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top executive

  1. a very wealthy or powerful businessman
    an oil baron

How To Use top executive In A Sentence

  • After a raft of corporate scandals, publicly traded companies today must begin disclosing, in “plain English,” all compensation paid to their top executives, including the multifarious perks and options that have obscured such figures in the past. Calendar
  • The payout was 23% up on what the directors received in 2003, with the five top executives sharing the bulk of the increases.
  • Other top executives at the US tech giant had payouts cut. The Sun
  • Top executives first briefed a packed amphitheater of reporters and then sent them on a three-hour tour of its plants, past swirling beakers, giant fermentation vats and filters.
  • Companies began passing out profit-sharing checks and stock options, not just to top executives but all the way down the line, and soon there were tales circulating of millionaires in the making.
  • - Given the timing, Yahoo will no doubt be Topic No. 1 on Thursday as Wall Street analysts descend on Microsoft's Redmond campus for the company's annual Financial Analyst Meeting, better known as "FAM" -- an all-day marathon of presentations from Steve Ballmer and other top executives. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • The company's top executives had refused to listen to reason.
  • The company's top executives had refused to listen to reason.
  • The probe centres on the 3,500 partnerships and other affiliates created by the company to hide debt, inflate profits, push up share values and enrich top executives.
  • Mr. Obama delivered the speech the evening before he was to meet at the White House with the top executives of BP to demand that they agree to establish an independently administered escrow account of billions of dollars to pay claims stemming from the disaster. Obama move to a ‘National Mission’ «
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