Tom Collins

  1. tall iced drink of liquor (usually gin) with fruit juice
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How To Use Tom Collins In A Sentence

  • Within the hour her repertoire included Rob Roy, Sidecar, Sloe Gin Fizz, Tom Collins and Comm Collins, (with vodka, so named by Russkie-hating Uncle Nick), and prettiest of all, Harvey Wallbanger, a froth as creamy yellow as the egg custard her mother whipped up for her when she was recovering from flu. Radium
  • Yes, that's right, you can stick the probe in the meat, set the thing to beep you when it hits the right temperature, and toddle off to the deck with a Tom Collins.
  • Yes, that's right, you can stick the probe in the meat, set the thing to beep you when it hits the right temperature, and toddle off to the deck with a Tom Collins.
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