How To Use Topee In A Sentence
So mistakenly they went and bought me armfuls of tropical kit: solar topees, boots to keep mosquitoes out at night, riding britches, God knows what.
The simple creatures hope he will impale his solar topee on a tree.
All his work in recruiting locals who still sport solar topees and spill their first G & T of the day in a loyal toast to the Queen Empress will unravel.
Donaldson, wearing a topee, a black T-shirt and a pair of three quarter pants, together with Murray and James, stood calmly before John as she read the charges against them.
The rain had turned the pith of his huge and snowy solah-topee into an evil-smelling dough, and it had closed on his head like a half-opened mushroom.
Plain Tales from the Hills

The usual literary suspects trailed their solar topees and bar chits through here, starting with Joseph Conrad in 1887, the year of its opening.
Peering down at us was a pair of faces, one surmounted by a solar topee, the other by a large hat and veil.
A cet egard, le Canada se trouve dans une situation privilegiee, puisque sa population se compose de deux elements essentiels, qui representent en son sein deux des plus fortes cultures eutopeennes.
The Present Day Spirit in France
That means that when the guys in solar topees go home newly independent countries have to choose between charismatic and bureaucratic rule.
After taking off his topee and wiping his head, he felt the boy's pulse automatically.