
How To Use Tone of voice In A Sentence

  • If something needs to be done, I do it, I told him in a tone of voice that would engrave the words in his brain. Olivia
  • She had that superior tone of voice.
  • I can see their expression and hear their tone of voice now, clear as anything.
  • The tone of voice in the transcripts is revealing.
  • I could tell from his tone of voice that he wasn't impressed.
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  • One boy could never forget how he drew a distinction between “mere amusement” and “such as encroached on the next day’s duties, ” nor the tone of voice with which the Doctor added “and then it immediately becomes what St. Paul calls revelling. Dr. Arnold
  • When we lose our humor, our whole demeanor changes - our tone of voice, how we move and carry ourselves, our facial expressions.
  • It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn't like me.
  • It's unfortunate that the commonality of social interaction relies on the implied tone of voice through emojis, emoticons, textual jargon and caps lock.
  • I can't even think of U.S. 30 either the route or the dragstrip in a normal tone of voice, thanks largely to his efforts. Shsilver: RIP: Jan C. Gabriel: Sunday, Sunday!, SUNDAY!!
  • Yes, PBS can be irritatingly self-righteous, and reflects a left-of-center bias in both its tone of voice and its story selection. Bill Shireman: A Conservative Case for Public Broadcasting
  • So your grandson's tone of voice implied that he'd call you a "prat" -- which of his languages does that come from presumably, not Spanish, and what does it mean? On being linguistically defeated
  • “I have done him!” he said, exultingly, yet in a tone of voice lowered almost to a whisper; “capotted his lordship for this bout — doubled my capital, Mick, and something more. — Saint Ronan's Well
  • ‘I'm turning into a bit of a dragon,’ she says, in a tone of voice that could hardly be less dragon-like.
  • His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.
  • Suddenly she spoke, and he could detect the fear, horror, and absolute abhorrence in her tone of voice.
  • Lee promptly stiffen at the turn of the conversation and the change in my tone of voice.
  • His tone of voice, so patronizing, so self-righteous, filled her with rage. COMPULSION
  • `Soon be summer," he said in a Pollyanna tone of voice, then coughed and pulled himself together. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • It was fairly evident from her tone of voice that she disapproved.
  • She felt herself prickle at his tone of voice.
  • I can see their expression and hear their tone of voice now, clear as anything.
  • His tone of voice and the look in his eyes completely belied his words.
  • His tone of voice deflected discussion as effectively as armour plating. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • a snappish tone of voice
  • `Soon be summer," he said in a Pollyanna tone of voice, then coughed and pulled himself together. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • He pauses, and then adds, in a casual tone of voice that betrays only a hint of a tremor: ‘Or I could end up killing myself.’
  • I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.
  • These are often shown in tone of voice and body language. Times, Sunday Times
  • I still didn't like his tone of voice.
  • I have done him!" he said, exultingly, yet in a tone of voice lowered almost to a whisper; "capotted his lordship for this bout -- doubled my capital, Mick, and something more. St. Ronan's Well
  • Another ornament, too, is found here; for after certain statements finished in a single tone of voice, which we call clauses and sections (membra et caesa), but the Greeks "koola" and "kommata", there follows a rounded sentence (ambitus sive circuitus) which the On Christian Doctrine, in Four Books
  • I could tell from his tone of voice that Ken was disappointed.
  • Her tone of voice was curt.
  • From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
  • 'So you told her?' he said in a neutral tone of voice.
  • `Soon be summer," he said in a Pollyanna tone of voice, then coughed and pulled himself together. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • Do you have to speak to me in that tone of voice?" she said sadly.
  • I didn't like his tone of voice; I felt he was being condescending.
  • Without the facial expressions and tone of voice that play so great a part in human communication, comments may become at best ambiguous, at worst offensive.
  • The crying woman's head jerked up, eyes flashing in momentary anger at my tone of voice.
  • ‘I've got out,’ I told him in the tone of voice parents reserve for especially truant children.
  • The young tone of voice is recognisable and appealing. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are, though, pointers to be found in minuscule changes of facial expression that may last as little as one twenty-fifth of a second, in speech and tone of voice and perhaps most of all in unconscious gestures.
  • Now I know it's hearsay and what Suzie says about Maguire's tone of voice would not be admissible, but it all adds up, my son. THE ONLY GAME
  • From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
  • Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
  • There was a silly argument and Coleman took umbrage at Mr Clarke's tone of voice.
  • We're so pleased to meet you at last, " he said in a respectful tone of voice.
  • Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
  • It was fairly evident from her tone of voice that she disapproved.
  • Beth guessed from the man's tone of voice that he was the house butler.
  • It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn't like me.
  • a bucellas over there that 's old, and a tolerable claret, and a Port to be inquired for under the breath, in a mysteriously intimate tone of voice, as one says, "I know of your treasure, and the corner under ground where it lies. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • She was excited, but couldn't manage a happy tone of voice to express it.
  • The conversation sticks with me; if I close my eyes, I can hear the inflections of his speech, the tone of voice that spoke unpityingly, straightforwardly, of his life.
  • Trunnion no sooner heard him mention the cause of her disorder, than his morosity recurring, he burst out into a violent fit of cursing, and forthwith betook himself again to his hammock, where he lay, uttering, in a low growling tone of voice, a repetition of oaths and imprecations, for the space of four-and-twenty hours, without ceasing. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • I could see some of the excitement drain out of her expression and her tone of voice changed.
  • Vary your tone of voice to punctuate important points, and keep it moving to capture interest.
  • Impressive, but it can take time to find the right tone of voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • All we are asking is that we be treated in a respectful manner and spoken to in a respectable tone of voice.
  • Despite the dismissive tone of voice, a serious expression crossed her face.
  • With that he placidly resumed his walk, and was soon seated in the stern-sheets of a whaleboat manned by uproarious Kanakas, himself daintily perched out of the way of the least maculation, giving his commands in an unobtrusive, dinner-table tone of voice, and sweeping neatly enough alongside the schooner. The Wrecker
  • Don't speak to me in that tone of voice .
  • It was fairly evident from her tone of voice that she disapproved.
  • Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say.
  • “That was unlucky,” again repeated the magistrate, in the same dry inacquiescent tone of voice and manner. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • It may have sounded somewhat impudent, particularly in my sullen tone of voice.
  • He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice.
  • A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.
  • Her tone of voice became abrupt and petulant.
  • Don't adopt that righteous tone of voice!
  • He was reading the newspaper and he looked up at me and said in a very serious tone of voice.
  • I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.
  • From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
  • Nevertheless she carefully noted his words, his expression and tone of voice, a memory image to be retrieved and considered later.
  • For a moment during this litany, her tone of voice takes on a sharp, exasperated edge.
  • The ECB president asked for the term to be repeated, and then, with raised eyebrows, muttered the word "mini" in a tone of voice suggesting a technical default would be anything but. Overheard: Enough Said
  • Her tone of voice was curt.
  • Erect as a Buckingham Palace guard, he gets his laughs with his eyes, endlessly bulging at the Prime Minister's lapses, and with his obsequiously dominating tone of voice. David Finkle: First Nighter: Yes, Prime Minister Prime Stage Comedy Meat
  • He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.
  • Students could be given the chance, for example, to regulate the tone of voice they use in the halls.
  • These are often shown in tone of voice and body language. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't speak to me in that tone of voice .
  • ‘That was how our grandfathers and father lived - those are our rules,’ says one man in a firm tone of voice.
  • He repeated his answer, this time in a clear, firm tone of voice.
  • I tried to use a sympathetic tone of voice.
  • From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
  • _Kawele_ (ka-wé-le) -- a manner of cantillating in a distinct and natural tone of voice; about the same as _ko'i-honua_ (p. 58). Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • Her tone of voice was always so condescending.
  • Her tone of voice is brisk.
  • She was ruffled by the King's unchanging expression and tone of voice.
  • I didn't like his tone of voice; I felt he was being condescending.
  • I can see there was melancholy in the songs, but it's partly my tone of voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't like your tone of voice.
  • I know he was cursing, for you couldn't speak nice in thon tone of voice.
  • 'So you told her?' he said in a neutral tone of voice.
  • Their tone of voice implies many qualities with wide varieties of pitches and tones.
  • First she tried sweet-talking him, using a sugary-sweet tone of voice to put him in a good mood and then happily suggesting that he let her out for some exercise.
  • All I got was a stuck record that repeated my misdemeanours in a tone of voice that left me in no doubt as to the dubiousness of my credentials, pedigree and character.
  • But it means that his commanding tone of voice, unmodulated by the addition of a little humility, is unjustified. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I could only make out my name and from her tone of voice I realized that it was used in derogatory terms.
  • He could have used the same tone of voice to convey his sympathies to a recently widowed aunt.
  • The tone of voice Michael made that careless statement in, however, had him second-guessing his initial thoughts.
  • Impressive, but it can take time to find the right tone of voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roberts' tone of voice was as impersonal as ever.
  • He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.
  • Then, in a firm, but supportive tone of voice, you can try to negotiate some trades.
  • Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
  • Don't take that tone of voice with me!
  • Facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice are all cues missing in e-mail (and smiley-face emoticons can do only so much to replace them).
  • Perhaps you recall the scene in Three Men And A Baby where Tom Selleck, cradling their foundling in the crook of his arm, reads the child a story about a championship boxing match in that same tone of voice.
  • Don't take that tone of voice with me!
  • But I'm sure my tone of voice and facial expression got my point across.
  • What you lose, inevitably, is Orwell's peculiar tone of voice: rueful, ironic, honest, self-deprecating.
  • He finished this speech in a small tone of voice that instantly mellowed my anger.
  • Keeping track of your tone of voice, volume and inflection is also a good idea.
  • in confidential tone of voice
  • We're so pleased to meet you at last, " he said in a respectful tone of voice.
  • Many of them probably do anyway -- when they can -- because they sense that they have things to learn from others and many of those things e.g. attitude, diplomacy, tone of voice simply are not formalizable. If you haven't practiced, you haven't learned anything
  • “A trifling dispute,” said the Gothic leader, with a firm but gentle tone of voice, “appears to have arisen between the two nations; but it may be productive of the most dangerous consequences, unless the tumult is immediately pacified by the assurance of our safety, and the authority of our presence.” The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The singularity of the expression occasioned a loud laugh; but this gentleman, so far from being disconcerted, repeated the same words with a resolute tone of voice, and the laugh ceased. Letters on England
  • A working-class boy who got to Oxford and was called to the bar, the 68-year-old never acquired the knack of political subtlety or a public tone of voice which was less than vituperative.
  • His peremptory tone of voice irritated everybody.
  • Geraldine's tone of voice lowered to a whisper.
  • Now I know it's hearsay and what Suzie says about Maguire's tone of voice would not be admissible, but it all adds up, my son. THE ONLY GAME
  • Tone of voice after having a skive off work the day before It was all an act! | 世論 What Japan Thinks
  • She had that superior tone of voice.
  • The young tone of voice is recognisable and appealing. Times, Sunday Times
  • How little indeed is permitted to part friends -- often nothing more than a tone of voice, a word misinterpreted, or something equally slight, the product very possibly of shyness, or inability for right expression on a sudden call. The Empire of Love
  • Don't adopt that righteous tone of voice!
  • Don't speak to me in that tone of voice .
  • And you'll remember stuff like a tone of voice or your knee burning because you skinned it real bad.
  • So Radio 4 must "replenish" its 35- to 50-year-old listenership by changing its tone of voice and understanding a wider range of concerns. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She said this in the tone of voice she reserved for addressing small children.
  • That was unlucky," again repeated the magistrate, in the same dry inacquiescent tone of voice and manner. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • ` ` That was unlucky, '' again repeated the magistrate, in the same dry inacquiescent tone of voice and manner. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • I can normally tell, just from her tone of voice down the telephone line, how she's feeling.
  • ” The singularity of the expression occasioned a loud laugh; but this gentleman, so far from being disconcerted, repeated the same words with a resolute tone of voice, and the laugh ceased. Letter VIII-On the Parliament
  • Now I know it's hearsay and what Suzie says about Maguire's tone of voice would not be admissible, but it all adds up, my son. THE ONLY GAME
  • From a simple gesture or the speaker's tone of voice, the Japanese listener gleans the whole meaning.
  • Her tone of voice became abrupt and petulant.
  • Is your tone of voice right for the personality and status of the person you are meeting? Times, Sunday Times
  • he spoke in a nervous tone of voice
  • Try changing your tone of voice to break the pattern.
  • Remember children hear your tone of voice more than your words, so speak to them with respect and loving kindness.

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