How To Use Tonicity In A Sentence
But what if the limpidly tutor to be a despotic maravilla blunderer, atonicity vet, calabura thunderer prisonbreak, increasing demurrage, hectogram crazy, and all tightly rijstaffel amnesiac of a guy?
Rational Review
With no political spectrums (that is, all six of the ways to rank the three candidates are drawn from the same random distribution), IRV fails monotonicity 15% of the time.
Matthew Yglesias » Pining For White Supremacy
We also show that pathologic hypertonicity levels, as occurring in plasma of patients and animal models of osmoregulatory disorders, inhibited the induction of cyclins and aurora B kinase in response to T cell receptor stimulation in fresh NFAT5
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Yes, STV fails 'monotonicity' which is a pity but of no consequence because the 'non-monotonicity' cannot be exploited either by the voters or by the 'candidates'.
How Oscar Nomination Balloting Works | /Film
They list such benefits as alleviating pain and reducing inflammation; reducing hypertonicity of muscles; improving joint and muscle function; and reducing and relieving skin irritation, cutaneous lesions with neurodermatitis and psoriasis.
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We also show that pathologic hypertonicity levels, as occurring in plasma of patients and animal models of osmoregulatory disorders, inhibited the induction of cyclins and aurora B kinase in response to T cell receptor stimulation in fresh NFAT5
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Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
A significant difference between plasma sodium concentration and tonicity can thus occur.
Water restriction would lead to more obvious hypertonicity.
He's the man that correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically.
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Microarray profiling of wild type worms exposed to non-lethal hypertonicity identified a suite of genes that were also regulated by infection.
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But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism.
Rational Review
We were interested in analyzing how the deficiency of NFAT5 in proliferating cells affected hypertonicity-regulated processes such as the induction of genotoxic stress-like responses and the cell cycle.
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Cases of too frequent nocturnal emissions accompanied by languor and headache are usually caused by irritability or lack of tonicity of the sexual apparatus, particularly of the seminal vesicles and the ducts.
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Evaluations from consumers selected to try the product included improvement in skin firmness, tonicity and hydration level.
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In short, in ceasing to be homogenous, they cannot escape their own monotonicity.
Whenever the rockets fall-those which are audible-he smiles, turns out to pace the ward, tears about to splash from the corners of his merry eyes, caught up in a ruddy high tonicity that can't help cheering his fellow patients.
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According to the invite, socials will arrive for a cocktail hour to sample Talika's Bust Serum, which "after six weeks, increases the bra cup size by one cup, provides an 18% lift and, in many cases, improves tonicity.
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Antidiuretic hormone, which is secreted in response to stimuli such as changes in blood volume, tonicity, and blood pressure, is the primary regulator of body water.
Hyponatremia in association with normal tonicity is a laboratory phenomenon.
'Later no harm' is a voting criterion that many ordinary voters consider far more important than 'monotonicity'.
How Oscar Nomination Balloting Works | /Film
This takes advantage of the better asymptotic properties of the difference in the log variances, as well as of the monotonicity of the transformation.
Knowing some of their properties, such as monotonicity, is often sufficient to constrain the behavior of the variables.
Mutin M, Woo SK, Kwon HM, Tappaz ML (2004) Transcription factor tonicity-responsive enhancer-binding protein (TonEBP) which transactivates osmoprotective genes is expressed and upregulated following acute systemic hypertonicity in neurons in brain.
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We are interested in testing the hypothesis of a relatively recent population expansion; thus we limited our investigation to the time interval where monotonicity applies.
You can correct for the 'monotonicity' failure, but only at the expense of the 'later no harm' condition.
How Oscar Nomination Balloting Works | /Film
The significance of monotonicity is that simple linear models are able to capture interaction effects and nonlinear effects amazingly well.
Perineal biofeedback may be particularly effective when there is presumed hypertonicity of the pelvic floor muscles.
But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism.
Rational Review
This vicious cycle forces the fissure open and prevents healing, which in turn exacerbates the sphincter hypertonicity.
the doctor tested my tonicity
On the theoretical side, IRV often works such that voters would be better off staying home or ranking their preferred candidates lower (this is called a violation of “monotonicity”).
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The hypothesis of the study was that acupuncture would reduce muscle hypertonicity in children with cerebral palsy.
But the muscles follow immediately in their development and rapidly gain volume and tonicity, filling out the arms, legs, back and shoulders with large masses of firm muscular tissue.
The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
The hypertonicity of the radiopaque agent draws fluid into the bowel to facilitate passage and expulsion of the tenacious meconium.
Infant colic is characterized by excessive and inconsolable crying, hypertonicity, and wakefulness, mainly in the evening.
Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.
Betaine is one of several compounds used by cells to regulate osmotic pressure and has been recognized as an important osmolyte that maintains cellular tonicity.
IRV can fail this criterion, as it did in the Burlington, VT mayoral election of 2009, as well as the monotonicity criterion discussed above.
Matthew Yglesias » David Miliband Doesn’t Know What Century It Is
He's the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically.
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It is because the solution has the same tonicity as blood.
I also observed, carefully, her tension, the tonicity of her body. âStraighten your body, â I said.
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There are other considerations as well such as monotonicity for electronic sensing, but the point of this post is to get you thinking about possible errors and how they might affect, most especially, regional and global averages – in other words, what errors “average out” and what errors “add up”?
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This interpretation is consistent with the finding that cells lacking the chaperones Hsp70 and Hspa4l / Osp94, whose induction by hypertonicity is NFAT5-dependent, have defects similar to those of NFAT5
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Skin was defined and volumised, firmer and with improved tonicity around the jaw and cheekbones.
The Sun
I also observed, carefully, her tension, the tonicity of her body.
Magicians of Gor
Serum sodium concentration or tonicity are functions of water content relative to total body sodium content.
Effect of hypertonicity on cyclin induction by mitogens or T cell receptor activation in NFAT5 − / − T cells.
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But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism.
Rational Review
The sequelae of hypertonicity are believed to result largely from changes in brain cell size.
We show that hypertonicity triggered an early, NFAT5-independent, genotoxic stress-like response with induction of p53, p21 and GADD45, downregulation of cyclins, and cell cycle arrest.
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If age, weakness, or intercurrent illness prevents adequate fluid intake, then severe hypertonicity may result.
In 10% of three-candidate elections with a 1-D political spectrum, IRV fails monotonicity.
Matthew Yglesias » Pining For White Supremacy
We analyzed the induction of osmoprotective gene products in response to hypertonicity in proliferating T cells obtained by culturing splenocytes with the mitogen concanavalin A plus IL-2 during 72 hours.
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Solutions of salt or sugar, denser than the plasma, give them a stellate or crenated appearance (exosmosis) (Fig. 453, d), but the usual shape may be restored by diluting the solution to the same tonicity as the plasma.
V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
IRV can fail to select the beats-everybody-else candidate, as it did in the Burlington, VT mayoral election of 2009, as well as fail the monotonicity criterion discussed above.
Matthew Yglesias » Pining For White Supremacy
In addition to muscle weakness, many children have spasticity or hypertonicity in the muscles of the weaker side.
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Our results show that hypertonicity elicited an early, NFAT5-independent, genotoxic stress response and cell cycle arrest in proliferating lymphocytes, which was followed by an NFAT5-dependent phase in which cells induced osmoprotective gene products, downregulated genotoxic stress markers and reactivated the cell cycle.
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And, as a matter of fact, the proper maturation of a wine is impossible without a due amount of tartar; besides this, it develops in the wine a well-defined vigour and tonicity, which improves its taste, while it also increases its alimentary qualities.
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IRV often works such that voters would be better off staying home or ranking their preferred candidates lower (this is called a violation of “monotonicity”).
Matthew Yglesias » Pining For White Supremacy
As the electrolytes shift out of the cells, fluid shifts into the cells so that the tonicity matches that of the extracellular space.