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  1. a member of the Nahuatl speaking people of central and southern Mexico

How To Use Toltec In A Sentence

  • Toltecs is merely an euhemerized myth, and they are as pure creations of the fancy as the giants and fairies of mediæval romance. The Annals of the Cakchiquels
  • Between Mayas and Aztecs came the Toltecs, who incised five holes on their human-bone flutes.
  • Rather, they constitute an inexplicable wave of energy which the Toltecs called the tonal and the nagual. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The Ark Crystal of Gravity was constructed by modifying an enormous natural crystal in the complex beneath Arkansas, near the area of the Toltec Mounds.
  • The great civilisations of Central America - Toltecs, Aztecs and Mayas - were dangerously short of protein, with only the occasional big guinea pig for Sunday lunch.
  • Esta hipótesis se ve reforzada por el largo rodeo que dan los huicholes para no pasar junto a las ruinas de La Quemada, una fortificación que probablemente perteneció a algún imperio occidental o al tolteca .5 Otros mitos indican asimismo que los huicholes lograron mantenerse independientes, aunque no por eso dejaron de ser afectados por las luchas con los invasores. Huichol literature
  • You might have been imperialists lusting for glory and gold, but you certainly put the boot in those dreadful Toltecs, eh?
  • Highly developed cultures, including those of the Olmecs, Mayas, Toltecs, and Aztecs existed long before the Spanish conquest.
  • Tolteca sauntered past the canebrake, following a side path. Do you ever read writing?
  • Getting hold of herself Rebecca bends and looks at a Toltec pot with the inscribed glyphs for extruded human hearts. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
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