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  1. an alloy of copper and zinc (and sometimes arsenic) used to imitate gold in cheap jewelry and for gilding

How To Use tombac In A Sentence

  • Brass -- composition and uses -- Corinthian brass composed of gold, silver and tin -- (Encyclopædia) -- electrical amalgam, voltaic plates, pinchbec, prince's metal, tombac. Outlines of the Lectures on Chemistry, Mineralogy, & Geology, Delivered at the University of North-Carolina, for the Use of the Students. [1]-44 p.
  • _tombac_, a precious sort of metal, which was valued at above 7000 ducats, and another cannon reckoned still more valuable on account of its curious workmanship. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • We know that there is found in India, not only copper ftriftly fo called, but zinc alfo, which being mixed with copper conftitutes brafs, pinchbeck, tombac, fimilor, and all the other metallic mixtures which refcmble gold in colour. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester
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