review of a topic that has assumed major importance in health care.
  • If you go over the 120 comments posted so far to this thread, they all keep reasonably close to the topic, and I can’t recall profanities used in any comments on this thread. A brief look at two comments on one ID-creo site - The Panda's Thumb
  • The fight for survival was the topical issue in Italy after World War II and privations, hardships and misery were everywhere.
  • Public religious education has been an increasingly contentious topic in Britain. Christianity Today
  • Sensing the interest of the audience, the speaker warmed to his topic.
  • Regardless, a vision of the utopic is one that we must all get behind. Jason Derr: The Utopic Monster: Perry, Obama And Winning The Future
  • Then discuss what it means to love your enemy, to respect human life, and to never lightly or flippantly approach the topic of death.
  • Coverage of these topics is currently, for the most part, inadequate.
  • Compounded topical anesthetic creams are often used to lessen pain in procedures such as laser hair removal, tattoos, and skin treatments.
  • From this topic he transferred his disquisitions to the verb drink, which he affirmed was improperly applied to the taking of coffee, inasmuch as people did not drink, but sip or sipple that liquor; that the genuine meaning of drinking is to quench one's thirst, or commit a debauch by swallowing wine; that the Latin word, which conveyed the same idea, was bibere or potare, and that of the The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • I saw a faint glimmer of hope; a chance to derail the topic.
  • We’ve grouped these collections — "aggregations" — into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, celebrity gossip, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, and Macintosh. An Online Magazine Rack
  • We're proud of talking about the taboo topics. Times, Sunday Times
  • This week our main topic focuses on a big treat - concert tickets. The Sun
  • When you've done all the prompts for a topic draw a giant spider diagram to show them all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few published studies on the topic are available, and results have been mixed.
  • I still will not respond to comments here, nor will I allow a flamewar to brew, but I will not be banning people, and I've in fact lifted all the bans from the last go-round on this topic. Cease fire.
  • Other topical therapies new to the anti-aging scene include plant kinins which appear to have both anti-irritant and photoaging reversal properties with no perceived irritation.
  • In discussing this topic on the bus from Nicosia to Kyrenia en route to the conference dinner, Nick Jaworski pointed out, that if transfer were the explanation, why is it that his Turkish students willfully produce errors like * I went Antalya, when the analogous verb + prepositional phrase exists in Turkish (even if the preposition is attached as a suffix)? May « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • Nurse Jamieson had got on a favourite topic, and would have expatiated long enough, for she was a professed admirer of masculine beauty, but there was something which displeased the boy in her last simile; so he cut the conversation short, by asking whether she knew exactly how much money his grandfather had left with Dr. Gray for his maintenance. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • Topics considered include addition and subtraction of decimal numbers followed by multiplication and division of decimal numbers.
  • She has authored articles that range in topics from pilgrims’ maps to devotional arts, gender and ethnicity issues in Buddhist patronage, cults of saints in Asian traditions, and images of Buddhist cosmographies.
  • These formed the topic of a classic study by G. K. Gilbert published in 1877.
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  • Short bursts of a potent topical steroid is just as effective as prolonged use of a mild preparation for treating atopic eczema.
  • Most importantly, you probably won't have a good way of targeting the mailshot, that is, making sure that only those interested in the topic covered by the mailshot, actually get that information.
  • In a world of changing lifestyles brought about by new services, technology and e-commerce, this book enters the arena of contemporary research with particular topicality.
  • I went over and checked the schedule of events on the easeled board near the revolving doors, registration and coffee, licensing laws, spent fuel storage, all the topics and speakers in movable white type, ten to twelve and two to five and on into the night, and I thought about the swingers and their arrangements. Underworld
  • The interlocking, euhedral, rhombs of dolomite have an idiotopic texture.
  • There was only one serious topic to be discussed between Prime Minister and president.
  • Some structural, petrological and isotopic evidence suggests multi-stage and possibly polycyclic metamorphic evolution of the granulites of the Eastern Ghats belt.
  • The following quotes and excerpts ought to provide you with a good springboard for further research into the topic.
  • This is a good overview of the entire topic of economic development and democracy.
  • Anyway, this week is the opening round, and contains questions on whizzy topics such as international numberplate codification. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the arduous editing process, Lloyd himself ‘wasn't really in the best physical condition to turn round and start doing a blooming topical puppet show’.
  • Each lecturer has designated his or her topic for three different types of audiences.
  • The merchant maintains that the day for obeying the New Testament rule, "Let the wife fear her husband," will never pass away; that although unfaithfulness, which is assumed to be impossible on the part of the wife, may happen in other classes, in the merchant class it does not happen, and that the carouses of married men at the fair, which the narrator has heard him relating, and of which he reminds him, form a special topic which must be excluded from the discussion. Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata"
  • Even though Zach and I were old news, when topics for gossip were scarce, blabbermouths always bring the last ‘Old News' report back to life.
  • Topical retinoids such as tretinoin or adapalene are effective in many patients with comedonal acne.
  • A couple of day's later the columnist's topic for the week was that of the drug user.

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