How To Use Too large In A Sentence
Over the winter months we've been doing a great deal of clearing up on our part-neglected croft garden, grubbing out and shredding dead shrubs and cutting back those that have either grown too large or are crowding others.
We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large.
Nothing was too large: the composition of the Host in the mass; the conduct of priests.
In such a model, given some flexibility of prices and money wages, the self-adjusting mechanism would return the economy to full employment after a demand shock that was not too large.
This is a good enough size to play movies on but not too large to stop you gaming or browsing the web.
The Sun

These are the boats too large to sail with the rest of the flotilla.
Times, Sunday Times
It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.
Several desmids investigated had nuclei too large to be accommodated by the photometer aperture system and could easily have had nuclear DNA contents in excess of 4x specimens that were measured.
He was far too large for the traffic and pedestrians to avoid, but both consciously tried to do so.
It seems to have figured out its bizarre sizing issues—last year the difference of a half size was either way too small or way too large, but nowhere in between.
First excess sedation may be a problem if too large a dose is used, thereby resulting in the patient being less arousable.
World War II is too large a story to be capsulized in one effort, even by the talented Ken Burns, which he himself acknowledges.
The War and The Movies
`When places grow too large for peace or health, with people who are not countrymen but warring tribes, they inevitably die.
A triangle or square, while requiring the minimum number of vantages for sight lines, enclosed too much unutilized space in its corners and presented too large a perimeter.
But the group insists that the size of the development is too large for the conservation area and would bring traffic havoc to already congested lanes.
In the early 1980s, interest rates were still very high by current day standards and contangos were simply too large to forgo.
Scanning at the maximum optical resolution captures as much detail as possible without making your file too large.
Like a tailor, he keeps big needles pinned behind the lapel of his coat, a plaid jacket too large for him.
It brought to mind a small tea cosy hugging too large a pot.
Times, Sunday Times
Your display will be top-heavy if the flowers you choose are too large for the container.
He had the round, deep-chested, big-hearted, well-coupled body of the ideal mountain pony, and his head and neck were true thoroughbred, slender, yet full, with lovely alert ears not too small to be vicious nor too large to be stubborn mulish.
My first instinct, of course, was to write a function that would recurse over the tree structure that's used to store a key stream within the archive because if a key stream is too large to fit in a block, it needs to be split into blocks, and then another higher-level smaller key stream used to collect that list of blocks..., building up a list in memory which it would return.
Snell-Pym » fold>cons
When for any reason it is necessary to put a small or weakly rooted plant or cutting, or a cutting that is just on the point of sending forth roots, in a pot that seems too large, _put it near the edge of the pot_, instead of in the middle.
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
In practice, it was the spaces in between the scant few megastructures that were built that diluted the concept; too large to accommodate themselves into the existing fabric of city living, yet not distinct enough to act as attractors.
My advice for next year is to avoid leagues that penalize players for having too large a role in the offense.
Most renewables, say the ecomodernists, are a mistake because their footprint is too large.
Times, Sunday Times
The economy is too large and complex to draw definite conclusions.
A heptagon whose sides have length 2 is too large to fit tightly around a circle with radius 1.
The cast is really rather too large to single any one member out for individual comment.
Stomach-squeezing fear swirled and melded with hateful memories, growing into a harsh burden too large to fight.
Healing the Highlander
He added that the gaps in knowledge were far too large once they got there and it made the rest of their time at the university miserable.
Times, Sunday Times
They got out, scrambled up the ridge for a better look, and saw rapids but no falls that looked too large to navigate.
On one side of this could be seen a coloured portrait of the Sovereign in the bersagliere uniform; a fierce military glance shot out of his eyes from under that helmet whose plume of nodding feathers made it look three sizes too large for his head.
South Wind
His gestures, his mannerisms and voice all seem too large, too forced to give him any chance of not being the standard straitjacketed worshipper of protocol.
This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
The man was bearded, bundled in a navy peacoat many sizes too large for him.
Indeed, there may be diseconomies of scale associated with being too large.
If I want to share my spreadsheet with you, I can easily send it to you as an email attachment, but what happens if the file is too large?
However, the literature from this domain is both too large and too tangential to consider in this article.
A much too large US population sees no relation to world affairs, they are blindsighted by their own borders (and educational limits) and do not understand anything about international relations and how important that is to the security and well-being of the USA in general.
Resplendent colors highlight setting for state dinner
However, if the sort batches are too large, they cause pageins because parts of the sort batch get paged out to swap during sorting.
If your new coat is too large, a tailor can alter it to fit you.
When the occasional mollusk or echinoderm proves too tough or too large to swallow whole, there are always hands.
Our densely-crowded slums, the far too large percentage of unemployed, the gigantic revenues which are expended by all classes of society in intoxicating drink, the huge crowds which throng to the places of public amusement to watch our matches, simply because they have something on the event -- I say these are not satisfactory features in connection with British social life today.
Modern British Liberalism and the Empire
This is a good enough size to play movies on but not too large to stop you gaming or browsing the web.
The Sun
Poorly marketed, and very expensive, it was originally only available as a mixable kit packaged in a too large cylinder.
If the blocksize gets too large, search times slow down, so bottom fill is how it is kept balanced.
People want the types of cars and trucks that fail the test of environmental correctness by being too large or by using fossil fuels.
IV. i.53 (297,5) [word too large] So he uses _large jests_ in this play, for _licentious, not restrained within due bounds_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
Their rods and lines are too heavy, their hooks and baits too large.
But the group insists that the size of the development is too large for the conservation area and would bring traffic havoc to already congested lanes.
His thin body shrank even deeper into the well-worn velvet jacket which was several sizes too large for him.
This class is too large, we shall have to divide it.
Commercial snapper crews grouse also about offshore shrimpers, although not quite so vocally, and feel that sport fishermen may get too large a share.
This class is too large, we shall have to divide it.
'Too large for a missal,' he thought, 'and not the shape of an antiphoner; perhaps it may be something good, after all.'
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
You wouldn't see the rainbow effect if you used two reflecting surfaces an inch apart because that distance too large to diffract visible light.
If you notice fish turning away or flaring from a lure, chances are it's too bright and/or too large.
Field and Stream Guide: 50 Ways to Catch Spring Trout
Our income are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and trip. Charles Caleb Colton
The theory is that presbyopia occurs because the lens becomes too large, not too hard but too large.
In my literalistic mind, this question conjures up the image of a mime wrestling to carry two enormous, invisible burdens, each one by itself almost too large to grip securely.
These are the boats too large to sail with the rest of the flotilla.
Times, Sunday Times
In January 1998, LTCM argued that its capital had become too large - there were fewer market opportunities that could be arbitraged in size and yield the required returns.
Some "pet peeves" of mine concerning dress are: bra straps that show. underwear that shows (and this goes for the boys too). tattoos, which make a woman look hard. any kind of facial pierce. clothing that is the wrong size, either too small (making it unattractively clingy) or too large (making it look like a sack).
Modest Feminine Dress From the Pages of 1990 Victoria Magazine
The thing measures well over five metres in length, yet rarely feels unwieldy or too large for UK roads and parking spots.
The Sun
Aelfric's father was born free as you or I, but younger son in a holding that was none too large even for one, and rather than have it split, when his father died, he left it whole for his brother, and took a villein yardland that had fallen without heirs, on my husband's manor.
Monk's Hood
The jacket is several sizes too large for him.
When it arrived it was too large for the storage space available.
Times, Sunday Times
To prevent your club becoming too large, restrict its catchment area.
Artifacts too large to be carried away were gratuitously destroyed.
It's just a bit too large ( small, plain, gaudy, etc ) for me.
A quaint little figure, Lamb comes before our vision, in costume uncontemporary and as queer as himself, consisting of a suit of black cloth (they both affected dark colors), rusty silk stockings shown from the knees, thick shoes a mile too large, shirt with a wide, ill-plaited frill, and tiny white neckcloth tied in a minute bow.
Stories of Authors, British and American
In reality, the gap between subatomic quantum effects and large-scale macro systems is too large to bridge.
The Orion capsule as conceived is too large and massive.
Why Some Say the Moon? - NASA Watch
Usually the stones are small enough and pass through the ureter to the bladder and out in one's urine. Stones that are too large to pass can cause kidney failure.
Mr Smith drove into one of the potholes because it was too large to avoid without swerving dangerously.
If a piece is too large or ostentatious, the rest of your garden could pale into insignificance, overshadowing all your previous months or years of hard work in an instant.
If your new coat is too large, a tailor can alter it to fit you.
The bags of cash were much too large to hide, but they were stuffed underneath the back seats as tightly as possible.
Although the need to through the freight elevator traffic, but will not be too large.
He added that the gaps in knowledge were far too large once they got there and it made the rest of their time at the university miserable.
Times, Sunday Times
Withered beyond longevity, a tiny man in dwarf's overalls, deeply addicted to codeine and Valium, fears colored people; occasionally makes scratching protests on his old violin, which has become too large for him.
March 2004
The world has become too large and complex to accept the predominance of one power.
If too large a dose of apiol be taken it will cause headache, giddiness, staggering, and deafness; and if going still further, it will induce epileptiform convulsions.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
His gestures, his mannerisms and voice all seem too large, too forced to give Biggs any chance of not being the standard straitjacketed worshipper of protocol.
She was behind him in the companionway, dressed in a man's foul-weather jacket, a size far too large for her.
We had too large a shipbuilding industry in this country for what we were able to sustain, and we had to come down to one dockyard.
Times, Sunday Times
Take, for example, the likely fact that a flat 30 percent tariff on all imports would not be enough to relocate to the U.S. industries with a low value-added added per man-hour, like t-shirts or circuit board assembly, as the difference between foreign and domestic labor costs is too large for an industries whose production cost mainly consists of semiskilled labor.
Ian Fletcher: How to Think Our Way Out of Our Trade Crisis
We must provide ourselves with the complete equipment, not of a village community, not of a thriving town, but of a true metropolis, large enough for a citizen of the world to live in without feeling himself provincialized, and not too large for one honest mayor like our own to handle.
Parks for the People Proceedings of a Public Meeting held at Faneuil Hall, June 7, 1876
In the morning we found our mounts well rested, coats curried to a high sheen, led out to the roadside mounting-block by a country lad, his hands and feet too large for his gangling frame.
Kushiel's Avatar
We're big on sea-buckthorn berries here in Estonia, and I thought they're also called hawthorn berries, but yours look slightly too large for the ones I mean...
Tea - Hawthorn Berry
These trees are now too large to top work, but had it been possible 150 years ago to go in there and select the desirable nuts, and topwork all the other trees with these, there could have been a great orchard there now of the highest quality nuts.
Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915
Mondo's bodice is too large for his model and he has to start over from scratch.
Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking: Project Runway, Episode 9 "Race to the Finish"
In the latter case the rich find would immediately be pegged out as a claim, or lease, and work commenced, the coarse gold being won by the simple process of "dollying" the ore; or pounding it in an iron mortar with an iron pestle, and passing it when crushed, through a series of sieves in which the gold, too large to fall through, is held.
Spinifex and Sand
One feature that I like is that, if you've selected the ‘fit’ sizing option, it will automatically resize an image that is too large for the screen to the largest proportional size that will fit on the screen.
We know that madame is too generous and too large-minded to be willing to be a burden on her children.
A Marriage Contract
This is a good enough size to play movies on but not too large to stop you gaming or browsing the web.
The Sun
He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.
Donald Legg was a homely man, his nose was too large for his face.
These are the boats too large to sail with the rest of the flotilla.
Times, Sunday Times
The result of an assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range of values allowed for that type of variable.
He was short, barely five and a half feet, and slightly built, with a haphazardly barbered mop of curly dark hair, a disheveled appearance, and black-rimmed glasses too large for his face.
O: A Presidential Novel
Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.
Trackers were brought in to hunt for the animal after several sets of tracks, far too large for native bobcats or mountain lions, were found on a ranch not far from the hilltop library.
The latter, monometallic, standard has problems of coin size (too small or too large) and of susceptibility to counterfeiting.
These rumors soon reached Hornblower who questioned if the man had gotten too large a ration of grog, hoping to make light of any such stories.
Also, if the chihuahua is still a puppy, she may not yet have the enzymes to digest the aspirin (if given in too large a dose, it can cause stomach problems).
On the other hand, it was found that in the silver coulometer when the anode is wrapped with filter paper (as it always was in the earlier researches), too much silver is deposited, or at least the total weight of the precipitate is too large.
Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
At first the boy was deemed to be too large to be considered for the operation.
If your new coat is too large, a tailor can alter it to fit you.
Sponges will react by closing ostia or oscula, either because of direct physical stimulation or when suspended particles within the sponge are too large or highly concentrated.
That's also how Weill wanted to be seen, but it didn't quite work out for him as Citi grew too large and discombobulated to be effectively managed.
Yvette Kantrow: Polishing the Dimon
A third reason has been the desire to attack some problems that are combinatorially too large to be handled by paper and pencil.
Automated Reasoning
Lancer pulled up short and made a shallow bow to the man, who wore an old but carefully-ironed white shirt with a buttoned collar much too large for him, from which his thin corded neck extended like a sunburnt plant stalk.
The Captain's Hat
Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax, and taking too large a distribution could propel you into a higher tax bracket.
Her face was still tear-stained, her eyes too large for it.
Its dome is too large, and has too little structure around it, to be placed so near the ground without an effect of squattiness.
The Jewel City
By the time they reach the Earth, many photons have wavelengths that are out of the range of visible light or are even too large to be detected.
The consequences - offending the family patriarch and causing the family financial hardship - are considered too large for the sake of a girl.
Mary's bright eyes were handsomer, larger -- too large, too feverish bright, too restless.
The maples planted in the grassy border along the street were growing too large for their confinement, their roots buckling the uniform gray slabs of the sidewalk.
She who had abandoned the world outside the cloister walls found the microcosm of the community within too large.
Donations of items to sell can be taken along, or if they are too large call in to arrange collection.
If a print is too large and has to be rolled and sent in a tube, it should be taken out immediately after it arrived at its destination.
It was during my unsuccessful attempt to buy a cotton skirt in an American department store that I was told my hips were too large to fit into a size six.
The retail plant industry is too large and lucrative to allow us plantspeople to languish in a miasma of monochrome, although of course it is perfectly possible to have a simply wonderful garden just by using all-green plants.
Like a tailor, he keeps big needles pinned behind the lapel of his coat, a plaid jacket too large for him.
Crostini should be bite-size, but this single piece of toast was too large in diameter to be considered true "crostini". - Frontpage RSS Feed
I suppose a vineyard is rather too large for these methods, unless several people do the weeding on an almost constant basis.
Sarcler - French Word-A-Day
If a print is too large and has to be rolled and sent in a tube, it should be taken out immediately after it arrived at its destination.
Some people see the cup as half empty. Some people see the cup as half full. I see the cup as too large. George Carlin
One of my problems is that the only regrind that I can get locally is too large.
Regrinding Styrofoam & Cement
I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they're too large. Can I change them for a smaller size?
The thing measures well over five metres in length, yet rarely feels unwieldy or too large for UK roads and parking spots.
The Sun
Today's multiband antennas are physically too large to carry if they have to support a very wide range of frequency bands.
I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they're too large. Can I change them for a smaller size?
His gestures, his mannerisms and voice all seem too large, too forced to give him any chance of not being the standard straitjacketed worshipper of protocol.
If the graphic is too large for the page it will be clipped, something you almost never want.
It was a huge mastiff far too large to be her messan or lap dog.
The class is too large, we shall have to divide it.
Describing Chinese currency policy as not "tenable" and saying the country was now "too large" to base growth on exports, Geithner said reform was in both countries' interests.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
These clothes are too large; they must be altered.
The other rooms were just too large and empty, making them both joyless and cheerless for most of the time.
She rejects the argument that National Lottery jackpots are too large and should be capped at, say, #1m because of the way sales increase in rollover weeks.
Although the gray tweed hat was much too large for him, he loved it for the simple reason that he knew it had once belonged to Jude.
But this aim proved to be too large and the northern comprehensive school, as it were, took over my interests.
What they were saying is this: writers like us are too large for neat containers.
The vendors are downsizing because the garden is too large for them to manage.
Times, Sunday Times
They cannot extend a ruler to a distant galaxy and cannot usually use triangulation like surveyors do because the distances involved are too large.
Too large for a religious tract, decidedly more elegant than the standard municipal report, it could fit easily within a line of paperbacks strung along the sides of a railway station book kiosk.
He was a bony young man with slicked-down hair and a stiff white collar several sizes too large.
If the group is too large for shame, for civic virtue, indeed, even for patriotism, the way of the powerful, visionary, and disencumbered man is clear.
The single biggest mistake that the Soviets made, according to Ambassador Kabulov, was letting the Soviet military footprint become too large: "The more foreign troops you have roaming the country, the more the irritative allergy toward them is going to be provoked.
Tom Andrews: White House Ducks Afghanistan Exit
Their effort had grown too large to be managed out of a rented house in Nong Khai.
If the exhaust air volume is too large, thin shrink strength, trademark bending.
If the compensations are too small, no one will volunteer to take part in the given hazardous activity, and if they are too large, the state will find it inexpedient for socioeconomic reasons to put the project into effect.
And besides, I could tell anywhere the rattle of her main peak-blocks -- they're too large for the halyard.
Chapter 15
The unfortunate part of this story is that the container is too large for the meagre space that I've allotted for lip gloss in my already overstuffed purse.
Obviously, such a number would be far too large to manipulate readily, so, using a formula familiar to statisticians, it was normalized to produce a simple decimal number of only a few digits which I called the lemma's Exposure Index.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 4
All ships must retreat, as the enemy force is too large for us to tackle in our current status.
Of course, if the aspect ratio of any metal plug is too large to be properly formed, an appendant metal ring is used to reduce the aspect ration of the metal plug.
Since the parent duckbills were nearly thirty feet long and weighed about three tons, we assume that the dinosaurs were too large to incubate their eggs by sitting on the nest.
I got a bug but the output from the consol is a bit too large to be pasted here...
SPE 0.8.4.c Python IDE editor released
For branches too large to be cut with a hand pruner or lopping shears, pruning saws must be used.
But we see it starting to happen in other parts of math, as well -- Thomas Hales is formalizing his proof of the Kepler conjecture, because it was too large and complex to fully peer review.
Memetic Suicide, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The third roller is joined to an anvil divided into three sections, each having a hydraulic jack that activates the opening to eliminate stones that are too large.
Number One Ward, however, was quite empty except for my friend, Private McPhee, stalking majestically up and down as if on sentry go, wearing a "fit of the blues" several sizes too large for him and an expression which would, I believe, be described by kailyard novelists as "dour.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, June 7, 1916
At first the boy was deemed to be too large to be considered for the operation.
Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.
He wore a flat cap, old woolen trousers, and a brown shirt that was several sizes too large for him.
Her eyes seemed too bold, her shorts too tight and her sun-reddened limbs too large.
The pelvic fins are small and far behind the center of gravity, while the pectoral fins are too large to minimize frictional drag.
In the light of the pickup current of a submersible electric pump being too large when started at full pressure, a new variable frequency control system is developed.
Unfortunately, I think I was given a slightly too large a pinch.
In truth, the premises are too large and cavernous, the sort of place that would need a lot of dosh spent if it was to have some feeling of intimacy.
The problem grew too large for me
When for any reason it is necessary to put a small or weakly rooted plant or cutting, or a cutting that is just on the point of sending forth roots, in a pot that seems too large, _put it near the edge of the pot_, instead of in the middle.
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
Family seats, such as Arundel Castle in Sussex or Duncombe Park in Yorkshire, that once seemed too large or inconvenient for modern ways of life have been recolonised by their owners, redecorated and refurnished.
He felt that property often required a unit too large for all but the largest institutional investor.
The cloud-rack, the sunrise and sunset glories, rainbows, and northern lights are not quite so spheral as our childhood thought them; and the part our organization plays in them is too large.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
The jeans were not too snug and not too large either.
To the man who has inherited too large, wide, sinewy hands, and a brain that under the microscope looks like a hepatized lung, it seems some days as though the field had been over-crowded when he entered it.
For instance if certain precursor components are too large, too small, too weak, have too much torque, don't fit well with others, then you can't just tweak it for a fix.
David Heddle Reviews Ken Miller's Talk
Maternal Cesarean section for delivery due to the presence of a large SCT to avoid tumor rupture or dystocia (arrest of labor from too large a baby)
Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (SCT), Sacrococcygeal Tumor Treatment
In addition, many Southerners felt these churches to be too large, formal, and impersonal to meet their spiritual needs.
It brought to mind a small tea cosy hugging too large a pot.
Times, Sunday Times
Her eyes seemed too bold, her shorts too tight and her sun-reddened limbs too large.
This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
Cons: dries too quickly (must work fast to avoid clumps), too large-stopper wastes product, doesn't entirely deliver on "falsies" promise.
The Latest Scoop from
She who had abandoned the world outside the cloister walls found the microcosm of the community within too large.
Bathe your feet before starting in cold weather, and wear loose overshoes and gloves two or three sizes too large.
The minimal scale estimate and examples make it very clear why low resolution Coupled Climate Models necessarily use viscosities that are orders of magnitude too large.
Solar Proxies « Climate Audit
I wanted to plant out my lettuce seedlings, since they were too large to continue indoors.
He demands a sum too large for her poor livelihood, and she cannot pay, despite her guiltlessness.
Our income are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to stumble and trip. Charles Caleb Colton
These are bodies too large to be planets, but too small to self-ignite into stars.
Globe and Mail
Up the hilly road, as though ascending from the depths of the valley, came figures of old men with gnarled sticks hanging from their wrists by leather straps, and women whose heads wrapped in voluminous kerchiefs looked too large for their small bodies.
The Mother
The worst that could be apprehended from the Dutch was that they might obtain too large a share of the patronage of the Crown, that they might throw on us too large a part of the burdens of the war, that they might obtain commercial advantages at our expense.
The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
The man was bearded, bundled in a navy peacoat many sizes too large for him.