How To Use Tonsil In A Sentence
The answer could be to remove the tonsils or adenoids, according to a study of 60 children in Oxford.
Levy grinned and I knew, in his head, he was tickling her tonsils.
Shortcut Man
Almost 1,200,000 tonsillectomies and/or adenoidectomies are performed each year in India.
Bacterial tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics, but viral tonsillitis cannot.
This throat membrane usually covers the tonsils and is a dirty grey colour.

A programme of testing several thousand pathological specimens of appendixes and tonsils was started.
Each tonsil has an irregular number of ingrowths of the surface epithelium known as tonsillar crypts.
At the onset of tonsillitis the conditions are usually sthenic and indications prominent for veratrum.
The great majority of cases begin as a tonsillitis or pharyngitis with occasional cases associated with mastoiditis, otitis media, parotitis, sinusitis and dental infections.
Conclusion: Tonsillectomy with electrotome is effective, safe, with minimal invasion, few bleeding, rapid recovery and little adverse effect. It is valuable in clinic application.
Conversely someone who generally has good health might experience a significant impact on their quality of life from a relatively minor illness, such as tonsillitis, because they have high expectations of their health.
If there is pus on the tonsils then the condition can properly be diagnosed as tonsillitis.
In infants, tonsillitis may include symptoms that appear to be less focused on the throat, such as poor feeding, runny nose, and a slight fever.
I found an article the other day which details a case-control study of cerebellar tonsillar ectopia (Chiari) and head/neck trauma (whiplash).
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Most still perform a tonsillectomy the way they were taught in residency - using an electrocautery device - and are very satisfied with the results.
HD is a well known Chinese folk medicine used for the treatment of various diseases including hepatitis, tonsillitis, sore throat, appendicitis, urethral infection, contusions, furunculosis and cancers, etc.
Soreness of back of mouth and throat; pain on swallowing or difficult swallowing; coating of glairy mucus on roof of mouth, tonsils and throat; some fever; swelling of affected parts.
They highlight that the indications for tonsillectomy are not just in cases of strep infections but in cases of severe tonsillitis manifested by fever, swollen glands — enlargement of the lymph nodes — and exudate fluid, said Schreibstein.
No surgery for moderate tonsillitis, new guidelines say
The left cerebellar tonsil was displaced backward, and the right cerebellar tonsil was herniated and closely apposed to the medulla.
This will help prevent complications such as rheumatic fever or an abscess around the tonsils.
Charges should be made for some minor treatments like removal of varicose veins, tattoos and tonsillectomies.
The doctor cut out his tonsils.
While some people eat bovine tonsils, in the United States they are considered a Specified Risk Material associated with mad cow's disease (BSE) and therefore prohibited along with the distal ilium by the FDA.
Wednesday Breakfast Bender
Does anyone doubt Obama is stupid after his racist comment (and not knowing one fact re the issue) and his accusing Drs of taking kids tonsils out to make more money, even though the primary Dr does not take Drs out, nor the Pediatrictian.
Obama to meet this week with professor, officer
Tonsillitis caused by streptococcal bacteria responds well to antibiotic treatment, clearing the infection more quickly than without treatment.
Infection and inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils accompanied by fever, dysphagia and adenopathy.
Chapter 7
The problem can sometimes be fixed if the tonsils are taken out, if a machine is used to help breathing at night, or if the child loses weight.
The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
She underwent a tonsillectomy, and the whole tonsil was easily dissected out without any adherence to the deeper tissues.
Minnesota village, I had never heard of adenoids, hypertrophied tonsils, myopia, hypermetropia, or the relation of these defects and of neglected teeth to malnutrition, truancy, sickness, and dullness.
Civics and Health
the palatine tonsils
During the embryonic stage, the tonsils arise from the second pharyngeal pouch as buds of endodermal cells.
The tonsils are the two masses of tissue on either side of the back of the throat.
Cascades are especially common in medicine as doctors take their cues from others, leading them to overdiagnose some faddish ailments (called bandwagon diseases) and overprescribe certain treatments (like the tonsillectomies once popular for children).
The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
In fact, is an immune organ tonsil is part of the immune system, it has its raison d'etre.
But if we could have store of the _philyrea folio leviter serrato_ (of which I have rais’d some very fine plants from the seeds) we might fear no weather, and the verdure is incomparable, and all of them tonsile, fit for cradle-work and _umbracula frondium_: a decoction of the
Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
Rheumatism in childhood is not manifested by acute and short-lived attacks of great severity so much as by a long-continued succession of symptoms of a subacute nature, a transient arthritis, perhaps, succeeding an attack of sore throat with torticollis, to be followed by carditis, to be followed again by another attack of tonsillitis.
The Nervous Child
THIS STUDY analyzed data from nine studies, involving 795 children who had a tonsillectomy, with or without adenoid removal, before they turned 18.
Children seem to gain extra weight after having their tonsils removed
There, doctors determined Jones had "a mild or moderate chemical reaction," Steiger said, and eventually diagnosed her with chemical pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
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hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids
The sequence included chickenpox and flu, but more often it was tonsillitis that prevented her from practising, let alone playing.
The tonsils and back of the throat may be covered with a whitish coating, or appear red, swollen, and dotted with whitish or yellowish specks of pus.
In contrast, patients who had very large tonsils and a short palate experienced an 80% success rate with intervention.
The human body is said to contain many organs that are a carry-over from our evolutionary development - the appendix, the coccyx, tonsils, ear muscles, etc.
They were gentlemen's half-hose cottonsilk mix, black with maroon clocks and parti-coloured toe and heel.
In fact, there is no evidence that tonsils or adenoids are important after the age of three.
She was diagnosed with liver damage almost a year ago, and has also suffered from extreme tiredness and a series of illnesses including chicken pox, tonsillitis, flu and glandular fever.
Perhaps if I do relent and have them out, I should also book in to have my tonsils and appendix removed as well, just in case.
Or should that be tonsil quidditch?
Times, Sunday Times
The catarrh produced with throat or tonsil infections can also cause bad breath.
The spot where the spine enters the brain is called the cerebella tonsils, which is sealed inside the skull of a normal person.
She wasn't well and had a viral infection and tonsillitis.
The Sun
She is waiting for a tonsillectomy at a different hospital.
The Sun
If Obama says he'll stop doctors from enriching themselves through unnecessary tonsillectomies and amputations, that is an explicit call for government control of health-care delivery and the interference of government between patients and doctors.
Israelated - English Israel blogs
Viral pharyngitis isn't helped by antibiotics, whereas tonsillitis can be.
Times, Sunday Times
Pitcher Jeff Juden is still bedridden with acute tonsillitis.
First of the physical casualties was he himself, gashing his hand in an accident at home in November, which hampered his training, then he was halted again, this time by a bout of tonsillitis at the start of 2004.
When I was growing up in the fifties, medical experts thought it would be a good idea to excise organs such as tonsils or the appendix, which appeared to have no function.
The Law of Unintended Consequences
And a woman has just as many tiny eyes, toe-nails, hearts, tonsils, livers and so on dancing about in her womb.
This may be symptomatic of some inflammatory condition in the vicinity, such as a pyogenic affection of the lower jaw -- for example, that associated with a carious root or an unerupted wisdom tooth, or with parotitis or tonsillitis.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Well I was looking it up and I found out on the Net that suppurative tonsillitis is also known as... quinsy
Tonsils and adenoids are located strategically near the entrance to the breathing passages where they can catch incoming infections.
Swollen adenoids are often associated with tonsillitis (infected tonsils) and are usually removed as part of an operation to remove the tonsils.
Lemierre's syndrome is characterised by internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis and septic pulmonary embolisation as a complication of pharyngotonsillitis.
HIV in semen may enter the body through tissue in the tonsils and throat and through breaks in the gums.
Methods: Cutting hypertrophic tonsil and adenoid tissue under superficial anesthesia, offering perioperative nursing care.
Why does one person experience headaches and sore throats whereas another has migraines and tonsillitis?
I would also like to clarify that the only permanent solution for chronic tonsillitis is a tonsillectomy.
When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved.
With no improvement the next day her mother took her back to the surgery where they were seen by a different doctor who diagnosed tonsillitis.
Times, Sunday Times
Profuse oral bleeding can result from trauma, aneurysm rupture, or tonsillectomy and needs prompt care.
A programme of testing several thousand pathological specimens of appendixes and tonsils was started.
In the genus cynanche of the latter, are placed the common sthenic or inflammatory sore throat, or cynanche tonsillaris, and the putrid or gangrenous sore throat, the cynanche maligna: the former is a sthenic disease; the latter one of the greatest debility; yet they have the same generic name.
Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
If you suspect tonsillitis, contact your child's doctor.
Our trial was not designed to study whether penicillin would prevent quinsy or peritonsillar cellulitis.
It is possible that the ‘breath holding’ episodes the child exhibited previously were in fact intermittent and momentary obstruction of the glottis by the tonsil.
If the abscess is located in the distal part of the tonsil, puncture of the carotid artery can occur.
The tonsils are surrounded by a capsule, a specialized portion of the intrapharyngeal aponeurosis that covers the medial portion of the tonsils and provides a path for blood vessels and nerves through its fibers.
We can hardly expect to prevent all development of adenoids by these prompt and painless stitches in time, for some children seem to be born peculiarly subject to them, either from the inheritance of a particular shape of nose and throat, -- "the family nose," as it has been called, -- or from some peculiar sponginess and liability to inflammation and enlargement of all these tonsilar or lymphoid "glands" and "kernels" of the body generally -- the old
Preventable Diseases
I came here to get drunk, smoke weed, and do some gnarly tonsil licking with hot foreign chicks and I'd ended up in this medieval snakepit.
Might be tonsillitis, I can't swallow… agonizing but the worst is this cold, shivery and roasting both at once.
Lasers, ultrasound and freezing can also be used to take out tonsils.
She wasn't well and had a viral infection and tonsillitis.
The Sun
Severe or complicated tonsillitis that keeps on coming back may justify the removal of the tonsils, an operation known as tonsillectomy.
But as the inflammation is seldom I suppose confined to the upper part of the trachea only, but exists at the same time in other parts of the lungs, and as no inflammation of the tonsils is generally perceptible, the uncouth name of cynanche trachealis should be changed for _peripneumonia trachialis_.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The woman says she remembers standing on a set of stairs, using a hand mirror and the felt-tip pen to investigate a lump on her tonsil.
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For the main courses, Emily chose to wrap her fireproof tonsils around a king prawn madras, with onion rice.
_ This is a general hyperplastic condition of the lymphatic structures in the body, and is seen in enlargement of tonsils, thymus, spleen, as well as of Peyer's patches and mesenteric glands.
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At first, glandular fever is sometimes wrongly diagnosed, for example as a bacterial throat infection or tonsillitis.
There it sat, right in the middle of a table of documentation examples, staring out at me:Exam: tonsils enlarged with exudative material, shoddy emphasis mine cervical nodes.
Archive 2007-01-01
Three weeks earlier he had had tonsillitis, fever, and diarrhoea.
By the end of the 1920s, deliveries and abortions, adenoidectomies, appendectomies, tonsillectomies, and the treatment of accident victims accounted for 60 percent of hospital admissions.
They handed me my standard issue hospital togs, bringing memories of wisdom teeth and tonsils flooding back, and wheeled me to a pre-op holding bay.
The tonsils were moderately enlarged with no deviation of the uvula.
Tonsils and adenoids were present in all subjects.
Also it is linked with asthma, tonsillitis, digestive disorders, eczema and even cataracts, breast and prostrate cancer.
If truth be told, he had hated it all since well before the tonsil experience.
Then they realized that the tonsils were a not-insignificant part of your immune system and now people are encouraged to keep them.
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Why does one person experience headaches and sore throats whereas another has migraines and tonsillitis?
If they got their tonsils and adenoids removed in an adenotonsillectomy, the risk of tube reinsertion fell even further.
Globe and Mail
Although the medical literature since the 1950s had condemned the overuse of tonsillectomies, the profession acted to limit them only after being publicly shamed.
Surgical excision via tonsillectomy provides definitive management for these lesions, with patients undergoing an uncomplicated postoperative recovery.
Peritonsillar abscess is a suppurative complication of pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
The epithelium covering the tonsils is extensively infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
The tonsilla (tonsilla cerebelli; amygdaline nucleus) is a rounded mass, situated in the hemispheres.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
In tonsil infections it is usually the lymphocytes that act against viruses that are required.
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If the throat is narrower to start with, for example because the tonsils are enlarged, it is easier for the throat muscles to close and block the airway.
Five months after her resection, a typical in situ and invasive squamous carcinoma of the ipsilateral tonsil was found, for which a pharyngectomy and partial mandibulectomy were done.
This new information prompts everyone turns to Jennifer and her mother who distraughtly says over and over that Jennifer only has tonsillitis.
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Eight different bones from Australian species of fish and a king prawn shell were selected and each was positioned individually in the tonsil, vallecula and piriform fossa.
He did tonsillectomies, at a rate of two to four a week, for a charge of $35, back when everyone, including me, got their tonsils out.
Other procedures included were operations on hernias and adenoids, and tonsillectomies.
Times, Sunday Times
In tonsil infections it is usually the lymphocytes that act against viruses that are required.
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A two-year-old child with acute tonsillitis and otitis media had been infected by his babysitter.
U.S. surgeons performed hysterectomies and tonsillectomies at rates far above their international counterparts.
Red beefy throat, enlarged tonsils with exudate mucus-what David's mother would have called "angry throat.
Would you go to him to have your tonsils taken out or for advice as to which mutual fund to buy?
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Her surgical history included a tonsillectomy and an adenoidectomy.
Adenoids are frequently associated with hypertrophy of the faucial tonsils, and the patient often suffers from granular pharyngitis and chronic nasal catarrh.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The breathing trouble was due to congestion in her throat as her tonsils were a bit swollen.
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Above the pharyngeal tonsil, in the middle line, an irregular flask-shaped depression of the mucous membrane sometimes extends up as far as the basilar process of the occipital bone; it is known as the pharyngeal bursa.
XI. Splanchnology. 2c. The Pharynx
The importance of the tonsils is a much disputed fact, but many doctors are currently becoming much more hesitant to remove a patient's tonsils than they had been previously.
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Most sore throats are caused by viruses or tonsillitis.
The Sun
In my clinic I treat acute illnesses such as tonsillitis and colic, to mental and emotional conditions.
If you keep getting throat infections you might have to have your tonsils out .
If your child snores during sleep, he may have enlarged tonsils or adenoids that are making it hard for him to breathe while asleep, waking him up often.
On exam his throat is red without exudates or tonsillar hypertrophy; no cervical adenopathy no "swollen glands"; strep test negative.
Archive 2007-01-01
The team notes that if HPV does, in fact, cause tonsillar cancer, it might stimulate interest in developing a vaccine for preventing the malignancy.
Aubry asked as they wound their way around what looked for all the world like a gigantic tonsil suspended like a stalactite.
The uvula (uvula vermis; uvular lobe) forms a considerable portion of the inferior vermis; it is separated on either side from the tonsil by the sulcus valleculæ, at the bottom of which it is connected to the tonsil by a ridge of gray matter, indented on its surface by shallow furrows, and hence called the furrowed band.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
The case involved a child who had a tonsillectomy despite a low-grade fever, remained in coma after surgery, and died 24 hours later.
The inferior vermis is subdivided from before backward, into (1) the nodule, (2) the uvula, (3) the pyramid, and (4) the tuber vermis; the corresponding parts on the hemispheres are (1) the flocculus, (2) the tonsilla cerebelli, (3) the biventral lobule, and (4) the inferior semilunar lobule.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
She had suffered a major haemorrhage four days after having her tonsils removed at the hospital and was vomiting blood.
The brain was edematous, with mild uncal herniation, tonsillar herniation, and a left-to-right shift.
Sometimes surgery is needed to remove tonsils or extra tissue from the throat.
Surgeons must now carry out a strict assessment before patients undergo surgical procedures on tissues such as the brain, spinal cord, eye, spleen and tonsils.
They can often be removed in the clinic, but tonsillectomy may be necessary.
Nevertheless, recently it has been used with some success to treat recurrent otitis media and prevent recurrences of streptococcal tonsillitis.
In recent years, however, tonsillectomies have become more common among other groups in the population.
Times, Sunday Times
Williams and Bailey recently described using a reinforced laryngeal mask for adenotonsillectomy.
Occurrence of tonsillopharyngitis, scarlatina and rheumatic fever was analyzed and GAS carrier status in healthy children was examined over a 9-yr period from 1991 to 1999.
Other parts of the lymphatic system are the spleen, thymus, bone marrow and tonsils.
The doctor checks other symptoms presented by the patient, to work out whether the tonsillitis is viral or bacterial.
But there are some short-term benefits to having a tonsillectomy.
Times, Sunday Times
A popular myth is that tonsils and adenoids filter bacteria out of what we swallow and breathe like a kitchen strainer.
We hypothesize that an "epidemic" of HP infection in the oropharynx, due to changed sexual habits, may contribute to the significant increase in incidence of tonsillar cancer, " they write.
To be included in the analysis, patients had to have at least three of the following conditions concomitantly: fever, tonsillar exudate, tender anterior cervical lymph nodes and absence of cough.
Perhaps he could plead a blinding headache, or an attack of tonsilitis?
Objective To research the efficiency of radiotherapy combined with local hyperthermia for the tonsil carcinoma.
The staff will also be able to provide general surgical services, such as appendectomies, tonsillectomies and circumcision.
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The best known members of this small group are the openings through the abdominal wall, which, originally placed at the strongest and safest position in the quadrupedal attitude, are now, in the erect attitude, at the weakest and most dangerous, and furnish opportunity for those serious and sometimes fatal escapes of portions of the intestines which we call hernia; the tonsils; and our friend the _appendix vermiformis_.
Preventable Diseases
But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy.
Results The tonsillar dendritic cell sarcoma had no characteristic clinical manifestations.
The type of cancer they examined, called oropharyngeal, originates in the back of the tongue, the soft part of the roof of the mouth, the tonsils, or the sides of the throat.
Reuters: Press Release
Each tonsil has an irregular number of ingrowths of the surface epithelium known as tonsillar crypts.
Eustachian tubes are the remains of the first gill-slits of embryonic life, and, like all other gill-slits, have a little mass of this same lymphoid or tonsilar tissue surrounding them.
Preventable Diseases
A deep lobe parotid tumour may only be identified clinically by careful examination of the oropharynx and ipsilateral tonsil to rule out asymmetry.
On the posterior wall is a prominence, best marked in childhood, produced by a mass of lymphoid tissue, which is known as the pharyngeal tonsil.
XI. Splanchnology. 2c. The Pharynx
Objective To obtain the efficacy of surgery treatment for congenital tonsillar hernia deformity associated with syringomyelia.
Sometimes a secondary bacterial infection of the tonsils occurs, and this is usually treated with the antibiotic penicillin.
Tonsillitis is normally caused by infection with streptococci.
If your sleep apnoea is caused by large tonsils and/or adenoids, these can be removed in a simple operation called a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy.
But they said it was just tonsillitis or glandular fever and they sent us home.
A few kinds of methods does tonsil agnail have to treat?
The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
You have a slight tonsillitis.
`I've not had to eat rice pudding since I had my tonsils out - and that was long before you were born.
Tonsils and adenoids are composed of tissue similar to the lymph nodes or ‘glands’ found in the neck, groin and other places in the body.
Enlarged adenoids or tonsils, which are at the back of the throat, may block the Eustachian tube.
Removal of the adenoids and tonsils may help if they are blocking the entrance to the Eustachian tube.
Symptoms of strep throat may include pharyngeal erythema and swelling, tonsillar exudate, edematous uvula, palatine petechiae, and anterior cervical lymphadenopathy.
The pharyngeal tonsil does not possess true crypts but rather widened ducts of underlying glands.
As it turned out, I had really bad adenoids and near-constant tonsil infections - when the tonsils came out around age 7, my appetite revved up somewhat.
The three distinct tonsillar masses include the palatine, lingual, and pharyngeal (clinically, the adenoids), which form an incomplete ring around the entrance to the throat.
I have been told that tonsillectomies are no longer in vogue.
Times, Sunday Times
Tonsillitis is normally caused by infection with streptococci.
Objective: Studying a new method that no conventional tonsillectomy is used to treat chronic tonsillitis.
The cerebellar tonsils were not herniated or grooved.
If you or your pheasant tower shoots new york is under stress, tonsilar as with surgery, after antagonism or trauma, you may ora nitrogens by remander again.
Tonsillectomies are still perfromed, but only as a last resort if your tonsils are large and chronically infected.
The Sun
I had my tonsils out when I was ten.
But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy.
The tonsils and the back of the throat may look red, swollen and dotted with whitish or yellowish patches of pus.
The filtering function of lymphatic tissue enables the tonsils and adenoids to trap pathogens.
The published figure does not accurately depict a peritonsillar abscess, nor does it show correct needle placement and angulation for safe drainage of an abscess.
The epithelium covering the tonsils is extensively infiltrated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
They do not have a mechanism such as drawstring, Velcro, tonsil, or a draft tube to close of the top edge of the sleeping bag.
Backpacking Light Magazine
Dysenteria, as well as tonsillitis and aphtha, are enumerated amongst the diseases of external membranes, because they are exposed either to the atmospheric air, which is breathed, and swallowed with our food and saliva; or they are exposed to the inflammable air; or hydrogen, which is generated in the intestines; both which contribute to produce or promote the contagious quality of these fluids; as mentioned in Class II.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Use of prophylactic cimetidine or tonsillectomy also may improve symptoms in some children.
Interventions - Children were randomly allocated to adenotonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, or neither procedure.
Effect of adenotonsillectomy on nocturnal hypoxaemia, sleep disturbance, and symptoms in snoring children.
Ben Goldacre on MMR, autism, and the media
I am cured of my bout of tonsillitis and i am now fighting fit, but none the less it has been a tough few days.
Figure 3 shows the needle penetrating the tissue of the palatine tonsil in an attempt to drain an abscess.
The more successful the projection of the desired version has been, the more newsworthy is the picture of a tear-stained cheek, tonsil-revealing laugh, a few new jowls, or just a glum glance.
Your mouth was hung that far open - we could have took your tonsils out with nail scissors.
Common lung infections, cystitis and tonsilitis could all prove deadly as more microbes become immune to the effect of drugs.
The Sun
After the third such bout in the space of a few months, a tonsillectomy was strongly recommended by the family physician.
In case 4, the carcinomas in the submandibular gland and ipsilateral tonsil, the latter including an in situ component, were histologically similar keratinizing squamous tumors.
I'm fine," I answered, "but I had an awfully sore throat on Monday and one of my tonsils is swelled up yet.
Aleta Dey
They handed me my standard issue hospital togs, bringing memories of wisdom teeth and tonsils flooding back, and wheeled me to a pre-op holding bay.