

  1. a person who lacks good judgment

How To Use tomfool In A Sentence

  • A bit of buffoonery and tomfoolery are always welcome after a tense high wire act, during which everyone in the audience has been holding their breath, and looking anxiously upwards, in total empathy with the performer.
  • At Drury Lane, let him play his part, him and his thousand-fold cousinry; and welcome, so long as any public will pay a shilling to see him: but on the solid earth, under the extremely earnest stars, we dare not palter with him, or accept his tomfooleries any more. Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • While Crichton is trying to make the blatant point of “Watch out, this is what could happen,” it comes off as an over-the-top farce and tomfoolery. “Next” by Michael Crichton (Harpercollins, 2006) « The BookBanter Blog
  • A group of teenage girls whose tomfoolery led to one falling into a fast-flowing river must shoulder some blame for a man's drowning in a rescue attempt, a coroner said yesterday.
  • Dalrymple really meant what he had said and would stick to it, she need not mind being called a tomfool by her mother. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • So let's all put a stop to this tomfoolery and cease and desist from giving these Ministers pats on the back for their poor behavior.
  • His tomfoolery is starting to reach championship levels.
  • And you don't need much strategy, so you don't have to buy one of those tomfool microphone headsets. Channel Your Inner Net Jackass in Team Fortress 2
  • My eyes hurt and my brain creaks in protest at the muppets and their tomfoolery.
  • I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
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