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How To Use Top hat In A Sentence

  • At most weddings the bride wears a veil but at this wedding the bride was wearing a beautiful top hat.
  • All these art works depict a scatter- brained character called Bip, who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower.
  • Or at least it is on Saturday 5 March when reporters, newspeople, sports teams and reporters slip into sequins and top hats for a night of show time fun.
  • He snapped his fingers and he was suddenly clad in a sapphire tux with top hat to match her dress.
  • A top hat is a rare sight these days.
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  • Grooms would omit the frock coat for a plain single-breasted overcoat, and substitute the top hat or bowler with a flat cap. Ask Evangeline | Edwardian Promenade
  • When I see a headline about “designer mice “, I stop reading and amuse myself picturing mice with top hats and canes perfoming “Puttin’ on the Ritz” in chipmunk-like falsettos. IN ODDER NEWS: Conceptual Crack Not Involving Tom Sizemore’s Rear End | Best Week Ever
  • A top hat is a rare sight these days.
  • As everyone always notices, the back view reflected in the mirror of the barmaid serving a client in a top hat (who must, by visual implication, be you) is too far to the right to be optically possible.
  • A fellow in argyle socks (not only argyle socks carried this fake man in a top hat around several times. Circus Wonder
  • Nine uniformed dragoons are standing around with the figure that is probably the architect, in frock coat and top hat concentrating on a drawing board.
  • They published two blogposts (here and here) that were both meant to make those damned 'fatties' feel good about themselves, stop hatin 'on Marie Claire and not cancel their magazine subscriptions. Josh Shahryar: Dear Marie Claire and Media: Fat People Are People, Too
  • A Sunday joint, a fireguard and a top hat were among the 10,000 articles which passengers lost after journeys during the previous 12 months.
  • Sitting off to the side of the activity on the seabed is the "top hat," a 5-foot-tall containment dome that will only be used if the insertion tube fails, Suttles said. Latest News
  • The members of the Royal Ascot Racing Club do not consider themselves a syndicate so much as a group of friends, and judging by the top hats and tails, the club has more than its fair share of the well-heeled.
  • The bridegroom was wearing a morning suit, gloves, top hat - the works.
  • As we turned the corner to the formal entrance to the Senate, university constables in tailcoats and top hats pulled back the heavy iron-railing gates to let us pass.
  • As ladies in elaborate hats paraded and gentlemen in top hat and tails studied form, the royals rode in the traditional Ascot carriage procession.
  • The mourners came in traditional dress - frock coats, top hats and bowlers.
  • That evening, any tax haven-bound CEOs are rounded up at various golf courses, devested of their top hats, and corralled onto a small prison island off of the Dominican Republic. The Morning News
  • The ban marks the end of top hats and velvet-covered beagler caps worn by many riders. Times, Sunday Times
  • One was for prominent Bollywood directors, the other was for the Jane Austen society who turned up to the screening in Bath dressed in bonnets and top hats.
  • The Top Hat tried to say something, his hands flailing, his expression demanding mercy now that he was powerless. Masked
  • Dettori accompanied Sheikh Mohammed to the races at Royal Ascot wearing a top hat, tails, and a cast on his broken right ankle.
  • There is also James Watson Allen, a dandyish motorcyclist who dressed in top hat and tails to ride his Harley-Davidson in an interracial motorcycle club called the Northernites Riders of White Plains. Exhuming History
  • He wears a top hat, ascot and striped topcoat with tails. August 15th, 2009
  • His hair was lank and black and, for preference, he wore a black top hat.
  • Hollis knew that these people had grave doubts about Top Hat.
  • The majority of the foxhunters wear black coats and top hats or derbies.
  • The famous Ascot dress code also applies, with top hat and tails a must for men in the royal enclosure.
  • Therefore, if we could just get to the root cause of their hate for us, maybe we could make them stop hating us.
  • He was barely adolescent and wore rough, homespun clothes and a round, hard top hat exactly the same as Adam had sported as a boy.
  • The tall lantern jawed villain in top hat and tails plays an organ.
  • He wears a top hat and coat-tails, and white spats on shoes the color of Alaskan hematite.
  • Then Top hats and tailored suits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one definite test for a new gentleman in Australia was that he had to be wealthy and a wealthy man could look like a gentleman once he had a large house and a carriage and dressed like a gentleman with top hat and tails.
  • A French gentleman in top hat and cane sang something which ended the picture.
  • She went up two staircases and a ladder, and out the rooftop hatch, and a moment later there was one more ornamental moonbird-rainspout up on the roof than there had been before. Elvenblood
  • These skins - especially beaver - were quite valuable and used in the Eastern states and in Europe for top hats, coats and other expensive clothing.
  • But showing at least a residue of rebellion, Jagger shunned the traditional top hat and tails, opting for a long black leather coat, purple scarf and sports shoes.
  • His political toons even light a partisan fire under The Cat in the Hat: throughout the PM days, Seuss often drew America as a dropsical eagle in a battered, striped top hat, Uncle Sam's preferred headgear.
  • He certainly seems to have mellowed, despite his slightly crazed Noddy Holder corkscrew curls and permanent top hat.
  • The friendly little fellow on the Planters Peanuts can, tipping his top hat, pops up as a kind of fantasized character, looking down on the institution of marriage through his monocle. On the Surly Bonds of Marriage
  • First to appear onstage, in front of the eponymous crimson drapery, is Nate Newton as Hieronymus the Host, a largely mute M.C. who's dressed like an organ-grinder's monkey, with red sequined suspenders and a too-small red sequined top hat. Theater review: 'Blood Sweat & Fears III: The Red Velvet Curtain'
  • With a scarred face, glass eye (the pupil of his left eye in the shape of a U.S. Eagle), upswept moustache, slicked down hair, a top hat and that wicked smile, Day-Lewis is memorable.
  • He is proudly clasping his gold medal, draped in the Scottish flag and wearing an enormous blue floppy top hat emblazoned with a brilliant white saltire.
  • He had placed a top hat on its head and draped a black tie around its neck. WEB OF DREAMS
  • I was just as thrilled when he would come up the dugout steps with his top hat, camel coat and big cigar.
  • Of course they could be wearing ermine stoles and top hats for all you know and care.
  • In Pathé's first exciting scoop in 1911, Winston Churchill, then the home secretary, was minded to wear a silk top hat to the Sidney Street siege, where he took it upon himself to direct police operations against armed Latvian robbers holed up in a jeweller's shop it included holding back the fire brigade and wisely letting the thieves burn to death when the building went up in flames. Rewind TV: Ocean Giants; Who Do You Think You Are?; The Story of British Pathé: the Birth of the News; Wilfred – review
  • But Graham said at the news conference that the commission has information suggesting that some of the deep-sea technology used to fight the leak, such as the "top hat" containment cap, was premised on a smaller flow. Oil spill commission questions BP's response plan
  • He starts a fight with the low-class tenants to draw the attention of the leading group of mobsters, the ‘Axe Gang,’ who descend on the slum in tuxedoes and top hats and wielding hatchets.
  • He'll lift his toupee off his head like it's a top hat.
  • Ari takes the cake though!!!! kaite entourage is amazingg .. if you dont think its good stop hattting and dont watch it. i love ari hes soo funny Entourage Renewed For Sixth Season | /Film
  • Top hats were a dying fashion, continued the columnist, and were generally only seen at society weddings or Ascot.
  • For British High Society, the Ascot meeting is the fashion event of the year, with the ladies parading in full finery and gentlemen sporting elegant top hats and tails in the Royal enclosure.
  • In Pathé's first exciting scoop in 1911, Winston Churchill, then the home secretary, was minded to wear a silk top hat to the Sidney Street siege, where he took it upon himself to direct police operations against armed Latvian robbers holed up in a jeweller's shop it included holding back the fire brigade and wisely letting the thieves burn to death when the building went up in flames. Rewind TV: Ocean Giants; Who Do You Think You Are?; The Story of British Pathé: the Birth of the News; Wilfred – review
  • A top hat is a rare sight these days.
  • Wednesday, the ambassador's wife, formally dressed in top hat and tailcoat, was scheduled to ride a stallion named High Voltage in an international horse show.
  • Dressed in top hat and tails, they toasted him with champagne and chanted ‘No Justice?’
  • So she is not necessarily the first person you would imagine directing a children's show, Beauty and the Beast age group eight to 12, complete with insect orchestras and goldfish-swallowing, big-teethed monsters and men in pink top hats. On the children's menu
  • The best dress livery is a frock coat, single-breasted, of kersey, the color of your livery; white buckskin riding breeches, top boots, top hat, white plastron, standing collar, and brown driving gloves. The Complete Bachelor Manners for Men
  • The men would adorn themselves in top hat and tails, while the women MPs would deck themselves in fancy dresses and hats.
  • My wife, who has impeccable taste, loves me in the top hat and commented that it was both "handsome" and "rakish" upon me. Time to Top Up?
  • Her glass carriage was drawn by four white horses decorated with pink plumage and two coach men dressed in white suits, pink ties and top hats.
  • The cover shows a soldier's combat helmet side-by-side with a diplomat's silken top hat.
  • Baugh expressed confidence in the top hat container, as a "stop-gap," if enough antifreeze is pumped to the dome. BP pursues short-term ways to stop leak
  • What's posh and what's not is about to become clear, as a leading London hatters and milliners packs up its top hats and heads for the city in time for what is arguably York's grandest social event.
  • In your imagination, they wear top hats, striped trousers and swallowtail coats.
  • When Edward doffed his black top hat to the crowd, the spectators lining each side of the track erupted as if they were spectators at a pop concert.
  • Top hats and black malacca canes are the visual signature of a show that combines cartoon posturing and a commitment to articulating the text.
  • But Caron, like Ginger Rogers and Cyd Charisse before her, was dancing her way into the hearts of millions years before these young pretenders ever put on top hat and tails.
  • It turns out that he's gone round the corner to a Victorian market, returning with a carrier bag containing a top hat, a bowler hat and a bright red feather boa.
  • From that came all the images of some upper-class fellow in a top hat and cape skulking through foggy gaslit Whitechapel.
  • Big Tree please bring back conrad and heylia stop hating on andy he is awsome but its just not the same since they left agrestic/majestic...still an awsome show no matter what but not the same without conrad/heylia First Look: WEEDS Season Four | the TV addict
  • My sins are your sins, for which you never attone when will I learn? when will I stop hating the rest of the world, for not being you? Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • Littlebody grumbles of indignity - ‘the huckstering / - jumping around in your green top hat ‘- but the laws laid down so long ago hold true and he offers up his purse of gold.’
  • Although this is meant to be the future, Hawke's character is named Edward Dalton, a peculiarly Victorian sounding name exacerbated by the black top hat he always wears. PopMatters
  • Men at their sides may have been attired in black frock coats, over waistcoats, white wing-collar shirts, black ties and top hats.
  • I once attended a ‘top hat and tails’ wedding to which an elderly uncle had been invited.
  • Fred was top hat, white tie and tails, Gene was a baseball cap, T-shirt and jeans.
  • The young man's large fur collar and tall black top hat give him the air of a young, carefree European dandy, but undoubtedly the images he is capturing are not those of pristine landscapes and peaceful vistas.
  • Each page depicts a blissfully animated child engaged in colorful, lively activity: donning a bright yellow slicker, tap dancing in a black tuxedo and top hat, or striking a pose in blue denim.
  • The photographers were there with lights and cameras, the reporters with their notebooks, the police with their strong arms, the stationmaster with his top hat, and the Duke of Devonshire with a welcoming handshake on behalf of the Commonwealth Relations Office. From the archive, 21 January 1964: A last moment of glory for the Sultan?
  • The top hat caused a riot the first time it was seen in London.
  • He long swooshing tail coat matching her top hat, the top hat covering her blue beanie tied into a pair of bunny ears.
  • Bigben stop the madness stop hating on obama you know who the new champ is and so does the rest of the world. Three more superdelegates for Obama
  • Back in the days of top hats, spittoons and the Missouri Compromise, a lot of Cognacs were lighter and fruitier than their 21st century descendants, and like whiskeys, were meant to be mixed as well as sipped. Tony Sachs: Drinking The Past: New Spirits Recreate Vintage Tastes
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • The bridegroom was wearing a morning suit, gloves, top hat - the works.
  • We bloggers are not sketching evil cackling capitalists with top hats and watch fobs.
  • If you stand ten feet away, you might see men in top hats, women in long skirts and bustles, children, pets, shimmering water.
  • Leoni wore a gold silk evening dress and silk top hat, while Deborah opted for a jacket, waistcoat, gold cravat and black trousers.
  • Standing in three-quarter view and close to the frame of the picture, he sports a silky top hat, brown double-breasted coat, flower in his button hole and cravat speared by a tie pin.
  • Janet Flanner, cross-legged on the floor, top hat decorated with one black, one white mask.
  • He depicts emerging class divisions - the wealthy in top hat and furs, along with the newcomers ignored by the black middle class.
  • Those old oriental boxes, top hats with pigeons and double-sided silk handkerchiefs won't do any more.
  • The beaver pelts were used to make felt hats (typically top hats) for European noblemen and merchants alike.
  • Simon adjusted his lopsided top hat, tilting it even more than it had been in the first place.
  • The theatrical element of the show though never let up with various song and dance set pieces featuring trapeze artists, skateboarders, a tap dancer in top hat and tails, and even a dancing bagpiper.
  • In all there are ten minute top hats of black silk plush and grey felt and one black felt bowler.
  • Everyone else was glammed up with big hats and top hats and tails.
  • Players must wear at least two additional accessories along with their regular uniform, options include top hats, monocles, scarves, berets, tool belts, leather jackets, and spurs.
  • He points out that the beard and headgear - top hats, billycock hats, or woolen stocking caps - are symbols of senior male status.
  • He didn't go in his top hat and tails as it was relaxed dress and he was in a suit.
  • Top hates were the lack of public transport, ‘not enough to do’ and ‘anti-youth prejudice.’
  • He clutched a top hat and a silver-topped cane.
  • She herself was always the top hat, May the flatiron, Petey the racing car. PROSPECT HILL
  • Michael, 35, has opted for top hat and tails coupled with a salmon pink shirt and ties to match.
  • These tailcoats and top hats with over 5,000 sequins hand-glued are still an amazing sight to see on stage, even after rescuing them from 26 years of sitting in a shed!
  • Her glass carriage was drawn by four white horses decorated with pink plumage and two coach men dressed in white suits, pink ties and top hats.
  • He wears a top hat and coat-tails, and white spats on shoes the color of Alaskan hematite.
  • He was in top hat, white tie and tails - attire with which a cane is optional.
  • Racegoers decked out in top hat and tails get ready for next month's Royal Ascot meeting at York Races yesterday.
  • He starts a fight with the low-class tenants to draw the attention of the leading group of mobsters, the ‘Axe Gang,’ who descend on the slum in tuxedoes and top hats and wielding hatchets.
  • At The Mikado's rehearsals, the male actors have on formal jackets and ties and top hats, while the women wear dresses that would not look out of place at a lunch in a good restaurant.
  • Stop hating & call it both ways … Look at Nate: B, S, lil J, V, the married cougar, Bree Buckley … what would be “scandalous” on the Upper East Side if they were all in commited relationships?! 'Gossip Girl' recap: Dan, Olivia, and Vanessa get REEEEAAAAALLLLY close |
  • In all there are ten minute top hats of black silk plush and grey felt and one black felt bowler.
  • A drunk is a drunk whether in cloth cap with whippet or in top hat and tails.
  • The constable's uniform consisted of a top hat representing authority and a tailed jacket for servitude, because although the police were considered public servants they were also the public's masters.
  • Wearing fedoras and top hats comes back into fashion in 2016.
  • Yelena Krayzelburg -- mother of Lenny, the U.S. backstroker who tripled in gold -- sported a red, white and blue top hat. A Splash Of Records
  • Top hats, bowlers and gem-encrusted crowns are all considered ‘clean’, while babushkas, fedoras and coon-skin hats are all regarded as ‘filthy’.
  • They were among the massive crowd that poured out onto Paris 'most famous avenue for the finish — Norwegians in Viking helmets, flag-waving Britons and an American in a stars-and-stripes top hat among them. Part Deux: Contador cruises to second Tour de France title

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